int newZ = Math.max(getZ(), mainDamageDealer.getZ()) + 20; // TODO: temp hack, do somethign nicer when we have geodatas
// Init the dropped L2ItemInstance and add it in the world as a visible object at the position where mob was last
ditem = ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), mainDamageDealer, this);
ditem.dropMe(this, newX, newY, newZ);
// Add drop to auto destroy item task
if(Config.AUTODESTROY_ITEM_AFTER > 0 && ditem.getItemType() != L2EtcItemType.HERB || Config.HERB_AUTO_DESTROY_TIME > 0 && ditem.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.HERB)