package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plugins;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context.DataContext;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Odds;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.RealChunk;
import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World.Environment;
public class BalloonProvider extends Provider {
public BalloonProvider() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public final static BalloonProvider loadProvider(WorldGenerator generator) {
// for now
return new BalloonProvider();
//TODO need bigger balloons
//TODO need better balloons
//TODO need better strings
public void generateBalloon(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, DataContext context,
int attachX, int attachY, int attachZ, Odds odds) {
// where is the balloon
int balloonX = attachX;
int balloonY1 = attachY + 5 + odds.getRandomInt(10);
int balloonY2 = balloonY1 + 8 + odds.getRandomInt(3);
int balloonZ = attachZ;
// string please
if (attachString(chunk, balloonX, attachY, balloonY1, balloonZ)) {
// pick the colors
DyeColor primaryColor = getPrimaryColor(generator, odds);
DyeColor secondaryColor = getSecondaryColor(generator, odds);
// draw the balloon
chunk.setWool(balloonX, balloonX + 1, balloonY1, balloonY1 + 2, balloonZ, balloonZ + 1, primaryColor);
chunk.setWool(balloonX - 1, balloonX + 2, balloonY1 + 2, balloonY1 + 4, balloonZ - 1, balloonZ + 2, primaryColor);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX - 1, balloonY1 + 2, balloonZ - 1, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX - 1, balloonY1 + 2, balloonZ + 1, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX + 1, balloonY1 + 2, balloonZ - 1, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX + 1, balloonY1 + 2, balloonZ + 1, Material.AIR);
chunk.setWool(balloonX - 2, balloonX + 3, balloonY1 + 4, balloonY1 + 6, balloonZ - 2, balloonZ + 3, primaryColor);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX - 2, balloonY1 + 4, balloonZ - 2, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX - 2, balloonY1 + 4, balloonZ + 2, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX + 2, balloonY1 + 4, balloonZ - 2, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlock(balloonX + 2, balloonY1 + 4, balloonZ + 2, Material.AIR);
// for (int y = balloonY1 + 6; y < balloonY2 - 1; y++)
// chunk.setWool(balloonX - 2, balloonX + 3, y, y + 1, balloonZ - 2, balloonZ + 3, secondaryColor);
chunk.setWool(balloonX - 2, balloonX + 3, balloonY1 + 6, balloonY2 - 1, balloonZ - 2, balloonZ + 3, secondaryColor);
chunk.setWool(balloonX - 2, balloonX + 3, balloonY2 - 1, balloonY2, balloonZ - 2, balloonZ + 3, primaryColor);
chunk.setWool(balloonX - 1, balloonX + 2, balloonY2, balloonY2 + 1, balloonZ - 1, balloonZ + 2, primaryColor);
// candle in the middle
addLight(chunk, context, balloonX, balloonY2, balloonZ);
public void generateBlimp(WorldGenerator generator, RealChunk chunk, DataContext context,
int attachY, Odds odds) {
int balloonY1 = attachY + 4 + odds.getRandomInt(4);
int balloonY2 = balloonY1 + 15 + odds.getRandomInt(15);
// draw the strings
boolean strung = attachString(chunk, 7 + odds.getRandomInt(2), attachY, balloonY1 + 5, 2);
strung = attachString(chunk, 7 + odds.getRandomInt(2), attachY, balloonY1 + 5, 13) || strung;
strung = attachString(chunk, 2, attachY, balloonY1 + 5, 7 + odds.getRandomInt(2)) || strung;
strung = attachString(chunk, 13, attachY, balloonY1 + 5, 7 + odds.getRandomInt(2)) || strung;
// are we attached?
if (strung) {
// pick the colors
DyeColor primaryColor = getPrimaryColor(generator, odds);
DyeColor secondaryColor = getSecondaryColor(generator, odds);
// draw the bottom of the blimp
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 3, balloonY1 - 1, Material.WOOL, primaryColor);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 4, balloonY1, balloonY1 + 3, Material.WOOL, primaryColor);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 5, balloonY1 + 3, balloonY1 + 7, Material.WOOL, primaryColor);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 6, balloonY1 + 7, Material.WOOL, primaryColor);
// middle of the blimp
int step = 2 + odds.getRandomInt(4);
int y = balloonY1 + 8;
do {
DyeColor color = primaryColor;
if (y % step != 0)
color = secondaryColor;
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 6, y, Material.WOOL, color);
} while (y < balloonY2 - 3);
// now the top of the balloon
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 6, balloonY2 - 3, Material.WOOL, primaryColor);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 5, balloonY2 - 2, balloonY2, Material.WOOL, primaryColor);
chunk.setCircle(8, 8, 4, balloonY2, Material.WOOL, primaryColor);
// add the lights
addLight(chunk, context, 7, balloonY2, 4);
addLight(chunk, context, 8, balloonY2, 11);
addLight(chunk, context, 4, balloonY2, 8);
addLight(chunk, context, 11, balloonY2, 7);
private boolean attachString(RealChunk chunk, int x, int y1, int y2, int z) {
boolean result = !chunk.isEmpty(x, y1 - 1, z);
if (result)
chunk.setBlocks(x, y1, y2, z, Material.FENCE);
return result;
private DyeColor getPrimaryColor(WorldGenerator generator, Odds odds) {
if (generator.worldEnvironment == Environment.NETHER)
return getSecondaryColor(generator, odds);
return odds.getRandomLightColor();
private DyeColor getSecondaryColor(WorldGenerator generator, Odds odds) {
return odds.getRandomDarkColor();
private void addLight(RealChunk chunk, DataContext context, int x, int y, int z) {
chunk.setBlock(x, y, z, Material.AIR);
chunk.setBlock(x, y - 1, z, context.lightMat);