package net.lenkaspace.creeper.view;
import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import net.lenkaspace.creeper.CRController;
import net.lenkaspace.creeper.images.CRImageProvider;
import net.lenkaspace.creeper.model.CRBaseSituatedModel;
import net.lenkaspace.creeper.model.CRSettings;
import net.lenkaspace.creeper.model.CRWorld;
import net.lenkaspace.creeper.vo.CRVector3d;
* Uses Java's native rendering techniques to display CRBaseSituatedModel objects in the world.
* @author Lenka Pitonakova
* @version 2.0
public class CRRenderer extends Component implements ActionListener {
//-- image name constants
public static String CR_BLACK_DOT = "crBlackDot.png";
public static String CR_BLUE_DOT = "crBlueDot.png";
public static String CR_GRAY_DOT = "crGrayDot.png";
public static String CR_GREEN_DOT = "crGreenDot.png";
public static String CR_PURPLE_DOT = "crPurpleDot.png";
public static String CR_RED_DOT = "crRedDot.png";
public static String CR_BLANK_CIRCLE = "crBlankCircle.png";
public static String CR_BLUE_CIRCLE = "crBlueCircle.png";
public static String CR_GRAY_CIRCLE = "crGrayCircle.png";
public static String CR_GREEN_CIRCLE = "crGreenCircle.png";
public static String CR_PURPLE_CIRCLE = "crPurpleCircle.png";
public static String CR_RED_CIRCLE = "crRedCircle.png";
public static enum DIRECTION { UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT }
protected boolean shouldOverrideNoPaint = false; //useful when CRRendered needs re-painting even though it normally shouldn't
protected CRWorld world;
protected Dimension size;
protected CRImageProvider imageProvider;
protected CRImageProvider crImageProvider;
protected CRVector3d viewPosition; //location of view's top left corner in world coordinates
protected CRController controller;
public CRRenderer(CRController controller_) {
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,650));
controller = controller_;
crImageProvider = new CRImageProvider();
viewPosition = new CRVector3d();
* Called each time interval. Calls repaint.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
* Main rendering function
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Dimension size = getSize();
//-------- draw background
g.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
CRSettings settings = CRSettings.getSingleton();
if ((settings.getIsInitDone() && settings.getShouldDraw() && settings.isTimeRunning()) || shouldOverrideNoPaint) {
if (shouldOverrideNoPaint) {
//make sure only paints once..
shouldOverrideNoPaint = false;
//-- draw all renderable objects in the world
for (CRBaseSituatedModel situatedModel : world.getSituatedModels() ) {
String imageFileName = situatedModel.getImageFileName();
if (situatedModel.isVisible() && imageFileName != null && imageFileName != "") {
//-- get the image either from Creeper native CRImageProvider or from a specified image provider
BufferedImage image;
if (imageFileName == CR_BLACK_DOT || imageFileName == CR_BLUE_DOT || imageFileName == CR_GRAY_DOT || imageFileName == CR_GREEN_DOT || imageFileName == CR_PURPLE_DOT || imageFileName == CR_RED_DOT ||
imageFileName == CR_BLANK_CIRCLE || imageFileName == CR_BLUE_CIRCLE || imageFileName == CR_GRAY_CIRCLE || imageFileName == CR_GREEN_CIRCLE || imageFileName == CR_PURPLE_CIRCLE || imageFileName == CR_RED_CIRCLE) {
image = crImageProvider.getImage(imageFileName);
} else {
image = imageProvider.getImage(imageFileName);
CRVector3d positionOnScreen = new CRVector3d(situatedModel.getPosition());
positionOnScreen.x -= viewPosition.x;
positionOnScreen.y -= viewPosition.y;
if (image != null) {
drawImageAt(image, positionOnScreen, situatedModel.getSize(), Math.toRadians(situatedModel.getRotation()), situatedModel.getAlpha(), g);
if (situatedModel.getToolTip().length() > 0) {
drawTextAt(positionOnScreen, situatedModel.getToolTip(), Color.BLACK, g);
//-------- draw border
g.setColor(new Color(0,0,0 ));
g.drawRect(0, 0, size.width-1, size.height-2);
//==================================== MOVING VIEW ===================================
public void moveView(DIRECTION direction_, int amount_) {
switch (direction_) {
case UP:
viewPosition.y -= amount_;
case DOWN:
viewPosition.y += amount_;
case LEFT:
viewPosition.x -= amount_;
case RIGHT:
viewPosition.x += amount_;
//==================================== IMAGES ========================================
* Draw an image
* @param img_ BufferedImage to draw
* @param pos_ CRVector3d position [x,y,z]
* @param rot_ double rotation in radians
* @param g Graphics object
public void drawImageAt(BufferedImage img_, CRVector3d pos_, CRVector3d size_, double rot_, double alpha_, Graphics g ) {
if (img_ != null) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
AffineTransform origXform = g2d.getTransform();
//--- rotate about image's origin:
g2d.rotate(rot_, pos_.x , pos_.y );
//-- adjust x and y based on image size:
int imgX = (int) (pos_.x - size_.x/2);
int imgY = (int) (pos_.y - size_.y/2);
AlphaComposite ac = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float)alpha_);
g2d.drawImage(img_, imgX, imgY, (int)size_.x, (int)size_.y, this);
//---- prevent the transformation from affecting other images:
* Draw text of a specified color
* @param pos_ CRVector3d position [x,y,z]
* @param string_ String text to display
* @param color_ Color color of text
* @param g Graphics object
public void drawTextAt(CRVector3d pos_, String string_, Color color_, Graphics g) {
g.drawString(string_, (int)pos_.x, (int)pos_.y);
//==================================== GETTERS / SETTERS =================================
public void setShouldOverrideNoPaint(boolean value_) { shouldOverrideNoPaint = value_; }
public void setWorld(CRWorld world_) { world = world_; }
public CRImageProvider getImageProvider() { return imageProvider; }
public void setImageProvider(CRImageProvider imageProvider_) { imageProvider = imageProvider_; }
public double getViewPositionX() { return viewPosition.x; }
public double getViewPositionY() { return viewPosition.y; }
public void setViewPosition(CRVector3d viewPosition_) {
public void centerAtViewPosition(CRVector3d viewPosition_) {
viewPosition.x -= this.getSize().getWidth()/2;
viewPosition.y -= this.getSize().getHeight()/2;
private void checkAndRedisplayViewPosition() {
if (viewPosition.x < 0) { viewPosition.x = 0; }
if (viewPosition.x > controller.getWorld().getSize().x - this.getSize().width) { viewPosition.x = controller.getWorld().getSize().x - this.getSize().width; }
if (viewPosition.y < 0) { viewPosition.y = 0; }
if (viewPosition.y > controller.getWorld().getSize().y - this.getSize().height) { viewPosition.y = controller.getWorld().getSize().y - this.getSize().height; }