Examples of selectNodeList()

Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()


                    try { // to signal waiting orders to start immediately
                        NodeList signalNodes = null;
                        if (this.setbackType.equalsIgnoreCase("setback")) {
                            signalNodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@setback_count > 0 and @setback != '' "+syncSessionCondition+"]");
                            spooler_log.debug9("orders being set back: " + signalNodes.getLength() + " /spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@setback_count > 0 and @setback != ''"+syncSessionCondition+"]");
                        } else {
                            signalNodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@suspended = 'yes' "+syncSessionCondition+"]");
                            spooler_log.debug9("orders being suspended: " + signalNodes.getLength() + " /spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@suspended = 'yes' "+syncSessionCondition+"]");
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                        NodeList signalNodes = null;
                        if (this.setbackType.equalsIgnoreCase("setback")) {
                            signalNodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@setback_count > 0 and @setback != '' "+syncSessionCondition+"]");
                            spooler_log.debug9("orders being set back: " + signalNodes.getLength() + " /spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@setback_count > 0 and @setback != ''"+syncSessionCondition+"]");
                        } else {
                            signalNodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@suspended = 'yes' "+syncSessionCondition+"]");
                            spooler_log.debug9("orders being suspended: " + signalNodes.getLength() + " /spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@path = '" + dependentJobChainPath + "']/job_chain_node[@state = '" + dependentNodeName + "']/order_queue/order[@suspended = 'yes' "+syncSessionCondition+"]");
                        if (signalNodes == null || signalNodes.getLength() < 1) {
                            spooler_log.info("no suspended or set back orders found in dependent job chain: " + dependentJobChainPath);
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()


       try {
        SOSXMLXPath sosxml = new SOSXMLXPath(new StringBuffer(eventXml));
         NodeList params = sosxml.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/params/param[@name='scheduler_event_service.events']");
          if (params.item(0) == null) {
               throw new Exception("no event parameters found in Job Scheduler answer");
           NamedNodeMap attrParam = params.item(0).getAttributes();
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

            eventXml = JobSchedulerEventXPath.getEventXMLAsString(eventXml);
            SOSXMLXPath xPath = new SOSXMLXPath(new StringBuffer(eventXml));
            NodeList nl = xPath.selectNodeList(eventXPath);
            if (nl != null) {
            } else {
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