assert(this.lockQueue.contains(specTxn.getTransactionId()) == false) :
String.format("Failed to remove speculative %s before executing", specTxn);
assert(specTxn.getBasePartition() == this.partitionId) :
String.format("Trying to speculatively execute %s at partition %d but its base partition is %d\n%s",
specTxn, this.partitionId, specTxn.getBasePartition(), specTxn.debug());
assert(specTxn.isMarkedControlCodeExecuted() == false) :
String.format("Trying to speculatively execute %s at partition %d but was already executed\n%s",
specTxn, this.partitionId, specTxn.getBasePartition(), specTxn.debug());
assert(specTxn.isSpeculative() == false) :
String.format("Trying to speculatively execute %s at partition %d but was already speculative\n%s",