package edu.brown.designer.partitioners;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.CatalogContext;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.types.PartitionMethodType;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogCloner;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogKey;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.ReplicatedColumn;
import edu.brown.costmodel.SingleSitedCostModel;
import edu.brown.costmodel.TimeIntervalCostModel;
import edu.brown.designer.AccessGraph;
import edu.brown.designer.Designer;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerEdge;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerHints;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerInfo;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerVertex;
import edu.brown.designer.PartitionTree;
import edu.brown.designer.generators.ReplicationTreeGenerator;
import edu.brown.designer.partitioners.plan.PartitionPlan;
import edu.brown.designer.partitioners.plan.TableEntry;
import edu.brown.graphs.AbstractDirectedGraph;
import edu.brown.graphs.IGraph;
import edu.brown.graphs.VertexTreeWalker;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.PredicatePairs;
import edu.brown.utils.ThreadUtil;
public class HeuristicPartitioner extends AbstractPartitioner {
protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HeuristicPartitioner.class);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------
* We use a separate cost model instance for each of time buckets
protected final TimeIntervalCostModel<SingleSitedCostModel> cost_model;
* Used to sort vertices when constructing a PartitionTree
* @author pavlo
protected class VertexComparator implements Comparator<DesignerVertex> {
private final IGraph<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge> graph;
private final DesignerVertex parent;
private final Map<DesignerVertex, Double> cache = new HashMap<DesignerVertex, Double>();
public VertexComparator(IGraph<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge> graph, DesignerVertex parent) {
this.graph = graph;
this.parent = parent;
* @Override public int compare(Vertex v0, Vertex v1) { Collection<Edge>
* edges0 = this.graph.getIncidentEdges(v0); Collection<Edge> edges1 =
* this.graph.getIncidentEdges(v1); int weight0 = (edges0 != null ?
* edges0.size() : 0); int weight1 = (edges1 != null ? edges1.size() :
* 0); int diff = weight1 - weight0; if (diff == 0) diff =
* v0.getTable().getGuid() - v1.getTable().getGuid(); return (diff); }
private double getWeight(DesignerVertex v) {
double weight = 0;
if (this.cache.containsKey(v)) {
weight = this.cache.get(v);
} else {
// Take the sum of all the edge weights for all time buckets
for (DesignerEdge edge : this.graph.findEdgeSet(this.parent, v)) {
weight += edge.getTotalWeight();
} // FOR
this.cache.put(v, weight);
return (weight);
public int compare(DesignerVertex v0, DesignerVertex v1) {
double weight0 = this.getWeight(v0);
double weight1 = this.getWeight(v1);
int diff = (int) Math.round(weight1 - weight0);
if (diff == 0)
diff = v0.getCatalogItem().compareTo(v1.getCatalogItem());
return (diff);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------
* Constructor
* @param designer
* @param info
public HeuristicPartitioner(Designer designer, DesignerInfo info) {
super(designer, info);
// Initialize Cost Model
assert (info.getNumIntervals() > 0);
this.cost_model = new TimeIntervalCostModel<SingleSitedCostModel>(info.catalogContext, SingleSitedCostModel.class, info.getNumIntervals());
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------
public PartitionPlan generate(final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
// ----------------------------------------------------
// (1) Fork a new thread to generate a partition tree for each stored
// procedure
// ----------------------------------------------------
final Vector<PartitionTree> partition_trees = new Vector<PartitionTree>();
List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>();
for (final Procedure catalog_proc : info.catalogContext.database.getProcedures()) {
final AccessGraph agraph = designer.getAccessGraph(catalog_proc);
if (agraph == null)
LOG.debug("Creating a new thread for contructing a PartitionForest for " + catalog_proc);
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public String toString() {
return catalog_proc.getName() + "-" + super.toString();
public void run() {
try {
partition_trees.add(HeuristicPartitioner.this.generatePartitionTree(catalog_proc, agraph, hints));
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.fatal("Failed to create PartitionTree for " + catalog_proc, ex);
}; // THREAD
} // FOR
// ----------------------------------------------------
// (2) Combine all of the PartitionTrees from each Procedure into single
// partition tree that we can use to generate the PartitionMapping table
// ----------------------------------------------------
PartitionPlan pplan = null;
if (!partition_trees.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Generating final partition plan using " + partition_trees.size() + " PartitionTrees");
pplan = this.generatePlan(partition_trees);
return (pplan);
* Generate a PartitionTree for a single Procedure
* @param catalog_proc
* @param agraph
* @param hints
* @return
* @throws Exception
protected PartitionTree generatePartitionTree(Procedure catalog_proc, AccessGraph agraph, DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Creating PartitionTree for " + catalog_proc);
WorkloadFilter filter = null;
Collection<Table> proc_tables = null;
try {
filter = new WorkloadFilter(CatalogUtil.getDatabase(catalog_proc), catalog_proc);
proc_tables = CatalogUtil.getReferencedTables(catalog_proc);
} catch (Exception ex) {
double overall_best_cost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
DesignerHints proc_hints = hints.clone();
// We take multiple passes through the partition trees until we come up
// with one
// that makes our procedure single-sited
int round = -1;
int round_limit = 4;
PartitionTree ptree = null;
while (true) {
if (++round > round_limit)
// Get the list of candidate roots and create a partition tree
List<DesignerVertex> candidate_roots = null;
try {
candidate_roots = this.createCandidateRoots(proc_hints, agraph);
} catch (Exception ex) {
ptree = new PartitionTree(info.catalogContext.database);
ptree.setName("PartTree-Round" + round);
// Make sure we include the replicated tables
for (String table_name : proc_hints.force_replication) {
DesignerVertex vertex = agraph.getVertex(info.catalogContext.database.getTables().get(table_name));
vertex.setAttribute(ptree,, PartitionMethodType.REPLICATION);
} // FOR
try {
for (DesignerVertex root : candidate_roots) {
buildPartitionTree(ptree, root, agraph, proc_hints);
} // FOR
} catch (Exception ex) {
// We add the procedure that was used to generate this ptree for
// debugging
// Weight the partition trees by how often the procedure is executed
ptree.setWeight((double) info.workload.getTraces(catalog_proc).size());
// Now go through and see if there any tables that need to be
// replicated
LOG.debug("Invoking replication tree generation...");
AbstractDirectedGraph<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge> rtree = new AbstractDirectedGraph<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge>(info.catalogContext.database) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
rtree.setName("RepTree-Round" + round);
ReplicationTreeGenerator replication_check = new ReplicationTreeGenerator(info, agraph, ptree);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// If there are no tables that are conflicted, then there is nothing
// else we can do
if (replication_check.getConflictVertices().isEmpty())
// Examine the edges that we created and see if there is a common
// ancestor that the
// the destination vertex wants to be partitioned on
List<Table> candidates = new ArrayList<Table>();
boolean forced_dependency = false;
for (DesignerVertex conflict_vertex : replication_check.getConflictVertices()) {
Table conflict_tbl = conflict_vertex.getCatalogItem();
// For each edge in the replication tree that is coming into
// this conflict vertex,
// see whether there is an overlapping ancestor
Map<Column, Integer> ancestors = new HashMap<Column, Integer>();
int max_count = 0;
Column max_column = null;
Column max_conflict_column = null;
for (DesignerEdge conflict_edge : rtree.getInEdges(conflict_vertex)) {
PredicatePairs cset = (PredicatePairs) conflict_edge.getAttribute(;
for (Column conflict_column : cset.findAllForParent(Column.class, conflict_tbl)) {
Column ancestor_column = CollectionUtil.last(info.dependencies.getAncestors(conflict_column));
Integer count = ancestors.get(ancestor_column);
count = (count == null ? 1 : count + 1);
ancestors.put(ancestor_column, count);
if (count > max_count) {
max_count = count;
max_column = ancestor_column;
max_conflict_column = conflict_column;
} // FOR
} // FOR
assert (max_column != null);
// If we have a column that is used in both trees, then that's
// the one we'll want to partition
// our buddy on...
boolean valid = true;
for (Column column : ancestors.keySet()) {
if (!max_column.equals(column) && max_count == ancestors.get(column)) {
valid = false;
} // FOR
LOG.debug("CONFLICT - " + conflict_vertex + ": " + ancestors);
if (valid) {
String child_key = CatalogKey.createKey(max_conflict_column.getParent());
String parent_key = CatalogKey.createKey(max_column.getParent());
String orig_parent_key = proc_hints.force_dependency.put(child_key, parent_key);
if (!parent_key.equals(orig_parent_key)) {
LOG.debug("Forcing dependency " + child_key + "->" + parent_key);
forced_dependency = true;
} // FOR
if (forced_dependency)
// Now for each candidate we need to check whether replicating would
// actually improve
// the performance of this procedure. So first we need to get a
// baseline cost
// of the procedure on the workload
// TODO: Support set sizes greater than 2!!
Set<Set<Table>> candidate_sets = new LinkedHashSet<Set<Table>>();
assert (candidates.size() <= 2);
for (int ctr0 = 0, cnt = candidates.size(); ctr0 < cnt; ctr0++) {
Set<Table> set = new HashSet<Table>();
for (int ctr1 = ctr0 + 1; ctr1 < cnt; ctr1++) {
set = new HashSet<Table>();
} // FOR
} // FOR
// Calculate the cost of each replication candidate set
// If this is the first time we are doing this for this procedure,
// then add in a blank
// replication set so that we can get the baseline cost
Set<Table> best_set = null;
double best_cost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (best_cost == overall_best_cost)
candidate_sets.add(new HashSet<Table>());
for (Set<Table> replication_set : candidate_sets) {
Catalog new_catalog = CatalogCloner.cloneBaseCatalog(info.catalogContext.database.getCatalog());
for (Table catalog_tbl : proc_tables) {
DesignerVertex vertex = ptree.getVertex(catalog_tbl);
assert (vertex != null) : "PartitionTree is missing a vertex for " + catalog_tbl + " " + ptree.getVertices();
Table new_catalog_tbl = CatalogCloner.clone(catalog_tbl, new_catalog);
// Mark the table as replicated if it's in the current set
if (replication_set.contains(catalog_tbl) || ptree.isReplicated(vertex)) {
// Otherwise partition it according to the current
// partition tree
} else {
Column catalog_col = (Column) vertex.getAttribute(ptree,;
assert (catalog_col != null) : "Failed to retrieve partition column for " + catalog_tbl + " " + vertex.getAttributeValues(ptree);
Column new_catalog_col = new_catalog_tbl.getColumns().get(catalog_col.getName());
assert (new_catalog_col != null);
} // FOR
Database new_catalog_db = CatalogUtil.getDatabase(new_catalog);
CatalogCloner.cloneConstraints(info.catalogContext.database, new_catalog_db);
CatalogContext newCatalogContext = new CatalogContext(new_catalog);
double cost = 0d;
try {
cost_model.estimateWorkloadCost(newCatalogContext, info.workload, filter, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.debug(replication_set + ": " + cost);
if (cost <= best_cost) {
// Always choose the smaller set
if (best_set != null && cost == best_cost && best_set.size() < replication_set.size())
best_set = replication_set;
best_cost = cost;
} // FOR
assert (best_set != null);
// Now this part is important!
// If the overall_best_cost is equal to the best cost, then we can
// go
// ahead and replicate these mofos!
if (best_cost < overall_best_cost) {
overall_best_cost = best_cost;
LOG.debug("Marking tables as replicated: " + best_set);
for (Table catalog_tbl : best_set) {
} // FOR
// If we're down here, then there is nothing else that needs to be
// done!
} // WHILE
return (ptree);
* @param ptree
* @param parent
protected void buildPartitionTree(final PartitionTree ptree, final DesignerVertex parent, final AccessGraph agraph, final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
boolean is_root = false;
if (!ptree.containsVertex(parent)) {"Starting heuristic PartitionTree generation at root '" + parent + "'");
is_root = true;
if (!parent.hasAttribute(ptree, {
parent.setAttribute(ptree,, PartitionMethodType.HASH);
// Replication: Check whether the hints tell us to force this table as
// replicated
if (hints.force_replication.contains(CatalogKey.createKey(parent.getCatalogItem()))) {"Marking read-only " + parent + " as replicated");
parent.setAttribute(ptree,, null);
parent.setAttribute(ptree,, PartitionMethodType.REPLICATION);
assert (ptree.isReplicated(parent));
// --------------------------------------------------------
// STEP #1: Get Candidate Children
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Starting at the current vertex, get all vertices at the next depth
// level
SortedSet<DesignerVertex> next = new TreeSet<DesignerVertex>(new VertexComparator(agraph, parent));
int parent_depth = ptree.getDepth(parent);
Table parent_table = parent.getCatalogItem();
LOG.debug("Current Parent: " + parent + " " + parent.getAttributes(ptree));
LOG.debug("Current Depth: " + parent_depth);
LOG.debug("Successors: " + agraph.getSuccessors(parent));
// Look through all the vertices that our parent is adjacent to in the
// AccessGraph
// and come up with a list of the next vertices to visit
DesignerVertex parent_root = ptree.getRoot(parent);
for (DesignerVertex vertex : agraph.getSuccessors(parent)) {
boolean force = false;
Table vertex_tbl = vertex.getCatalogItem();
// Skip any self-references
if (vertex == parent)
// Skip any vertices that are marked as replicated
if (ptree.isReplicated(vertex)) {
LOG.debug("Skipping " + vertex + " because it is already marked for replication");
// Force dependencies
if (hints.force_dependency.containsKey(CatalogKey.createKey(vertex_tbl))) {
String force_dependency = hints.force_dependency.get(CatalogKey.createKey(vertex_tbl));
// We'll force this We're allowed to break this forced
// dependency if the current parent
// is a descendant of the table that the child should be forced
// to
if (force_dependency != null) {
Table force_tbl = CatalogKey.getFromKey(info.catalogContext.database, force_dependency, Table.class);
if (parent_table.equals(force_tbl)) {
force = true;
LOG.debug("Forcing dependency: " + parent_table + "->" + vertex_tbl);
} else if (info.dependencies.getDescendants(force_tbl).contains(parent_table) && (ptree.containsVertex(vertex) || hints.force_replication.contains(force_dependency))) {
LOG.debug("Allowing take over of dependency: " + parent_table + "->" + vertex_tbl);
} else {
LOG.debug("Not allowing: " + parent_table + "->" + vertex_tbl);
LOG.debug("ptree.containsVertex: " + ptree.containsVertex(vertex));
// We then need to check whether the current parent table is a
// descendant of
// the other vertex in the DependencyGraph. This to check that you
// don't violate
// a foreign key dependency that may be several vertices removed
List<DesignerEdge> path = info.dgraph.getPath(vertex, parent);
if (!path.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Skipping " + vertex + " because it is an ancestor of " + parent + " in the DependencyGraph");
// If this vertex is already in the PartitionTree, we need to check
// whether our
// current parent has an edge with a greater weight to the vertex
// than the one it
// currently has in the tree.
// What if the other vertex is a direct ascendant of the current
// parent? That means
// if we break the edge then the whole path will get messed up and
// all the vertices
// will be orphans again. Therefore, I think it should only move the
// vertex if
// the edge is greater *AND* it's not an ascendant of the current
// parent.
if (ptree.containsVertex(vertex)) {
if (ptree.getPath(parent).contains(vertex)) {
LOG.debug("Skipping " + vertex + " because it is an ancestor of " + parent + " in the PartitionTree");
// Now look to whether there is a new Edge in the AccessGraph
// with a greater
// weight than the one that is currently being used in the
// PartitionTree
// We will only move the vertex if it's in the same tree
DesignerVertex vertex_orig_parent = ptree.getParent(vertex);
if (vertex_orig_parent != null) {
// Check whether these guys have the same root
// If they don't, then we won't move the child.
DesignerVertex child_root = ptree.getRoot(vertex);
if (!child_root.equals(parent_root)) {
LOG.debug("Skipping " + vertex + " because it's in a different partition tree (" + child_root + "<->" + parent_root + ")");
DesignerEdge orig_edge = null;
Double max_weight = null;
try {
orig_edge = ptree.findEdge(vertex_orig_parent, vertex);
// TODO: Need to think about whether it makes sense to
// take the total weight
// or whether we need to consider
max_weight = orig_edge.getTotalWeight();
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error(vertex + " => " + vertex_orig_parent);
if (orig_edge != null) {
} else {
LOG.error("ORIG EDGE: null");
DesignerEdge max_edge = orig_edge;
for (DesignerEdge candidate_edge : agraph.findEdgeSet(parent, vertex)) {
Double candidate_weight = (Double) candidate_edge.getAttribute(;
if (candidate_weight > max_weight) {
max_edge = candidate_edge;
max_weight = candidate_weight;
} // FOR
// If the edge has changed, then we need to add it to our
// list of next vertices to visit.
// What if there isn't an AttributeSet that matches up
// with the parent? Then
// we just broke up the graph for no good reason
if (!force && max_edge.equals(orig_edge)) {
LOG.debug("Skipping " + vertex + " because there was not an edge with a greater weight than what it currently has in the PartitionTree");
} else {
// Check whether this child was our parent before, then
// we need to make sure that
// we switch ourselves to the HASH partition method
// instead of MAP
if (ptree.getParent(parent) != null && ptree.getParent(parent).equals(vertex)) {
parent.setAttribute(ptree,, PartitionMethodType.HASH);
LOG.debug("Remove existing child " + vertex + " from PartitionTree");
LOG.debug("Adding " + vertex + " to the list of the next nodes to visit");
} // FOR
// --------------------------------------------------------
// STEP #2: Selecting Partitioning Attribute
// --------------------------------------------------------
if (!next.isEmpty()) {
// If we're the root, then we need to select our partitioning
// attribute
if (is_root) {
TablePartitionSets attributes = new TablePartitionSets((Table) parent.getCatalogItem());
boolean debug = parent.getCatalogItem().getName().equals("STOCK");
for (DesignerVertex child : next) {
// We now need to pick what edge from the AccessGraph to use
// as the dependency edge
// in our partition mapping
Table catalog_child_tbl = child.getCatalogItem();
LOG.debug("Looking for edge between " + parent + " and " + child + ": " + agraph.findEdgeSet(parent, child));
for (DesignerEdge edge : agraph.findEdgeSet(parent, child)) {
LOG.debug("Creating AttributeSet entry for " + edge);
// We only want to use edges that are used in joins.
AccessGraph.AccessType type = (AccessGraph.AccessType) edge.getAttribute(;
if (!AccessGraph.AccessType.JOINS.contains(type))
attributes.add(catalog_child_tbl, edge);
} // FOR
} // FOR
if (debug) {
if (attributes.size() > 1)
if (debug) {
// Now get the list of AttributeSets that have the highest
// weights
Set<TablePartitionSets.Entry> asets = attributes.getMaxWeightAttributes();
if (debug) {
TablePartitionSets.Entry aset = null;
if (asets.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Skipping vertex " + parent + " because no attributes to its children were found");
return; // throw new
// Exception("ERROR: Failed to generate AttributeSets for parent '"
// + parent + "'");
} else if (asets.size() > 1) {
// XXX: Pick the attribute with the longest path to a root
// in the dependency graph
TablePartitionSets.Entry best_entry = null;
int best_length = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (TablePartitionSets.Entry entry : asets) {
for (Column catalog_col : entry) {
List<Column> ancestors = info.dependencies.getAncestors(catalog_col);
int length = ancestors.size();
LOG.debug(catalog_col + " ==> " + ancestors + " [length=" + length + "]");
if (length > best_length) {
best_entry = entry;
best_length = length;
} // FOR
} // FOR
if (best_entry == null) {
LOG.fatal("Unable to handle more than one AttributeSet for parent '" + parent + "' [" + asets.size() + "]");
LOG.debug("Choose PartitionSet.Entry " + best_entry + " because it has a path length of " + best_length);
aset = best_entry;
} else {
aset = CollectionUtil.first(asets);
// We need to figure out which attribute to select if there are
// multiple ones
// Well, one way is to pick one that
parent.setAttribute(ptree,, CollectionUtil.first(aset));
} // is_root
// This AttributeSet determines how we want to partition the parent
// node.
// Therefore, we can only attach those children that have edges that
// use these attributes
List<DesignerVertex> next_to_visit = new ArrayList<DesignerVertex>();
Column parent_attribute = (Column) parent.getAttribute(ptree,;
for (DesignerVertex child : next) {
for (DesignerEdge edge : agraph.findEdgeSet(parent, child)) {
// Find the edge that links parent to this child
// If no edge exists, then the child can't be linked to the
// parent
PredicatePairs cset = (PredicatePairs) edge.getAttribute(;
Collection<Column> entries = cset.findAllForOther(Column.class, parent_attribute);
if (!entries.isEmpty()) {
assert (entries.size() == 1) : "Multiple entries from " + parent + " to " + child + ": " + entries;
try {
if (!ptree.containsVertex(parent))
DesignerEdge new_edge = ptree.createEdge(parent, child, edge);
LOG.debug("Creating new edge " + new_edge + " in PartitionTree");
child.setAttribute(ptree,, CollectionUtil.first(entries));
child.setAttribute(ptree,, PartitionMethodType.MAP);
// For now we can only link ourselves to the
// parent's attribute
child.setAttribute(ptree,, parent.getAttribute(ptree,;
// if
// (parent.getTable().getName().equals("DISTRICT"))
// {
// System.out.println(parent.getTable().getName() +
// "." + parent_attribute.getName() + " -> " +
// child.getTable().getName() + "." +
// CollectionUtil.getFirst(entries).getName());
// System.exit(1);
// }
} catch (Exception ex) {
} // FOR
} // FOR
for (DesignerVertex child : next_to_visit) {
this.buildPartitionTree(ptree, child, agraph, hints);
// If the current parent doesn't have any children, then we
// we need to decide how to partition it based on the
// self-referencing edges
} else if (is_root || !ptree.containsVertex(parent)) {
LOG.debug("Parent " + parent + " does not have any children");
DesignerEdge partition_edge = null;
double max_weight = 0;
for (DesignerEdge edge : agraph.getIncidentEdges(parent)) {
AccessGraph.AccessType type = (AccessGraph.AccessType) edge.getAttribute(;
if (type != AccessGraph.AccessType.SCAN)
Double weight = 0.0d; // FIXME
// (Double)edge.getAttribute(;
if (weight > max_weight) {
partition_edge = edge;
max_weight = weight;
} // FOR
if (partition_edge != null) {
PredicatePairs cset = (PredicatePairs) partition_edge.getAttribute(;
Collection<Column> attributes = cset.findAllForParent(Column.class, parent_table);
parent.setAttribute(ptree,, CollectionUtil.first(attributes));
parent.setAttribute(ptree,, PartitionMethodType.HASH);
LOG.debug(parent + parent.debug(ptree));
} else {
LOG.debug("Removing " + parent + " from PartitionTree because it does not contain an edge");
* @param ptrees
* @return
protected PartitionPlan generatePlan(List<PartitionTree> ptrees) {
// Iterate through all the ptrees and generate a PartitionMapping table
Map<PartitionTree, PartitionPlan> partition_plans = new HashMap<PartitionTree, PartitionPlan>();
for (final PartitionTree ptree : ptrees) {
final PartitionPlan partition_plan = new PartitionPlan();
assert (ptree != null);
// A PartitionTree may have multiple roots because some vertices
// could be isolated
// for replication or failed to be important enough to be linked in
// the "main" tree
for (DesignerVertex root : ptree.getRoots()) {
// System.out.println("ROOT: " + root);
new VertexTreeWalker<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge>(ptree) {
protected void populate_children(VertexTreeWalker.Children<DesignerVertex> children, DesignerVertex element) {
for (DesignerVertex v : this.getGraph().getSuccessors(element)) {
if (!this.hasVisited(v)) {
} // FOR
protected void callback(DesignerVertex element) {
LOG.debug("SimpleCountingMapper.CALLBACK -> " + element.getCatalogItem());
DesignerVertex parent = this.getPrevious();
PartitionMethodType method = (PartitionMethodType) (element.getAttribute(ptree,;
Column attribute = null;
Table parent_table = null;
Column parent_attribute = null;
if (method == PartitionMethodType.REPLICATION) {
// Anything???
} else {
attribute = (Column) element.getAttribute(ptree,;
// If this vertex is a dependent on a parent, then
// we also need to get the
// mapping of columns
if (parent != null) {
DesignerEdge edge = ptree.findEdge(parent, element);
if (edge == null) {
LOG.fatal("Failed to find edge between parent '" + parent + "' and child '" + element + "'");
parent_attribute = (Column) element.getAttribute(ptree,;
parent_table = parent.getCatalogItem();
method = PartitionMethodType.MAP; // Why do we
// have to set
// this here?
// if (parent_attribute == null) {
// PartitionEntry entry = new
// PartitionEntry(element.getTable(), method,
// attribute, parent_table, parent_attribute);
// System.out.println(element.getAttributeValues(ptree));
// System.out.println(entry.toString());
// System.exit(1);
// }
TableEntry entry = new TableEntry(method, attribute, parent_table, parent_attribute);
partition_plan.getTableEntries().put((Table) element.getCatalogItem(), entry);
} // FOR roots;
partition_plans.put(ptree, partition_plan);
} // FOR trees
// Now for each relation, make a tally for the different ways that it
// could be partitioned
// This will then be used to generate the final PartitionMapping
PartitionPlan pplan = new PartitionPlan();
for (Table catalog_tbl : info.catalogContext.database.getTables()) {
// For each table, look at the PartitionPlan entries that we created
// above and see
// whether it references our table. If it does, then we need to
// increase our count
// by one.
Map<TableEntry, Double> counts = new HashMap<TableEntry, Double>();
LOG.debug("Counting PartitionPlan entries for " + catalog_tbl);
for (PartitionTree ptree : partition_plans.keySet()) {
PartitionPlan partition_plan = partition_plans.get(ptree);
// System.out.println("Mapping Tables: " + mapping.keySet());
// We found a partition plan that references our table, so then
// we need to grab
// the entry and include it in our count list. Note that the
// PartitionPlan.Entry
// object knows how to properly tell whether it has the same
// attributes as
// other entry objects, so the count should be properly updated.
if (partition_plan.getTableEntries().containsKey(catalog_tbl)) {
// Exclude HASH entries without attributes...
TableEntry entry = partition_plan.getTableEntries().get(catalog_tbl);
if (entry.getMethod() == PartitionMethodType.HASH && entry.getAttribute() == null) {
LOG.warn("Skipping entry for " + catalog_tbl + " because it does not have any partitioning attributes");
} else {
LOG.debug("Match: " + partition_plan);
// We need to weight this entry by the weight of the
// PartitionTree
// that it was derived from
double count = ptree.getWeight();
if (counts.containsKey(entry))
count += counts.get(entry);
counts.put(entry, count);
} // FOR
} // FOR
// If a table was either hashed or mapped on the same attributes,
// then
// always go for map
Iterator<TableEntry> it = counts.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
TableEntry entry0 =;
if (entry0.getMethod() == PartitionMethodType.MAP)
boolean remove = false;
for (TableEntry entry1 : counts.keySet()) {
if (entry0 == entry1)
if (entry0.getMethod() == PartitionMethodType.HASH && entry1.getMethod() == PartitionMethodType.MAP && entry0.getAttribute().equals(entry1.getAttribute())) {
remove = true;
} // FOR
if (remove) {"Removing " + entry0 + " because a duplicate entry for a MAP already exists");
} // WHILE
// If our counts for the current table is not empty, then we need to
// need to pick
// the one with the greatest count
if (!counts.isEmpty()) {
for (TableEntry entry : counts.keySet()) {
LOG.debug("[" + counts.get(entry) + "]: " + entry);
} // FOR
// Loop through and pick the entries with the greatest weight
// We use a set to warn about multiple entries that could be
// picked (which is another decision problem)
Set<TableEntry> picked_entries = new HashSet<TableEntry>();
double max_cnt = 0;
for (TableEntry entry : counts.keySet()) {
double entry_cnt = counts.get(entry);
// If the entry's weight is the same or equal to the current
// max weight, then
// add it to our list of possible selections. Note that if
// it's greater than the
// current max weight, then we need to clear our previous
// entries
if (entry_cnt >= max_cnt) {
if (entry_cnt > max_cnt)
max_cnt = entry_cnt;
} // FOR
assert (picked_entries.isEmpty() == false);
if (picked_entries.size() > 1) {
LOG.warn("Multiple entries found with the same count for " + catalog_tbl + ". Picking the first one that has a parent");
pplan.getTableEntries().put(catalog_tbl, CollectionUtil.first(picked_entries));
} else {
// Just grab the only one and stick it in the PartitionPlan
pplan.getTableEntries().put(catalog_tbl, CollectionUtil.first(picked_entries));
// System.out.println(catalog_tbl + " => " +
// final_mapping.get(catalog_tbl).toString());
// This is bad news all around...
} else {
LOG.warn("Failed to find any PartitionPlan entries that reference " + catalog_tbl);
} // FOR tables
// HACK: Add in any tables we missed as replicated
for (Table catalog_tbl : info.catalogContext.database.getTables()) {
if (pplan.getTableEntries().get(catalog_tbl) == null) {
pplan.getTableEntries().put(catalog_tbl, new TableEntry(PartitionMethodType.REPLICATION, null, null, null));
} // FOR
return (pplan);
* @param graph
* @param agraph
* @return
* @throws Exception
protected List<DesignerVertex> createCandidateRoots(final DesignerHints hints, final IGraph<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge> agraph) throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Searching for candidate roots...");
if (agraph == null)
throw new NullPointerException("AccessGraph is Null");
// For each vertex, we are going come up with a weight that determines
// the order
// in which we will try to partition their descendant tables. We want to
// sort the vertices in descending order by their weight.
final Map<DesignerVertex, Double> root_weights = new HashMap<DesignerVertex, Double>();
Comparator<DesignerVertex> root_comparator = new Comparator<DesignerVertex>() {
public int compare(DesignerVertex v0, DesignerVertex v1) {
Double w0 = root_weights.get(v0);
Double w1 = root_weights.get(v1);
if (w0.equals(w1)) {
return (v1.getCatalogItem().compareTo(v0.getCatalogItem()));
return (w1.compareTo(w0));
// Loop through all of the vertices in our DependencyGraph and calculate
// the weight of the edges from the candidate root to their descendants
final List<DesignerVertex> roots = new ArrayList<DesignerVertex>();
final TreeSet<DesignerVertex> candidates = new TreeSet<DesignerVertex>(root_comparator);
for (final DesignerVertex vertex : info.dgraph.getVertices()) {
// Skip if this table isn't even used in this procedure
if (!agraph.containsVertex(vertex))
// Also skip if this table is marked for replication
if (hints.force_replication.contains(vertex.getCatalogItem().getName()))
// We only can only use this vertex as a candidate root if
// none of its parents (if it even has any) are used in the
// AccessGraph or are
// not marked for replication
boolean valid = true;
Collection<DesignerVertex> parents = info.dgraph.getPredecessors(vertex);
for (DesignerVertex other : agraph.getNeighbors(vertex)) {
if (parents.contains(other) && !hints.force_replication.contains(other.getCatalogItem().getName())) {
LOG.debug("SKIP " + vertex + " [" + other + "]");
valid = false;
} // FOR
if (!valid)
LOG.debug("CANDIDATE: " + vertex);
root_weights.put(vertex, 0d);
// We now need to set the weight of the candidate.
// The first way I did this was to count the number of outgoing
// edges from the candidate
// Now I'm going to use the weights of the outgoing edges in the
// AccessGraph.
new VertexTreeWalker<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge>(info.dgraph) {
protected void callback(DesignerVertex element) {
// Get the total weights from this vertex to all of its
// descendants
if (agraph.containsVertex(element)) {
double total_weight = root_weights.get(vertex);
Collection<DesignerVertex> descedents = info.dgraph.getDescendants(element);
// LOG.debug(" -> " + element + ": " + descedents);
for (DesignerVertex descendent : descedents) {
if (descendent != element && agraph.containsVertex(descendent)) {
// Do we care whether edges are all reference
// the same attributes?
// How would this work in TPC-E, since there a
// bunch of root tables
// that are referenced but do not have long
// paths along the same
// foreign key dependencies that we have in
// TPC-C (e.g., W_ID)
for (DesignerEdge edge : agraph.findEdgeSet(element, descendent)) {
// XXX: 2010-05-07
// We multiply the edge weights by the
// distance of the destination vertex
// to the root of the candidate root. This
// means that we will weight
// long paths more important than short
// ones, because that means we will
// get to include more related partitions
// together
LOG.debug(edge + " [" + this.getDepth() + "]: " + edge.getTotalWeight());
total_weight += (edge.getTotalWeight() * (this.getDepth() + 1));
} // FOR
} // FOR
root_weights.put(vertex, total_weight);
} // FOR
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("Found ").append(candidates.size()).append(" candidate roots and ranked them as follows:\n");
int ctr = 0;
for (DesignerVertex vertex : candidates) {
buffer.append("\t[").append(ctr++).append("] ").append(vertex).append(" Weight=").append(root_weights.get(vertex)).append("\n");
} // FOR
return (roots);