return ManagementSupport.createFrameworkMessage(msg, (List) null);
public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
ParameterHelper ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(),
"installComponent", 1, "install a component");
ph.setDescription(0, "file", "location of JBI Component to install");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "uninstallComponent", 1,
"uninstall a component");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "component name to uninstall");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installSharedLibrary",
1, "install a shared library");
ph.setDescription(0, "file", "location of shared library to install");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "uninstallSharedLibrary",
1, "uninstall a shared library");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of shared library to uninstall");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installArchive", 1,
"install an archive (component/SA etc)");
ph.setDescription(0, "location", "file name or url to the location");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "startComponent", 1,
"start a component");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of component to start");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "stopComponent", 1,
"stop a component");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of component to stop");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "shutdownComponent", 1,
"shutdown a component");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of component to shutdown");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "deployServiceAssembly",
1, "deploy a service assembly");
ph.setDescription(0, "file", "location of service assembly to deploy");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(),
"undeployServiceAssembly", 1, "undeploy a service assembly");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to undeploy");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "startServiceAssembly",
1, "start a service assembly");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to start");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "stopServiceAssembly", 1,
"stop a service assembly");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to stop");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(),
"shutdownServiceAssembly", "shutdown a service assembly");
ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to shutdown");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "listComponents", 5,
"list all components installed");
ph.setDescription(0, "excludeSEs",
"if true will exclude service engines");
ph.setDescription(1, "excludeBCs",
"if true will exclude binding components");
ph.setDescription(1, "excludePojos",
"if true will exclude pojos components");
ph.setDescription(2, "requiredState",
"component state to list, if null will list all");
.setDescription(3, "sharedLibraryName",
"shared library name to list");
ph.setDescription(4, "serviceAssemblyName",
"service assembly name to list");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "listSharedLibraries", 2,
"list shared library");
ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "component name");
ph.setDescription(1, "sharedLibraryName", "shared library name");
ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "listServiceAssemblies",
3, "list service assemblies");
ph.setDescription(0, "state", "service assembly state to list");
ph.setDescription(1, "componentName", "component name");
ph.setDescription(2, "serviceAssemblyName", "service assembly name");
return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper