We have to copy the data into an intermediary app ByteBuffer first, then send it through the SSLEngine.
We return the number of bytes actually read out of the filechannel. However, the data may actually be stuck in the fileChannelBB or the outNetBB. The caller is responsible for making sure to call dataFlush() before shutting down. @param fc to transfer FileChannel @param pos start position @param len length @return written length @throws Throwable A runtime exception
This may either move the file in the filesystem, copy the file in the filesystem, or save memory-held contents to the destination file. If the destination file already exists, it will be deleted first.
If the file has been moved in the filesystem, this operation cannot be invoked again. Therefore, call this method just once to be able to work with any storage mechanism. @param dest the destination file @throws IOException in case of reading or writing errors @throws IllegalStateException if the file has already been movedin the filesystem and is not available anymore for another transfer