"Ah, I see you have that flask. #Tad needs medicine, right? Hmm... I'll need a #herb. Can you help?",
engineIlisa.step(player, "yes");
assertEquals("North of Semos, near the tree grove, grows a herb called arandula. Here is a picture I drew so you know what to look for.",getReply(ilisa));
assertEquals("corpse&herbs", player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT));
engineIlisa.step(player, "tad");
assertEquals("He needs a very powerful potion to heal himself. He offers a good reward to anyone who will help him.", getReply(ilisa));
engineIlisa.step(player, ConversationPhrases.GOODBYE_MESSAGES.get(0));
assertEquals("Bye.", getReply(ilisa));
engineTad.step(player, ConversationPhrases.GREETING_MESSAGES.get(0));