The move succeeds if both, this builder and {@code newParent} exist, there is no child with{@code newName} at {@code newParent} and {@code newParent} is not in the subtree of thisbuilder.
The move fails if the this builder or {@code newParent} does not exist or if there isalready a child {@code newName} at {@code newParent}.
For all remaining cases (e.g. moving a builder into its own subtree) it is left to the implementation whether the move succeeds or fails as long as the state of the involved builder stays consistent. @param newParent builder for the new parent. @param newName name of this child at the new parent @return {@code true} on success, {@code false} otherwise
. If no such feature structure exists in the underlying collection, set the iterator to the "insertion point" for fs
, i.e., to a point where the current feature structure is greater than fs
, and the previous one is less than fs
@param fs The feature structure the iterator should be set to.
@exception ConcurrentModificationException if the underlying indexes being iterated over were modified
Many aspects of the behavior of this method are inherently platform-dependent: The rename operation might not be able to move a file from one filesystem to another, it might not be atomic, and it might not succeed if a file with the destination abstract pathname already exists. @param dest The new abstract pathname for the named file @throws IOException throwed when operation not done sucessfull
using the path returned by {@link #getShortestPathTo(RoadUser,Point)}. There must be time left in the provided {@link TimeLapse}. Speed
The {@link MovingRoadUser} has to define a speed with which it wants totravel. This method uses the {@link MovingRoadUser}s speed as an upper bound, it gives no guarantee about the lower bound (i.e. the object could stand still). The actual speed of the object depends on the model implementation. A model can define constraints such as speed limits or traffic jams which can slow down a {@link MovingRoadUser}.
The time that is specified as indicated by the {@link TimeLapse} object mayor may not be consumed completely. Normally, this method will try to consume all time in the {@link TimeLapse} object. In case the destinationis reached before all time is consumed (which depends on the object's speed, the distance to the destination
and any speed constraints if available) there will be some time left in the {@link TimeLapse}.
@param object The object that is moved.
@param destination The destination position.
@param time The time that is available for travel.
@return A {@link MoveProgress} instance which details: the distancetraveled, the actual time spent traveling and the nodes which where traveled.
@see #moveTo(MovingRoadUser,RoadUser,TimeLapse)
@see #followPath(MovingRoadUser,Queue,TimeLapse)