Package er.extensions.eof

Source Code of er.extensions.eof.ERXBatchFetchUtilities$KeyPath

package er.extensions.eof;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator;

* ERXBatchFetchUtilities provides a collection of methods to support efficiently
* batch fetching arbitrarily deep keypaths on EOs.
* @author Lenny Marks (
public class ERXBatchFetchUtilities {
  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ERXBatchFetchUtilities.class);

   * Defaults skipFaultedSourceObjects to false for backwards compatibility
   * @see #batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean)
     * @param sourceObjects the array of source object to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keypaths the array of keypaths to fault
    public static void batchFetch(NSArray sourceObjects, NSArray keypaths) {
      ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(sourceObjects, keypaths, false);

   * Batch key the list of keys from the given source objects. No backwards compatibility
   * here, so skipFaultedSourceObject is true.
     * @param sourceObjects the array of source object to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keys the array of ERXKeys to fault
    public static void batchFetch(NSArray<? extends EOEnterpriseObject> sourceObjects, ERXKey<?>... keys) {
      NSMutableArray<String> keypaths = new NSMutableArray<String>();
      for (ERXKey<?> key : keys) {
      ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(sourceObjects, keypaths, true);

   * Shortcut for batch fetching a single source object
   * @see #batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean)
     * @param sourceObject source object to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keypaths the array of keypaths to fault
     * @param skipFaultedSourceObjects if true, all source objects that already have their relationships faulted will be skipped
    public static void batchFetch(EOEnterpriseObject sourceObject, NSArray keypaths, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects) {
      ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(new NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject>(sourceObject), keypaths, skipFaultedSourceObjects);

   * Shortcut for batch fetching a single keypath.
   * Defaults skipFaultedSourceObjects to true
   * @see #batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean)
     * @param sourceObjects the array of source object to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keypath the keypath to fault
    public static void batchFetch(NSArray sourceObjects, String keypath) {
      ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(sourceObjects, keypath, true);

   * Shortcut for batch fetching a single keypath.
   * @see #batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean)
     * @param sourceObjects the array of source object to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keypath the keypath to fault
     * @param skipFaultedSourceObjects if true, all source objects that already have their relationships faulted will be skipped
    public static void batchFetch(NSArray sourceObjects, String keypath, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects) {
      ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(sourceObjects, new NSArray<String>(keypath), skipFaultedSourceObjects);

   * Shortcut for batch fetching a single keypath and returns the fetched values.
   * Defaults skipFaultedSourceObjects to true
   * @see #batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean)
     * @param sourceObjects the array of source object to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keypath the keypath to fault
    public static NSArray batchFetchAndRetrieve(NSArray sourceObjects, String keypath) {
    return ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetchAndRetrieve(sourceObjects, keypath, true);

   * Shortcut for batch fetching a single keypath and returns the fetched values.
   * @see #batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean)
     * @param sourceObjects the array of source object to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keypath the keypath to fault
     * @param skipFaultedSourceObjects if true, all source objects that already have their relationships faulted will be skipped
    public static NSArray batchFetchAndRetrieve(NSArray sourceObjects, String keypath, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects) {
      ERXBatchFetchUtilities.batchFetch(sourceObjects, keypath, skipFaultedSourceObjects);
    return (NSArray) sourceObjects.valueForKeyPath(keypath);

     * Batch fetch relationships specified by <i>keypaths </i> for
     * <i>sourceObjects </i>.
     * <p>
     * This method will use EODatabaseContext.batchFetchRelationship to
     * efficiently fetch like relationships for many objects in as few as one
     * database round trip per relationship.
     * <p>
     * For example, if fetching from Movie entities, you might specify paths of
     * the form: ("directors","roles.talent", "plotSummary"). This works much
     * like prefetching with fetch specifications, however this implementation
     * is able to work around inheritance where prefetching fails.
     * @param sourceObjects the array of source objects to fault keypaths on.
     * @param keypaths the array of keypaths to fault
     * @param skipFaultedSourceObjects if true, all source objects that already have their relationships faulted will be skipped
    public static void batchFetch(NSArray sourceObjects, NSArray keypaths, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects) {
        if (sourceObjects.count() == 0) return;
        EOEditingContext ec = null;
        for (Object sample : sourceObjects) {
      if (((EOEnterpriseObject)sample).editingContext() != null) {
        ec = ((EOEnterpriseObject)sample).editingContext();

        if (ec == null) return;
        EOObjectStoreCoordinator osc = (EOObjectStoreCoordinator) ec.rootObjectStore();

        try {

            NSArray rootKeyPathObjects = KeyPath.parseKeyPathStrings(keypaths);

            Enumeration keyPathObjectsEnum = rootKeyPathObjects.objectEnumerator();
            while (keyPathObjectsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                KeyPath kp = (KeyPath) keyPathObjectsEnum.nextElement();
                kp.traverseForObjects(sourceObjects, skipFaultedSourceObjects);

        } finally {

   * Overloads batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean) to batch through the
   * NSArray of sourceObjects batchSize at a time.
   * @see #batchFetch(NSArray, NSArray, boolean)
   * @author aman - Mar 11, 2009
   * @param sourceObjects
   * @param keypaths
   * @param skipFaultedSourceObjects
   * @param batchSize
    public static void batchFetch(NSArray sourceObjects, NSArray keypaths, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects, int batchSize) {
    for (int i = 0; i < sourceObjects.count(); i += batchSize) {
      int rangeSize = batchSize;
      if (i + batchSize > sourceObjects.count()) {
        rangeSize = sourceObjects.count() - i;
      NSRange range = new NSRange(i, rangeSize);
      NSArray batchedSourceObjects = sourceObjects.subarrayWithRange(range);
      batchFetch(batchedSourceObjects, keypaths, skipFaultedSourceObjects);

     * This class represent a keypath as a hierarchical tree structure(path and
     * subPaths similar to directory and subDirectory).
     * @author lenny
    static class KeyPath {

        private String  path;
        private NSArray subPaths; //NSArray of KeyPath objects

        public KeyPath(String path, NSArray subPaths) {
            this.path = path;
            this.subPaths = subPaths;

         * Traverse through all relationships represented by this keypath for
         * <i>sourceObjects </i> using batchFetching to optimize roundtrips to
         * database.
         * <p>
         * This method assumes the EOObjectStoreCoordinator has been externally
         * locked.
         * @see EOFUtils#batchFetch
         * @param sourceObjects
         * @param skipFaultedSourceObjects
        public void traverseForObjects(NSArray sourceObjects, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects) {
            if (sourceObjects == null || sourceObjects.count() < 1) return;

            NSDictionary objectsByEntity = splitObjectsByEntity(sourceObjects);
            Enumeration e = objectsByEntity.allValues().objectEnumerator();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                NSArray homogeniousObjects = (NSArray) e.nextElement();
                traverseForHomogeniousObjects(homogeniousObjects, skipFaultedSourceObjects);

        public String path() {
            return path;

        public NSArray subPaths() {
            return subPaths;

         * Take a list of keypath strings and return a list or KeyPath objects.
         * <pre>
         *  ex. from
         *  manuscriptEvents.userAction.enteredBy
         *  manuscriptEvents.userAction.changedBy
         *  manuscriptEvents.correspondence.enteredBy
         *  deniedIndividuals
         *  to:
         *  1. manuscriptEvents.
         *            userAction.
         *                   enteredBy
         *                              changedBy
         *  2. manuscriptEvents.
         *              correspondence.
         *                     enteredBy
         *  3. deniedIndividuals
         * </pre>
         * @param keypathStrings
         * @return
        public static NSArray<KeyPath> parseKeyPathStrings(NSArray keypathStrings) {
            //keyed by top level so we can combine like root paths
            NSDictionary subPathsKeyedByTopLevel = subPathsKeyedByTopLevel(keypathStrings);

            NSMutableArray<KeyPath> keyPathObjects = new NSMutableArray<KeyPath>();

            Enumeration e = subPathsKeyedByTopLevel.keyEnumerator();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                String path = (String) e.nextElement();
                NSArray subPaths = (NSArray) subPathsKeyedByTopLevel.valueForKey(path);

                KeyPath kp = new KeyPath(path, KeyPath.parseKeyPathStrings(subPaths));


            return keyPathObjects;

        private void traverseForHomogeniousObjects(NSArray sourceObjects, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects) {
            if (sourceObjects == null || sourceObjects.count() < 1) return;

            EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) sourceObjects.objectAtIndex(0);
            EOEditingContext ec = eo.editingContext();
            EOEntity entity = EOUtilities.entityForObject(ec, eo);

            EORelationship relationship = entity.relationshipNamed(path);

            if (relationship == null) return;

            batchFetchRelationshipOnSourceObjects(relationship, sourceObjects, skipFaultedSourceObjects);

            Enumeration subPathsEnum = subPaths.objectEnumerator();
            while (subPathsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                KeyPath subPath = (KeyPath) subPathsEnum.nextElement();

                NSArray destinationObjects = destinationObjectsForRelationship(relationship, sourceObjects);

                subPath.traverseForObjects(destinationObjects, skipFaultedSourceObjects);

        private static NSDictionary subPathsKeyedByTopLevel(NSArray keypathStrings) {
            NSMutableDictionary subPathsKeyedByTopLevel = new NSMutableDictionary();

            Enumeration e = keypathStrings.objectEnumerator();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                String keypath = (String) e.nextElement();

                String path = KeyPath.directPathFromKeyPath(keypath);

                NSMutableArray subPaths = (NSMutableArray) subPathsKeyedByTopLevel.valueForKey(path);

                if (subPaths == null) {
                    subPaths = new NSMutableArray();
                    subPathsKeyedByTopLevel.takeValueForKey(subPaths, path);

                String subPath = KeyPath.indirectPathFromKeyPath(keypath);

                if (subPath != null) subPaths.addObject(subPath);

            return subPathsKeyedByTopLevel;

        private NSArray destinationObjectsForRelationship(EORelationship relationship, NSArray sourceObjects) {

            NSMutableArray destinationObjects = new NSMutableArray();

            Enumeration e = sourceObjects.objectEnumerator();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                EOEnterpriseObject nextEO = (EOEnterpriseObject) e.nextElement();

                if (relationship.isToMany()) {
                    destinationObjects.addObjectsFromArray((NSArray) nextEO.valueForKey(path));
                } else {
                    Object o = nextEO.valueForKey(path);
                    if (o != null) destinationObjects.addObject(o);


            return destinationObjects;

        private void batchFetchRelationshipOnSourceObjects(EORelationship relationship, NSArray sourceObjects, boolean skipFaultedSourceObjects) {

            EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) sourceObjects.objectAtIndex(0);
            EOEditingContext ec = eo.editingContext();

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
              log.debug("Batch fetching '" + path + "' relationship on " + sourceObjects);

            EODatabaseContext dbContext = ERXEOAccessUtilities.databaseContextForObject(eo);
            try {
              ERXEOAccessUtilities.batchFetchRelationship(dbContext, relationship, sourceObjects, ec, skipFaultedSourceObjects);
            finally {

        private NSDictionary splitObjectsByEntity(NSArray objects) {
            NSMutableDictionary objectsByEntityName = new NSMutableDictionary();

            Enumeration e = objects.objectEnumerator();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                EOEnterpriseObject eo = (EOEnterpriseObject) e.nextElement();
                NSMutableArray objectsForEntity = (NSMutableArray) objectsByEntityName.valueForKey(eo.entityName());
                if (objectsForEntity == null) {
                    objectsForEntity = new NSMutableArray();
                    objectsByEntityName.takeValueForKey(objectsForEntity, eo.entityName());


            return objectsByEntityName;

        private static String directPathFromKeyPath(String keypath) {
            String path = keypath;

            int indexOfDot = keypath.indexOf(".");
            if (indexOfDot >= 0) {
                path = keypath.substring(0, indexOfDot);

            return path;

        private static String indirectPathFromKeyPath(String keypath) {
            String indirectPath = null;

            int indexOfDot = keypath.indexOf(".");
            if (indexOfDot >= 0) {
                indirectPath = keypath.substring(indexOfDot + 1);

            return indirectPath;


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