ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "loadInstaller", 1, "load installer for a previously installed component");
ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Name of the Component");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "unloadInstaller", 2, "unload an installer");
ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Name of the Component");
ph.setDescription(1, "isToBeDeleted", "true if component is to be deleted");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installSharedLibrary", 1, "Install a shared library jar");
ph.setDescription(0, "sharedLibURI", "URI for the jar to be installed");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "uninstallSharedLibrary", 1, "Uninstall a shared library jar");
ph.setDescription(0, "sharedLibName", "name of the shared library");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "install", 1, "install and deplot an archive");
ph.setDescription(0, "location", "location of archive");