optParser.accepts( "pmml" ).withRequiredArg();
OptionSet options = optParser.parse( args );
// connect the taps, pipes, etc., into a flow
FlowDef flowDef = FlowDef.flowDef()
.setName( "classify" )
.addSource( "input", inputTap )
.addSink( "classify", classifyTap );
// build a Cascading assembly from the PMML description
if( options.hasArgument( "pmml" ) )
String pmmlPath = (String) options.valuesOf( "pmml" ).get( 0 );
PMMLPlanner pmmlPlanner = new PMMLPlanner()
.setPMMLInput( new File( pmmlPath ) )
.setDefaultPredictedField( new Fields( "predict", Double.class ) ); // default value if missing from the model
flowDef.addAssemblyPlanner( pmmlPlanner );
// write a DOT file and run the flow
Flow classifyFlow = flowConnector.connect( flowDef );
classifyFlow.writeDOT( "dot/classify.dot" );