Examples of selectNodeList()

Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()


                // look up the configuration for the order state
                nodeQuery = "//job_chain[@name='" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "']/order/process[@state='" + spooler_task.order().state() + "']";
                this.getLogger().debug9("lookup order node query: " + nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                if (nodeList == null || nodeList.getLength() == 0) {
                    nodeQuery = "//application[@name='" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "']/order/process[@state='" + spooler_task.order().state() + "']";
                    this.getLogger().debug9("lookup order node query: " + nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                    nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                this.getLogger().debug9("lookup order node query: " + nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                if (nodeList == null || nodeList.getLength() == 0) {
                    nodeQuery = "//application[@name='" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "']/order/process[@state='" + spooler_task.order().state() + "']";
                    this.getLogger().debug9("lookup order node query: " + nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                    nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");

                /* Diesen Block kommentiere ich mal aus, denn das ist ja immer false
                 * if (nodeQuery == null || nodeQuery.length() == 0) {
                     // look up the configuration for the job name
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

            String job = "";
            String jobChain = "";
            String orderID = "";
            SOSXMLXPath calendarDom = new SOSXMLXPath(new StringBuffer(calendarResponse));                     
            NodeList calendarNodes = calendarDom.selectNodeList("//spooler//answer//calendar//at");
            for (int i=0; i<calendarNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                at = "";
                job = "";
                jobChain = "";
                orderID = "";
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                        this.getLogger().debug3(".. parameter section with env=" + env + " found");
                        globalEnv = (env.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || env.equals("1") || env.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || env.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
                nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                for (int i=0; i<nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
                    Node node = nodeList.item(i);
                    String nodeValue = "";
                    String nodeName = "";
                    if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("param")) {
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                // look up the configuration for the order state
                nodeQuery = "//job_chain[@name='" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "']/order/process[@state='" + spooler_task.order().state() + "']";
                this.getLogger().debug9("monitor: lookup order node query for job chain: " + nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                nodeParams = xpath.selectSingleNode(nodeQuery + "/params");
                if (nodeList == null || nodeList.getLength() == 0) {
                    nodeQuery = "//application[@name='" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "']/order/process[@state='" + spooler_task.order().state() + "']";
                    this.getLogger().debug9("monitor: lookup order node query for application: " + nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                    nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                nodeParams = xpath.selectSingleNode(nodeQuery + "/params");
                if (nodeList == null || nodeList.getLength() == 0) {
                    nodeQuery = "//application[@name='" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "']/order/process[@state='" + spooler_task.order().state() + "']";
                    this.getLogger().debug9("monitor: lookup order node query for application: " + nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                    nodeList = xpath.selectNodeList(nodeQuery + "/params/param");
                    nodeParams = xpath.selectSingleNode(nodeQuery + "/params");

                // look for global env at this state
                globalEnv = false;
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                if (globalVariables.value("global_configuration_params")!=null && globalVariables.value("global_configuration_params").length()>0){
                  String globalFile = globalVariables.value("global_configuration_params");
                  getLogger().debug3("Reading global parameters from "+globalFile);
                  SOSXMLXPath globalXPath = new SOSXMLXPath(globalFile);
                  NodeList globalParams = globalXPath.selectNodeList("//params/param");
                  for (int i=0; i<globalParams.getLength(); i++) {
                        Node node = globalParams.item(i);                       
                        if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("param")) {
                            NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.getAttributes();
                            boolean hidden = false;
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()


            try { // to verify the information on the current order and current job chain
               spooler_log.debug9("---> /spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@name = '" + currentJobChainName + "' and job_chain_node/@job = '" + currentJobPath + "']");
                NodeList verifyNodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[@name = '" + currentJobChainName + "' and job_chain_node/@job = '" + currentJobPath + "']");
                if (verifyNodes == null || verifyNodes.getLength() < 1) {
                    spooler_log.info("could not identify the current job and job chain in Job Scheduler status response");

                if (verifyNodes.getLength() != 1) {
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                throw new Exception("could not pass through current order: " + ex.getMessage());
            try { // to retrieve the list of dependent job chains nodes
                nodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain/job_chain_node[@job = '" + currentJobPath + "']");
              //nodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList("/spooler/answer/state/job_chains/job_chain[( job_chain_node/@state = job_chain_node[@job = '" + currentJobPath + "']/@next_state or job_chain_node/@state = job_chain_node[@job = '" + currentJobPath + "']/@state) and ( (job_chain_node/order_queue/order/@setback_count > 0 and job_chain_node/order_queue/order/@setback != '') or job_chain_node/order_queue/order/@suspended = 'yes')]");
                // if there is only one job chain with one synchronization job node then multiple orders for the same chain get synchronized
                if (nodes != null && nodes.getLength() == 1) {
                  // handle one chain in the same way as multiple job chains
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Examples of sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath.selectNodeList()

                    } else{
                      syncSessionCondition = " and not(payload/params/param[@name='sync_session_id'])";
                    String nodeCheck = "(order_queue/order[((@setback_count > 0 and @setback != '') or @suspended = 'yes')"+syncSessionCondition+"]) | (../job_chain_node[@state='"+dependentNodeName+"']/order_queue/order[@suspended = 'yes'"+ syncSessionCondition +"])";
                    NodeList orderNodes = currentStatusXPath.selectNodeList(nodes.item(i), nodeCheck);
                    //dependentJobChainOrders = Integer.parseInt(nodes.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("orders").getNodeValue());
                    dependentJobChainOrders = orderNodes.getLength();
                    spooler_log.debug9("node list length for currently suspended/set back orders in job chain [" + dependentJobChainPath + "], state ["+dependentNodeName+"]"+syncSessionDebug+": " + dependentJobChainOrders);
                    // add the currently processed order to the number of pending orders
                    spooler_log.debug9("dependentJobChainPath="+dependentJobChainPath + " currentJobChainPath=" + currentJobChainPath + " dependentNodeName=" + dependentNodeName + " currentNodeName=" +  currentNodeName);
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