
Examples of

            // create the entry as admin
            DN userName = new DN( "uid=" + uid + ",ou=users,ou=system" );
            adminContext.createSubcontext( entryRdn, testEntry );

            // modify the entry as the user
            DirContext userContext = getContextAs( userName, password );
            userContext.modifyAttributes( entryRdn, modOp, mods );
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        env.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, CoreContextFactory.class.getName() );
        env.put( Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ou=system" );

        DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext( env );

        ctx.createSubcontext( rdn, attrs );

        // Add the first value for description
        String description1 = "an American singer-songwriter";
        Attribute firstDescr = new BasicAttribute( "description", description1 );
        ModificationItem modification = new ModificationItem(DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, firstDescr);
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        attribute = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        attribute.add( "top" );
        attribute.add( "organizationalUnit" );
        attributes.put( attribute );
        attributes.put( "ou", "subtest" );
        ctx = ctx.createSubcontext( "ou=subtest", attributes );
        assertNotNull( ctx );

        ctx = ( DirContext ) sysRoot.lookup( "ou=subtest,ou=testing01" );
        assertNotNull( ctx );
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        attrs = getOrgUnitAttributes( "users" );
        DirContext users = ctx.createSubcontext( "ou=users", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Nelson", "Horatio Nelson", "hnelson", "secret", "hnelson@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=hnelson", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "KDC Service", "krbtgt", "secret", "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=krbtgt", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "LDAP Service", "ldap", "randall", "ldap/localhost@EXAMPLE.COM" );
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        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Nelson", "Horatio Nelson", "hnelson", "secret", "hnelson@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=hnelson", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "KDC Service", "krbtgt", "secret", "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=krbtgt", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "LDAP Service", "ldap", "randall", "ldap/localhost@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=ldap", attrs );
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        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "KDC Service", "krbtgt", "secret", "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=krbtgt", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "LDAP Service", "ldap", "randall", "ldap/localhost@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=ldap", attrs );

     * Convenience method for creating principals.
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        // Create a person, cn value is rdn
        String oldCn = "Myra Ellen Amos";
        String oldRdn = "cn=" + oldCn;
        Attributes attributes = this.getPersonAttributes( "Amos", oldCn );
        ctx.createSubcontext( oldRdn, attributes );

        // modify Rdn
        String newCn = "Tori Amos";
        String newRdn = "cn=" + newCn;
        ctx.addToEnvironment( "java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN", "true" );
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        DirContext ctx = ( DirContext ) getWiredContext( ldapServer ).lookup( "dc=example,dc=com" );
        Attributes attrs = getOrgUnitAttributes( "users" );
        DirContext users = ctx.createSubcontext( "ou=users", attrs );

        attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Nelson", "Horatio Nelson", "hnelson", "secret", "hnelson@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=hnelson", attrs );

     * Tests that the addition of an entry caused keys to be derived and added.
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        // Create a person, cn value is rdn
        String oldCn = "Myra Ellen Amos";
        String oldRdn = "cn=" + oldCn;
        Attributes attributes = this.getPersonAttributes( "Amos", oldCn );
        ctx.createSubcontext( oldRdn, attributes );

        // modify Rdn
        String newCn = "Tori Amos";
        String newRdn = "cn=" + newCn;
        ctx.addToEnvironment( "java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN", "False" );
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        // Create a person, cn value is rdn
        String oldCn = "Myra Ellen Amos";
        String oldRdn = "cn=" + oldCn;
        Attributes attributes = this.getPersonAttributes( "Amos", oldCn );
        ctx.createSubcontext( oldRdn, attributes );

        // modify Rdn
        String newCn = "Tori Amos";
        String newRdn = "cn=" + newCn;
        ctx.addToEnvironment( "java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN", "false" );
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