Package cascading.pipe

Examples of cascading.pipe.GroupBy

        Pipe pipe = new Pipe("copy");
        pipe = new Each(pipe, new FilterNotNull());
        pipe = new Each(pipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertSizeLessThan(5));
        // can't select when using unknown
        //pipe = new Each(pipe, new Fields("name"), AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertNotNull());
        pipe = new GroupBy(pipe);
        pipe = new Every(pipe, new Count());

        // print out
        Tap out = new OutputStreamTap(new TextLine(), OUT);
        build(cfg(), in, out, pipe);
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    public void testReadFromESWithFields() throws Exception {
        Tap in = new EsTap("cascading-local/artists", query, new Fields("url", "name"));
        Pipe pipe = new Pipe("copy");
        pipe = new Each(pipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertSizeEquals(2));
        pipe = new Each(pipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertNotNull());
        pipe = new GroupBy(pipe);
        pipe = new Every(pipe, new Count());

        // print out
        Tap out = new OutputStreamTap(new TextLine(), OUT);
        build(cfg(), in, out, pipe);
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    public void testReadFromESAliasedField() throws Exception {
        Tap in = new EsTap("cascading-local/alias", query, new Fields("address"));
        Pipe pipe = new Pipe("copy");
        pipe = new Each(pipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertNotNull());
        pipe = new GroupBy(pipe);
        pipe = new Every(pipe, new Count());

        // print out
        Tap out = new OutputStreamTap(new TextLine(), OUT);
        build(cfg(), in, out, pipe);
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    public void testReadFromESWithFieldAlias() throws Exception {
        Tap in = new EsTap("cascading-local/alias", query, new Fields("url"));
        Pipe pipe = new Pipe("copy");
        pipe = new Each(pipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertNotNull());
        pipe = new GroupBy(pipe);
        pipe = new Every(pipe, new Count());

        // print out
        // print out
        Tap out = new OutputStreamTap(new TextLine(), OUT);
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        Pipe pipe = new Pipe("copy");
        pipe = new Each(pipe, new FilterNotNull());
        pipe = new Each(pipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertSizeLessThan(5));
        // can't select when using unknown
        //pipe = new Each(pipe, new Fields("name"), AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertNotNull());
        pipe = new GroupBy(pipe);
        pipe = new Every(pipe, new Count());

        // print out
        Tap out = new HadoopPrintStreamTap(Stream.NULL);
        build(cfg(), in, out, pipe);
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        Pipe pipe = new Pipe("copy");
        pipe = new Each(pipe, new FilterNotNull());
        pipe = new Each(pipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertSizeLessThan(5));
        // can't select when using unknown
        //pipe = new Each(pipe, new Fields("name"), AssertionLevel.STRICT, new AssertNotNull());
        pipe = new GroupBy(pipe);
        pipe = new Every(pipe, new Count());

        // print out
        Tap out = new OutputStreamTap(new TextLine(), OUT);
        build(cfg(), in, out, pipe);
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        sources.put(unfetchedPipe.getName(), inputSource2);

        BasePath resultsPath = platform.makePath(workingDirPath, "results");
        Tap resultSink = platform.makeTap(platform.makeBinaryScheme(UrlDatum.FIELDS), resultsPath, SinkMode.REPLACE);

        Pipe resultsPipe = new GroupBy("results pipe", Pipe.pipes(fetchedPipe, unfetchedPipe),
                        new Fields(UrlDatum.URL_FN));
        resultsPipe = new Every(resultsPipe, new LatestUrlDatumBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);

        FlowConnector flowConnector = platform.makeFlowConnector();
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        finishedUrlsFromDbPipe = TupleLogger.makePipe(finishedUrlsFromDbPipe, true);

        // NOTE : Ideally you would just do a CoGroup instead of converting all the pipes to emit UrlDatums
        // and then doing the extra step of converting from UrlDatum to CrawlDbDatum.
        // The reason this isn't being done here is because we are sharing LatestUrlDatumBuffer() with JDBCCrawlTool
        Pipe crawlDbPipe = new GroupBy("crawldb pipe", Pipe.pipes(urlFromFetchPipe, urlFromOutlinksPipe, finishedUrlsFromDbPipe),
                        new Fields(UrlDatum.URL_FN));
        crawlDbPipe = new Every(crawlDbPipe, new LatestUrlDatumBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);
        Pipe outputPipe = new Pipe ("output pipe");
        outputPipe = new Each(crawlDbPipe, new CreateCrawlDbDatumFromUrlFunction());
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            Pipe analysisPipe = new Pipe(ANALYZER_PIPE_NAME, splitterPipe.getTails()[0]);
            analysisPipe = new Each(analysisPipe, new ParseEmailFunction());
            // We'll get output that has ANALYZED_EMAIL_FIELDS in it. We want to group by
            // the message-id field, and then do an aggregation on that of the scores.
            analysisPipe = new GroupBy(analysisPipe, new Fields(FieldNames.MESSAGE_ID));
            analysisPipe = new Every(analysisPipe, new CalcMessageScoreBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);

            // Now we want to sum the scores for each user, which is another grouping/summing.
            analysisPipe = new GroupBy(analysisPipe, new Fields(FieldNames.EMAIL_ADDRESS));
            analysisPipe = new Every(analysisPipe, new SumScoresBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);
            // Let's filter out anybody with an uninteresting score.
            ExpressionFilter filter = new ExpressionFilter(String.format("%s <= 0.0", FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), Double.class);
            analysisPipe = new Each(analysisPipe, filter);
            // And let's sort in reverse order (high to low score)
            analysisPipe = new GroupBy(analysisPipe, new Fields(FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), true);

            // Create the sink taps
            BasePath outputPath = platform.makePath(outputDirName);
            Tap pageStatusSinkTap = platform.makeTap(platform.makeTextScheme(),
                            platform.makePath(outputPath, "page-status"), SinkMode.REPLACE);
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            Pipe pipe = new Pipe("Email Analyzer");
            pipe = new Each(pipe, new ParseEmailFunction());
            // We'll get output that has ANALYZED_EMAIL_FIELDS in it. We want to group by
            // the message-id field, and then do an aggregation on that of the scores.
            pipe = new GroupBy(pipe, new Fields(FieldNames.MESSAGE_ID));
            pipe = new Every(pipe, new CalcMessageScoreBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);

            // Now we want to sum the scores for each user, which is another grouping/summing.
            pipe = new GroupBy(pipe, new Fields(FieldNames.EMAIL_ADDRESS));
            pipe = new Every(pipe, new SumScoresBuffer(), Fields.RESULTS);
            // Let's filter out anybody with an uninteresting score.
            ExpressionFilter filter = new ExpressionFilter(String.format("%s <= 0.0", FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), Double.class);
            pipe = new Each(pipe, filter);
            // And let's sort in reverse order (high to low score)
            pipe = new GroupBy(pipe, new Fields(FieldNames.SUMMED_SCORE), true);

            // Create the output (sink tap)
            Tap sinkTap = platform.makeTap(platform.makeTextScheme(),
                            platform.makePath(outputDirName), SinkMode.REPLACE);
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Related Classes of cascading.pipe.GroupBy

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