Exports a clean directory or single file from a repository.
If eolStyle
is not null then it should denote a specific End-Of-Line marker for the files to be exported. Significant values for eolStyle
- "CRLF" (Carriage Return Line Feed) - this causes files to contain '\r\n' line ending sequences for EOL markers, regardless of the operating system in use (for instance, this EOL marker is used by software on the Windows platform).
- "LF" (Line Feed) - this causes files to contain '\n' line ending sequences for EOL markers, regardless of the operating system in use (for instance, this EOL marker is used by software on the Unix platform).
- "CR" (Carriage Return) - this causes files to contain '\r' line ending sequences for EOL markers, regardless of the operating system in use (for instance, this EOL marker was used by software on older Macintosh platforms).
- "native" - this causes files to contain the EOL markers that are native to the operating system on which SVNKit is run.
@param url a repository location from where the unversioned directory/file willbe exported
@param dstPath the local path where the repository items will be exported to
@param pegRevision the revision at which
will be firstly seenin the repository to make sure it's the one that is needed
@param revision the desired revision of the directory/file to be exported
@param eolStyle a string that denotes a specific End-Of-Line charecter;
@param force
true to fore the operation evenif there are local files with the same names as those in the repository (local ones will be replaced)
@param recursive if
true and
isa directory then the entire tree will be exported, otherwise if
false - only items located immediately in the directory itself
@return the revision number of the exported directory/file
@throws SVNException
@deprecated use {@link #doExport(SVNURL,File,SVNRevision,SVNRevision,String,boolean,SVNDepth)}