to place in the same container as targetDiagram
@throws ExportImageException if anything went wrong
to place in the same container as targetDiagram
If eolStyle
is not null then it should denote a specific End-Of-Line marker for the files to be exported. Significant values for eolStyle
will be firstly seenin the repository to make sure it's the one that is needed
@param revision the desired revision of the directory/file to be exported
@param eolStyle a string that denotes a specific End-Of-Line charecter;
@param force true to fore the operation evenif there are local files with the same names as those in the repository (local ones will be replaced)
@param recursive if true and url
isa directory then the entire tree will be exported, otherwise if false - only items located immediately in the directory itself
@return the revision number of the exported directory/file
@throws SVNException
@deprecated use {@link #doExport(SVNURL,File,SVNRevision,SVNRevision,String,boolean,SVNDepth)}