Hides tool window. If the window is active then the method deactivates it. Does nothing if tool window isn't visible.
@param runnable A command to execute right after the window hides. The call is asynchronous since it may require animation.
@exception IllegalStateException if tool window isn't installed.
Hide this Window, its subcomponents, and all of its owned children. The Window and its subcomponents can be made visible again with a call to {@code show}.
@see #show
@see #dispose
@deprecated As of JDK version 1.5, replaced by{@link #setVisible(boolean)}.
Makes this object invisible, so it is not added in any perception. This method is not callable directly from the object once it has been added to a zone. If it is already added, this method must be called from IRPZone.hide()
Hides the item in the context. After remove(key) has been called, a get(key) will always fail, even if the parent context has such a mapping.
@param key the items key
@throws IllegalStateException if context is read only
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