assertEquals( oldName, profile.getFullname() );
assertEquals( oldUserCount+1, m_db.getWikiNames().length );
assertTrue( session.isAuthenticated() );
// Setup Step 2: create a new group with our test user in it
Group group = groupManager.parseGroup( m_groupName, "Alice \n Bob \n Charlie \n " + oldLogin + "\n" + oldName, true );
groupManager.setGroup( session, group );
// 2a. Make sure the group is created with the user in it, and the role is added to the Subject
assertEquals( oldGroupCount+1, groupManager.getRoles().length );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertFalse ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertFalse ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
assertTrue ( groupManager.isUserInRole( session, group.getPrincipal() ) );
// Setup Step 3: create a new page with our test user in the ACL
String pageName = "TestPage" + now;
m_engine.saveText( pageName, "Test text. [{ALLOW view " + oldName + ", " + oldLogin + ", Alice}] More text." );
// 3a. Make sure the page got saved, and that ONLY our test user has permission to read it.
WikiPage p = m_engine.getPage( pageName );
assertEquals ( oldPageCount+1, pageManager.getTotalPageCount() );
assertNotNull( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertNotNull( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
assertTrue ( "Test User view page", authManager.checkPermission( session, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
WikiSession bobSession = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.BOB, Users.BOB_PASS );
assertFalse ( "Bob !view page", authManager.checkPermission( bobSession, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
// Setup Step 4: change the user name in the profile and see what happens
profile = m_db.newProfile();
profile.setEmail ( "" );
profile.setLoginName( oldLogin );
profile.setFullname ( newName );
profile.setPassword ( "password" );
m_mgr.setUserProfile( session, profile );
// Test 1: the wiki session should have the new wiki name in Subject
Principal[] principals = session.getPrincipals();
assertTrue ( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertFalse( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertFalse( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertTrue ( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
// Test 2: our group should not contain the old name OR login name any more
// (the full name is always used)
group = groupManager.getGroup( m_groupName );
assertFalse( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertFalse( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertFalse( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
// Test 3: our page should not contain the old wiki name OR login name
// in the ACL any more (the full name is always used)
p = m_engine.getPage( pageName );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertNotNull( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
assertTrue( "Test User view page", authManager.checkPermission( session, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
assertFalse( "Bob !view page", authManager.checkPermission( bobSession, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
// Test 4: our page text should have been re-written
// (The new full name should be in the ACL, but the login name should have been removed)
String expectedText = "[{ALLOW view Alice," + newName + "}]\nTest text. More text.\r\n";
String actualText = m_engine.getText( pageName );
assertEquals( expectedText, actualText );
// Remove our test page
m_engine.deletePage( pageName );
// Setup Step 6: re-create the group with our old test user names in it
group = groupManager.parseGroup( m_groupName, "Alice \n Bob \n Charlie \n " + oldLogin + "\n" + oldName, true );
groupManager.setGroup( session, group );
// Setup Step 7: Save a new page with the old login/wiki names in the ACL again
// The test user should still be able to see the page (because the login name matches...)
pageName = "TestPage2" + now;
m_engine.saveText( pageName, "More test text. [{ALLOW view " + oldName + ", " + oldLogin + ", Alice}] More text." );
p = m_engine.getPage( pageName );
assertEquals ( oldPageCount+1, pageManager.getTotalPageCount() );
assertNotNull( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertNotNull( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
assertTrue ( "Test User view page", authManager.checkPermission( session, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
assertFalse ( "Bob !view page", authManager.checkPermission( bobSession, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
// Setup Step 8: re-save the profile with the new login name
profile = m_db.newProfile();
profile.setEmail ( "" );
profile.setLoginName( newLogin );
profile.setFullname ( oldName );
profile.setPassword ( "password" );
m_mgr.setUserProfile( session, profile );
// Test 5: the wiki session should have the new login name in Subject
principals = session.getPrincipals();
assertFalse( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertTrue ( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertTrue ( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertFalse( ArrayUtils.contains( principals, new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
// Test 6: our group should not contain the old name OR login name any more
// (the full name is always used)
group = groupManager.getGroup( m_groupName );
assertFalse( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertFalse( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertFalse( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
// Test 7: our page should not contain the old wiki name OR login name
// in the ACL any more (the full name is always used)
p = m_engine.getPage( pageName );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldLogin ) ) );
assertNotNull( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( oldName ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newLogin ) ) );
assertNull ( p.getAcl().getEntry( new WikiPrincipal( newName ) ) );
assertTrue( "Test User view page", authManager.checkPermission( session, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
assertFalse( "Bob !view page", authManager.checkPermission( bobSession, PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, "view" ) ) );
// Test 8: our page text should have been re-written
// (The new full name should be in the ACL, but the login name should have been removed)
expectedText = "[{ALLOW view Alice," + oldName + "}]\nMore test text. More text.\r\n";
actualText = m_engine.getText( pageName );
assertEquals( expectedText, actualText );
// CLEANUP: delete the profile; user and page; should be back to old counts
m_db.deleteByLoginName( newLogin );
assertEquals( oldUserCount, m_db.getWikiNames().length );
groupManager.removeGroup( group.getName() );
assertEquals( oldGroupCount, groupManager.getRoles().length );
m_engine.deletePage( pageName );
assertEquals( oldPageCount, pageManager.getTotalPageCount() );