Examples of encode()

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.ETypeInfo2Entry.encode()

        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( etypeInfo2Entry.computeLength() );

            bb = etypeInfo2Entry.encode( bb );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x17, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.ETypeInfoEntry.encode()

        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( etypeInforEntry.computeLength() );

            bb = etypeInforEntry.encode( bb );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x0F, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.EncKdcRepPart.encode()

            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( computedLen );

            encKdcRepPart.encode( bb );

            String encoded = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );
            assertEquals( decoded, encoded );
        catch ( EncoderException e )

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.EncKrbCredPart.encode()

                f = EncKrbCrePartFieldNameMap.get( Strings.toLowerCase( fieldValHolder.fieldName ) );
                f.set( expected, fieldValHolder.value );

            ByteBuffer stream = ByteBuffer.allocate( expected.computeLength() );
            expected.encode( stream );

            Asn1Decoder decoder = new Asn1Decoder();
            EncKrbCredPartContainer container = new EncKrbCredPartContainer( stream );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.EncKrbPrivPart.encode()

            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( computedLen );

            encKrbPrivPart.encode( bb );

            String encoded = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );
            assertEquals( decoded, encoded );
        catch ( EncoderException e )

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.EncryptedData.encode()

        PaEncTsEnc encryptedTimeStamp = new PaEncTsEnc( timeStamp, 0 );

        EncryptedData encryptedData = lockBox.seal( clientKey, encryptedTimeStamp, KeyUsage.AS_REQ_PA_ENC_TIMESTAMP_WITH_CKEY );

        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( encryptedData.computeLength() );
        byte[] encodedEncryptedData = encryptedData.encode( buffer ).array();

        PaData preAuth = new PaData();
        preAuth.setPaDataType( PaDataType.PA_ENC_TIMESTAMP );
        preAuth.setPaDataValue( encodedEncryptedData );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.EncryptionKey.encode()

        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( encKey.computeLength() );

            bb = encKey.encode( bb );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x11, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.HostAddress.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( hostAddress.computeLength() );

            bb = hostAddress.encode( bb );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x16, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.HostAddresses.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate( hostAddresses.computeLength() );

            bb = hostAddresses.encode( bb );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x44, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.kerberos.components.KdcRep.encode()

        // Check the encoding
        ByteBuffer encodedPdu = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );

            encodedPdu = kdcRep.encode( encodedPdu );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0xAC, encodedPdu.limit() );
        catch ( EncoderException ee )
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