Package java.math

Examples of java.math.BigDecimal.compareTo()

                if (paymentApplyAvailable.compareTo(ZERO) == 0) {
                    newPaymentApplyAvailable = paymentApplyAvailable.add(paymentApplication.getBigDecimal("amountApplied")).subtract(amountApplied).setScale(DECIMALS, ROUNDING);
                } else {
                    newPaymentApplyAvailable = paymentApplyAvailable.add(paymentApplyAvailable).subtract(amountApplied).setScale(DECIMALS, ROUNDING);
                if (newPaymentApplyAvailable.compareTo(ZERO) < 0) {
                            UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("paymentId", paymentId,
                                    "paymentApplyAvailable", paymentApplyAvailable.add(paymentApplication.getBigDecimal("amountApplied")),
                                    "amountApplied", amountApplied), locale));
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            Debug.logWarning(e, "Error invoking getInventoryAvailableByFacility service in isCatalogInventoryAvailable", module);
            return false;

        // check to see if we got enough back...
        if (availableToPromise.compareTo(quantity) >= 0) {
            if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("Inventory IS available in facility with id " + inventoryFacilityId + " for product id " + productId + "; desired quantity is " + quantity + ", available quantity is " + availableToPromise, module);
            return true;
        } else {
            if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("Returning false because there is insufficient inventory available in facility with id " + inventoryFacilityId + " for product id " + productId + "; desired quantity is " + quantity + ", available quantity is " + availableToPromise, module);
            return false;
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        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(currencyUom)) {
            currencyUom = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "", "USD");

        // validate the amount
        if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError,
                    "AccountingFinAccountMustBePositive", locale));

        GenericValue finAccount;
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        // make sure balance is not null
        if (actualBalance == null) {
            actualBalance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO;
        } else {
            if (actualBalance.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
                // balance went below zero, set negative pending replenishment status so that no more auths or captures will go through until it is replenished
                try {
                    Map<String, Object> rollbackCtx = UtilMisc.toMap("userLogin", userLogin, "finAccountId", finAccountId, "statusId", "FNACT_NEGPENDREPL");
                    dispatcher.addRollbackService("updateFinAccount", rollbackCtx, true);
                } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
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            Debug.logWarning("finAccountReplenish Warning: not replenishing FinAccount [" + finAccountId  + "] because ProductStoreFinActSetting.replenishThreshold field was null for: " + psfasFindMap, module);
            return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();

        BigDecimal replenishLevel = finAccount.getBigDecimal("replenishLevel");
        if (replenishLevel == null || replenishLevel.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
            Debug.logWarning("finAccountReplenish Warning: not replenishing FinAccount [" + finAccountId  + "] because FinAccount.replenishLevel field was null or 0", module);
            // no replenish level set; this account goes not support auto-replenish
            return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
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        // get the current balance
        BigDecimal balance = finAccount.getBigDecimal("actualBalance");

        // see if we are within the threshold for replenishment
        if (balance.compareTo(replenishThreshold) > -1) {
            Debug.logInfo("finAccountReplenish Info: Not replenishing FinAccount [" + finAccountId  + "] because balance [" + balance + "] is greater than the replenishThreshold [" + replenishThreshold + "]", module);
            // not ready
            return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
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                if (previous == null) previous = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                BigDecimal current = (BigDecimal) redeemResult.get("amount");
                if (current == null) current = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                BigDecimal redeemed = previous.subtract(current);
                Debug.logInfo("Redeemed (" + amount + "): " + redeemed + " / " + previous + " : " + current, module);
                if (redeemed.compareTo(amount) < 0) {
                    // we didn't redeem enough void the transaction and return false
                    Map<String, Object> voidResult = null;
                    try {
                        voidResult = dispatcher.runSync("voidRedeemGiftCard", redeemCtx);
                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
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            parameterMap.put("L_DESC" + line, item.getDescription());
            parameterMap.put("L_AMT" + line, item.getBasePrice().setScale(2).toPlainString());
            parameterMap.put("L_QTY" + line, item.getQuantity().toBigInteger().toString());
            BigDecimal otherAdjustments = item.getOtherAdjustments();
            if (otherAdjustments.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                parameterMap.put("L_NAME" + line, item.getName() + " Adjustments");
                parameterMap.put("L_DESC" + line, "Adjustments for item: " + item.getName());
                parameterMap.put("L_AMT" + line, otherAdjustments.setScale(2).toPlainString());
                parameterMap.put("L_QTY" + line, "1");
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                parameterMap.put("L_QTY" + line, "1");
        BigDecimal otherAdjustments = cart.getOrderOtherAdjustmentTotal();
        if (otherAdjustments.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
            parameterMap.put("L_NAME" + line, "Order Adjustments");
            parameterMap.put("L_AMT" + line, otherAdjustments.setScale(2).toPlainString());
            parameterMap.put("L_QTY" + line, "1");
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        String orderPaymentPreferenceId = (String) context.get("orderPaymentPreferenceId");
        BigDecimal overrideAmount = (BigDecimal) context.get("overrideAmount");

        // validate overrideAmount if its available
        if (overrideAmount != null) {
            if (overrideAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError,
                        UtilMisc.toMap("overrideAmount", overrideAmount), locale));
            if (overrideAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
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