* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* SMOreg.java
* Copyright (C) 2002 Sylvain Roy
package weka.classifiers.functions;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector.Kernel;
import weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector.PolyKernel;
import weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector.SMOset;
import weka.core.Capabilities;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.Option;
import weka.core.OptionHandler;
import weka.core.RevisionUtils;
import weka.core.SelectedTag;
import weka.core.Tag;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformationHandler;
import weka.core.Utils;
import weka.core.WeightedInstancesHandler;
import weka.core.Capabilities.Capability;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation.Field;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation.Type;
import weka.filters.Filter;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.NominalToBinary;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Normalize;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.ReplaceMissingValues;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Standardize;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
<!-- globalinfo-start -->
* Implements Alex Smola and Bernhard Scholkopf's sequential minimal optimization algorithm for training a support vector regression model. This implementation globally replaces all missing values and transforms nominal attributes into binary ones. It also normalizes all attributes by default. (Note that the coefficients in the output are based on the normalized/standardized data, not the original data.)<br/>
* <br/>
* For more information on the SMO algorithm, see<br/>
* <br/>
* Alex J. Smola, Bernhard Schoelkopf: A Tutorial on Support Vector Regression. In NeuroCOLT2 Technical Report Series, 1998.<br/>
* <br/>
* S.K. Shevade, S.S. Keerthi, C. Bhattacharyya, K.R.K. Murthy (1999). Improvements to SMO Algorithm for SVM Regression. Control Division Dept of Mechanical and Production Engineering, National University of Singapore.
* <p/>
<!-- globalinfo-end -->
<!-- technical-bibtex-start -->
* BibTeX:
* <pre>
* @incollection{Smola1998,
* author = {Alex J. Smola and Bernhard Schoelkopf},
* booktitle = {NeuroCOLT2 Technical Report Series},
* note = {NC2-TR-1998-030},
* title = {A Tutorial on Support Vector Regression},
* year = {1998}
* }
* @techreport{Shevade1999,
* address = {Control Division Dept of Mechanical and Production Engineering, National University of Singapore},
* author = {S.K. Shevade and S.S. Keerthi and C. Bhattacharyya and K.R.K. Murthy},
* institution = {National University of Singapore},
* note = {Technical Report CD-99-16},
* title = {Improvements to SMO Algorithm for SVM Regression},
* year = {1999}
* }
* </pre>
* <p/>
<!-- technical-bibtex-end -->
<!-- options-start -->
* Valid options are: <p/>
* <pre> -D
* If set, classifier is run in debug mode and
* may output additional info to the console</pre>
* <pre> -no-checks
* Turns off all checks - use with caution!
* Turning them off assumes that data is purely numeric, doesn't
* contain any missing values, and has a nominal class. Turning them
* off also means that no header information will be stored if the
* machine is linear. Finally, it also assumes that no instance has
* a weight equal to 0.
* (default: checks on)</pre>
* <pre> -S <double>
* The amount up to which deviations are
* tolerated (epsilon). (default 1e-3)</pre>
* <pre> -C <double>
* The complexity constant C. (default 1)</pre>
* <pre> -N
* Whether to 0=normalize/1=standardize/2=neither. (default 0=normalize)</pre>
* <pre> -T <double>
* The tolerance parameter. (default 1.0e-3)</pre>
* <pre> -P <double>
* The epsilon for round-off error. (default 1.0e-12)</pre>
* <pre> -K <classname and parameters>
* The Kernel to use.
* (default: weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector.PolyKernel)</pre>
* <pre>
* Options specific to kernel weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector.PolyKernel:
* </pre>
* <pre> -D
* Enables debugging output (if available) to be printed.
* (default: off)</pre>
* <pre> -no-checks
* Turns off all checks - use with caution!
* (default: checks on)</pre>
* <pre> -C <num>
* The size of the cache (a prime number), 0 for full cache and
* -1 to turn it off.
* (default: 250007)</pre>
* <pre> -E <num>
* The Exponent to use.
* (default: 1.0)</pre>
* <pre> -L
* Use lower-order terms.
* (default: no)</pre>
<!-- options-end -->
* @author Sylvain Roy (sro33@student.canterbury.ac.nz)
* @version $Revision: 1.14 $
public class SMOreg
extends Classifier
implements OptionHandler, WeightedInstancesHandler, TechnicalInformationHandler {
/** for serialization */
static final long serialVersionUID = 5783729368717679645L;
/** Kernel to use **/
protected Kernel m_kernel = new PolyKernel();
/** The class index from the training data */
protected int m_classIndex = -1;
/** The filter used to make attributes numeric. */
protected NominalToBinary m_NominalToBinary;
/** normalize data */
public static final int FILTER_NORMALIZE = 0;
/** standardize data */
public static final int FILTER_STANDARDIZE = 1;
/** no filtering */
public static final int FILTER_NONE = 2;
/** The filter to apply to the training data */
public static final Tag [] TAGS_FILTER = {
new Tag(FILTER_NORMALIZE, "Normalize training data"),
new Tag(FILTER_STANDARDIZE, "Standardize training data"),
new Tag(FILTER_NONE, "No normalization/standardization"),
/** The filter used to standardize/normalize all values. */
protected Filter m_Filter = null;
/** Whether to normalize/standardize/neither */
protected int m_filterType = FILTER_NORMALIZE;
/** The filter used to get rid of missing values. */
protected ReplaceMissingValues m_Missing;
/** Turn off all checks and conversions? Turning them off assumes
that data is purely numeric, doesn't contain any missing values,
and has a numeric class. Turning them off also means that
no header information will be stored if the machine is linear.
Finally, it also assumes that no instance has a weight equal to 0.*/
protected boolean m_checksTurnedOff = false;
/** The training data. */
protected Instances m_data;
/** The complexity parameter */
protected double m_C = 1.0;
/** The Lagrange multipliers */
protected double[] m_alpha;
protected double[] m_alpha_;
/** The thresholds. */
protected double m_b, m_bLow, m_bUp;
/** The indices for m_bLow and m_bUp */
protected int m_iLow, m_iUp;
/** Weight vector for linear machine. */
protected double[] m_weights;
/** The current set of errors for all non-bound examples. */
protected double[] m_fcache;
/* The four different sets used by the algorithm. */
/** {i: 0 < m_alpha[i] < C || 0 < m_alpha_[i] < C} */
protected SMOset m_I0;
/** {i: m_class[i] = 0, m_alpha_[i] = 0} */
protected SMOset m_I1;
/** {i: m_class[i] = 0, m_alpha_[i] = C} */
protected SMOset m_I2;
/** {i: m_class[i] = C, m_alpha_[i] = 0} */
protected SMOset m_I3;
/** The parameter epsilon */
protected double m_epsilon = 1e-3;
/** The parameter tol */
protected double m_tol = 1.0e-3;
/** The parameter eps */
protected double m_eps = 1.0e-12;
/** Precision constant for updating sets */
protected static double m_Del = 1e-10;
/** The parameters of the linear transforamtion realized
* by the filter on the class attribute */
protected double m_Alin;
protected double m_Blin;
/** Variables to hold weight vector in sparse form.
(To reduce storage requirements.) */
protected double[] m_sparseWeights;
protected int[] m_sparseIndices;
/** whether the kernel is a linear one */
protected boolean m_KernelIsLinear = false;
* Returns a string describing classifier
* @return a description suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String globalInfo() {
return "Implements Alex Smola and Bernhard Scholkopf's sequential minimal "
+ "optimization algorithm for training a support vector regression model. "
+ "This implementation globally replaces all missing values and "
+ "transforms nominal attributes into binary ones. It also "
+ "normalizes all attributes by default. (Note that the coefficients "
+ "in the output are based on the normalized/standardized data, not the "
+ "original data.)\n\n"
+ "For more information on the SMO algorithm, see\n\n"
+ getTechnicalInformation().toString();
* Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing
* detailed information about the technical background of this class,
* e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
* @return the technical information about this class
public TechnicalInformation getTechnicalInformation() {
TechnicalInformation result;
TechnicalInformation additional;
result = new TechnicalInformation(Type.INCOLLECTION);
result.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "Alex J. Smola and Bernhard Schoelkopf");
result.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1998");
result.setValue(Field.TITLE, "A Tutorial on Support Vector Regression");
result.setValue(Field.BOOKTITLE, "NeuroCOLT2 Technical Report Series");
result.setValue(Field.NOTE, "NC2-TR-1998-030");
additional = result.add(Type.TECHREPORT);
additional.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "S.K. Shevade and S.S. Keerthi and C. Bhattacharyya and K.R.K. Murthy");
additional.setValue(Field.YEAR, "1999");
additional.setValue(Field.TITLE, "Improvements to SMO Algorithm for SVM Regression");
additional.setValue(Field.INSTITUTION, "National University of Singapore");
additional.setValue(Field.ADDRESS, "Control Division Dept of Mechanical and Production Engineering, National University of Singapore");
additional.setValue(Field.NOTE, "Technical Report CD-99-16");
return result;
* Returns default capabilities of the classifier.
* @return the capabilities of this classifier
public Capabilities getCapabilities() {
Capabilities result = getKernel().getCapabilities();
// attribute
// with NominalToBinary we can also handle nominal attributes, but only
// if the kernel can handle numeric attributes
if (result.handles(Capability.NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTES))
// class
return result;
* Method for building the classifier.
* @param insts the set of training instances
* @throws Exception if the classifier can't be built successfully
public void buildClassifier(Instances insts) throws Exception {
/* check the set of training instances */
if (!m_checksTurnedOff) {
// can classifier handle the data?
// remove instances with missing class
insts = new Instances(insts);
/* Removes all the instances with weight equal to 0.
MUST be done since condition (6) of Shevade's paper
is made with the assertion Ci > 0 (See equation (1a). */
Instances data = new Instances(insts, insts.numInstances());
for(int i = 0; i < insts.numInstances(); i++){
if(insts.instance(i).weight() > 0)
if (data.numInstances() == 0) {
throw new Exception("No training instances left after removing " +
"instances with weight 0!");
insts = data;
if (!m_checksTurnedOff) {
m_Missing = new ReplaceMissingValues();
insts = Filter.useFilter(insts, m_Missing);
} else {
m_Missing = null;
if (getCapabilities().handles(Capability.NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTES)) {
boolean onlyNumeric = true;
if (!m_checksTurnedOff) {
for (int i = 0; i < insts.numAttributes(); i++) {
if (i != insts.classIndex()) {
if (!insts.attribute(i).isNumeric()) {
onlyNumeric = false;
if (!onlyNumeric) {
m_NominalToBinary = new NominalToBinary();
insts = Filter.useFilter(insts, m_NominalToBinary);
else {
m_NominalToBinary = null;
else {
m_NominalToBinary = null;
m_classIndex = insts.classIndex();
if (m_filterType == FILTER_STANDARDIZE) {
m_Filter = new Standardize();
insts = Filter.useFilter(insts, m_Filter);
} else if (m_filterType == FILTER_NORMALIZE) {
m_Filter = new Normalize();
insts = Filter.useFilter(insts, m_Filter);
} else {
m_Filter = null;
m_data = insts;
// determine which linear transformation has been
// applied to the class by the filter
if (m_Filter != null) {
Instance witness = (Instance)insts.instance(0).copy();
witness.setValue(m_classIndex, 0);
Instance res = m_Filter.output();
m_Blin = res.value(m_classIndex);
witness.setValue(m_classIndex, 1);
res = m_Filter.output();
m_Alin = res.value(m_classIndex) - m_Blin;
} else {
m_Alin = 1.0;
m_Blin = 0.0;
// Initialize kernel
m_KernelIsLinear = (m_kernel instanceof PolyKernel) && (((PolyKernel) m_kernel).getExponent() == 1.0);
// If machine is linear, reserve space for weights
if (m_KernelIsLinear) {
m_weights = new double[m_data.numAttributes()];
} else {
m_weights = null;
// Initialize fcache
m_fcache = new double[m_data.numInstances()];
// Initialize sets
m_I0 = new SMOset(m_data.numInstances());
m_I1 = new SMOset(m_data.numInstances());
m_I2 = new SMOset(m_data.numInstances());
m_I3 = new SMOset(m_data.numInstances());
// Follows the specification of the first modification of Shevade's paper
// Initialize alpha array to zero
m_alpha = new double[m_data.numInstances()];
m_alpha_ = new double[m_data.numInstances()];
// set I1 to contain all the examples
for(int i = 0; i < m_data.numInstances(); i++){
// choose any example i from the training set : i = 0
m_bUp = m_data.instance(0).classValue() + m_epsilon;
m_bLow = m_data.instance(0).classValue() - m_epsilon;
m_iUp = m_iLow = 0;
int numChanged = 0;
boolean examineAll = true;
while(numChanged > 0 || examineAll){
numChanged = 0;
// loop over all the example
for(int I = 0; I < m_alpha.length; I++){
numChanged += examineExample(I);
} else {
// loop over I_0
for (int I = m_I0.getNext(-1); I != -1; I = m_I0.getNext(I)) {
numChanged += examineExample(I);
if(m_bUp > m_bLow - 2 * m_tol){
numChanged = 0;
if (examineAll)
examineAll = false;
else if (numChanged == 0)
examineAll = true;
// debuggage
// checkOptimality();
// checkAlphas();
// displayB();
// Set threshold
m_b = (m_bLow + m_bUp) / 2.0;
// Save memory
m_kernel.clean(); m_fcache = null;
m_I0 = m_I1 = m_I2 = m_I3 = null;
// If machine is linear, delete training data
// and store weight vector in sparse format
if (m_KernelIsLinear) {
// compute weight vector
for(int j = 0; j < m_weights.length; j++){
m_weights[j] = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < m_alpha.length; k++){
for(int j = 0; j < m_weights.length; j++){
if(j == m_data.classIndex())
m_weights[j] += (m_alpha[k] - m_alpha_[k]) * m_data.instance(k).value(j);
// Convert weight vector
double[] sparseWeights = new double[m_weights.length];
int[] sparseIndices = new int[m_weights.length];
int counter = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < m_weights.length; ii++) {
if (m_weights[ii] != 0.0) {
sparseWeights[counter] = m_weights[ii];
sparseIndices[counter] = ii;
m_sparseWeights = new double[counter];
m_sparseIndices = new int[counter];
System.arraycopy(sparseWeights, 0, m_sparseWeights, 0, counter);
System.arraycopy(sparseIndices, 0, m_sparseIndices, 0, counter);
// Clean out training data
if (!m_checksTurnedOff) {
m_data = new Instances(m_data, 0);
} else {
m_data = null;
// Clean out weight vector
m_weights = null;
// We don't need the alphas in the linear case
m_alpha = null;
m_alpha_ = null;
* Examines instance. (As defined in Shevade's paper.)
* @param i2 index of instance to examine
* @return true if examination was successfull
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
protected int examineExample(int i2) throws Exception{
// Lagrange multipliers for i2
double alpha2 = m_alpha[i2];
double alpha2_ = m_alpha_[i2];
double F2 = 0;
F2 = m_fcache[i2];
} else {
// compute F2 = F_i2 and set f-cache[i2] = F2
F2 = m_data.instance(i2).classValue();
for(int j = 0; j < m_alpha.length; j++){
F2 -= (m_alpha[j] - m_alpha_[j]) * m_kernel.eval(i2, j, m_data.instance(i2));
m_fcache[i2] = F2;
// Update (b_low, i_low) or (b_up, i_up) using (F2, i2)...
if(F2 + m_epsilon < m_bUp){
m_bUp = F2 + m_epsilon;
m_iUp = i2;
} else if (F2 - m_epsilon > m_bLow){
m_bLow = F2 - m_epsilon;
m_iLow = i2;
} else if(m_I2.contains(i2) && (F2+m_epsilon > m_bLow)){
m_bLow = F2 + m_epsilon;
m_iLow = i2;
} else if(m_I3.contains(i2) && (F2-m_epsilon < m_bUp)){
m_bUp = F2 - m_epsilon;
m_iUp = i2;
// check optimality using current b_low and b_up and, if
// violated, find an index i1 to do joint optimization with i2...
boolean optimality = true;
int i1 = -1;
// case 1 : i2 is in I_0a
if(m_I0.contains(i2) && 0 < alpha2 && alpha2 < m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight()){
if(m_bLow-(F2-m_epsilon) > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iLow;
// for i2 in I_0a choose the better i1
if((F2 - m_epsilon) - m_bUp > m_bLow - (F2 - m_epsilon)){
i1 = m_iUp;
}else if((F2 - m_epsilon)-m_bUp > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iUp;
// for i2 in I_0a choose the better i1...
if(m_bLow-(F2-m_epsilon) > (F2-m_epsilon)-m_bUp){
i1 = m_iLow;
// case 2 : i2 is in I_0b
else if(m_I0.contains(i2) && 0 < alpha2_ && alpha2_ < m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight()){
if(m_bLow-(F2+m_epsilon) > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iLow;
// for i2 in I_0b choose the better i1
if((F2 + m_epsilon) - m_bUp > m_bLow - (F2 + m_epsilon)){
i1 = m_iUp;
}else if((F2 + m_epsilon)-m_bUp > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iUp;
// for i2 in I_0b choose the better i1...
if(m_bLow-(F2+m_epsilon) > (F2+m_epsilon)-m_bUp){
i1 = m_iLow;
// case 3 : i2 is in I_1
else if(m_I1.contains(i2)){
if(m_bLow-(F2+m_epsilon) > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iLow;
// for i2 in I_1 choose the better i1
if((F2 + m_epsilon) - m_bUp > m_bLow - (F2 + m_epsilon)){
i1 = m_iUp;
} else if((F2 - m_epsilon)-m_bUp > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iUp;
// for i2 in I_1 choose the better i1...
if(m_bLow-(F2-m_epsilon) > (F2-m_epsilon)-m_bUp){
i1 = m_iLow;
// case 4 : i2 is in I_2
else if(m_I2.contains(i2)){
if((F2+m_epsilon)-m_bUp > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iUp;
// case 5 : i2 is in I_3
else if(m_I3.contains(i2)){
if(m_bLow-(F2-m_epsilon) > 2 * m_tol){
optimality = false;
i1 = m_iLow;
throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistent state ! I0, I1, I2 and I3 " +
"must cover the whole set of indices.");
return 0;
if(takeStep(i1, i2)){
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
* Method solving for the Lagrange multipliers for
* two instances. (As defined in Shevade's paper.)
* @param i1 index of the first instance
* @param i2 index of the second instance
* @return true if multipliers could be found
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
protected boolean takeStep(int i1, int i2) throws Exception{
if(i1 == i2){
return false;
double alpha1 = m_alpha[i1];
double alpha1_ = m_alpha_[i1];
double alpha2 = m_alpha[i2];
double alpha2_ = m_alpha_[i2];
double F1 = m_fcache[i1];
double F2 = m_fcache[i2];
double k11 = m_kernel.eval(i1, i1, m_data.instance(i1));
double k12 = m_kernel.eval(i1, i2, m_data.instance(i1));
double k22 = m_kernel.eval(i2, i2, m_data.instance(i2));
double eta = -2*k12+k11+k22;
double gamma = alpha1 - alpha1_ + alpha2 - alpha2_;
// In case of numerical instabilies eta might be sligthly less than 0.
// (Theoretically, it cannot happen with a kernel which respects Mercer's condition.)
if(eta < 0)
eta = 0;
boolean case1 = false, case2 = false, case3 = false, case4 = false, finished = false;
double deltaphi = F1 - F2;
double L, H;
boolean changed = false;
double a1, a2;
// this loop is passed at most three times
// Case variables needed to avoid attempting small changes twices
if(!case1 &&
(alpha1 > 0 || (alpha1_ == 0 && deltaphi > 0)) &&
(alpha2 > 0 || (alpha2_ == 0 && deltaphi < 0)) ){
// compute L, H (wrt alpha1, alpha2)
L = java.lang.Math.max(0, gamma - m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight());
H = java.lang.Math.min(m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight(), gamma);
if(L < H){
if(eta > 0){
a2 = alpha2 - (deltaphi / eta);
if(a2 > H) a2 = H;
else if(a2 < L) a2 = L;
} else {
double Lobj = -L*deltaphi;
double Hobj = -H*deltaphi;
if(Lobj > Hobj)
a2 = L;
a2 = H;
a1 = alpha1 - (a2 - alpha2);
// update alpha1, alpha2 if change is larger than some eps
if(java.lang.Math.abs(a1-alpha1) > m_eps ||
java.lang.Math.abs(a2-alpha2) > m_eps){
alpha1 = a1;
alpha2 = a2;
changed = true;
} else {
finished = true;
case1 = true;
} else if(!case2 &&
(alpha1 > 0 || (alpha1_ == 0 && deltaphi > 2 * m_epsilon)) &&
(alpha2_ > 0 || (alpha2 == 0 && deltaphi > 2 * m_epsilon)) ){
// compute L, H (wrt alpha1, alpha2_)
L = java.lang.Math.max(0, -gamma);
H = java.lang.Math.min(m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight(), -gamma + m_C*m_data.instance(i1).weight());
if(L < H){
if(eta > 0){
a2 = alpha2_ + ((deltaphi - 2*m_epsilon) / eta);
if(a2 > H) a2 = H;
else if(a2 < L) a2 = L;
} else {
double Lobj = L*(-2*m_epsilon + deltaphi);
double Hobj = H*(-2*m_epsilon + deltaphi);
if(Lobj > Hobj)
a2 = L;
a2 = H;
a1 = alpha1 + (a2 - alpha2_);
// update alpha1, alpha2_ if change is larger than some eps
if(java.lang.Math.abs(a1-alpha1) > m_eps ||
java.lang.Math.abs(a2-alpha2_) > m_eps){
alpha1 = a1;
alpha2_ = a2;
changed = true;
} else {
finished = true;
case2 = true;
} else if(!case3 &&
(alpha1_ > 0 || (alpha1 == 0 && deltaphi < -2 * m_epsilon)) &&
(alpha2 > 0 || (alpha2_ == 0 && deltaphi < -2 * m_epsilon)) ){
// compute L, H (wrt alpha1_, alpha2)
L = java.lang.Math.max(0, gamma);
H = java.lang.Math.min(m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight(), m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight() + gamma);
if(L < H){
if(eta > 0){
a2 = alpha2 - ((deltaphi + 2*m_epsilon) / eta);
if(a2 > H) a2 = H;
else if(a2 < L) a2 = L;
} else {
double Lobj = -L*(2*m_epsilon + deltaphi);
double Hobj = -H*(2*m_epsilon + deltaphi);
if(Lobj > Hobj)
a2 = L;
a2 = H;
a1 = alpha1_ + (a2 - alpha2);
// update alpha1_, alpha2 if change is larger than some eps
if(java.lang.Math.abs(a1-alpha1_) > m_eps ||
java.lang.Math.abs(a2-alpha2) > m_eps){
alpha1_ = a1;
alpha2 = a2;
changed = true;
} else {
finished = true;
case3 = true;
} else if(!case4 &&
(alpha1_ > 0 || (alpha1 == 0 && deltaphi < 0)) &&
(alpha2_ > 0 || (alpha2 == 0 && deltaphi > 0)) ){
// compute L, H (wrt alpha1_, alpha2_)
L = java.lang.Math.max(0, -gamma - m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight());
H = java.lang.Math.min(m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight(), -gamma);
if(L < H){
if(eta > 0){
a2 = alpha2_ + deltaphi / eta;
if(a2 > H) a2 = H;
else if(a2 < L) a2 = L;
} else {
double Lobj = L*deltaphi;
double Hobj = H*deltaphi;
if(Lobj > Hobj)
a2 = L;
a2 = H;
a1 = alpha1_ - (a2 - alpha2_);
// update alpha1_, alpha2_ if change is larger than some eps
if(java.lang.Math.abs(a1-alpha1_) > m_eps ||
java.lang.Math.abs(a2-alpha2_) > m_eps){
alpha1_ = a1;
alpha2_ = a2;
changed = true;
} else {
finished = true;
case4 = true;
} else {
finished = true;
// update deltaphi
deltaphi += eta * ((alpha2 - alpha2_) - (m_alpha[i2] - m_alpha_[i2]));
// update f-cache[i] for i in I_0 using new Lagrange multipliers
for (int i = m_I0.getNext(-1); i != -1; i = m_I0.getNext(i)) {
if (i != i1 && i != i2){
m_fcache[i] +=
((m_alpha[i1] - m_alpha_[i1]) - (alpha1 - alpha1_)) * m_kernel.eval(i1, i, m_data.instance(i1)) +
((m_alpha[i2] - m_alpha_[i2]) - (alpha2 - alpha2_)) * m_kernel.eval(i2, i, m_data.instance(i2));
// update f-cache[i1] and f-cache[i2]
m_fcache[i1] +=
((m_alpha[i1] - m_alpha_[i1]) - (alpha1 - alpha1_)) * k11 +
((m_alpha[i2] - m_alpha_[i2]) - (alpha2 - alpha2_)) * k12;
m_fcache[i2] +=
((m_alpha[i1] - m_alpha_[i1]) - (alpha1 - alpha1_)) * k12 +
((m_alpha[i2] - m_alpha_[i2]) - (alpha2 - alpha2_)) * k22;
// to prevent precision problems
if(alpha1 > m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight() - m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight()){
alpha1 = m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight();
} else if (alpha1 <= m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight()){
alpha1 = 0;
if(alpha1_ > m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight() - m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight()){
alpha1_ = m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight();
} else if (alpha1_ <= m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight()){
alpha1_ = 0;
if(alpha2 > m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight() - m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight()){
alpha2 = m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight();
} else if (alpha2 <= m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight()){
alpha2 = 0;
if(alpha2_ > m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight() - m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight()){
alpha2_ = m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight();
} else if (alpha2_ <= m_Del * m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight()){
alpha2_ = 0;
// Store the changes in alpha, alpha' array
m_alpha[i1] = alpha1;
m_alpha_[i1] = alpha1_;
m_alpha[i2] = alpha2;
m_alpha_[i2] = alpha2_;
// update I_0, I_1, I_2, I_3
if((0 < alpha1 && alpha1 < m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight()) ||
(0 < alpha1_ && alpha1_ < m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight())){
} else {
if((alpha1 == 0 && alpha1_ == 0)){
} else {
if((alpha1 == 0 && alpha1_ == m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight())){
} else {
if((alpha1 == m_C * m_data.instance(i1).weight() && alpha1_ == 0)){
} else {
if((0 < alpha2 && alpha2 < m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight()) ||
(0 < alpha2_ && alpha2_ < m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight())){
} else {
if((alpha2 == 0 && alpha2_ == 0)){
} else {
if((alpha2 == 0 && alpha2_ == m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight())){
} else {
if((alpha2 == m_C * m_data.instance(i2).weight() && alpha2_ == 0)){
} else {
// for debuggage
// checkSets();
// checkAlphas();
// Compute (i_low, b_low) and (i_up, b_up) by applying the conditions
// mentionned above, using only i1, i2 and indices in I_0
m_bLow = -Double.MAX_VALUE; m_bUp = Double.MAX_VALUE;
m_iLow =-1; m_iUp = -1;
for (int i = m_I0.getNext(-1); i != -1; i = m_I0.getNext(i)) {
if(0 < m_alpha_[i] && m_alpha_[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight() &&
(m_fcache[i] + m_epsilon > m_bLow)){
m_bLow = m_fcache[i] + m_epsilon; m_iLow = i;
} else if(0 < m_alpha[i] && m_alpha[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight() &&
(m_fcache[i] - m_epsilon > m_bLow)){
m_bLow = m_fcache[i] - m_epsilon; m_iLow = i;
if(0 < m_alpha[i] && m_alpha[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight() &&
(m_fcache[i] - m_epsilon < m_bUp)){
m_bUp = m_fcache[i] - m_epsilon; m_iUp = i;
} else if(0 < m_alpha_[i] && m_alpha_[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight() &&
(m_fcache[i] + m_epsilon < m_bUp)){
m_bUp = m_fcache[i] + m_epsilon; m_iUp = i;
if(m_I2.contains(i1) &&
(m_fcache[i1] + m_epsilon > m_bLow)){
m_bLow = m_fcache[i1] + m_epsilon; m_iLow = i1;
} else if (m_I1.contains(i1) &&
(m_fcache[i1] - m_epsilon > m_bLow)){
m_bLow = m_fcache[i1] - m_epsilon; m_iLow = i1;
if(m_I3.contains(i1) &&
(m_fcache[i1] - m_epsilon < m_bUp)){
m_bUp = m_fcache[i1] - m_epsilon; m_iUp = i1;
} else if (m_I1.contains(i1) &&
(m_fcache[i1] + m_epsilon < m_bUp)){
m_bUp = m_fcache[i1] + m_epsilon; m_iUp = i1;
if(m_I2.contains(i2) &&
(m_fcache[i2] + m_epsilon > m_bLow)){
m_bLow = m_fcache[i2] + m_epsilon; m_iLow = i2;
} else if (m_I1.contains(i2) &&
(m_fcache[i2] - m_epsilon > m_bLow)){
m_bLow = m_fcache[i2] - m_epsilon; m_iLow = i2;
if(m_I3.contains(i2) &&
(m_fcache[i2] - m_epsilon < m_bUp)){
m_bUp = m_fcache[i2] - m_epsilon; m_iUp = i2;
} else if (m_I1.contains(i2) &&
(m_fcache[i2] + m_epsilon < m_bUp)){
m_bUp = m_fcache[i2] + m_epsilon; m_iUp = i2;
if(m_iLow == -1 || m_iUp == -1){
throw new RuntimeException("Fatal error! The program failled to "
+ "initialize i_Low, iUp.");
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Classifies a given instance.
* @param inst the instance to be classified
* @return the classification
* @throws Exception if instance could not be classified
* successfully
public double classifyInstance(Instance inst) throws Exception {
// Filter instance
if (!m_checksTurnedOff) {
inst = m_Missing.output();
if (m_NominalToBinary != null) {
inst = m_NominalToBinary.output();
if (m_Filter != null) {
inst = m_Filter.output();
// classification :
double result = m_b;
// Is the machine linear?
if (m_KernelIsLinear) {
// Is weight vector stored in sparse format?
if (m_sparseWeights == null) {
int n1 = inst.numValues();
for (int p = 0; p < n1; p++) {
if (inst.index(p) != m_classIndex) {
result += m_weights[inst.index(p)] * inst.valueSparse(p);
} else {
int n1 = inst.numValues(); int n2 = m_sparseWeights.length;
for (int p1 = 0, p2 = 0; p1 < n1 && p2 < n2;) {
int ind1 = inst.index(p1);
int ind2 = m_sparseIndices[p2];
if (ind1 == ind2) {
if (ind1 != m_classIndex) {
result += inst.valueSparse(p1) * m_sparseWeights[p2];
p1++; p2++;
} else if (ind1 > ind2) {
} else {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < m_alpha.length; i++) {
result += (m_alpha[i] - m_alpha_[i]) * m_kernel.eval(-1, i, inst);
// apply the inverse transformation
// (due to the normalization/standardization)
return (result - m_Blin) / m_Alin;
* Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
* @return an enumeration of all the available options.
public Enumeration listOptions() {
Vector result = new Vector();
Enumeration enm = super.listOptions();
while (enm.hasMoreElements())
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tTurns off all checks - use with caution!\n"
+ "\tTurning them off assumes that data is purely numeric, doesn't\n"
+ "\tcontain any missing values, and has a nominal class. Turning them\n"
+ "\toff also means that no header information will be stored if the\n"
+ "\tmachine is linear. Finally, it also assumes that no instance has\n"
+ "\ta weight equal to 0.\n"
+ "\t(default: checks on)",
"no-checks", 0, "-no-checks"));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe amount up to which deviations are\n"
+ "\ttolerated (epsilon). (default 1e-3)",
"S", 1, "-S <double>"));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe complexity constant C. (default 1)",
"C", 1, "-C <double>"));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tWhether to 0=normalize/1=standardize/2=neither. " +
"(default 0=normalize)",
"N", 1, "-N"));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe tolerance parameter. " +
"(default 1.0e-3)",
"T", 1, "-T <double>"));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe epsilon for round-off error. " +
"(default 1.0e-12)",
"P", 1, "-P <double>"));
result.addElement(new Option(
"\tThe Kernel to use.\n"
+ "\t(default: weka.classifiers.functions.supportVector.PolyKernel)",
"K", 1, "-K <classname and parameters>"));
result.addElement(new Option(
"", 0, "\nOptions specific to kernel "
+ getKernel().getClass().getName() + ":"));
enm = ((OptionHandler) getKernel()).listOptions();
while (enm.hasMoreElements())
return result.elements();
* Parses a given list of options. <p/>
<!-- options-end -->
<!-- options-end -->
* @param options the list of options as an array of strings
* @throws Exception if an option is not supported
public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
String tmpStr;
String[] tmpOptions;
setChecksTurnedOff(Utils.getFlag("no-checks", options));
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('S', options);
if (tmpStr.length() != 0)
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('C', options);
if (tmpStr.length() != 0)
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('T', options);
if (tmpStr.length() != 0)
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('P', options);
if (tmpStr.length() != 0)
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('N', options);
if (tmpStr.length() != 0)
setFilterType(new SelectedTag(Integer.parseInt(tmpStr), TAGS_FILTER));
setFilterType(new SelectedTag(FILTER_NORMALIZE, TAGS_FILTER));
tmpStr = Utils.getOption('K', options);
tmpOptions = Utils.splitOptions(tmpStr);
if (tmpOptions.length != 0) {
tmpStr = tmpOptions[0];
tmpOptions[0] = "";
setKernel(Kernel.forName(tmpStr, tmpOptions));
* Gets the current settings of the classifier.
* @return an array of strings suitable for passing to setOptions
public String[] getOptions() {
int i;
Vector result;
String[] options;
result = new Vector();
options = super.getOptions();
for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
if (getChecksTurnedOff())
result.add("" + getEpsilon());
result.add("" + getC());
result.add("" + getToleranceParameter());
result.add("" + getEps());
result.add("" + m_filterType);
result.add("" + getKernel().getClass().getName() + " " + Utils.joinOptions(getKernel().getOptions()));
return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
* Disables or enables the checks (which could be time-consuming). Use with
* caution!
* @param value if true turns off all checks
public void setChecksTurnedOff(boolean value) {
if (value)
* Returns whether the checks are turned off or not.
* @return true if the checks are turned off
public boolean getChecksTurnedOff() {
return m_checksTurnedOff;
* Returns the tip text for this property
* @return tip text for this property suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String checksTurnedOffTipText() {
return "Turns time-consuming checks off - use with caution.";
* Returns the tip text for this property
* @return tip text for this property suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String kernelTipText() {
return "The kernel to use.";
* Gets the kernel to use.
* @return the kernel
public Kernel getKernel() {
return m_kernel;
* Sets the kernel to use.
* @param value the kernel
public void setKernel(Kernel value) {
m_kernel = value;
* Returns the tip text for this property
* @return tip text for this property suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String filterTypeTipText() {
return "Determines how/if the data will be transformed.";
* Gets how the training data will be transformed. Will be one of
* @return the filtering mode
public SelectedTag getFilterType() {
return new SelectedTag(m_filterType, TAGS_FILTER);
* Sets how the training data will be transformed. Should be one of
* @param newType the new filtering mode
public void setFilterType(SelectedTag newType) {
if (newType.getTags() == TAGS_FILTER) {
m_filterType = newType.getSelectedTag().getID();
* Returns the tip text for this property
* @return tip text for this property suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String cTipText() {
return "The complexity parameter C.";
* Get the value of C.
* @return Value of C.
public double getC() {
return m_C;
* Set the value of C.
* @param v Value to assign to C.
public void setC(double v) {
m_C = v;
* Returns the tip text for this property
* @return tip text for this property suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String toleranceParameterTipText() {
return "The tolerance parameter (shouldn't be changed).";
* Get the value of tolerance parameter.
* @return Value of tolerance parameter.
public double getToleranceParameter() {
return m_tol;
* Set the value of tolerance parameter.
* @param v Value to assign to tolerance parameter.
public void setToleranceParameter(double v) {
m_tol = v;
* Returns the tip text for this property
* @return tip text for this property suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String epsTipText() {
return "The epsilon for round-off error (shouldn't be changed).";
* Get the value of eps.
* @return Value of eps.
public double getEps() {
return m_eps;
* Set the value of eps.
* @param v Value to assign to epsilon.
public void setEps(double v) {
m_eps = v;
* Returns the tip text for this property
* @return tip text for this property suitable for
* displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui
public String epsilonTipText() {
return "The amount up to which deviations are tolerated. "
+ "Watch out, the value of epsilon is used with the (normalized/standardized) "
+ "data.";
* Get the value of epsilon.
* @return Value of epsilon.
public double getEpsilon() {
return m_epsilon;
* Set the value of epsilon.
* @param v Value to assign to epsilon.
public void setEpsilon(double v) {
m_epsilon = v;
* Turns off checks for missing values, etc. Use with caution.
public void turnChecksOff() {
m_checksTurnedOff = true;
* Turns on checks for missing values, etc.
public void turnChecksOn() {
m_checksTurnedOff = false;
* Prints out the classifier.
* @return a description of the classifier as a string
public String toString() {
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();
int printed = 0;
if ((m_alpha == null) && (m_sparseWeights == null)) {
return "SMOreg : No model built yet.";
try {
text.append("Kernel used:\n " + m_kernel.toString() + "\n\n");
// display the linear transformation
String trans = "";
if (m_filterType == FILTER_STANDARDIZE) {
trans = "(standardized) ";
//text.append(trans + m_data.classAttribute().name() + " = " +
// m_Alin + " * " + m_data.classAttribute().name() + " + " + m_Blin + "\n\n");
} else if (m_filterType == FILTER_NORMALIZE) {
trans = "(normalized) ";
//text.append(trans + m_data.classAttribute().name() + " = " +
// m_Alin + " * " + m_data.classAttribute().name() + " + " + m_Blin + "\n\n");
// If machine linear, print weight vector
if (m_KernelIsLinear) {
text.append("Machine Linear: showing attribute weights, ");
text.append("not support vectors.\n");
// We can assume that the weight vector is stored in sparse
// format because the classifier has been built
text.append(trans + m_data.classAttribute().name() + " =\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m_sparseWeights.length; i++) {
if (m_sparseIndices[i] != (int)m_classIndex) {
if (printed > 0) {
text.append(" + ");
} else {
text.append(" ");
text.append(Utils.doubleToString(m_sparseWeights[i], 12, 4) +
" * ");
if (m_filterType == FILTER_STANDARDIZE) {
text.append("(standardized) ");
} else if (m_filterType == FILTER_NORMALIZE) {
text.append("(normalized) ");
if (!m_checksTurnedOff) {
} else {
text.append("attribute with index " +
m_sparseIndices[i] +"\n");
} else {
text.append("Support Vector Expansion :\n");
text.append(trans + m_data.classAttribute().name() + " =\n");
printed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_alpha.length; i++) {
double val = m_alpha[i] - m_alpha_[i];
if (java.lang.Math.abs(val) < 1e-4)
if (printed > 0) {
text.append(" + ");
} else {
text.append(" ");
text.append(Utils.doubleToString(val, 12, 4)
+ " * K[X(" + i + "), X]\n");
if (m_b > 0) {
text.append(" + " + Utils.doubleToString(m_b, 12, 4));
} else {
text.append(" - " + Utils.doubleToString(-m_b, 12, 4));
if (!m_KernelIsLinear) {
text.append("\n\nNumber of support vectors: " + printed);
int numEval = 0;
int numCacheHits = -1;
if(m_kernel != null)
numEval = m_kernel.numEvals();
numCacheHits = m_kernel.numCacheHits();
text.append("\n\nNumber of kernel evaluations: " + numEval);
if (numCacheHits >= 0 && numEval > 0)
double hitRatio = 1 - numEval/(numCacheHits+numEval);
text.append(" (" + Utils.doubleToString(hitRatio*100, 7, 3) + "% cached)");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "Can't print the classifier.";
return text.toString();
* Main method for testing this class.
* @param argv the commandline options
public static void main(String[] argv) {
runClassifier(new SMOreg(), argv);
* Debuggage function.
* Compute the value of the objective function.
* @return the value of the objective function
* @throws Exception if computation fails
protected double objFun() throws Exception {
double res = 0;
double t = 0, t2 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_alpha.length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < m_alpha.length; j++){
t += (m_alpha[i] - m_alpha_[i]) * (m_alpha[j] - m_alpha_[j]) * m_kernel.eval(i,j,m_data.instance(i));
t2 += m_data.instance(i).classValue() * (m_alpha[i] - m_alpha_[i]) - m_epsilon * (m_alpha[i] + m_alpha_[i]);
res += -0.5 * t + t2;
return res;
* Debuggage function.
* Compute the value of the objective function.
* @param i1
* @param i2
* @param alpha1
* @param alpha1_
* @param alpha2
* @param alpha2_
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
protected double objFun(int i1, int i2,
double alpha1, double alpha1_,
double alpha2, double alpha2_) throws Exception {
double res = 0;
double t = 0, t2 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_alpha.length; i++){
double alphai;
double alphai_;
if(i == i1){
alphai = alpha1; alphai_ = alpha1_;
} else if(i == i2){
alphai = alpha2; alphai_ = alpha2_;
} else {
alphai = m_alpha[i]; alphai_ = m_alpha_[i];
for(int j = 0; j < m_alpha.length; j++){
double alphaj;
double alphaj_;
if(j == i1){
alphaj = alpha1; alphaj_ = alpha1_;
} else if(j == i2){
alphaj = alpha2; alphaj_ = alpha2_;
} else {
alphaj = m_alpha[j]; alphaj_ = m_alpha_[j];
t += (alphai - alphai_) * (alphaj - alphaj_) * m_kernel.eval(i,j,m_data.instance(i));
t2 += m_data.instance(i).classValue() * (alphai - alphai_) - m_epsilon * (alphai + alphai_);
res += -0.5 * t + t2;
return res;
* Debuggage function.
* Check that the set I0, I1, I2 and I3 cover the whole set of index
* and that no attribute appears in two different sets.
* @throws Exception if check fails
protected void checkSets() throws Exception{
boolean[] test = new boolean[m_data.numInstances()];
for (int i = m_I0.getNext(-1); i != -1; i = m_I0.getNext(i)) {
throw new Exception("Fatal error! indice " + i + " appears in two different sets.");
} else {
test[i] = true;
if( !((0 < m_alpha[i] && m_alpha[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()) ||
(0 < m_alpha_[i] && m_alpha_[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight())) ){
throw new Exception("Warning! I0 contains an incorrect indice.");
for (int i = m_I1.getNext(-1); i != -1; i = m_I1.getNext(i)) {
throw new Exception("Fatal error! indice " + i + " appears in two different sets.");
} else {
test[i] = true;
if( !( m_alpha[i] == 0 && m_alpha_[i] == 0) ){
throw new Exception("Fatal error! I1 contains an incorrect indice.");
for (int i = m_I2.getNext(-1); i != -1; i = m_I2.getNext(i)) {
throw new Exception("Fatal error! indice " + i + " appears in two different sets.");
} else {
test[i] = true;
if( !(m_alpha[i] == 0 && m_alpha_[i] == m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()) ){
throw new Exception("Fatal error! I2 contains an incorrect indice.");
for (int i = m_I3.getNext(-1); i != -1; i = m_I3.getNext(i)) {
throw new Exception("Fatal error! indice " + i + " appears in two different sets.");
} else {
test[i] = true;
if( !(m_alpha_[i] == 0 && m_alpha[i] == m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()) ){
throw new Exception("Fatal error! I3 contains an incorrect indice.");
for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i++){
throw new Exception("Fatal error! indice " + i + " doesn't belong to any set.");
* Debuggage function <br/>
* Checks that : <br/>
* alpha*alpha_=0 <br/>
* sum(alpha[i] - alpha_[i]) = 0
* @throws Exception if check fails
protected void checkAlphas() throws Exception{
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_alpha.length; i++){
if(!(0 == m_alpha[i] || m_alpha_[i] == 0)){
throw new Exception("Fatal error! Inconsistent alphas!");
sum += (m_alpha[i] - m_alpha_[i]);
if(sum > 1e-10){
throw new Exception("Fatal error! Inconsistent alphas' sum = " + sum);
* Debuggage function.
* Display the current status of the program.
* @param i1 the first current indice
* @param i2 the second current indice
* @throws Exception if printing of current status fails
protected void displayStat(int i1, int i2) throws Exception {
System.err.println("\n-------- Status : ---------");
System.err.println("\n i, alpha, alpha'\n");
for(int i = 0; i < m_alpha.length; i++){
double result = (m_bLow + m_bUp)/2.0;
for (int j = 0; j < m_alpha.length; j++) {
result += (m_alpha[j] - m_alpha_[j]) * m_kernel.eval(i, j, m_data.instance(i));
System.err.print(" " + i + ": (" + m_alpha[i] + ", " + m_alpha_[i] +
"), " + (m_data.instance(i).classValue() - m_epsilon) + " <= " +
result + " <= " + (m_data.instance(i).classValue() + m_epsilon));
if(i == i1){
System.err.print(" <-- i1");
if(i == i2){
System.err.print(" <-- i2");
System.err.println("bLow = " + m_bLow + " bUp = " + m_bUp);
* Debuggage function
* Compute and display bLow, lUp and so on...
* @throws Exception if display fails
protected void displayB() throws Exception {
//double bUp = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
//double bLow = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
//int iUp = -1, iLow = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < m_data.numInstances(); i++){
double Fi = m_data.instance(i).classValue();
for(int j = 0; j < m_alpha.length; j++){
Fi -= (m_alpha[j] - m_alpha_[j]) * m_kernel.eval(i, j, m_data.instance(i));
System.err.print("(" + m_alpha[i] + ", " + m_alpha_[i] + ") : ");
System.err.print((Fi - m_epsilon) + ", " + (Fi + m_epsilon));
double fim = Fi - m_epsilon, fip = Fi + m_epsilon;
String s = "";
if (m_I0.contains(i)){
if ( 0 < m_alpha[i] && m_alpha[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()){
s += "(in I0a) bUp = min(bUp, " + fim + ") bLow = max(bLow, " + fim + ")";
if ( 0 < m_alpha_[i] && m_alpha_[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()){
s += "(in I0a) bUp = min(bUp, " + fip + ") bLow = max(bLow, " + fip + ")";
if (m_I1.contains(i)){
s += "(in I1) bUp = min(bUp, " + fip + ") bLow = max(bLow, " + fim + ")";
if (m_I2.contains(i)){
s += "(in I2) bLow = max(bLow, " + fip + ")";
if (m_I3.contains(i)){
s += "(in I3) bUp = min(bUp, " + fim + ")";
System.err.println(" " + s + " {" + (m_alpha[i]-1) + ", " + (m_alpha_[i]-1) + "}");
* Debuggage function.
* Checks if the equations (6), (8a), (8b), (8c), (8d) hold.
* (Refers to "Improvements to SMO Algorithm for SVM Regression".)
* Prints warnings for each equation which doesn't hold.
* @throws Exception if check fails
protected void checkOptimality() throws Exception {
double bUp = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double bLow = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int iUp = -1, iLow = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < m_data.numInstances(); i++){
double Fi = m_data.instance(i).classValue();
for(int j = 0; j < m_alpha.length; j++){
Fi -= (m_alpha[j] - m_alpha_[j]) * m_kernel.eval(i, j, m_data.instance(i));
double fitilde = 0, fibarre = 0;
if(m_I0.contains(i) && 0 < m_alpha[i] && m_alpha[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()){
fitilde = Fi - m_epsilon;
fibarre = Fi - m_epsilon;
if(m_I0.contains(i) && 0 < m_alpha_[i] && m_alpha_[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()){
fitilde = Fi + m_epsilon;
fibarre = Fi + m_epsilon;
fitilde = Fi - m_epsilon;
fibarre = Fi + m_epsilon;
fitilde = Fi + m_epsilon;
fibarre = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
fitilde = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
fibarre = Fi - m_epsilon;
if(fibarre < bUp){
bUp = fibarre;
iUp = i;
if(fitilde > bLow){
bLow = fitilde;
iLow = i;
if(!(bLow <= bUp + 2 * m_tol)){
System.err.println("Warning! Optimality not reached : inequation (6) doesn't hold!");
boolean noPb = true;
for(int i = 0; i < m_data.numInstances(); i++){
double Fi = m_data.instance(i).classValue();
for(int j = 0; j < m_alpha.length; j++){
Fi -= (m_alpha[j] - m_alpha_[j]) * m_kernel.eval(i, j, m_data.instance(i));
double Ei = Fi - ((m_bUp + m_bLow) / 2.0);
if((m_alpha[i] > 0) && !(Ei >= m_epsilon - m_tol)){
System.err.println("Warning! Optimality not reached : inequation (8a) doesn't hold for " + i);
noPb = false;
if((m_alpha[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()) && !(Ei <= m_epsilon + m_tol)){
System.err.println("Warning! Optimality not reached : inequation (8b) doesn't hold for " + i);
noPb = false;
if((m_alpha_[i] > 0) && !(Ei <= -m_epsilon + m_tol)){
System.err.println("Warning! Optimality not reached : inequation (8c) doesn't hold for " + i);
noPb = false;
if((m_alpha_[i] < m_C * m_data.instance(i).weight()) && !(Ei >= -m_epsilon - m_tol)){
System.err.println("Warning! Optimality not reached : inequation (8d) doesn't hold for " + i);
noPb = false;
* Returns the revision string.
* @return the revision
public String getRevision() {
return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision: 1.14 $");