Create a new table.
@param table the table to create
@throws DBException on database errors
@throws SerializationException on object serialization errors
@throws RecordStoreFullException if no space left
@throws RSException on storage errors
Creates a new table. Synchronous operation.
@param desc table descriptor for table
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is reserved
@throws if master is not running
@throws if table already exists (If concurrent threads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).
@throws if a remote or network exception occurs
Create a table with the given specifications. The table is not open when this is called.
@param tableName Name of the table
@param serializedTableSchema Serialized {@link AvroTableSchema} avro object
@param autoInc Initial auto increment value
Creates a new table
@param desc table descriptor for table
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is reserved
@throws MasterNotRunningException if master is not running
@throws NoServerForRegionException if root region is not being served
@throws TableExistsException if table already exists (If concurrentthreads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).
@throws IOException
Creates a new table. Synchronous operation.
@param desc table descriptor for table
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is reserved
@throws MasterNotRunningException if master is not running
@throws org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableExistsException if table already exists (If concurrentthreads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).
@throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
Creates a new table. Synchronous operation.
@param desc table descriptor for table
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is reserved
@throws MasterNotRunningException if master is not running
@throws TableExistsException if table already exists (If concurrentthreads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).
@throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs
Create a table using the given table definition.
@param desc The table definition
@param splitKeys Starting row keys for the initial table regions. If nulla single region is created.
Creates a table metdata and the directory for the table data
@param tableName name of the table
@param columns list of fields of the table
@param partCols partition keys of the table
@param fileInputFormat Class of the input format of the table data file
@param fileOutputFormat Class of the output format of the table data file
@throws HiveException thrown if the args are invalid or if the metadata or the data directory couldn't be created
This method should: 1. Extract the table information such table name and table fields from the class T, the information are annotated in the class T 2. Generate the SQL statement and create the table
@param < T>
@param type
@param dropIfExist
@throws Exception
Creates a Kiji table in an HBase instance.
@param name The name of the table to create.
@param layout The initial layout of the table (with unassigned column ids).
@throws IOException on I/O error.
@throws KijiAlreadyExistsException if the table already exists.
@deprecated Replaced by {@link #createTable(TableLayoutDesc)}
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