
Examples of

        entryOcls.add( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC );
        entryOcls.add( SchemaConstants.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_OC );
        entry.put( entryOcls );
        entry.put( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "favorite" );
        String entryRdn = "ou=favorite";
        ctx.createSubcontext( entryRdn, entry );

        // Create Alias ou=bestFruit,dc=example,dc=com to ou=favorite
        String aliasedObjectName = entryRdn + "," + ctx.getNameInNamespace();
        Attributes alias = new BasicAttributes( true ); aliasOcls = new BasicAttribute( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
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        aliasOcls.add( SchemaConstants.ALIAS_OC );
        alias.put( aliasOcls );
        alias.put( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "bestFruit" );
        alias.put( SchemaConstants.ALIASED_OBJECT_NAME_AT, aliasedObjectName );
        String rdnAlias = "ou=bestFruit";
        ctx.createSubcontext( rdnAlias, alias );

        // Remove alias and entry
        ctx.destroySubcontext( rdnAlias ); //Waiting for Connection.reply()
        ctx.destroySubcontext( entryRdn );
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        entryOcls.add( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC );
        entryOcls.add( SchemaConstants.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_OC );
        entry.put( entryOcls );
        entry.put( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "favorite" );
        String entryRdn = "ou=favorite";
        ctx.createSubcontext( entryRdn, entry );

        // Create Alias ou=bestFruit,dc=directory,dc=apache,dc=org to ou=favorite
        String aliasedObjectName = entryRdn + "," + ctx.getNameInNamespace();
        Attributes alias = new BasicAttributes( true ); aliasOcls = new BasicAttribute( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
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        aliasOcls.add( SchemaConstants.ALIAS_OC );
        alias.put( aliasOcls );
        alias.put( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "bestFruit" );
        alias.put( SchemaConstants.ALIASED_OBJECT_NAME_AT, aliasedObjectName );
        String rdnAlias = "ou=bestFruit";
        ctx.createSubcontext( rdnAlias, alias );

        // Remove alias and entry
        ctx.destroySubcontext( rdnAlias ); //Waiting for Connection.reply()
        ctx.destroySubcontext( entryRdn );
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        DirContext ctx = ( DirContext ) getWiredContext( getLdapServer() ).lookup( "dc=example,dc=com" );
        Attributes attrs = getOrgUnitAttributes( "users" );
        DirContext users = ctx.createSubcontext( "ou=users", attrs );

        attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Nelson", "Horatio Nelson", "hnelson", "secret", "hnelson@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=hnelson", attrs );

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        env.put( "", "simple" );
        env.put( "java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary", "krb5key" );
        DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext( env );

        Attributes attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Quist", "Thomas Quist", "tquist", "randomKey", "tquist@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        ctx.createSubcontext( "uid=tquist", attrs );

        attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Fryer", "John Fryer", "jfryer", "randomKey", "jfryer@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        ctx.createSubcontext( "uid=jfryer", attrs );

        String[] attrIDs =
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        Attributes attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Quist", "Thomas Quist", "tquist", "randomKey", "tquist@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        ctx.createSubcontext( "uid=tquist", attrs );

        attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Fryer", "John Fryer", "jfryer", "randomKey", "jfryer@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        ctx.createSubcontext( "uid=jfryer", attrs );

        String[] attrIDs =
            { "uid", "userPassword", "krb5Key" };

        Attributes tquistAttrs = ctx.getAttributes( "uid=tquist", attrIDs );
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        attrs = getOrgUnitAttributes( "users" );
        DirContext users = ctx.createSubcontext( "ou=users", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Nelson", "Horatio Nelson", "hnelson", "secret", "hnelson@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=hnelson", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "KDC Service", "krbtgt", "secret", "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=krbtgt", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "LDAP Service", "ldap", "randall", servicePrincipalName );
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        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Nelson", "Horatio Nelson", "hnelson", "secret", "hnelson@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=hnelson", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "KDC Service", "krbtgt", "secret", "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=krbtgt", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "LDAP Service", "ldap", "randall", servicePrincipalName );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=ldap", attrs );
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        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "KDC Service", "krbtgt", "secret", "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=krbtgt", attrs );

        attrs = getPrincipalAttributes( "Service", "LDAP Service", "ldap", "randall", servicePrincipalName );
        users.createSubcontext( "uid=ldap", attrs );

     * Convenience method for creating principals.
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