Examples of direction()

Examples of ca.eandb.jmist.math.Ray3.direction()

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ca.eandb.jmist.framework.path.EyeNode#project(ca.eandb.jmist.math.HPoint3)
    public Point2 project(HPoint3 x) {
      Ray3 ray = new Ray3(Point3.ORIGIN, x);
      Vector3 v = ray.direction();
      double theta = Math.atan2(v.x(), -v.z());
      if (Math.abs(theta) > 0.5 * hfov) {
        return null;
      double h = v.y() / Math.hypot(v.x(), v.z());
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Examples of ca.eandb.jmist.math.Ray3.direction()

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ca.eandb.jmist.framework.path.EyeNode#project(ca.eandb.jmist.math.HPoint3)
    public Point2 project(HPoint3 x) {
      Ray3 ray = new Ray3(Point3.ORIGIN, x);
      Vector3 v = ray.direction().unit();
      double phi = Math.atan2(v.x(), -v.z());
      if (Math.abs(phi) > 0.5 * hfov) {
        return null;
      double theta = Math.asin(v.y());
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Examples of com.leapmotion.leap.KeyTapGesture.direction()

            + ", position: " + screenTap.position() + ", direction: " + screenTap.direction());
      case TYPE_KEY_TAP:
        KeyTapGesture keyTap = new KeyTapGesture(gesture);
        System.out.println("Key Tap id: " + keyTap.id() + ", " + keyTap.state() + ", position: "
            + keyTap.position() + ", direction: " + keyTap.direction());
        System.out.println("Unknown gesture type.");
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Examples of com.leapmotion.leap.ScreenTapGesture.direction()

            + swipe.position() + ", direction: " + swipe.direction() + ", speed: " + swipe.speed());
      case TYPE_SCREEN_TAP:
        ScreenTapGesture screenTap = new ScreenTapGesture(gesture);
        System.out.println("Screen Tap id: " + screenTap.id() + ", " + screenTap.state()
            + ", position: " + screenTap.position() + ", direction: " + screenTap.direction());
      case TYPE_KEY_TAP:
        KeyTapGesture keyTap = new KeyTapGesture(gesture);
        System.out.println("Key Tap id: " + keyTap.id() + ", " + keyTap.state() + ", position: "
            + keyTap.position() + ", direction: " + keyTap.direction());
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Examples of com.leapmotion.leap.SwipeGesture.direction()

            + Math.toDegrees(sweptAngle) + ", " + clockwiseness);
      case TYPE_SWIPE:
        SwipeGesture swipe = new SwipeGesture(gesture);
        System.out.println("Swipe id: " + swipe.id() + ", " + swipe.state() + ", position: "
            + swipe.position() + ", direction: " + swipe.direction() + ", speed: " + swipe.speed());
      case TYPE_SCREEN_TAP:
        ScreenTapGesture screenTap = new ScreenTapGesture(gesture);
        System.out.println("Screen Tap id: " + screenTap.id() + ", " + screenTap.state()
            + ", position: " + screenTap.position() + ", direction: " + screenTap.direction());
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Examples of com.niacin.annotation.Optimize.direction()

  private Niacin(Class<?> klassInput, Class<?> klassFitness)
    Optimize opt = getOptimization(klassFitness);
    Vector<Variable<?>> variables = getVariables(klassInput);
    Problem problem = new Problem(opt.name(), variables, opt.direction(), opt.trials());
    Metaheuristic metaheuristic = MetaheuristicFactory.create(opt.method(), problem);

    eventBus.register(NiacinEventHandler.initialise(klassInput, klassFitness, problem, metaheuristic));
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Examples of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.VertexQuery.direction()

                if (this.count > this.lowRange)
                    return e;
            } else {
                final Vertex vertex = this.starts.next();
                VertexQuery query = vertex.query();
                query = query.direction(this.direction);
                if (this.labels.length > 0)
                    query = query.labels(this.labels);
                if (null != this.hasContainers) {
                    for (final HasContainer hasContainer : this.hasContainers) {
                        query = query.has(hasContainer.key, hasContainer.predicate, hasContainer.value);
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Examples of megamek.common.Coords.direction()

            pointing_to = new Coords((x_ave / hex_count), (y_ave / hex_count));
        } else {
            pointing_to = new Coords(game.getBoard().getWidth() / 2,
                    game.getBoard().getHeight() / 2);
        nDir = cDeploy.direction(pointing_to);

        // If unit has stealth armor, turn it on
        if (getEntity(entNum) instanceof Mech
                && getEntity(entNum).getArmorType() == EquipmentType.T_ARMOR_STEALTH) {
            for (Mounted test_equip : getEntity(entNum).getMisc()) {
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