log.error("Got non-parsable data from Host: " + configHostName + " + and Port: " + aPort + ". Data received was: " + aResponse.contentString() + ". It is possible that the Wotaskd on the remote host is of the wrong version");
throw new MonitorException("Got non-parsable data from Host: " + configHostName + " + and Port: " + aPort + ". Data received was: " +aResponse.contentString() + ". It is possible that the Wotaskd on the remote host is of the wrong version");
NSArray errorResponse = (NSArray) xmlDict.valueForKey("errorResponse");
if (errorResponse != null) {
String errorString = "";
for (int i=0; i<errorResponse.count(); i++)
errorString = errorString + (String)errorResponse.objectAtIndex(i) + "\n";
throw new MonitorException(errorString);