Drop item from inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2PcInstance.
@param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action
@param item : L2ItemInstance to be dropped
@param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item intransformation
@param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action
@param protectItem the protect item
@return boolean informing if the action was successfull
Drop item from inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2PcInstance.
@param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action
@param item : L2ItemInstance to be dropped
@param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation
@param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action
@return boolean informing if the action was successfull
Drops an item at the specified {@link Location}
@param location Location to drop the item
@param item ItemStack to drop
@return ItemDrop entity created as a result of this method
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