Package java.math

Examples of java.math.BigDecimal.compareTo()

                        "inventoryItemTypeId", "NON_SERIAL_INV_ITEM");
                serviceContext.put("facilityId", productionRun.getGenericValue().getString("facilityId"));
                serviceContext.put("datetimeReceived", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp());
                serviceContext.put("comments", "Created by production run " + productionRunId);
                serviceContext.put("lotId", lotId);
                if (unitCost.compareTo(ZERO) != 0) {
                    serviceContext.put("unitCost", unitCost);
                serviceContext.put("userLogin", userLogin);
                Map<String, Object> resultService = dispatcher.runSync("createInventoryItem", serviceContext);
                String inventoryItemId = (String)resultService.get("inventoryItemId");
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        if (quantityToProduce == null) {
            quantityToProduce = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal minimumQuantityProducedByTask = quantityProduced.add(quantity);
        if (minimumQuantityProducedByTask.compareTo(quantityToProduce) > 0) {
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ManufacturingQuantityProducedIsHigherThanQuantityDeclared", locale));

        List<GenericValue> tasks = productionRun.getProductionRunRoutingTasks();
        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) {
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        String productId = (String)context.get("productId");
        // Optional input fields
        BigDecimal quantity = (BigDecimal)context.get("quantity");
        String lotId = (String)context.get("lotId");
        Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
        if (quantity == null || quantity.compareTo(ZERO) == 0) {
            return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        // Verify how many items of the given productId
        // are currently assigned to this task.
        // If less than passed quantity then return an error message.
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        if (issueRequiredComponents.booleanValue() && addQuantityProduced.compareTo(ZERO) > 0) {
            BigDecimal quantityToProduce = theTask.getBigDecimal("quantityToProduce");
            if (quantityToProduce == null) {
                quantityToProduce = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            if (quantityToProduce.compareTo(ZERO) > 0) {
                try {
                    List<GenericValue> components = theTask.getRelated("WorkEffortGoodStandard");
                    for (GenericValue component : components) {
                        BigDecimal totalRequiredMaterialQuantity = component.getBigDecimal("estimatedQuantity").multiply(totalQuantityProduced).divide(quantityToProduce, rounding);
                        // now get the units that have been already issued and subtract them
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                            if (issued != null) {
                                totalIssued = totalIssued.add(issued);
                        BigDecimal requiredQuantity = totalRequiredMaterialQuantity.subtract(totalIssued);
                        if (requiredQuantity.compareTo(ZERO) > 0) {
                            GenericPK key = component.getPrimaryKey();
                            Map<String, Object> componentsLocation = null;
                            if (componentsLocationMap != null) {
                                componentsLocation = UtilGenerics.checkMap(componentsLocationMap.get(key));
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                existingAtp = existingAtp.subtract(orderItem.getBigDecimal("quantity"));

            if (Debug.verboseOn()) { Debug.logVerbose("Order item [" + orderItem + "] Existing ATP = [" + existingAtp + "]", module); }
            // we only need to produce more marketing packages if there isn't enough in stock.
            if (existingAtp.compareTo(ZERO) < 0) {
                // how many should we produce?  If there already is some inventory, then just produce enough to bring ATP back up to zero.
                BigDecimal qtyRequired = BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract(existingAtp);
                // ok so that's how many we WANT to produce, but let's check how many we can actually produce based on the available components
                Map<String, Object> serviceContext = FastMap.newInstance();
                serviceContext.put("productId", orderItem.getString("productId"));
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                Map<String, Object> resultService = dispatcher.runSync("getMktgPackagesAvailable", serviceContext);
                BigDecimal mktgPackagesAvailable = (BigDecimal) resultService.get("availableToPromiseTotal");

                BigDecimal qtyToProduce = qtyRequired.min(mktgPackagesAvailable);

                if (qtyToProduce.compareTo(ZERO) > 0) {
                    if (Debug.verboseOn()) { Debug.logVerbose("Required quantity (all orders) = [" + qtyRequired + "] quantity to produce = [" + qtyToProduce + "]", module); }

                    serviceContext.put("pRQuantity", qtyToProduce);
                    serviceContext.put("startDate", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp());
                    //serviceContext.put("workEffortName", "");
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            if (quantity != null) {
                serviceContext.put("quantity", quantity);
            resultService = dispatcher.runSync("issueInventoryItemToWorkEffort", serviceContext);
            BigDecimal issuedQuantity = (BigDecimal)resultService.get("quantityIssued");
            if (issuedQuantity.compareTo(ZERO) == 0) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ManufacturingProductionRunCannotDecomposingInventoryItemNoMarketingPackagesFound", UtilMisc.toMap("inventoryItemId", inventoryItem.getString("inventoryItemId")), locale));
            // get the package's unit cost to compute a cost coefficient ratio which is the marketing package's actual unit cost divided by its standard cost
            // this ratio will be used to determine the cost of the marketing package components when they are returned to inventory
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                BigDecimal qtyProduced = genericResult.getBigDecimal("quantityProduced");
                if (qtyProduced == null) {
                    qtyProduced = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                if (qtyProduced.compareTo(qtyToProduce) >= 0) {
                BigDecimal qtyDiff = qtyToProduce.subtract(qtyProduced);
                String productId =  genericResult.getString("productId");
                Timestamp estimatedShipDate = genericResult.getTimestamp("estimatedCompletionDate");
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                // iterate and 'reserve'
                for(Timestamp currentDate : subsetMap.keySet()) {
                    Map<String, Object> currentDateMap = UtilGenerics.checkMap(subsetMap.get(currentDate));
                    //List reservations = (List)currentDateMap.get("reservations");
                    BigDecimal remainingQty = (BigDecimal)currentDateMap.get("remainingQty");
                    if (remainingQty.compareTo(ZERO) == 0) {
                    if (remainingQty.compareTo(quantityNotAvailableRem) >= 0) {
                        remainingQty = remainingQty.subtract(quantityNotAvailableRem);
                        currentDateMap.put("remainingQty", remainingQty);
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