package com.pointcliki.dizgruntled.logic;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Vector2f;
import com.pointcliki.core.AnimatedSprite;
import com.pointcliki.dizgruntled.GruntzGame;
import com.pointcliki.dizgruntled.Logic;
import com.pointcliki.dizgruntled.rez.MonolithANI;
import com.pointcliki.dizgruntled.rez.MonolithFile;
import com.pointcliki.dizgruntled.rez.MonolithPID;
* A logic to display level scenery, such as EyeCandies and BehindAniCandies
* @author Hugheth
* @since alpha 2.5
public class Scenery extends Logic {
* Serial key
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5379476379535274956L;
protected AnimatedSprite fAni;
protected String fSource;
protected String fRez;
protected String fRezAni;
protected String fArea;
protected boolean fBehind = false;
public void importFromWWD(String logic, String image, String animation, byte[] data) {
if (!logic.equals("EyeCandy")) {
fFixed = -1000;
fBehind = true;
fSource = "internal";
String[] s = image.split("/");
fArea = s[0].substring(0, 5);
fRez = s[2];
if (!animation.equals("")) {
s = animation.split("/");
fRezAni = s[2];
super.importFromWWD(logic, image, animation, data);
loadInternalScenery(image, animation);
public void init(Map map) {
public byte[] exportToWWD() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void importFromJSON(JSONObject object) {
if (object.optBoolean("behind", false)) {
fBehind = true;
fFixed = -1000;
fSource = object.optString("source", "internal");
fArea = object.optString("area");
fRez = object.optString("rez");
fRezAni = object.optString("ani");
if (fSource.equals("internal")) {
String image = fArea + "/IMAGEZ/" + fRez;
String animation = !object.optString("ani").equals("") ? fArea + "/ANIZ/" + fRezAni : "";
loadInternalScenery(image, animation);
public JSONObject exportToJSON() throws JSONException {
JSONObject o = super.exportToJSON();
o.put("behind", fBehind);
if (!fSource.equals("internal")) o.put("source", fSource);
if (fSource.equals("internal")) {
o.putOpt("rez", fRez);
o.putOpt("ani", fRezAni);
o.putOpt("area", fArea);
return o;
protected void loadInternalScenery(String image, String animation) {
if (animation.equals("")) {
int j = 1;
ArrayList<Image> images = new ArrayList<Image>();
ArrayList<Vector2f> offsets = new ArrayList<Vector2f>();
while (true) {
String end = j + "";
while (end.length() < 3) end = "0" + end;
MonolithFile f = GruntzGame.resourceManager().rez().file(image + "/FRAME" + end, "pid");
if (f == null) break;
MonolithPID pid = new MonolithPID(f);
fAni = new AnimatedSprite(images.toArray(new Image[images.size()]), offsets.toArray(new Vector2f[offsets.size()]));
} else {
fAni = new MonolithANI(GruntzGame.resourceManager().rez().file(animation, "ani"), image).sprite();
fAni.frame((int) Math.floor(Math.random() * fAni.frames()));
fSpan = fAni.span();
public void cleanup() {
public String toString() {
return "[Scenery]";
public void initProperties() {}
public static AnimatedSprite editorIcon(JSONObject object) throws JSONException {
MonolithPID pid = GruntzGame.resourceManager().pid(object.getString("area") + "/IMAGEZ/" + object.getString("rez") + "/FRAME001");
return new AnimatedSprite(new Image[] {pid.image()}, new Vector2f[] {pid.offset()});
public String name() {
return "Scenery";