Examples of encode()

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.TransitedEncoding.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( transitedEncoding.computeLength() );

            bb = transitedEncoding.encode( bb );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( len, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.TypedData.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( typedData.computeLength() );

            bb = typedData.encode( bb );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x21, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.ApRep.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = apRep.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x21, encodedPdu.limit() );
        catch ( EncoderException ee )

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.ApReq.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = apReq.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x6C, encodedPdu.limit() );
        catch ( EncoderException ee )

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.AsRep.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = asRep.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0xAC, encodedPdu.limit() );
        catch ( EncoderException ee )

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.AsReq.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = asReq.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x193, encodedPdu.limit() );
        catch ( EncoderException ee )

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.Authenticator.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = authenticator.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x95, encodedPdu.limit() );
            assertEquals( decodedPdu, Strings.dumpBytes( encodedPdu.array() ) );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.ChangePasswdData.encode()

        assertArrayEquals( "secret".getBytes(), chngPwdData.getNewPasswd() );
        assertEquals( "krbtgt", chngPwdData.getTargName().getNameString() );
        assertEquals( "EXAMPLE.COM", chngPwdData.getTargRealm() );

        String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( chngPwdData.encode( null ).array() );
        assertEquals( decodedPdu, encodedPdu );


Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.EncApRepPart.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = encApRepPart.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x33, encodedPdu.limit() );
            assertEquals( decodedPdu, Strings.dumpBytes( encodedPdu.array() ) );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.messages.EncAsRepPart.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = encAsRepPart.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0xA2, encodedPdu.limit() );
        catch ( EncoderException ee )
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