Package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model

Source Code of com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Attackable$OnKillNotifyTask

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javolution.util.FastList;
import javolution.util.FastMap;

import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.ItemTable;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.managers.CursedWeaponsManager;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.base.SoulCrystal;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.script.EventDroplist;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.script.EventDroplist.DateDrop;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.skills.Stats;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2EtcItemType;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2Item;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.daemons.ItemsAutoDestroy;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.util.Util;
import com.l2jfrozen.util.random.Rnd;

* This class manages all NPC that can be attacked.<BR>
* <BR>
* L2Attackable :<BR>
* <BR>
* <li>L2ArtefactInstance</li> <li>L2FriendlyMobInstance</li> <li>L2MonsterInstance</li> <li>L2SiegeGuardInstance</li>
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/04/13 02:11:03 $
* @author scoria dev
public class L2Attackable extends L2NpcInstance
  //protected static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2Attackable.class.getName());

   * This class contains all AggroInfo of the L2Attackable against the attacker L2Character.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Data</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>attacker : The attaker L2Character concerned by this AggroInfo of this L2Attackable</li> <li>hate : Hate
   * level of this L2Attackable against the attaker L2Character (hate = damage)</li> <li>damage : Number of damages
   * that the attaker L2Character gave to this L2Attackable</li><BR>
   * <BR>
  public final class AggroInfo
    /** The attaker L2Character concerned by this AggroInfo of this L2Attackable */
    protected L2Character _attacker;

    /** Hate level of this L2Attackable against the attaker L2Character (hate = damage) */
    protected int _hate;

    /** Number of damages that the attaker L2Character gave to this L2Attackable */
    protected int _damage;

     * Constructor of AggroInfo.<BR>
     * <BR>
     * @param pAttacker
    AggroInfo(L2Character pAttacker)
      _attacker = pAttacker;

     * Verify is object is equal to this AggroInfo.<BR>
     * <BR>
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
      if(this == obj)
        return true;

      if(obj instanceof AggroInfo)
        return ((AggroInfo) obj)._attacker == _attacker;

      return false;

     * Return the Identifier of the attacker L2Character.<BR>
     * <BR>
    public int hashCode()
      return _attacker.getObjectId();


   * This class contains all RewardInfo of the L2Attackable against the any attacker L2Character, based on amount of
   * damage done.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Data</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>attacker : The attacker L2Character concerned by this RewardInfo of this L2Attackable</li> <li>dmg : Total
   * amount of damage done by the attacker to this L2Attackable (summon + own)</li>
  protected final class RewardInfo
    protected L2Character _attacker;
    protected int _dmg = 0;

    public RewardInfo(L2Character pAttacker, int pDmg)
      _attacker = pAttacker;
      _dmg = pDmg;

    public void addDamage(int pDmg)
      _dmg += pDmg;

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
      if(this == obj)
        return true;

      if(obj instanceof RewardInfo)
        return ((RewardInfo) obj)._attacker == _attacker;

      return false;

    public int hashCode()
      return _attacker.getObjectId();

   * This class contains all AbsorberInfo of the L2Attackable against the absorber L2Character.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Data</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>absorber : The attacker L2Character concerned by this AbsorberInfo of this L2Attackable</li>
  public final class AbsorberInfo
    /** The attacker L2Character concerned by this AbsorberInfo of this L2Attackable */
    protected L2PcInstance _absorber;
    protected int _crystalId;
    protected double _absorbedHP;

     * Constructor of AbsorberInfo.<BR>
     * <BR>
     * @param attacker
     * @param pCrystalId
     * @param pAbsorbedHP
    AbsorberInfo(L2PcInstance attacker, int pCrystalId, double pAbsorbedHP)
      _absorber = attacker;
      _crystalId = pCrystalId;
      _absorbedHP = pAbsorbedHP;

     * Verify is object is equal to this AbsorberInfo.<BR>
     * <BR>
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
      if(this == obj)
        return true;

      if(obj instanceof AbsorberInfo)
        return ((AbsorberInfo) obj)._absorber == _absorber;

      return false;

     * Return the Identifier of the absorber L2Character.<BR>
     * <BR>
    public int hashCode()
      return _absorber.getObjectId();

   * This class is used to create item reward lists instead of creating item instances.<BR>
   * <BR>
  public final class RewardItem
    protected int _itemId;
    protected int _count;

    public RewardItem(int itemId, int count)
      _itemId = itemId;
      _count = count;

    public int getItemId()
      return _itemId;

    public int getCount()
      return _count;

   * The table containing all autoAttackable L2Character in its Aggro Range and L2Character that attacked the
   * L2Attackable This Map is Thread Safe, but Removing Object While Interating Over It Will Result NPE
  private FastMap<L2Character, AggroInfo> _aggroList = new FastMap<L2Character, AggroInfo>().shared();

  /** Use this to Read or Put Object to this Map
   * @return */
  public final FastMap<L2Character, AggroInfo> getAggroListRP()
    return _aggroList;

   * Use this to Remove Object from this Map This Should be Synchronized While Interacting over This Map - ie u cant
   * Interacting and removing object at once
   * @return
  public final FastMap<L2Character, AggroInfo> getAggroList()
    return _aggroList;

  private boolean _isReturningToSpawnPoint = false;

  public final boolean isReturningToSpawnPoint()
    return _isReturningToSpawnPoint;

  public final void setisReturningToSpawnPoint(boolean value)
    _isReturningToSpawnPoint = value;

  private boolean _canReturnToSpawnPoint = true;

  public final boolean canReturnToSpawnPoint()
    return _canReturnToSpawnPoint;

  public final void setCanReturnToSpawnPoint(boolean value)
    _canReturnToSpawnPoint = value;

  /** Table containing all Items that a Dwarf can Sweep on this L2Attackable */
  private RewardItem[] _sweepItems;

  /** crops */
  private RewardItem[] _harvestItems;
  private boolean _seeded;
  private int _seedType = 0;
  private L2PcInstance _seeder = null;

  /** True if an over-hit enabled skill has successfully landed on the L2Attackable */
  private boolean _overhit;

  /** Stores the extra (over-hit) damage done to the L2Attackable when the attacker uses an over-hit enabled skill */
  private double _overhitDamage;

  /** Stores the attacker who used the over-hit enabled skill on the L2Attackable */
  private L2Character _overhitAttacker;

  /** First CommandChannel who attacked the L2Attackable and meet the requirements **/
  private volatile L2CommandChannel _firstCommandChannelAttacked = null;
  private CommandChannelTimer _commandChannelTimer = null;
  private long _commandChannelLastAttack = 0;
  /** True if a Soul Crystal was successfuly used on the L2Attackable */
  private boolean _absorbed;

  /** The table containing all L2PcInstance that successfuly absorbed the soul of this L2Attackable */
  private FastMap<L2PcInstance, AbsorberInfo> _absorbersList = new FastMap<L2PcInstance, AbsorberInfo>().shared();

  /** Have this L2Attackable to reward Exp and SP on Die? **/
  private boolean _mustGiveExpSp;

  public L2Character _mostHated;
   * Constructor of L2Attackable (use L2Character and L2NpcInstance constructor).<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>Call the L2Character constructor to set the _template of the L2Attackable (copy skills from template to
   * object and link _calculators to NPC_STD_CALCULATOR)</li> <li>Set the name of the L2Attackable</li> <li>Create a
   * RandomAnimation Task that will be launched after the calculated delay if the server allow it</li><BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param objectId Identifier of the object to initialized
   * @param template
  public L2Attackable(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
    super(objectId, template);
    getKnownList(); // init knownlist
    _mustGiveExpSp = true;

  public AttackableKnownList getKnownList()
    if(super.getKnownList() == null || !(super.getKnownList() instanceof AttackableKnownList))
      setKnownList(new AttackableKnownList(this));

    return (AttackableKnownList) super.getKnownList();

   * Return the L2Character AI of the L2Attackable and if its null create a new one.<BR>
   * <BR>
  public L2CharacterAI getAI()
    if(_ai == null)
      synchronized (this)
        if(_ai == null)
          _ai = new L2AttackableAI(new AIAccessor());
    return _ai;

  // get condition to hate, actually isAggressive() is checked
  // by monster and karma by guards in motheds that overwrite this one.
   * Not used.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param target
   * @return
   * @deprecated
  public boolean getCondition2(L2Character target)
    if(target instanceof L2FolkInstance || target instanceof L2DoorInstance)
      return false;

    if(target.isAlikeDead() || !isInsideRadius(target, getAggroRange(), false, false) || Math.abs(getZ() - target.getZ()) > 100)
      return false;

    return !target.isInvul();

   * Reduce the current HP of the L2Attackable.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param damage The HP decrease value
   * @param attacker The L2Character who attacks
  public void reduceCurrentHp(double damage, L2Character attacker)
    reduceCurrentHp(damage, attacker, true);

   * Reduce the current HP of the L2Attackable, update its _aggroList and launch the doDie Task if necessary.<BR>
   * @param attacker The L2Character who attacks
   * @param awake The awake state (If True : stop sleeping)
  public void reduceCurrentHp(double damage, L2Character attacker, boolean awake)
    if ((this instanceof L2SiegeGuardInstance) && (attacker instanceof L2SiegeGuardInstance))
        //if((this.getEffect(L2Effect.EffectType.CONFUSION)!=null) && (attacker.getEffect(L2Effect.EffectType.CONFUSION)!=null))

    if ((this instanceof L2MonsterInstance)&&(attacker instanceof L2MonsterInstance))
        if((this.getEffect(L2Effect.EffectType.CONFUSION)!=null) && (attacker.getEffect(L2Effect.EffectType.CONFUSION)!=null))

    if (isRaid() && attacker != null && attacker.getParty() != null
        && attacker.getParty().isInCommandChannel() && attacker.getParty().getCommandChannel().meetRaidWarCondition(this))
      if (_firstCommandChannelAttacked == null) //looting right isn't set
        synchronized (this)
          if (_firstCommandChannelAttacked == null)
            _firstCommandChannelAttacked = attacker.getParty().getCommandChannel();
            if (_firstCommandChannelAttacked != null)
              _commandChannelTimer = new CommandChannelTimer(this);
              _commandChannelLastAttack = System.currentTimeMillis();
              ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(_commandChannelTimer, 10000); // check for last attack
              _firstCommandChannelAttacked.broadcastToChannelMembers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_ALL, "", "You have looting rights!")); //TODO: retail msg
      else if (attacker.getParty().getCommandChannel().equals(_firstCommandChannelAttacked)) //is in same channel
        _commandChannelLastAttack = System.currentTimeMillis(); // update last attack time
    // CommandChannel
    if(_commandChannelTimer == null && isRaid() && attacker != null)
      if(attacker.isInParty() && attacker.getParty().isInCommandChannel() && attacker.getParty().getCommandChannel().meetRaidWarCondition(this))
        _firstCommandChannelAttacked = attacker.getParty().getCommandChannel();
        _commandChannelTimer = new CommandChannelTimer(this, attacker.getParty().getCommandChannel());
        ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(_commandChannelTimer, 300000); // 5 min
        _firstCommandChannelAttacked.broadcastToChannelMembers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_ALL, "", "You have looting rights!"));

    // Add damage and hate to the attacker AggroInfo of the L2Attackable _aggroList
    if(attacker != null)
      addDamage(attacker, (int) damage);

    // If this L2Attackable is a L2MonsterInstance and it has spawned minions, call its minions to battle
    if(this instanceof L2MonsterInstance)
      L2MonsterInstance master = (L2MonsterInstance) this;

      if(this instanceof L2MinionInstance)
        master = ((L2MinionInstance) this).getLeader();

        if(!master.isInCombat() && !master.isDead())
          master.addDamage(attacker, 1);


      master = null;

    // Reduce the current HP of the L2Attackable and launch the doDie Task if necessary
    super.reduceCurrentHp(damage, attacker, awake);

  public synchronized void setMustRewardExpSp(boolean value)
    _mustGiveExpSp = value;

  public synchronized boolean getMustRewardExpSP()
    return _mustGiveExpSp;

   * Kill the L2Attackable (the corpse disappeared after 7 seconds), distribute rewards (EXP, SP, Drops...) and notify Quest Engine.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>Distribute Exp and SP rewards to L2PcInstance (including Summon owner) that hit the L2Attackable and to their Party members</li> <li>Notify the Quest Engine of the L2Attackable death if necessary</li> <li>Kill the L2NpcInstance (the corpse disappeared after 7 seconds)</li><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : This method DOESN'T GIVE rewards to L2PetInstance</B></FONT><BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param killer The L2Character that has killed the L2Attackable
  public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
    // Kill the L2NpcInstance (the corpse disappeared after 7 seconds)
    if (!super.doDie(killer))
      return false;
    // Enhance soul crystals of the attacker if this L2Attackable had its soul absorbed
      if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance)
    catch (Exception e)
      _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
    // Notify the Quest Engine of the L2Attackable death if necessary
      if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance || killer instanceof L2Summon)
        L2PcInstance player = killer instanceof L2PcInstance ? (L2PcInstance) killer : ((L2Summon) killer).getOwner();
        // only 1 randomly choosen quest of all quests registered to this character can be applied
        for (Quest quest : getTemplate().getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_KILL))
          quest.notifyKill(this, player, killer instanceof L2Summon);
    catch (Exception e)
      _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
    // TODO
      // Set champion on next spawn
      if (!(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance) && !(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance) && this instanceof L2MonsterInstance
      /* && !getTemplate().isQuestMonster */&& Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_FREQUENCY > 0 && getLevel() >= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMP_MIN_LVL && getLevel() <= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMP_MAX_LVL)
        int random = Rnd.get(100);
        if (random < Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_FREQUENCY)
    return true

  class OnKillNotifyTask implements Runnable
    private L2Attackable _attackable;
    private Quest _quest;
    private L2PcInstance _killer;
    private boolean _isPet;

    public OnKillNotifyTask(L2Attackable attackable, Quest quest, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isPet)
      _attackable = attackable;
      _quest = quest;
      _killer = killer;
      _isPet = isPet;

    public void run()
      _quest.notifyKill(_attackable, _killer, _isPet);

   * Distribute Exp and SP rewards to L2PcInstance (including Summon owner) that hit the L2Attackable and to their
   * Party members.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>Get the L2PcInstance owner of the L2SummonInstance (if necessary) and L2Party in progress</li> <li>Calculate
   * the Experience and SP rewards in function of the level difference</li> <li>Add Exp and SP rewards to L2PcInstance
   * (including Summon penalty) and to Party members in the known area of the last attacker</li><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : This method DOESN'T GIVE rewards to L2PetInstance</B></FONT><BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param lastAttacker The L2Character that has killed the L2Attackable
  protected void calculateRewards(L2Character lastAttacker)
    // Creates an empty list of rewards
    FastMap<L2Character, RewardInfo> rewards = new FastMap<L2Character, RewardInfo>().shared();


      L2PcInstance maxDealer = null;
      int maxDamage = 0;

      int damage;

      L2Character attacker, ddealer;
      // While Interacting over This Map Removing Object is Not Allowed
      synchronized (getAggroList())
        // Go through the _aggroList of the L2Attackable
        for(AggroInfo info : getAggroListRP().values())
          if(info == null)

          // Get the L2Character corresponding to this attacker
          attacker = info._attacker;

          // Get damages done by this attacker
          damage = info._damage;

          // Prevent unwanted behavior
          if(damage > 1)
            if(attacker instanceof L2SummonInstance || attacker instanceof L2PetInstance && ((L2PetInstance) attacker).getPetData().getOwnerExpTaken() > 0)
              ddealer = ((L2Summon) attacker).getOwner();
              ddealer = info._attacker;

            // Check if ddealer isn't too far from this (killed monster)
            if(!Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE, this, ddealer, true))

            // Calculate real damages (Summoners should get own damage plus summon's damage)
            RewardInfo reward = rewards.get(ddealer);
            if(reward == null)
              reward = new RewardInfo(ddealer, damage);

            rewards.put(ddealer, reward);
            if (ddealer instanceof L2PlayableInstance && ((L2PlayableInstance)ddealer).getActingPlayer() != null && reward._dmg > maxDamage)
              maxDealer = ((L2PlayableInstance)ddealer).getActingPlayer();
              maxDamage = reward._dmg;

      // Manage Base, Quests and Sweep drops of the L2Attackable
      doItemDrop(maxDealer != null && maxDealer.isOnline() == 1 ? maxDealer : lastAttacker);
      // Manage drop of Special Events created by GM for a defined period
      doEventDrop(maxDealer != null && maxDealer.isOnline() == 1 ? maxDealer : lastAttacker);

        L2Party attackerParty;
        long exp;
        int levelDiff, partyDmg, partyLvl, sp;
        float partyMul, penalty;
        RewardInfo reward2;
        int[] tmp;

        for(RewardInfo reward : rewards.values())
          if(reward == null)

          // Penalty applied to the attacker's XP
          penalty = 0;

          // Attacker to be rewarded
          attacker = reward._attacker;

          // Total amount of damage done
          damage = reward._dmg;

          // If the attacker is a Pet, get the party of the owner
          if(attacker instanceof L2PetInstance)
            attackerParty = ((L2PetInstance) attacker).getParty();
          else if(attacker instanceof L2PcInstance)
            attackerParty = ((L2PcInstance) attacker).getParty();

          // If this attacker is a L2PcInstance with a summoned L2SummonInstance, get Exp Penalty applied for the current summoned L2SummonInstance
          if(attacker instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance) attacker).getPet() instanceof L2SummonInstance)
            penalty = ((L2SummonInstance) ((L2PcInstance) attacker).getPet()).getExpPenalty();

          // We must avoid "over damage", if any
          if(damage > getMaxHp())
            damage = getMaxHp();

          // If there's NO party in progress
          if(attackerParty == null)
            // Calculate Exp and SP rewards
              // Calculate the difference of level between this attacker (L2PcInstance or L2SummonInstance owner) and the L2Attackable
              // mob = 24, atk = 10, diff = -14 (full xp)
              // mob = 24, atk = 28, diff = 4 (some xp)
              // mob = 24, atk = 50, diff = 26 (no xp)
              levelDiff = attacker.getLevel() - getLevel();

              tmp = calculateExpAndSp(levelDiff, damage);
              exp = tmp[0];
              exp *= 1 - penalty;
              sp = tmp[1];

              if(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion())
                exp *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS;
                sp *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS;

              // Check for an over-hit enabled strike and Donator options
              if(attacker instanceof L2PcInstance)
                L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) attacker;
                if(isOverhit() && attacker == getOverhitAttacker())
                  player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.OVER_HIT));
                  exp += calculateOverhitExp(exp);
                  exp = (long) (exp * Config.DONATOR_XPSP_RATE);
                  sp = (int) (sp * Config.DONATOR_XPSP_RATE);

              // Distribute the Exp and SP between the L2PcInstance and its L2Summon
                attacker.addExpAndSp(Math.round(attacker.calcStat(Stats.EXPSP_RATE, exp, null, null)), (int) attacker.calcStat(Stats.EXPSP_RATE, sp, null, null));
            //share with party members
            partyDmg = 0;
            partyMul = 1.f;
            partyLvl = 0;

            // Get all L2Character that can be rewarded in the party
            List<L2PlayableInstance> rewardedMembers = new FastList<L2PlayableInstance>();

            // Go through all L2PcInstance in the party
            List<L2PcInstance> groupMembers;

              groupMembers = attackerParty.getCommandChannel().getMembers();
              groupMembers = attackerParty.getPartyMembers();

            for(L2PcInstance pl : groupMembers)
              if(pl == null || pl.isDead())

              // Get the RewardInfo of this L2PcInstance from L2Attackable rewards
              reward2 = rewards.get(pl);

              // If the L2PcInstance is in the L2Attackable rewards add its damages to party damages
              if(reward2 != null)
                if(Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE, this, pl, true))
                  partyDmg += reward2._dmg; // Add L2PcInstance damages to party damages

                  if(pl.getLevel() > partyLvl)
                      partyLvl = attackerParty.getCommandChannel().getLevel();
                      partyLvl = pl.getLevel();

                rewards.remove(pl); // Remove the L2PcInstance from the L2Attackable rewards
                // Add L2PcInstance of the party (that have attacked or not) to members that can be rewarded
                // and in range of the monster.
                if(Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE, this, pl, true))

                  if(pl.getLevel() > partyLvl)
                      partyLvl = attackerParty.getCommandChannel().getLevel();
                      partyLvl = pl.getLevel();

              L2PlayableInstance summon = pl.getPet();
              if(summon != null && summon instanceof L2PetInstance)
                reward2 = rewards.get(summon);

                if(reward2 != null) // Pets are only added if they have done damage
                  if(Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE, this, summon, true))
                    partyDmg += reward2._dmg; // Add summon damages to party damages

                    if(summon.getLevel() > partyLvl)
                      partyLvl = summon.getLevel();

                  rewards.remove(summon); // Remove the summon from the L2Attackable rewards

            // If the party didn't killed this L2Attackable alone
            if(partyDmg < getMaxHp())
              partyMul = (float) partyDmg / (float) getMaxHp();

            // Avoid "over damage"
            if(partyDmg > getMaxHp())
              partyDmg = getMaxHp();

            // Calculate the level difference between Party and L2Attackable
            levelDiff = partyLvl - getLevel();

            // Calculate Exp and SP rewards
            tmp = calculateExpAndSp(levelDiff, partyDmg);
            exp = tmp[0];
            sp = tmp[1];

            if(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion())
              exp *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS;
              sp *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS;

            exp *= partyMul;
            sp *= partyMul;

            // Check for an over-hit enabled strike
            // (When in party, the over-hit exp bonus is given to the whole party and splitted proportionally through the party members)
            if(attacker instanceof L2PcInstance)
              L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) attacker;

              if(isOverhit() && attacker == getOverhitAttacker())
                player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.OVER_HIT));
                exp += calculateOverhitExp(exp);

            // Distribute Experience and SP rewards to L2PcInstance Party members in the known area of the last attacker
            if(partyDmg > 0)
              attackerParty.distributeXpAndSp(exp, sp, rewardedMembers, partyLvl);
    catch(Exception e)
      _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);

   * Add damage and hate to the attacker AggroInfo of the L2Attackable _aggroList.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param attacker The L2Character that gave damages to this L2Attackable
   * @param damage The number of damages given by the attacker L2Character
  public void addDamage(L2Character attacker, int damage)
    addDamageHate(attacker, damage, damage);

   * Add damage and hate to the attacker AggroInfo of the L2Attackable _aggroList.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param attacker The L2Character that gave damages to this L2Attackable
   * @param damage The number of damages given by the attacker L2Character
   * @param aggro The hate (=damage) given by the attacker L2Character
  public void addDamageHate(L2Character attacker, int damage, int aggro)
    if(attacker == null /*|| _aggroList == null*/)

    // Get the AggroInfo of the attacker L2Character from the _aggroList of the L2Attackable
    AggroInfo ai = getAggroListRP().get(attacker);

    if(ai == null)
      ai = new AggroInfo(attacker);
      ai._damage = 0;
      ai._hate = 0;
      getAggroListRP().put(attacker, ai);

    // If aggro is negative, its comming from SEE_SPELL, buffs use constant 150
    if(aggro < 0)
      ai._hate -= aggro * 150 / (getLevel() + 7);
      aggro = -aggro;
    // if damage == 0 -> this is case of adding only to aggro list, dont apply formula on it
    else if(damage == 0)
      ai._hate += aggro;
      // else its damage that must be added using constant 100
      ai._hate += aggro * 100 / (getLevel() + 7);

    // Add new damage and aggro (=damage) to the AggroInfo object
    ai._damage += damage;

    // Set the intention to the L2Attackable to AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE
    if(getAI() !=null && aggro > 0 && getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE)

    ai = null;
    // Notify the L2Attackable AI with EVT_ATTACKED
    if(damage > 0)
      if(getAI() !=null)
        getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_ATTACKED, attacker);

        if(attacker instanceof L2PcInstance || attacker instanceof L2Summon)
          L2PcInstance player = attacker instanceof L2PcInstance ? (L2PcInstance) attacker : ((L2Summon) attacker).getOwner();

          for(Quest quest : getTemplate().getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_ATTACK))
            quest.notifyAttack(this, player, damage, attacker instanceof L2Summon);

          player = null;
      catch(Exception e)
        _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);

  public void reduceHate(L2Character target, int amount)
    if(getAI() instanceof L2SiegeGuardAI)
      // TODO: this just prevents error until siege guards are handled properly
      getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null, null);

    if(target == null) // whole aggrolist
      L2Character mostHated = getMostHated();

      if(mostHated == null) // makes target passive for a moment more
        ((L2AttackableAI) getAI()).setGlobalAggro(-25);
      for(L2Character aggroed : getAggroListRP().keySet())
        AggroInfo ai = getAggroListRP().get(aggroed);
        if(ai == null)

        ai._hate -= amount;

        ai = null;

      amount = getHating(mostHated);
      if(amount <= 0)
        ((L2AttackableAI) getAI()).setGlobalAggro(-25);

      mostHated = null;


    AggroInfo ai = getAggroListRP().get(target);

    if(ai == null)

    ai._hate -= amount;

    if(ai._hate <= 0)
      if(getMostHated() == null)
        ((L2AttackableAI) getAI()).setGlobalAggro(-25);

    ai = null;

   * Clears _aggroList hate of the L2Character without removing from the list.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param target
  public void stopHating(L2Character target)
    if(target == null)

    AggroInfo ai = getAggroListRP().get(target);

    if(ai == null)

    ai._hate = 0;
    ai = null;

   * Return the most hated L2Character of the L2Attackable _aggroList.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public L2Character getMostHated()
    if(getAggroListRP().isEmpty() || isAlikeDead())
      return null;

    L2Character mostHated = null;

    int maxHate = 0;

    // While Interating over This Map Removing Object is Not Allowed
    synchronized (getAggroList())
      // Go through the aggroList of the L2Attackable
      for(AggroInfo ai : getAggroListRP().values())
        if(ai == null)
        if(ai._attacker.isAlikeDead() || !getKnownList().knowsObject(ai._attacker) || !ai._attacker.isVisible() || ai._attacker instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance)ai._attacker).isOffline())
          ai._hate = 0;

        if(ai._hate > maxHate)
          mostHated = ai._attacker;
          maxHate = ai._hate;
      _mostHated = mostHated;
    return mostHated;

   * useful to give correctly the item to players
   * @return
  public L2Character getMostDamager(){
    if(getAggroListRP().isEmpty() || isAlikeDead())
      return null;

    //L2Character mostDamager = null;

    int maxDamage = 0;

    // While Interating over This Map Removing Object is Not Allowed
    synchronized (getAggroList())
      // Go through the aggroList of the L2Attackable
      for(AggroInfo ai : getAggroListRP().values())
        if(ai == null)

        if(ai._attacker.isAlikeDead() || !getKnownList().knowsObject(ai._attacker) || !ai._attacker.isVisible() || ai._attacker instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance)ai._attacker).isOffline() )
          ai._damage = 0;

        if(ai._damage > maxDamage)
          _mostDamager = ai._attacker;
          maxDamage = ai._damage;
    return _mostDamager;
   * Return the hate level of the L2Attackable against this L2Character contained in _aggroList.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param target The L2Character whose hate level must be returned
   * @return
  public int getHating(L2Character target)
      return 0;
      return 0;
    AggroInfo ai = getAggroListRP().get(target);

    if(ai == null)
      return 0;

    if(ai._attacker instanceof L2PcInstance && (((L2PcInstance) ai._attacker).getAppearance().getInvisible() || ((L2PcInstance) ai._attacker).isSpawnProtected() || ((L2PcInstance) ai._attacker).isTeleportProtected() || ai._attacker.isInvul()))
      //Remove Object Should Use This Method and Can be Blocked While Interating

      return 0;


      return 0;

      ai._hate = 0;

      return 0;

    return ai._hate;

   * Calculates quantity of items for specific drop according to current situation <br>
   * @param drop The L2DropData count is being calculated for
   * @param lastAttacker The L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable
   * @param levelModifier level modifier in %'s (will be subtracted from drop chance)
   * @param isSweep
   * @return
  private RewardItem calculateRewardItem(L2PcInstance lastAttacker, L2DropData drop, int levelModifier, boolean isSweep)
    // Get default drop chance
    if((Config.HIGH_RATE_SERVER_DROPS && !drop.isQuestDrop() && drop.getItemId()!=57)){ //it's not adena-->check if drop has an epic jewel
      //ant queen,orfen,core,frintezza,baium,antharas,valakas,zaken,stones
      if(drop.getItemId()==6660 || drop.getItemId()==6661 || drop.getItemId()==6662 || drop.getItemId()==8191 || drop.getItemId()==6658 || drop.getItemId()==6656 || drop.getItemId()==6657 || drop.getItemId()==6659 || (drop.getItemId()>=6360 && drop.getItemId()<=6362) || (drop.getItemId()>=8723 && drop.getItemId()<=8762)){
        //if epic jewel, seal stones or life stone, continue
        return null;
    float dropChance = 0;
      case 6662:{ //core ring
          dropChance = ((float) 10000*Config.CORE_RING_CHANCE);
          dropChance = drop.getChance();
      case 6661:{ //orfen earring
          dropChance = ((float) 10000*Config.ORFEN_EARRING_CHANCE);
          dropChance = drop.getChance();
      case 6659:{ //zaken earring
          dropChance = ((float) 10000*Config.ZAKEN_EARRING_CHANCE);
          dropChance = drop.getChance();
      case 6660:{ //aq ring
          dropChance = ((float) 10000*Config.QA_RING_CHANCE);
          dropChance = drop.getChance();
        dropChance = drop.getChance();
    int deepBlueDrop = 1;

      if(levelModifier > 0)
        // We should multiply by the server's drop rate, so we always get a low chance of drop for deep blue mobs.
        // NOTE: This is valid only for adena drops! Others drops will still obey server's rate
        deepBlueDrop = 3;

        if(drop.getItemId() == 57)
          deepBlueDrop *= isRaid() ? 1 : Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS;

    if(deepBlueDrop == 0)
      deepBlueDrop = 1;

    // Check if we should apply our maths so deep blue mobs will not drop that easy
      dropChance = (drop.getChance() - drop.getChance() * levelModifier / 100) / deepBlueDrop;

    // Applies Drop rates
    if(drop.getItemId() == 57)
      if(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.ADENA_RAID;
      else if(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.ADENA_BOSS;
      else if(this instanceof L2MinionInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.ADENA_MINON;
        dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_ADENA;

          dropChance *= Config.DONATOR_ADENA_RATE;
    else if(isSweep)
      if(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.SPOIL_RAID;
      else if(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.SPOIL_BOSS;
      else if(this instanceof L2MinionInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.SPOIL_MINON;
        dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_SPOIL;

          dropChance *= Config.DONATOR_SPOIL_RATE;
      if(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.ITEMS_RAID;
      else if(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.ITEMS_BOSS;
      else if(this instanceof L2MinionInstance)
        dropChance *= Config.ITEMS_MINON;
        dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS;

          dropChance *= Config.DONATOR_DROP_RATE;

    if(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion())
      dropChance *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS;

    // Round drop chance
    dropChance = Math.round(dropChance);

    // Set our limits for chance of drop
    if(dropChance < 1)
      dropChance = 1;

    // If item is adena, dont drop multiple time
    //         if (drop.getItemId() == 57 && dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE)
    //           dropChance = L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;

    // Get min and max Item quantity that can be dropped in one time
    int minCount = drop.getMinDrop();
    int maxCount = drop.getMaxDrop();
    int itemCount = 0;

    // Count and chance adjustment for high rate servers
    if(dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE && !Config.PRECISE_DROP_CALCULATION)
      int multiplier = (int) dropChance / L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;

      if(minCount < maxCount)
        itemCount += Rnd.get(minCount * multiplier, maxCount * multiplier);
      else if(minCount == maxCount)
        itemCount += minCount * multiplier;
        itemCount += multiplier;

      dropChance = dropChance % L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;

    // Check if the Item must be dropped
    int random = Rnd.get(L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE);

    while(random < dropChance)
      // Get the item quantity dropped
      if(minCount < maxCount)
        itemCount += Rnd.get(minCount, maxCount);
      else if(minCount == maxCount)
        itemCount += minCount;

      // Prepare for next iteration if dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE
      dropChance -= L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;
      if((drop.getItemId() == 57 || drop.getItemId() >= 6360 && drop.getItemId() <= 6362) && isChampion())
        itemCount *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ADENAS_REWARDS;

    if(drop.getItemId() >= 6360 && drop.getItemId() <= 6362)
      itemCount *= Config.RATE_DROP_SEAL_STONES;

    if(itemCount > 0)
      return new RewardItem(drop.getItemId(), itemCount);
    else if(itemCount == 0 && Config.DEBUG)
      _log.fine("Roll produced 0 items to drop...");

    return null;

   * Calculates quantity of items for specific drop CATEGORY according to current situation <br>
   * Only a max of ONE item from a category is allowed to be dropped.
   * @param lastAttacker The L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable
   * @param categoryDrops
   * @param levelModifier level modifier in %'s (will be subtracted from drop chance)
   * @return
  private RewardItem calculateCategorizedRewardItem(L2PcInstance lastAttacker, L2DropCategory categoryDrops, int levelModifier)
    if(categoryDrops == null)
      return null;

    if((Config.HIGH_RATE_SERVER_DROPS && categoryDrops.getCategoryType()!=0)){ //it's not adena-->check if drop is quest or is an epic jewel
      boolean to_drop = false;
      for(L2DropData dd : categoryDrops.getAllDrops()){
        //quest_drop,ant queen,orfen,core,frintezza,baium,antharas,valakas,zaken, seal Stones, life stones
        if(dd.isQuestDrop() || dd.getItemId()==6660 || dd.getItemId()==6661 || dd.getItemId()==6662 || dd.getItemId()==8191 || dd.getItemId()==6658 || dd.getItemId()==6656 || dd.getItemId()==6657 || dd.getItemId()==6659 || (dd.getItemId()>=6360 && dd.getItemId()<=6362) || (dd.getItemId()>=8723 && dd.getItemId()<=8762) ){
          //if epic jewel, return just 1 from raid
          to_drop = true;
        return null;
    // Get default drop chance for the category (that's the sum of chances for all items in the category)
    // keep track of the base category chance as it'll be used later, if an item is drop from the category.
    // for everything else, use the total "categoryDropChance"
    int basecategoryDropChance = categoryDrops.getCategoryChance();
    int categoryDropChance = basecategoryDropChance;

    int deepBlueDrop = 1;

      if(levelModifier > 0)
        // We should multiply by the server's drop rate, so we always get a low chance of drop for deep blue mobs.
        // NOTE: This is valid only for adena drops! Others drops will still obey server's rate
        deepBlueDrop = 3;

    if(deepBlueDrop == 0)
      deepBlueDrop = 1;

    // Check if we should apply our maths so deep blue mobs will not drop that easy
      categoryDropChance = (categoryDropChance - categoryDropChance * levelModifier / 100) / deepBlueDrop;

    // Applies Drop rates
    if(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance)
      categoryDropChance *= Config.ITEMS_RAID;
    else if(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance)
      categoryDropChance *= Config.ITEMS_BOSS;
    else if(this instanceof L2MinionInstance)
      categoryDropChance *= Config.ITEMS_MINON;
      categoryDropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS;

    if(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion())
      categoryDropChance *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS;
    // Set our limits for chance of drop
    if(categoryDropChance < 1)
      categoryDropChance = 1;

    // Check if an Item from this category must be dropped
    if(Rnd.get(L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE) < categoryDropChance)
      L2DropData drop = categoryDrops.dropOne(isRaid());

      if(drop == null)
        return null;

      // Now decide the quantity to drop based on the rates and penalties.  To get this value
      // simply divide the modified categoryDropChance by the base category chance.  This
      // results in a chance that will dictate the drops amounts: for each amount over 100
      // that it is, it will give another chance to add to the min/max quantities.
      // For example, If the final chance is 120%, then the item should drop between
      // its min and max one time, and then have 20% chance to drop again.  If the final
      // chance is 330%, it will similarly give 3 times the min and max, and have a 30%
      // chance to give a 4th time.
      // At least 1 item will be dropped for sure.  So the chance will be adjusted to 100%
      // if smaller.

      //int dropChance = drop.getChance();
      int dropChance = 0;
        case 6662:{ //core ring
            dropChance = (10000*Config.CORE_RING_CHANCE);
            dropChance = drop.getChance();
        case 6661:{ //orfen earring
            dropChance = (10000*Config.ORFEN_EARRING_CHANCE);
            dropChance = drop.getChance();
        case 6659:{ //zaken earring
            dropChance = (10000*Config.ZAKEN_EARRING_CHANCE);
            dropChance = drop.getChance();
        case 6660:{ //aq ring
            dropChance = (10000*Config.QA_RING_CHANCE);
            dropChance = drop.getChance();
          dropChance = drop.getChance();
      if(drop.getItemId() == 57)
        if(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance)
          dropChance *= Config.ADENA_RAID;
        else if(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance)
          dropChance *= Config.ADENA_BOSS;
        else if(this instanceof L2MinionInstance)
          dropChance *= Config.ADENA_MINON;
          dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_ADENA;
            dropChance *= Config.DONATOR_ADENA_RATE;
        if(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance)
          dropChance *= Config.ITEMS_RAID;
        else if(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance)
          dropChance *= Config.ITEMS_BOSS;
        else if(this instanceof L2MinionInstance)
          dropChance *= Config.ITEMS_MINON;
          dropChance *= Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS;
            dropChance *= Config.DONATOR_DROP_RATE;

      if(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion())
        dropChance *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARDS;
      if(dropChance < L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE)
        dropChance = L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;

      // Get min and max Item quantity that can be dropped in one time
      int min = drop.getMinDrop();
      int max = drop.getMaxDrop();

      // Get the item quantity dropped
      int itemCount = 0;

      // Count and chance adjustment for high rate servers
      if(dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE && !Config.PRECISE_DROP_CALCULATION)
        int multiplier = (dropChance) / L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;

        if(min < max)
          itemCount += Rnd.get(min * multiplier, max * multiplier);
        else if(min == max)
          itemCount += min * multiplier;
          itemCount += multiplier;

        dropChance = dropChance % L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;

      // Check if the Item must be dropped
      int random = Rnd.get(L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE);

      while(random < dropChance)
        // Get the item quantity dropped
        if(min < max)
          itemCount += Rnd.get(min, max);
        else if(min == max)
          itemCount += min;

        // Prepare for next iteration if dropChance > L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE
        dropChance -= L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE;
        if((drop.getItemId() == 57 || drop.getItemId() >= 6360 && drop.getItemId() <= 6362) && isChampion())
          itemCount *= Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ADENAS_REWARDS;

      if(drop.getItemId() >= 6360 && drop.getItemId() <= 6362)
        itemCount *= Config.RATE_DROP_SEAL_STONES;

      if(itemCount > 0)
        return new RewardItem(drop.getItemId(), itemCount);
      else if(itemCount == 0 && Config.DEBUG)
        _log.fine("Roll produced 0 items to drop...");

      drop = null;
    return null;

   * Calculates the level modifier for drop<br>
   * @param lastAttacker The L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable
   * @return
  private int calculateLevelModifierForDrop(L2PcInstance lastAttacker)
      int highestLevel = lastAttacker.getLevel();

      // Check to prevent very high level player to nearly kill mob and let low level player do the last hit.
      if(getAttackByList() != null && !getAttackByList().isEmpty())
        for(L2Character atkChar : getAttackByList())
          if(atkChar != null && atkChar.getLevel() > highestLevel)
            highestLevel = atkChar.getLevel();

      // According to official data (Prima), deep blue mobs are 9 or more levels below players
      if(highestLevel - 9 >= getLevel())
        return (highestLevel - (getLevel() + 8)) * 9;

    return 0;

  public void doItemDrop(L2Character lastAttacker)
    doItemDrop(getTemplate(), lastAttacker);

   * Manage Base, Quests and Special Events drops of L2Attackable (called by calculateRewards).<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * During a Special Event all L2Attackable can drop extra Items. Those extra Items are defined in the table
   * <B>allNpcDateDrops</B> of the EventDroplist. Each Special Event has a start and end date to stop to drop extra
   * Items automaticaly. <BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>Manage drop of Special Events created by GM for a defined period</li> <li>Get all possible drops of this
   * L2Attackable from L2NpcTemplate and add it Quest drops</li> <li>For each possible drops (base + quests),
   * calculate which one must be dropped (random)</li> <li>Get each Item quantity dropped (random)</li> <li>Create
   * this or these L2ItemInstance corresponding to each Item Identifier dropped</li> <li>If the autoLoot mode is actif
   * and if the L2Character that has killed the L2Attackable is a L2PcInstance, give this or these Item(s) to the
   * L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable</li> <li>If the autoLoot mode isn't actif or if the L2Character
   * that has killed the L2Attackable is not a L2PcInstance, add this or these Item(s) in the world as a visible
   * object at the position where mob was last</li><BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param npcTemplate
   * @param lastAttacker The L2Character that has killed the L2Attackable
  public void doItemDrop(L2NpcTemplate npcTemplate, L2Character lastAttacker)
    L2PcInstance player = null;

    if(lastAttacker instanceof L2PcInstance)
      player = (L2PcInstance) lastAttacker;
    else if(lastAttacker instanceof L2Summon)
      player = ((L2Summon) lastAttacker).getOwner();

    // Don't drop anything if the last attacker or ownere isn't L2PcInstance
    if(player == null)

    int levelModifier = calculateLevelModifierForDrop(player); // level modifier in %'s (will be subtracted from drop chance)

    // Check the drop of a cursed weapon
    if(levelModifier == 0 && player.getLevel() > 20)
      CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().checkDrop(this, player);

    // now throw all categorized drops and handle spoil.
    for(L2DropCategory cat : npcTemplate.getDropData())
      RewardItem item = null;
        // according to sh1ny, seeded mobs CAN be spoiled and swept.
        if(isSpoil()/* && !isSeeded() */)
          FastList<RewardItem> sweepList = new FastList<RewardItem>();

          for(L2DropData drop : cat.getAllDrops())
            item = calculateRewardItem(player, drop, levelModifier, true);

            if(item == null)

              _log.fine("Item id to spoil: " + item.getItemId() + " amount: " + item.getCount());


            item = null;

          // Set the table _sweepItems of this L2Attackable
            _sweepItems = sweepList.toArray(new RewardItem[sweepList.size()]);

          sweepList = null;
          L2DropData drop = cat.dropSeedAllowedDropsOnly();

          if(drop == null)

          item = calculateRewardItem(player, drop, levelModifier, false);
          drop = null;
          item = calculateCategorizedRewardItem(player, cat, levelModifier);

        if(item != null)
            _log.fine("Item id to drop: " + item.getItemId() + " amount: " + item.getCount());

          // Check if the autoLoot mode is active
            L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
            if(item_templ == null){
    "ERROR: Item id to autoloot " + item.getItemId() + " has not template into items/armor/weapon tables.. It cannot be dropped..");
              //DropItem(player, item);
              if(!player.getInventory().validateCapacity(item_templ) || (!Config.AUTO_LOOT_BOSS && this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance) || (!Config.AUTO_LOOT_BOSS && this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance))
                DropItem(player, item);
                player.doAutoLoot(this, item); // Give this or these Item(s) to the L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable
            DropItem(player, item); // drop the item on the ground

          // Broadcast message if RaidBoss was defeated
          if(this instanceof L2RaidBossInstance || this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance  )
            SystemMessage sm;
            sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DIED_DROPPED_S3_S2);
            sm = null;

      item = null;

    // Apply Special Item drop with rnd qty for champions
    if(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && isChampion() && player.getLevel() <= getLevel()+3 && Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD > 0 && Rnd.get(100) < Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD)
      int champqty = Rnd.get(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_QTY);
      champqty++; //quantity should actually vary between 1 and whatever admin specified as max, inclusive.

      RewardItem item = new RewardItem(Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_ID, champqty);

      // Give this or these Item(s) to the L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable
        L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
          DropItem(player, item);
          player.addItem("ChampionLoot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
        DropItem(player, item);

      item = null;

    //Instant Item Drop :>
    double rateHp = getStat().calcStat(Stats.MAX_HP, 1, this, null);

    if(rateHp < 2 && String.valueOf(npcTemplate.type).contentEquals("L2Monster")) //only L2Monster with <= 1x HP can drop herbs
      boolean _hp = false;
      boolean _mp = false;
      boolean _spec = false;

      //ptk - patk type enhance
      int random = Rnd.get(1000); // note *10

      if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_SPECIAL_HERBS && !_spec) // && !_spec useless yet
        RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8612, 1); // Herb of Warrior

        if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
          L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
            DropItem(player, item);
            player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
          DropItem(player, item);

        item = null;
        _spec = true;
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          random = Rnd.get(100);

          if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_COMMON_HERBS)
            RewardItem item = null;
            if(i == 0)
              item = new RewardItem(8606, 1); // Herb of Power
            if(i == 1)
              item = new RewardItem(8608, 1); // Herb of Atk. Spd.
            if(i == 2)
              item = new RewardItem(8610, 1); // Herb of Critical Attack
            if (item == null)
            if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
              L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
                DropItem(player, item);
                player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
              DropItem(player, item);

      //mtk - matk type enhance
      random = Rnd.get(1000); // note *10

      if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_SPECIAL_HERBS && !_spec)
        RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8613, 1); // Herb of Mystic

        if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
          L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
            DropItem(player, item);
            player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
          DropItem(player, item);

        item = null;
        _spec = true;
        for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
          random = Rnd.get(100);

          if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_COMMON_HERBS)
            RewardItem item = null;
            if(i == 0)
              item = new RewardItem(8607, 1); // Herb of Magic
            if(i == 1)
              item = new RewardItem(8609, 1); // Herb of Casting Speed
            if (item == null)
            if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
              L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
                DropItem(player, item);
                player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
              DropItem(player, item);

      //hp+mp type
      random = Rnd.get(1000); // note *10

      if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_SPECIAL_HERBS && !_spec)
        RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8614, 1); // Herb of Recovery

        if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
          L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
            DropItem(player, item);
            player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
          DropItem(player, item);

        item = null;
        _mp = true;
        _hp = true;
        _spec = true;

      //hp - restore hp type
        random = Rnd.get(100);
        if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_MP_HP_HERBS)
          RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8600, 1); // Herb of Life

          if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
            L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
              DropItem(player, item);
              player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
            DropItem(player, item);

          item = null;
          _hp = true;
        random = Rnd.get(100);

        if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_GREATER_HERBS)
          RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8601, 1); // Greater Herb of Life

          if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
            L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
              DropItem(player, item);
              player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
            DropItem(player, item);

          item = null;
          _hp = true;
        random = Rnd.get(1000); // note *10

        if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_SUPERIOR_HERBS)
          RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8602, 1); // Superior Herb of Life

          if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
            L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
              DropItem(player, item);
              player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
            DropItem(player, item);

          item = null;
      //mp - restore mp type
        random = Rnd.get(100);

        if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_MP_HP_HERBS)
          RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8603, 1); // Herb of Mana

          if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
            L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
              DropItem(player, item);
              player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
            DropItem(player, item);

          item = null;
          _mp = true;
        random = Rnd.get(100);

        if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_GREATER_HERBS)
          RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8604, 1); // Greater Herb of Mana

          if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
            L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
              DropItem(player, item);
              player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
            DropItem(player, item);

          item = null;
          _mp = true;
        random = Rnd.get(1000); // note *10

        if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_SUPERIOR_HERBS)
          RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8605, 1); // Superior Herb of Mana

          if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
            L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
              DropItem(player, item);
              player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
            DropItem(player, item);

          item = null;
      // speed enhance type
      random = Rnd.get(100);

      if(random < Config.RATE_DROP_COMMON_HERBS)
        RewardItem item = new RewardItem(8611, 1); // Herb of Speed

        if(Config.AUTO_LOOT && Config.AUTO_LOOT_HERBS)
          L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
            DropItem(player, item);
            player.addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), this, true);
          DropItem(player, item);

        item = null;

   * Manage Special Events drops created by GM for a defined period.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * During a Special Event all L2Attackable can drop extra Items. Those extra Items are defined in the table
   * <B>allNpcDateDrops</B> of the EventDroplist. Each Special Event has a start and end date to stop to drop extra
   * Items automaticaly. <BR>
   * <BR>
   * <B><U> Actions</U> : <I>If an extra drop must be generated</I></B><BR>
   * <BR>
   * <li>Get an Item Identifier (random) from the DateDrop Item table of this Event</li> <li>Get the Item quantity
   * dropped (random)</li> <li>Create this or these L2ItemInstance corresponding to this Item Identifier</li> <li>If
   * the autoLoot mode is actif and if the L2Character that has killed the L2Attackable is a L2PcInstance, give this
   * or these Item(s) to the L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable</li> <li>If the autoLoot mode isn't actif
   * or if the L2Character that has killed the L2Attackable is not a L2PcInstance, add this or these Item(s) in the
   * world as a visible object at the position where mob was last</li><BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param lastAttacker The L2Character that has killed the L2Attackable
  public void doEventDrop(L2Character lastAttacker)
    L2PcInstance player = null;

    if(lastAttacker instanceof L2PcInstance)
      player = (L2PcInstance) lastAttacker;
    else if(lastAttacker instanceof L2Summon)
      player = ((L2Summon) lastAttacker).getOwner();

    if(player == null)
      return; // Don't drop anything if the last attacker or ownere isn't L2PcInstance

    if(player.getLevel() - getLevel() > 9)

    // Go through DateDrop of EventDroplist allNpcDateDrops within the date range
    for(DateDrop drop : EventDroplist.getInstance().getAllDrops())
      if(Rnd.get(L2DropData.MAX_CHANCE) < drop.chance)
        RewardItem item = new RewardItem(drop.items[Rnd.get(drop.items.length)], Rnd.get(drop.min, drop.max));

          L2Item item_templ = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
            DropItem(player, item);
            player.doAutoLoot(this, item); // Give this or these Item(s) to the L2PcInstance that has killed the L2Attackable
          DropItem(player, item); // drop the item on the ground

        item = null;

    player = null;

   * Drop reward item.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param mainDamageDealer
   * @param item
   * @return
  public L2ItemInstance DropItem(L2PcInstance mainDamageDealer, RewardItem item)
    int randDropLim = 70;

    L2ItemInstance ditem = null;

    for(int i = 0; i < item.getCount(); i++)
      // Randomize drop position
      int newX = getX() + Rnd.get(randDropLim * 2 + 1) - randDropLim;
      int newY = getY() + Rnd.get(randDropLim * 2 + 1) - randDropLim;
      int newZ = Math.max(getZ(), mainDamageDealer.getZ()) + 20; // TODO: temp hack, do somethign nicer when we have geodatas

      // Init the dropped L2ItemInstance and add it in the world as a visible object at the position where mob was last
      ditem = ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), mainDamageDealer, this);
      ditem.dropMe(this, newX, newY, newZ);

      // Add drop to auto destroy item task
        if(Config.AUTODESTROY_ITEM_AFTER > 0 && ditem.getItemType() != L2EtcItemType.HERB || Config.HERB_AUTO_DESTROY_TIME > 0 && ditem.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.HERB)


      // If stackable, end loop as entire count is included in 1 instance of item
      if(ditem.isStackable() || !Config.MULTIPLE_ITEM_DROP)
    return ditem;

  public L2ItemInstance DropItem(L2PcInstance lastAttacker, int itemId, int itemCount)
    return DropItem(lastAttacker, new RewardItem(itemId, itemCount));

   * Return the active weapon of this L2Attackable (= null).<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public L2ItemInstance getActiveWeapon()
    return null;

   * Return True if the _aggroList of this L2Attackable is Empty.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public boolean noTarget()
    return getAggroListRP().isEmpty();

   * Return True if the _aggroList of this L2Attackable contains the L2Character.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param player The L2Character searched in the _aggroList of the L2Attackable
   * @return
  public boolean containsTarget(L2Character player)
    return getAggroListRP().containsKey(player);

   * Clear the _aggroList of the L2Attackable.<BR>
   * <BR>
  public void clearAggroList()

   * Return True if a Dwarf use Sweep on the L2Attackable and if item can be spoiled.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public boolean isSweepActive()
    return _sweepItems != null;

   * Return table containing all L2ItemInstance that can be spoiled.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public synchronized RewardItem[] takeSweep()
    RewardItem[] sweep = _sweepItems;

    _sweepItems = null;

    return sweep;

   * Return table containing all L2ItemInstance that can be harvested.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public synchronized RewardItem[] takeHarvest()
    RewardItem[] harvest = _harvestItems;

    _harvestItems = null;

    return harvest;

   * Set the over-hit flag on the L2Attackable.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param status The status of the over-hit flag
  public void overhitEnabled(boolean status)
    _overhit = status;

   * Set the over-hit values like the attacker who did the strike and the ammount of damage done by the skill.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param attacker The L2Character who hit on the L2Attackable using the over-hit enabled skill
   * @param damage The ammount of damage done by the over-hit enabled skill on the L2Attackable
  public void setOverhitValues(L2Character attacker, double damage)
    // Calculate the over-hit damage
    // Ex: mob had 10 HP left, over-hit skill did 50 damage total, over-hit damage is 40
    double overhitDmg = (getCurrentHp() - damage) * -1;

    if(overhitDmg < 0)
      // we didn't killed the mob with the over-hit strike. (it wasn't really an over-hit strike)
      // let's just clear all the over-hit related values
      _overhitDamage = 0;
      _overhitAttacker = null;


    _overhitDamage = overhitDmg;
    _overhitAttacker = attacker;

   * Return the L2Character who hit on the L2Attackable using an over-hit enabled skill.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return L2Character attacker
  public L2Character getOverhitAttacker()
    return _overhitAttacker;

   * Return the ammount of damage done on the L2Attackable using an over-hit enabled skill.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return double damage
  public double getOverhitDamage()
    return _overhitDamage;

   * Return True if the L2Attackable was hit by an over-hit enabled skill.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public boolean isOverhit()
    return _overhit;

   * Activate the absorbed soul condition on the L2Attackable.<BR>
   * <BR>
  public void absorbSoul()
    _absorbed = true;


   * Return True if the L2Attackable had his soul absorbed.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @return
  public boolean isAbsorbed()
    return _absorbed;

   * Adds an attacker that successfully absorbed the soul of this L2Attackable into the _absorbersList.<BR>
   * @param attacker - a valid L2PcInstance
   * @param crystalId
  public void addAbsorber(L2PcInstance attacker, int crystalId)
    // This just works for targets like L2MonsterInstance
    if(!(this instanceof L2MonsterInstance))

    // The attacker must not be null
    if(attacker == null)

    // This L2Attackable must be of one type in the _absorbingMOBS_levelXX tables.
    // OBS: This is done so to avoid triggering the absorbed conditions for mobs that can't be absorbed.
    if(getAbsorbLevel() == 0)

    // If we have no _absorbersList initiated, do it
    AbsorberInfo ai = _absorbersList.get(attacker);

    // If the L2Character attacker isn't already in the _absorbersList of this L2Attackable, add it
    if(ai == null)
      ai = new AbsorberInfo(attacker, crystalId, getCurrentHp());
      _absorbersList.put(attacker, ai);
      ai._absorber = attacker;
      ai._crystalId = crystalId;
      ai._absorbedHP = getCurrentHp();

    // Set this L2Attackable as absorbed

    ai = null;

   * Calculate the leveling chance of Soul Crystals based on the attacker that killed this L2Attackable
   * @param attacker The player that last killed this L2Attackable $ Rewrite 06.12.06 - Yesod
  private void levelSoulCrystals(L2Character attacker)
    // Only L2PcInstance can absorb a soul
    if(!(attacker instanceof L2PcInstance) && !(attacker instanceof L2Summon))

    int maxAbsorbLevel = getAbsorbLevel();
    int minAbsorbLevel = 0;

    // If this is not a valid L2Attackable, clears the _absorbersList and just return
    if(maxAbsorbLevel == 0)

    // All boss mobs with maxAbsorbLevel 13 have minAbsorbLevel of 12 else 10
    if(maxAbsorbLevel > 10)
      minAbsorbLevel = maxAbsorbLevel > 12 ? 12 : 10;

    //Init some useful vars
    boolean isSuccess = true;
    boolean doLevelup = true;
    boolean isBossMob = maxAbsorbLevel > 10 ? true : false;

    L2NpcTemplate.AbsorbCrystalType absorbType = getTemplate().absorbType;

    L2PcInstance killer = attacker instanceof L2Summon ? ((L2Summon) attacker).getOwner() : (L2PcInstance) attacker;

    // If this mob is a boss, then skip some checkings
      // Fail if this L2Attackable isn't absorbed or there's no one in its _absorbersList
      if(!isAbsorbed() /*|| _absorbersList == null*/)

      // Fail if the killer isn't in the _absorbersList of this L2Attackable and mob is not boss
      AbsorberInfo ai = _absorbersList.get(killer);
      if(ai == null || ai._absorber.getObjectId() != killer.getObjectId())
        isSuccess = false;

      // Check if the soul crystal was used when HP of this L2Attackable wasn't higher than half of it
      if(ai != null && ai._absorbedHP > getMaxHp() / 2.0)
        isSuccess = false;


      ai = null;

    // ********
    String[] crystalNFO = null;
    String crystalNME = "";

    int dice = Rnd.get(100);
    int crystalQTY = 0;
    int crystalLVL = 0;
    int crystalOLD = 0;
    int crystalNEW = 0;

    // ********
    // Now we have four choices:
    // 1- The Monster level is too low for the crystal. Nothing happens.
    // 2- Everything is correct, but it failed. Nothing happens. (57.5%)
    // 3- Everything is correct, but it failed. The crystal scatters. A sound event is played. (10%)
    // 4- Everything is correct, the crystal level up. A sound event is played. (32.5%)

    List<L2PcInstance> players = new FastList<L2PcInstance>();

    if(absorbType == L2NpcTemplate.AbsorbCrystalType.FULL_PARTY && killer.isInParty())
      players = killer.getParty().getPartyMembers();
    else if(absorbType == L2NpcTemplate.AbsorbCrystalType.PARTY_ONE_RANDOM && killer.isInParty())
      // This is a naive method for selecting a random member.  It gets any random party member and
      // then checks if the member has a valid crystal.  It does not select the random party member
      // among those who have crystals, only.  However, this might actually be correct (same as retail).

    for(L2PcInstance player : players)
      if(player == null)

      crystalQTY = 0;

      L2ItemInstance[] inv = player.getInventory().getItems();
      for(L2ItemInstance item : inv)
        int itemId = item.getItemId();
        for(int id : SoulCrystal.SoulCrystalTable)
          // Find any of the 39 possible crystals.
          if(id == itemId)
            // Keep count but make sure the player has no more than 1 crystal
            if(crystalQTY > 1)
              isSuccess = false;

            // Validate if the crystal has already leveled
            if(id != SoulCrystal.RED_NEW_CRYSTAL && id != SoulCrystal.GRN_NEW_CYRSTAL && id != SoulCrystal.BLU_NEW_CRYSTAL)
                  // Split the name of the crystal into 'name' & 'level'
                  crystalNFO = item.getItem().getName().trim().replace(" Grade ", "-").split("-");
                  // Set Level to 13
                  crystalLVL = 13;
                  // Get Name
                  crystalNME = crystalNFO[0].toLowerCase();
                  // Split the name of the crystal into 'name' & 'level'
                  crystalNFO = item.getItem().getName().trim().replace(" Stage ", "").split("-");
                  // Get Level
                  crystalLVL = Integer.parseInt(crystalNFO[1].trim());
                  // Get Name
                  crystalNME = crystalNFO[0].toLowerCase();
                // Allocate current and levelup ids' for higher level crystals
                if(crystalLVL > 9)
                  for(int[] element : SoulCrystal.HighSoulConvert)
                    // Get the next stage above 10 using array.
                    if(id == element[0])
                      crystalNEW = element[1];
                  crystalNEW = id + 1;
              catch(NumberFormatException nfe)
                _log.log(Level.WARNING, "An attempt to identify a soul crystal failed, " + "verify the names have not changed in etcitem table.", nfe);

                player.sendMessage("There has been an error handling your soul crystal." + " Please notify your server admin.");

                isSuccess = false;
              catch(Exception e)
                isSuccess = false;
              crystalNME = item.getItem().getName().toLowerCase().trim();
              crystalNEW = id + 1;

            // Done
            crystalOLD = id;


      inv = null;

      // If the crystal level is way too high for this mob, say that we can't increase it
      if(crystalLVL < minAbsorbLevel || crystalLVL >= maxAbsorbLevel)
        doLevelup = false;

      // The player doesn't have any crystals with him get to the next player.
      if(crystalQTY < 1 || crystalQTY > 1 || !isSuccess || !doLevelup)
        // Too many crystals in inventory.
        if(crystalQTY > 1)
          player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SOUL_CRYSTAL_ABSORBING_FAILED_RESONATION));
        // The soul crystal stage of the player is way too high
        // Like L2OFF message must not appear if char hasn't crystal on inventory
        else if(!doLevelup && crystalQTY > 0)
          player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SOUL_CRYSTAL_ABSORBING_REFUSED));

        crystalQTY = 0;


      /* TODO: Confirm boss chance for crystal level up and for crystal breaking.
       * It is known that bosses with FULL_PARTY crystal level ups have 100% success rate, but this is not
       * the case for the other bosses (one-random or last-hit).
       * While not confirmed, it is most reasonable that crystals leveled up at bosses will never break.
       * Also, the chance to level up is guessed as around 70% if not higher.
      int chanceLevelUp = isBossMob ? 70 : SoulCrystal.LEVEL_CHANCE;

      // If succeeds or it is a full party absorb, level up the crystal.
      if(absorbType == L2NpcTemplate.AbsorbCrystalType.FULL_PARTY && doLevelup || dice <= chanceLevelUp)
        // Give staged crystal
        exchangeCrystal(player, crystalOLD, crystalNEW, false);

      // If true and not a last-hit mob, break the crystal.
      else if(!isBossMob && dice >= 100.0 - SoulCrystal.BREAK_CHANCE)
        // Remove current crystal an give a broken open.
          exchangeCrystal(player, crystalOLD, SoulCrystal.RED_BROKEN_CRYSTAL, true);
        else if(crystalNME.startsWith("gre"))
          exchangeCrystal(player, crystalOLD, SoulCrystal.GRN_BROKEN_CYRSTAL, true);
        else if(crystalNME.startsWith("blu"))
          exchangeCrystal(player, crystalOLD, SoulCrystal.BLU_BROKEN_CRYSTAL, true);

        player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SOUL_CRYSTAL_ABSORBING_FAILED));

    killer = null;
    players = null;
    crystalNFO = null;
    crystalNME = null;

  private void exchangeCrystal(L2PcInstance player, int takeid, int giveid, boolean broke)
    L2ItemInstance Item = player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("SoulCrystal", takeid, 1, player, this);

    if(Item != null)
      // Prepare inventory update packet
      InventoryUpdate playerIU = new InventoryUpdate();

      // Add new crystal to the killer's inventory
      Item = player.getInventory().addItem("SoulCrystal", giveid, 1, player, this);

      // Send a sound event and text message to the player
        player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SOUL_CRYSTAL_BROKE));
        player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SOUL_CRYSTAL_ABSORBING_SUCCEEDED));

      // Send system message
      SystemMessage sms = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM);
      sms = null;

      // Send inventory update packet

      playerIU = null;

  private void resetAbsorbList()
    _absorbed = false;

   * Calculate the Experience and SP to distribute to attacker (L2PcInstance, L2SummonInstance or L2Party) of the
   * L2Attackable.<BR>
   * <BR>
   * @param diff The difference of level between attacker (L2PcInstance, L2SummonInstance or L2Party) and the
   *            L2Attackable
   * @param damage The damages given by the attacker (L2PcInstance, L2SummonInstance or L2Party)
   * @return
  private int[] calculateExpAndSp(int diff, int damage)
    double xp;
    double sp;

    if(diff < -5)
      diff = -5; // makes possible to use ALT_GAME_EXPONENT configuration

    xp = (double) getExpReward() * damage / getMaxHp();

    if(Config.ALT_GAME_EXPONENT_XP != 0)
      xp *= Math.pow(2., -diff / Config.ALT_GAME_EXPONENT_XP);

    sp = (double) getSpReward() * damage / getMaxHp();

    if(Config.ALT_GAME_EXPONENT_SP != 0)
      sp *= Math.pow(2., -diff / Config.ALT_GAME_EXPONENT_SP);

    if(Config.ALT_GAME_EXPONENT_XP == 0 && Config.ALT_GAME_EXPONENT_SP == 0)
      if(diff > 5) // formula revised May 07
        double pow = Math.pow((double) 5 / 6, diff - 5);
        xp = xp * pow;
        sp = sp * pow;

      if(xp <= 0)
        xp = 0;
        sp = 0;
      else if(sp <= 0)
        sp = 0;

    int[] tmp =
        (int) xp, (int) sp

    return tmp;

  public long calculateOverhitExp(long normalExp)
    // Get the percentage based on the total of extra (over-hit) damage done relative to the total (maximum) ammount of HP on the L2Attackable
    double overhitPercentage = getOverhitDamage() * 100 / getMaxHp();

    // Over-hit damage percentages are limited to 25% max
    if(overhitPercentage > 25)
      overhitPercentage = 25;

    // Get the overhit exp bonus according to the above over-hit damage percentage
    // (1/1 basis - 13% of over-hit damage, 13% of extra exp is given, and so on...)
    double overhitExp = overhitPercentage / 100 * normalExp;

    // Return the rounded ammount of exp points to be added to the player's normal exp reward
    long bonusOverhit = Math.round(overhitExp);

    return bonusOverhit;

   * Return True.<BR>
   * <BR>
  public boolean isAttackable()
    return true;

  public void onSpawn()
    // Clear mob spoil,seed
    // Clear all aggro char from list
    // Clear Harvester Rewrard List
    _harvestItems = null;
    // Clear mod Seeded stat

    _sweepItems = null;


    // check the region where this mob is, do not activate the AI if region is inactive.
      if(this instanceof L2SiegeGuardInstance)
        ((L2SiegeGuardAI) getAI()).stopAITask();
      else if(this instanceof L2FortSiegeGuardInstance)
        ((L2FortSiegeGuardAI) getAI()).stopAITask();
        ((L2AttackableAI) getAI()).stopAITask();

   * Sets state of the mob to seeded. Paramets needed to be set before.
  public void setSeeded()
    if(_seedType != 0 && _seeder != null)
      setSeeded(_seedType, _seeder.getLevel());

   * Sets the seed parametrs, but not the seed state
   * @param id - id of the seed
   * @param seeder - player who is sowind the seed
  public void setSeeded(int id, L2PcInstance seeder)
      _seedType = id;
      _seeder = seeder;

  public void setSeeded(int id, int seederLvl)
    _seeded = true;
    _seedType = id;
    int count = 1;

      for(int skillId : getTemplate().getSkills().keySet())
          case 4303: //Strong type x2
            count *= 2;
          case 4304: //Strong type x3
            count *= 3;
          case 4305: //Strong type x4
            count *= 4;
          case 4306: //Strong type x5
            count *= 5;
          case 4307: //Strong type x6
            count *= 6;
          case 4308: //Strong type x7
            count *= 7;
          case 4309: //Strong type x8
            count *= 8;
          case 4310: //Strong type x9
            count *= 9;

    int diff = getLevel() - (L2Manor.getInstance().getSeedLevel(_seedType) - 5);

    // hi-lvl mobs bonus
    if(diff > 0)
      count += diff;

    FastList<RewardItem> harvested = new FastList<RewardItem>();

    harvested.add(new RewardItem(L2Manor.getInstance().getCropType(_seedType), count * Config.RATE_DROP_MANOR));

    _harvestItems = harvested.toArray(new RewardItem[harvested.size()]);

    harvested = null;

  public void setSeeded(boolean seeded)
    _seeded = seeded;

  public L2PcInstance getSeeder()
    return _seeder;

  public int getSeedType()
    return _seedType;

  public boolean isSeeded()
    return _seeded;

  private int getAbsorbLevel()
    return getTemplate().absorbLevel;

   * Check if the server allows Random Animation.<BR>
   * <BR>
  // This is located here because L2Monster and L2FriendlyMob both extend this class. The other non-pc instances extend either L2NpcInstance or L2MonsterInstance.
  public boolean hasRandomAnimation()
    return Config.MAX_MONSTER_ANIMATION > 0 && !(this instanceof L2GrandBossInstance);

  public boolean isMob()
    return true; // This means we use MAX_MONSTER_ANIMATION instead of MAX_NPC_ANIMATION

  protected void setCommandChannelTimer(CommandChannelTimer commandChannelTimer)
    _commandChannelTimer = commandChannelTimer;

  public CommandChannelTimer getCommandChannelTimer()
    return _commandChannelTimer;

  public L2CommandChannel getFirstCommandChannelAttacked()
    return _firstCommandChannelAttacked;

  public void setFirstCommandChannelAttacked(L2CommandChannel firstCommandChannelAttacked)
    _firstCommandChannelAttacked = firstCommandChannelAttacked;

  public long getCommandChannelLastAttack()
    return _commandChannelLastAttack;

  public void setCommandChannelLastAttack(long channelLastAttack)
    _commandChannelLastAttack = channelLastAttack;
  private static class CommandChannelTimer implements Runnable
    private L2Attackable _monster;
    public CommandChannelTimer(L2Attackable monster)
      _monster = monster;
     * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
    public void run()
      if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - _monster.getCommandChannelLastAttack()) > 900000)
        ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(this, 10000); // 10sec

Related Classes of com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Attackable$OnKillNotifyTask

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