// Name: Proxy.java
// Author: Bernard.Gorman@computing.dcu.ie
// Author Martin.Fredriksson@bth.se
package soc.qase.com;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import soc.qase.com.message.ClientCommand;
import soc.qase.com.message.ClientMove;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerDisconnect;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerInventory;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerMessageHandler;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerPacketEntities;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerPrint;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerReconnect;
import soc.qase.com.message.ServerStuffText;
import soc.qase.com.packet.ClientPacket;
import soc.qase.com.packet.ConnectionlessPacket;
import soc.qase.com.packet.Packet;
import soc.qase.com.packet.Sequence;
import soc.qase.com.packet.ServerPacket;
import soc.qase.file.dm2.DM2Recorder;
import soc.qase.info.Config;
import soc.qase.info.Server;
import soc.qase.info.User;
import soc.qase.state.Action;
import soc.qase.state.Angles;
import soc.qase.state.Move;
import soc.qase.state.Velocity;
import soc.qase.state.World;
/** The Proxy class is a wrapper class for high-level communication
* between a Quake2 client and a Quake2 server. The class takes care
* of the actual connection and game-handling requirements of the API.
* It is used by an agent to connect to the simulator environment, i.e.
* it corresponds to a QASE agent interface implementation. Furthermore,
* it is used to receive information concerning itself and visual entities,
* and to perform actions in the environment. */
public class Proxy extends ServerMessageHandler implements Runnable
private int port = 0;
private String host = null;
private int clientID = 0;
private boolean connected = false;
private Thread recvThread = null;
private boolean threadSafe = false;
private CommunicationHandler communicator = null;
// information wrapper
private User user = null;
// state wrappers
private Angles angles = null;
private Velocity velocity = null;
private Action action = null;
private Move currentMove = null;
private Move previousMove = null;
private Move lastMove = null;
// game information
private boolean inGame = false;
private DM2Recorder dm2Recorder = null;
private int currentCTFTeam = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// connection information
private boolean reconnect = false;
private boolean sentChallenge = false;
private boolean sentConnect = false;
private boolean recvThreadTerminated = true;
private boolean autoInventoryRefresh = false;
private static Vector allocatedCIDs = new Vector();
private static Random numGen = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
/** Default constructor. Allocates a unique client ID and instantiates
* the DM2Recorder, in case it is needed later. */
public Proxy()
dm2Recorder = new DM2Recorder();
/** Constructor allowing the specification of user and thread safety details.
* @param user user information to be used when connecting to a
* host.
* @param highThreadSafety specifies whether the proxy should operate
* in high thread safety mode. If true, the proxy will lock itself from
* accessor and mutator calls during the processing of each block of
* incoming data. */
public Proxy(User user, boolean highThreadSafety)
this.user = user;
threadSafe = highThreadSafety;
dm2Recorder = new DM2Recorder();
/** Constructor allowing the specification of user, thread safet and
* inventory-tracking details.
* @param user user information to be used when connecting to a
* host.
* @param highThreadSafety specifies whether the proxy should operate
* in high thread safety mode. If true, the proxy will lock itself from
* accessor and mutator calls during the processing of each block of
* incoming data.
* @param trackInv specifies whether the Proxy should manually track
* the player's inventory as he collects and uses items.*/
public Proxy(User user, boolean highThreadSafety, boolean trackInv)
this.user = user;
trackInventory = trackInv;
threadSafe = highThreadSafety;
dm2Recorder = new DM2Recorder();
/** Determine and allocate a new, unused client ID number for the new
* connection.*/
private void allocateCID()
Integer[] allocatedCIDArray = null;
if(allocatedCIDs.size() > 0)
allocatedCIDArray = new Integer[allocatedCIDs.size()];
clientID = numGen.nextInt(65535) + 1;
while(allocatedCIDs.size() != 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(allocatedCIDArray, new Integer(clientID)) >= 0);
allocatedCIDs.add(new Integer(clientID));
/** Connect to specified host.
* @param host hostname of server
* @param port portnumber of server; -1 for default (27920)
* @return true if the connect call was successful, otherwise
* false. */
public synchronized boolean connect(String host, int port)
boolean result = false;
if(recvThread != null)
communicator = new CommunicationHandler(clientID);
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
if(communicator.connect(host, port))
connected = true;
result = connected;
catch(Exception e)
{ }
return result;
/** Connect to specified host.
* @param host hostname of server
* @param port portnumber of server; -1 for default (27920)
* @param recordDM2File the filename to which the game session should
* be recorded, or null if none
* @return true if the connect call was successful, otherwise
* false. */
public synchronized boolean connect(String host, int port, String recordDM2File)
if(recordDM2File != null) dm2Recorder.startRecording(recordDM2File);
return connect(host, port);
/** Disconnect from current host. Equivalent to disconnect(true).*/
public synchronized void disconnect()
/** Disconnect from current host.
* @param stopRecording specifies whether the DM2Recorder should stop
* recording the current game session; used by QASE when recording
* multi-map demos*/
public synchronized void disconnect(boolean stopRecording)
ClientPacket packet = null;
ClientCommand message = null;
if(dm2Recorder.isRecording() && stopRecording)
inGame = false;
message = new ClientCommand(clientID, "disconnect");
packet = new ClientPacket(message);
connected = false;
/** Suspends the thread until such time as the agent is spawned into the
* game environment. */
protected void waitForSpawn()
while(!(inGame() && getWorld().getPlayer().isAlive()))
/** Resolve the CTF team number of the local agent, if the current server
* is running the CTF mod.
* @return the team number of the local agent; 0 = RED, 1 = BLUE */
public int getCTFTeamNumber()
return currentCTFTeam;
/** Resolve the CTF team name of the local agent, if the current server
* is running the CTF mod.
* @return the team name of the local agent; either RED, BLUE or null
* if the agent is not currently on a team. */
public String getCTFTeamString()
return (currentCTFTeam >= 0 ? Server.CTF_STRINGS[currentCTFTeam] : null);
/** Check whether the proxy is operating in high thread safety mode.
* @return true if the proxy is operating in high thread safety mode,
* false otherwise */
public synchronized boolean getHighThreadSafety()
return threadSafe;
/** Set the thread safety level of the proxy.
* @param highThreadSafety true if the proxy should switch to high
* thread safety mode, false if it should operate under normal thread safety */
public synchronized void setHighThreadSafety(boolean highThreadSafety)
threadSafe = highThreadSafety;
/** Check if the proxy is currently engaged in a game.
* @return true if the proxy is currently engaged in a game,
* otherwise false */
public synchronized boolean inGame()
return inGame;
/** Check if the proxy is recording the current game.
* @return true if the proxy is recording the current game,
* otherwise false */
public boolean isRecording()
return dm2Recorder.isRecording();
/** Determine whether the current server is running CTF.
* @return true if the server is running CTF, false otherwise. */
public boolean isCTFServer()
return server != null && server.isCTFServer();
/** Get current state of an ongoing game.
* @return a world object representing the current gamestate */
public synchronized World getWorld()
return null;
return world;
/** Obtain the current Server object, containing information about the
* server and game session.
* @return the current server object
* @see Server */
public synchronized Server getServer()
return null;
return server;
/** Send client movement information to a connected host. This method
* does not actually send the information, but rather stores the move
* details to be transmitted at the appropriate point in the main
* Proxy thread.
* @param angles desired movement angles
* @param velocity desired movement velocity
* @param action desired movement action (attack, use, any)
* @see Angles
* @see Velocity
* @see Action*/
public void sendMovement(Angles angles, Velocity velocity, Action action)
this.angles = angles;
this.velocity = velocity;
this.action = action;
/** Initialise the agent in preparation for a game session. */
private void init()
// movement wrappers
angles = new Angles(0, 0, 0);
velocity = new Velocity(0, 0, 0);
action = new Action(false, false, false);
currentMove = new Move(angles, velocity, action, 0);
previousMove = new Move(angles, velocity, action, 0);
lastMove = new Move(angles, velocity, action, 0);
// game information
world = null;
server = null;
inGame = false;
// connection information
sentChallenge = false;
sentConnect = false;
reconnect = false;
// start proxy
recvThread = new Thread(this);
sentChallenge = true;
/** Specifies whether the Proxy should automatically request a full
* listing of the agent's inventory on each frame. This can be used in
* place of manual inventory tracking - it ensures greater accuracy, at
* the cost of increasing the amount of network traffic per update.
* @param refresh turn auto inventory refresh on/off */
public void setAutoInventoryRefresh(boolean refresh)
autoInventoryRefresh = refresh;
if(inGame() && refresh)
/** Request a full copy of the agent's current inventory. Used when
* auto inventory refresh is enabled.*/
public void refreshInventory()
/** Use the specified item, if the agent is currently in possession of it.
* Called when changing weapons.
* @param item the index of the item to use.*/
public void useItem(int item)
sendConsoleCommand("use " + world.getConfig().getConfigString(Config.SECTION_ITEM_NAMES + item));
/** Send console message to connected host. This is a blocking call
* and it will not return until the proxy receives a reliable
* answer from the connected host.
* @param command message to send */
public void sendCommand(String command)
/** Send a non-blocking console message to connected host.
* @param command message to send */
public void sendConsoleCommand(String command)
/** Constructs a new packet instructing the server to execute a command.
* Called by sendCommand and sendConsoleCommand.
* @param command the command to send to the server */
protected ClientPacket buildCommandPacket(String command)
return new ClientPacket(new ClientCommand(clientID, command));
/** Send a 'begin' message to the server, indicating the agent's intent
* to enter a game session.*/
private void sendBegin()
String command = null;
ClientPacket packet = null;
ClientCommand message = null;
message = new ClientCommand(clientID, "begin " + server.getLevelKey());
packet = new ClientPacket(message);
/** Send client movement information to a connected host. This method
* actually performs the transmission of the client's desired move.
* @see #sendMovement(Angles, Velocity, Action) */
private void sendMove()
ClientPacket packet = null;
ClientMove message = null;
lastMove = previousMove;
previousMove = currentMove;
currentMove = new Move(angles, velocity, action, communicator.getPing());
message = new ClientMove(clientID, world.getFrame(), currentMove, previousMove, lastMove, communicator.getNextSequence());
packet = new ClientPacket(message);
private void processConnectionlessPacket(ConnectionlessPacket packet)
String challengeNumber = null;
String connectResult = null;
sentChallenge = false;
challengeNumber = packet.getMessage().toString().substring(10);
sentConnect = true;
communicator.sendConnectionless("connect 34 " + clientID + " " + challengeNumber + " \"" + user.toString() + "\"");
else if(sentConnect)
sentConnect = false;
connectResult = packet.getMessage().toString();
world = new World(trackInventory);
/** Processes the ServerDisconnect message by disconnecting from the
* current game session.
* @param message the ServerDisconnect message for processing
protected void processServerDisconnect(ServerDisconnect message)
System.out.println("Processing: ServerDisconnect");
/** Processes the ServerReconnect message by disconnecting from the
* current game session and then reconnecting.
* @param message the ServerReconnect message for processing
protected void processServerReconnect(ServerReconnect message)
System.out.println("Processing: ServerReconnect");
reconnect = true;
/** Processes the ServerStuffText message by parsing the command
* string and acting accordingly.
* @param message the ServerStuffText message for processing
protected void processServerStuffText(ServerStuffText message)
System.out.println("Processing: ServerStuffText");
StringTokenizer st = null;
String currentToken = null;
st = new StringTokenizer(message.getStuffString());
currentToken = st.nextToken();
else if(currentToken.equals("precache"))
/** Processes the ServerPacketEntities message by extracting and
* storing the entity data, and marking the agent as being active
* in the game world.
* @param message the ServerPacketEntities message for processing
protected void processServerPacketEntities(ServerPacketEntities message)
inGame = true;
/** Processes the ServerInventory message by extracting and storing
* the inventory data.
* @param message the ServerInventory message for processing
protected void processServerInventory(ServerInventory message)
/** Processes the ServerPrint message by extracting and storing
* the message data. Also checks to see whether the local agent has
* switched teams in a CTF game.
* @param message the ServerPrint message for processing
protected void processServerPrint(ServerPrint message)
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if(message.getPrintString().equals(user.getName() + " joined the " + Server.CTF_STRINGS[i] + " team."))
currentCTFTeam = i;
/** The main loop of the Proxy thread. Controls server synchronisation,
* data processing, map changes, etc. */
public void run()
int lastFrameNum = 0;
byte[] incomingData = null;
recvThreadTerminated = false;
if(world != null)
lastFrameNum = world.getFrame();
incomingData = communicator.receiveData();
if(threadSafe && inGame)
if(connected && world != null && lastFrameNum != world.getFrame() && countObservers() > 0)
recvThreadTerminated = true;
catch(Exception e)
{ }
{ Thread.sleep(8000 + (int)(Math.round(Math.random() * 10000))); } // pause to allow server to restart
catch(InterruptedException ie)
{ }
reconnect = false;
final boolean ctf = isCTFServer();
server = null;
world = new World(trackInventory);
(new Thread()
public void run()
connect(host, port);
sendConsoleCommand("team " + Server.CTF_STRINGS[(currentCTFTeam >= 0 ? currentCTFTeam : (int)Math.round(Math.random()))]);
/** Process incoming data. Abstracted from the core thread loop so that
* the Proxy object may be optionally locked before this method is called.
* This thread also passes the network stream to the DM2Recorder, if
* active, for saving to file.
* @see #setHighThreadSafety(boolean)
* @see soc.qase.file.dm2.DM2Recorder */
private void processIncomingDataPacket(byte[] incomingData)
Packet packet = null;
Sequence sequenceOne = new Sequence(incomingData);
if(sequenceOne.intValue() == 0x7fffffff && sequenceOne.isReliable())
packet = new ConnectionlessPacket(incomingData);
if(inGame && dm2Recorder.isRecording())
else if(!inGame && dm2Recorder.isRecording())
if(incomingData != null)
int dataIndex = 8;
while(dataIndex != incomingData.length)
packet = new ServerPacket(incomingData, dataIndex);
dataIndex += packet.getLength();