* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Concurrent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Project and contact information: http://www.cascading.org/
* This file is part of the Cascading project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cascading.tap;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import cascading.PlatformTestCase;
import cascading.TestBuffer;
import cascading.flow.Flow;
import cascading.flow.FlowDef;
import cascading.operation.Identity;
import cascading.operation.regex.RegexSplitter;
import cascading.pipe.Each;
import cascading.pipe.Every;
import cascading.pipe.GroupBy;
import cascading.pipe.Pipe;
import cascading.tap.partition.DelimitedPartition;
import cascading.tap.partition.Partition;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
import cascading.tuple.Tuple;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntryIterator;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntrySchemeIteratorProps;
import org.junit.Test;
import static data.InputData.*;
public class TapPlatformTest extends PlatformTestCase implements Serializable
public TapPlatformTest()
super( true, 4, 1 );
public void testSinkDeclaredFields() throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileCross );
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), inputFileCross );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "first", "second", "third" ), "\\s" ), Fields.ALL );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), new Fields( "second", "first", "third" ), getOutputPath( "declaredsinks" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
validateLength( flow, 37, null );
TupleEntryIterator iterator = flow.openSink();
String line = iterator.next().getString( 0 );
assertTrue( "not equal: wrong values", line.matches( "[a-z]\t[0-9]\t[A-Z]" ) );
public void testSinkUnknown() throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileCross );
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), inputFileCross );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "first", "second", "third" ), "\\s" ), Fields.RESULTS );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getTabDelimitedFile( Fields.UNKNOWN, getOutputPath( "unknownsinks" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
validateLength( flow, 37, null );
TupleEntryIterator iterator = flow.openSink();
String line = iterator.next().getTuple().toString();
assertTrue( "not equal: wrong values: " + line, line.matches( "[0-9]\t[a-z]\t[A-Z]" ) );
public void testMultiSinkTap() throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileJoined );
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), inputFileJoined );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "number", "lower", "upper" ), "\t" ) );
Tap lhsSink = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "offset", "line" ), new Fields( "number", "lower" ), getOutputPath( "multisink/lhs" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Tap rhsSink = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "offset", "line" ), new Fields( "number", "upper" ), getOutputPath( "/multisink/rhs" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Tap sink = new MultiSinkTap( lhsSink, rhsSink );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( lhsSink ), 5 );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( rhsSink ), 5 );
public void testMultiSourceIterator() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileLower );
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileUpper );
Tap sourceLower = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "offset", "line" ), inputFileLower );
Tap sourceUpper = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "offset", "line" ), inputFileUpper );
Tap source = new MultiSourceTap( sourceLower, sourceUpper );
validateLength( source.openForRead( getPlatform().getFlowProcess() ), 10 );
public void testTemplateTap() throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileJoined );
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), inputFileJoined );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "number", "lower", "upper" ), "\t" ) );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( getOutputPath( "testtemplates" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
sink = getPlatform().getTemplateTap( sink, "%s-%s", 1 );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
Tap test = getPlatform().getTextFile( sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/1-a" );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( test ), 1 );
test = getPlatform().getTextFile( sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/2-b" );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( test ), 1 );
if( getPlatform().isMapReduce() )
String stringPath = sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/1-a/" + getPlatform().getHiddenTemporaryPath();
assertFalse( flow.resourceExists( getPlatform().getTextFile( stringPath ) ) );
stringPath = sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/2-b/" + getPlatform().getHiddenTemporaryPath();
assertFalse( flow.resourceExists( getPlatform().getTextFile( stringPath ) ) );
public void testTemplateTapTextDelimited() throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileJoined );
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), inputFileJoined );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "number", "lower", "upper" ), "\t" ) );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getDelimitedFile( new Fields( "number", "lower", "upper" ), "+", getOutputPath( "testdelimitedtemplates" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
sink = getPlatform().getTemplateTap( sink, "%s-%s", 1 );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
Tap test = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/1-a" );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( test ), 1, Pattern.compile( "[0-9]\\+[a-z]\\+[A-Z]" ) );
test = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/2-b" );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( test ), 1, Pattern.compile( "[0-9]\\+[a-z]\\+[A-Z]" ) );
public void testTemplateTapView() throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileJoined );
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), inputFileJoined );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "number", "lower", "upper" ), "\t" ) );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getTabDelimitedFile( new Fields( "upper" ), getOutputPath( "testtemplatesview" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
sink = getPlatform().getTemplateTap( sink, "%s-%s", new Fields( "number", "lower" ), 1 );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
Tap test = getPlatform().getTabDelimitedFile( new Fields( "upper" ), sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/1-a", SinkMode.KEEP );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( test ), 1, 1 );
test = getPlatform().getTabDelimitedFile( new Fields( "upper" ), sink.getIdentifier().toString() + "/2-b", SinkMode.KEEP );
validateLength( flow.openTapForRead( test ), 1, 1 );
TupleEntryIterator input = flow.openTapForRead( test ); // open 2-b
assertEquals( "wrong value", "B", input.next().getObject( 0 ) );
public void testSideFileCollector() throws Exception
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileLhs );
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( inputFileLhs );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), getOutputPath( "sidefile/direct" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Tap sideFile = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), getOutputPath( "sidefile/indirect" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "test" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new Fields( "line" ), new RegexSplitter( new Fields( "num", "lower" ), "\\s" ) );
pipe = new GroupBy( pipe, new Fields( "num" ) );
pipe = new Every( pipe, new TestBuffer( sideFile, new Fields( "next" ), 2, true, true, "next" ) );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, sink, pipe );
validateLength( flow, 23, null );
List<Tuple> results = getSinkAsList( flow );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\tnull\tnext" ) ) );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\ta\tnext" ) ) );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\tb\tnext" ) ) );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\tc\tnext" ) ) );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\tnull\tnext" ) ) );
results = asList( flow, sideFile );
assertEquals( 13, results.size() );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\ta" ) ) );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\tb" ) ) );
assertTrue( results.contains( new Tuple( "1\tc" ) ) );
public void testPartitionTapTextDelimited() throws IOException
getPlatform().copyFromLocal( inputFileCrossX2 );
Tap source = getPlatform().getDelimitedFile( new Fields( "number", "lower", "upper" ), " ", inputFileCrossX2 );
Tap partitionTap = getPlatform().getDelimitedFile( new Fields( "upper" ), "+", getOutputPath( "/partitioned" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Partition partition = new DelimitedPartition( new Fields( "lower", "number" ) );
partitionTap = getPlatform().getPartitionTap( partitionTap, partition, 1 );
Flow firstFlow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( source, partitionTap, new Pipe( "partition" ) );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getDelimitedFile( new Fields( "number", "lower", "upper" ), "+", getOutputPath( "/final" ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Flow secondFlow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( partitionTap, sink, new Pipe( "copy" ) );
Tap test = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), partitionTap.getIdentifier().toString() + "/a/1" );
validateLength( firstFlow.openTapForRead( test ), 6, Pattern.compile( "[A-Z]" ) );
test = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), partitionTap.getIdentifier().toString() + "/b/2" );
validateLength( firstFlow.openTapForRead( test ), 6, Pattern.compile( "[A-Z]" ) );
List<Tuple> tuples = asList( firstFlow, partitionTap );
assertTrue( tuples.contains( new Tuple( "A", "a", "1" ) ) );
assertTrue( tuples.contains( new Tuple( "B", "b", "2" ) ) );
test = getPlatform().getTextFile( new Fields( "line" ), sink.getIdentifier() );
validateLength( secondFlow.openTapForRead( test ), 74, Pattern.compile( "[0-9]\\+[a-z]\\+[A-Z]" ) );
public void testTupleEntrySchemeIteratorExceptionHandling() throws IOException
if( getPlatformName().equals( "local" ) )
return; // no gzip support
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( inputFileUnexpectedEndOfFile );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( getOutputPath( getTestName() ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Map<Object, Object> props = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
TupleEntrySchemeIteratorProps.setPermittedExceptions( props, java.io.EOFException.class );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "data" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new Identity() );
FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef().addSource( pipe, source ).addTailSink( pipe, sink );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector( props ).connect( flowDef );
validateLength( flow.openSink(), 307 );
public void testTupleEntrySchemeIteratorEOFException() throws IOException
if( getPlatformName().equals( "local" ) )
return; // no gzip support
Tap source = getPlatform().getTextFile( inputFileUnexpectedEndOfFile );
Tap sink = getPlatform().getTextFile( getOutputPath( getTestName() ), SinkMode.REPLACE );
Pipe pipe = new Pipe( "data" );
pipe = new Each( pipe, new Identity() );
FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef().addSource( pipe, source ).addTailSink( pipe, sink );
Flow flow = getPlatform().getFlowConnector().connect( flowDef );
fail( "flow should have thrown an Exception" );
catch( Exception exception )
// ignore