* {@inheritDoc}
public void postSave( WikiContext context, String pagecontent )
String blogName = context.getPage().getName();
WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
int blogentryTxt = blogName.indexOf("_blogentry_");
if( blogentryTxt == -1 )
return; // This is not a weblog entry.
blogName = blogName.substring( 0, blogentryTxt );
if( blogName.equals( engine.getFrontPage() ) )
blogName = null;
XmlRpcClient xmlrpc = new XmlRpcClient(m_pingURL);
Vector<String> params = new Vector<String>();
params.addElement( "The Butt Ugly Weblog" ); // FIXME: Must be settable
params.addElement( engine.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW, blogName, null, true ) );
if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug("Pinging weblogs.com with URL: "+engine.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW, blogName, null, true ));
xmlrpc.executeAsync("weblogUpdates.ping", params,
new AsyncCallback()
public void handleError( Exception ex,