Autentica um usuário baseado nas credenciais
@param user nome do usuário
@param password senha
Authenticates a user.
@param username The username identifying the user to authenticate.
@param password The password of the user to authenticate.
@param protocolVersionId The UUID
indicating the protocolexpected by the client.
@return The JobService
to use for this session.
@throws LoginException if the user name or password are invalid.
@throws ProtocolVersionException if the protocol expected by the client(as indicated by protocolVersionId
) is incompatible with the protocol expected by the server.
Invoked when the user submits the authentication information for this module. If the authentication details supplied are not valid then a {@link InvalidLoginCredentialsException} should be thrown.
A {@link Credentials} object may be returned that will be stored inthe session and possibly used to sign on to external other resources automatically.
@param request request
@param parameters parameters
@return credentials
@throws InvalidLoginCredentialsException if authentication credentials incorrect
@throws AccountLockedException if the account has been lock
@throws SecurityErrorException on any other error
@throws InputRequiredException
@param username
@param password
Get authenticated using a Auth object, this could be a previously stored data.
@param token
Check the given credentials, and return a relevant object if accepted. Returning null indicates credentials were not accpeted You SHOULD use com.bradmcevoy.http.http11.auth.DigestGenerator to implement digest calculation, and then compare that to the given request digest.
@param digestRequest - the digest authentication information provided by the client
@return - if credentials are accepted, some object to attach to the Auth object. otherwise null
Check the given credentials, and return a relevant object if accepted.
Returning null indicates credentials were not accepted
@param user - the user name provided by the user's agent
@param password - the password provided by the user's agent
@return - if credentials are accepted, some object to attach to the Auth object.otherwise null
@param username
@param password
@param domainId
@return true if the user has been successfully authenticated, false otherwise
Authenticates the user's credentials passed as parameters with ones stored in the underlying database.
@param dsName datasouce that stores the user credentials
@param dbType database type of the underlying database that stores user credentials
@param userLogin the user's login name
@param password the user's password
@exception DAOException if the database operation fails during authentication
@return true is the authentication succeeds, or false if the authentication fails
Authenticates credentials.
@param user the subject user
@throws CredentialsDeniedException if credentials are denied
@throws IdentityException if a system error occurs preventing authentication
@throws SQLException if a database communication exception occurs
Executes the authentication mechanism for the given request, returning a {@link Result} that can beused to actually authenticate the request via {@link Result#apply(Request)}.
If a request for {@code "/secure"} returns a {@link Result}, then the result may be used for other requests such as {@code "/secure/foo"} or {@code "/secure/bar"}, unless those resources are protected by other realms.
@param request the request to execute the authentication mechanism for
@param response the 401 response obtained in the previous attempt to request the protected resource
@param headerInfo the {@code WWW-Authenticate} (or {@code Proxy-Authenticate}) header chosen for this authentication (among the many that the response may contain)
@param context the conversation context in case the authentication needs multiple exchangesto be completed and information needs to be stored across exchanges
@return the authentication result, or null if the authentication could not be performed
@param context
@param payload Some arbitrary payload that shall get passed into the authentication process
@return either an AuthUser object or a String (URL)
@throws AuthException
Authenticate a user based on HTTP request parameters. Authentication by X509Certificate is tried first and then by cookie.
@param httpRequest
@return a user object or null
Authenticate a user based on HTTP request parameters. Authentication by X509Certificate is tried first and then by cookie.
@param httpRequest
@return a user object or null
@since 1.4.0
@param credential 用户凭据。
@return 当认证通过后,返回认证结果。
@throws InvalidCredentialException 当输入的凭据不合法的时候会抛出该异常。
@param credential 用户凭据
@return 是否认证通过。
@throws 若认证失败 ,则抛出合适的认证错误异常对象。
Authenticates based on the provided field values.
@throws ClientLoginResponseException if the authentication response has an error code, such asfor a CAPTCHA challenge.
@throws IOException some other kind of I/O exception
authenticates the user
@param authenticationIdentity: contains user credentials
Authenticates against the repository and returns an {@link AuthenticationResponse} indicating whether authenticationwas successful. If the authentication was successful, the connector may return a {@code Collection} of group names representing any groups for whichthe user is a member. If the password supplied in the {@link AuthenticationIdentity}is {@code null}, the connector may skip authentication, but still return a valid {@link AuthenticationResponse} containing a {@code Collection}of group names representing any groups for which the user is a member. If an exception is thrown, the implementor should provide an explanatory message.
@param identity an {@link AuthenticationIdentity} object that encapsulatesthe user's identity
@return an {@link AuthenticationResponse} indicating whether authenticationwas successful, or if the identity password was {@code null}, the {@code Collection} of groups to which the user belongs
@throws RepositoryLoginException if there is a credentials-related problemthat prohibits authentication
@throws RepositoryException if there is a more general problem, suchas the system is unreachable or down
Evaluate whether this NigoriDatastore can authenticate to the server.
@return true if the account is valid; false otherwise.
Invoked when authentication for this endpoint is required.
@param force
@throws ClientServicesException
Authenticates to db with the given credentials. If this method (or {@code authenticateCommand} has already beencalled with the same credentials and the authentication test succeeded, this method will return true. If this method has already been called with different credentials and the authentication test succeeded, this method will throw an {@code IllegalStateException}. If this method has already been called with any credentials and the authentication test failed, this method will re-try the authentication test with the given credentials.
@param username name of user for this database
@param password password of user for this database
@return true if authenticated, false otherwise
@throws MongoException if authentication failed due to invalid user/pass, or other exceptions like I/O
@throws IllegalStateException if authentiation test has already succeeded with different credentials
@see #authenticateCommand(String,char[])
@dochub authenticate
Authenticates to db with the given name and password
@param username name of user for this database
@param passwd password of user for this database
@return true if authenticated, false otherwise
@throws MongoException
@dochub authenticate
Authenticate the user on the remote host.
To authenticate the user, create an SshAuthenticationClient
instance and configure it with the authentication details.
PasswordAuthenticationClient pwd = new PasswordAuthenticationClient(); pwd.setUsername("root"); pwd.setPassword("xxxxxxxxx"); int result = ssh.authenticate(pwd);
The method returns a result value will one of the public static values defined in AuthenticationProtocolState
. These are
COMPLETED - The authentication succeeded.
PARTIAL - The authentication succeeded but a further authentication method is required.
FAILED - The authentication failed.
CANCELLED - The user cancelled authentication (can only be returned when the user is prompted for information.
@param auth A configured SshAuthenticationClient instance ready forauthentication
@return The authentication result
@exception IOException If an IO error occurs during authentication
@since 0.2.0
Complete authentication of certificate user.
As noted, the certificate realm does not do the actual authentication (signature and cert chain validation) for the user certificate, this is done earlier in NSS. This method simply sets up the security context for the user in order to properly complete the authentication processing.
If any groups have been assigned to cert-authenticated users through the assign-groups property these groups are added to the security context for the current user.
@param subject The Subject object for the authentication request.
@param x500name The X500Name object from the user certificate.
Authenticates a user.
This method is invoked by the FileLoginModule in order to authenticate a user in the file realm. The authentication decision is kept within the realm class implementation in order to keep the password cache in a single location with no public accessors, to simplify future improvements.
@param user Name of user to authenticate.
@param password Password provided by client.
@returns Array of group names the user belongs to, or null ifauthentication fails.
@throws LoginException If there are errors during authentication.
Invoke the native authentication call.
@param username User to authenticate.
@param password Given password.
@returns true of false, indicating authentication status.
Invoke the native authentication call.
@param username User to authenticate.
@param password Given password.
@returns true of false, indicating authentication status.
Invoke the native authentication call.
@param username User to authenticate.
@param password Given password.
@returns true of false, indicating authentication status.
Authenticate the MBeanServerConnection
client with the given client credentials.
@param credentials the user-defined credentials to be passed into the server in order to authenticate the user before creating the MBeanServerConnection
. This parameter must be a two-element String[]
containing the client's username and password in that order.
@return the authenticated subject containing aJMXPrincipal(username)
@exception SecurityException if the server cannot authenticate the userwith the provided credentials.
XXX: review
@param user
@param pass
@throws javax.jms.JMSException
@throws javax.management.JMException
@throws java.io.IOException
called to authenticate each incoming request. The implementation must return a Failure, Success or Retry object as appropriate :-
Failure means the authentication has completed, but has failed due to invalid credentials.
Sucess means that the authentication has succeeded, and a Principal object representing the user can be retrieved by calling Sucess.getPrincipal() .
Retry means that another HTTP exchange is required. Any response headers needing to be sent back to the client are set in the given HttpExchange. The response code to be returned must be provided in the Retry object. Retry may occur multiple times.
@param callerSubject the callerSubject should contain the appropriate principal's of the caller after a successful authentication
@param username the username
@param password the password
@return true if authentication succeeds
@throws com.sun.xml.wss.XWSSecurityException , if there is an authentication failure
Fragt nach Makler-Login und -Passwort und überprüft die Eingabe
Fragt nach Benutzernamen und Passwort und vergleicht mit den Daten aus der Properties-Datei
@param userName
@param loginPassword
Authenticates the CLI invocation. See class javadoc for the semantics.
@throws AuthenticationException If the authentication failed and hence the processing shouldn't proceed.
@throws IOException Can be thrown if the {@link CliAuthenticator} fails to interact with the client.This exception is treated as a failure of authentication. It's just that allowing this would often simplify the callee.
@throws InterruptedException Same motivation as {@link IOException}. Treated as an authentication failure.
Perform authentication of the request. Any potentially blocking work should be performed in the handoff executor provided
@param exchange The exchange
Performs authentication on the request. If authentication is REQUIRED then setAuthenticationRequired() should be called before calling this method. If the result indicates that a response has been sent to the client then no further attempts should be made to modify the response. The caller of this method is responsible for ending the exchange. If this method returns true
it can still have committed the response (e.g. form auth redirects back to the original page). Callers should check that the exchange has not been ended before proceeding.
@return true
if either the request is successfully authenticated or if there is no failure validating thecurrent request so that the request should continue to be processed, false
if authentication was not completed and challenge has been prepared for the client.
Triggers the same authentication process as would be triggered if the request is for a resource that is protected by a security constraint.
@param response The response to use to return any authenticationchallenge
@return true
if the user is successfully authenticated andfalse
if not
@since Servlet 3.0
Log this user in which puts this user into "authenticated" mode. The "authenticated" status is transient, i.e. it is not stored in the persistent store.
If the password is not set (null) for an Author then he may no log in.
If this Author uses encrypted passwords then this method takes a plain-text password and compares it to the encrypted one.
Best practice: if you want to create a password encrypting Author then you should override this method and call this super method from your subclass with the then encrypted password. This method compares the input password to the stored encrypted password.
@param password the password that the user is trying to log in with. If this is null then authentication should always fail.
@return true iff authentication was successful
Attempts to authenticate the passed {@link Authentication} object, returning a fully populated
object (including granted authorities) if successful.
An AuthenticationManager
must honour the following contract concerning exceptions:
A {@link DisabledException} must be thrown if an account is disabled and theAuthenticationManager
can test for this state.
A {@link LockedException} must be thrown if an account is locked and theAuthenticationManager
can test for account locking.
A {@link BadCredentialsException} must be thrown if incorrect credentials are presented. Whilst theabove exceptions are optional, an AuthenticationManager
must always test credentials.
Exceptions should be tested for and if applicable thrown in the order expressed above (ie if an account is disabled or locked, the authentication request is immediately rejected and the credentials testing process is not performed). This prevents credentials being tested against disabled or locked accounts.
@param authentication the authentication request object
@return a fully authenticated object including credentials
@throws AuthenticationException if authentication fails
Authenticates a user based on the given context information.
@param userAdmin the user admin service, to use for verifying/retrieving user information,cannot be null
@param context the context information to authenticate the user with, should never benull
or an empty array.
@return the authenticated user, or null
if authentication failed.
@throws IllegalArgumentException in case the given context was null
or an empty array;
@throws NullPointerException in case the given array contains null
as element(s).
Authenticates the request with given credentials.
@param credentials Credentials can be a session ticket, password or session id.
@return true
if request is successfully authenticated else false
@throws AuthenticationException If a system error occurred during authentication process.
Checks whether given user exists in the user store and its credentials match with the credentials stored in the user store.
@param userName Name of the user to authenticate.
@param credentials User credentials as an object. User credentials may not be a string always.
@return True if user exists in the user store and its credentials match with the credentials in user store.false
@throws UserStoreException if a system wide error occurred while authenticating the user.
Authenticate a user from a username/password pair.
@param msgContext the MessageContext containing authentication info
@return an AuthenticatedUser or null
Return the Principal associated with the specified username and credentials, if there is one; otherwise return null
@param username Username of the Principal to look up
@param credentials Password or other credentials to use inauthenticating this username
Authenticate the user making this request, based on the login configuration of the {@link Context} with which this Authenticator isassociated. Return true
if any specified constraint has been satisfied, or false
if we have created a response challenge already.
@param request Request we are processing
@param response Response we are populating
@exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
@deprecated Use {@link #authenticate(Credentials,HttpMethod)}Produces an authorization string for the given set of {@link Credentials}, method name and URI using the given authentication scheme in response to the actual authorization challenge.
@param credentials The set of credentials to be used for athentication
@param method The name of the method that requires authorization. This parameter may be ignored, if it is irrelevant or not applicable to the given authentication scheme
@param uri The URI for which authorization is needed. This parameter may be ignored, if it is irrelevant or not applicable to the given authentication scheme
@throws AuthenticationException if authorization string cannot be generated due to an authentication failure
@return the authorization string
@see org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getName()
@see org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#getPath()
Produces basic authorization string for the given set of {@link Credentials}.
@param credentials The set of credentials to be used for athentication
@param method Method name is ignored by the basic authentication scheme
@param uri URI is ignored by the basic authentication scheme
@throws InvalidCredentialsException if authentication credentialsare not valid or not applicable for this authentication scheme
@throws AuthenticationException if authorization string cannot be generated due to an authentication failure
@return a basic authorization string
@deprecated Use {@link #authenticate(Credentials,HttpMethod)}
Log into a news server by sending the AUTHINFO USER/AUTHINFO PASS command sequence. This is usually sent in response to a 480 reply code from the NNTP server.
@param username a valid username
@param password the corresponding password
@return True for successful login, false for a failure
@throws IOException
Authenticate a User inside JBMS.
@param info Connection properties info.failure.
Authenticate user
The Authenticate method is called by the HiveServer2 authentication layer to authenticate users for their requests. If a user is to be granted, return nothing/throw nothing. When a user is to be disallowed, throw an appropriate {@link AuthenticationException}.
For an example implementation, see {@link LdapAuthenticationProviderImpl}.
@param user The username received over the connection request
@param password The password received over the connection request
@throws AuthenticationException When a user is found to beinvalid by the implementation
Produces an authorization string for the given set of {@link Credentials}.
@param credentials The set of credentials to be used for athentication
@param request The request being authenticated
@throws AuthenticationException if authorization string cannot be generated due to an authentication failure
@return the authorization string
Produces an authorization string for the given set of {@link Credentials}.
@param credentials The set of credentials to be used for athentication
@param request The request being authenticated
@param context HTTP context
@throws AuthenticationException if authorization string cannotbe generated due to an authentication failure
@return the authorization string
Produces basic authorization header for the given set of {@link Credentials}.
@param credentials The set of credentials to be used for athentication
@param request The request being authenticated
@throws org.apache.http.auth.InvalidCredentialsException if authentication credentialsare not valid or not applicable for this authentication scheme
@throws AuthenticationException if authorization string cannot be generated due to an authentication failure
@return a basic authorization string
Caches and returns an authentication {@link AuthenticationSession} if the{@link AuthenticationRequest request} is valid; otherwise returnsnull.
Validates the specified {@code Credentials} and returns {@code true} ifthe validation was successful.
@param credentials to verify
@return {@code true} if the validation was successful; {@code false}if the specified credentials are not supported or if validation failed.
Authenticate a user.
@param userName The user name.
@param password The user password.
@return the {@link AuthenticatedUser}
Authenticate a user.
@param username The user name.
@param password The user password.
@return Whether or not a user is authenticated.
@param userID
@param cred
@return The publisherID for this user
@throws RegistryException
@param authorizedName - userId of the user making the registry request
@param cred - some authentical creditial (i.e. a password) which can be used to authenticate the user.
@return The publisherID for this user
@throws {@link AuthenticationException}, {@link FatalErrorException}
@return the userId that came in on the request providing the user has a publishing account in jUDDI.
Authenticate a user. This is done by encrypting the given password and comparing this to the encryptedPassword.
@param password to authenticate with
@return true if the given password matches the password for this user
Authenticates a user using SASL negotiation.
@param server SASL server
@param response SASL response to process
Authenticates a user using SASL negotiation.
@param server SASL server
@param response SASL response to process
@return authentication result
Validate the specified logon credientials. If valid credentials are specified, return the corresponding {@link User} instance.Otherwise, return null
@param username Username creditial that was entered
@param password Password credential that was entered
Checks the authentication contained in the request. This check is only based on the original request object, no URI translation has taken place yet.
@param req The request object containing the information for theauthentication.
@param res The response object which may be used to send the informationon the request failure to the user.
Check the validity of a password. This method should return null if the authentication fails.
@param username the username
@param password the password
@param session the server session
@return a boolean indicating if authentication succeeded or not
Check the validity of a public key.
@param username the username
@param key the key
@param session the server session
@return a boolean indicating if authentication succeeded or not
Actual authentication check, has to be implemented by subclasses.
@param username The username
@param password The password
@return True if the user was authenticated successfully
This method is called by the container to authentication a SIP end point. On successful authentication, a list of "roles" in returned. A role is a String containing an abstract role name specified while configuring the user. The role specifies the authorization criteria. A jiplet can be configured (using jip.xml) to accept request messages only when an authenticated SIP end point has the specified roles.
@param method The method field of the SIP request message.
@param header The parsed authorization header field received in the SIP message.
@return null if the user could not be authenticated, Otherwise the roles configured for the user is returned.
Authenticates the given member code and password, returning true
if the member code and password identify a valid member.
@param code Member code
@param password Member password
@return true
if the user was authenticated
Authenticate the user based on his/her credentials, typically a username/password combo.
@param url
Executes the authentication mechanism for the given request, returning a {@link Result} that can beused to actually authenticate the request via {@link Result#apply(Request)}.
If a request for {@code "/secure"} returns a {@link Result}, then the result may be used for other requests such as {@code "/secure/foo"} or {@code "/secure/bar"}, unless those resources are protected by other realms.
@param request the request to execute the authentication mechanism for
@param response the 401 response obtained in the previous attempt to request the protected resource
@param headerInfo the {@code WWW-Authenticate} (or {@code Proxy-Authenticate}) header chosen for this authentication (among the many that the response may contain)
@param context the conversation context in case the authentication needs multiple exchangesto be completed and information needs to be stored across exchanges
@return the authentication result, or null if the authentication could not be performed
Check if the username and the password of an user is valid.
@param username
@param password
@return return true if the username and the password is match with an userrecord in the database, else return false.
@throws Exception throw an exception if cannot access the database
Authenticates a user.
This method is invoked by the FileLoginModule in order to authenticate a user in the file realm. The authentication decision is kept within the realm class implementation in order to keep the password cache in a single location with no public accessors, to simplify future improvements.
@param user Name of user to authenticate.
@param password Password provided by client.
@returns Array of group names the user belongs to, or null ifauthentication fails.
returns true if the specified password is the password for this user profile
@param password
Return the WorkflowParticipant associated with the specified username and credentials, if there is one; otherwise return null
@param username Username of the WorkflowParticipant to look up
@param credentials Password or other credentials to use inauthenticating this username
Performs the operation of authentication. To perform this operation, the values set in the Principal object (whose reference is returned by getPrincipalInstance()
) and the OpaqueCredentials object (whose reference is returned by getOpaqueCredentialsInstance()
@see #getPrincipalInstance
@see #getOpaqueCredentialsInstance
Authenticate an user with the provider
@param adapter protocol adapter
@param providerInfo Information about a provider derived from discovery process
@throws OpenIDDiscoveryException
@throws OpenIDConsumerException
@throws OpenIDMessageException
@throws OpenIDProtocolException
Authenticate the specified user with the given password. Implementations are most likely to delegates to a JBoss AuthenticationManager. Successful autentication will place a new SubjectContext on thread local, which will be used in the authorization process. However, we need to make sure we clean up thread local immediately after we used the information, otherwise some other people security my be screwed up, on account of thread local security stack being corrupted.
@throws JMSSecurityException if the user is not authenticated
Authenticate the specified user with the given password. Implementations are most likely to delegates to a JBoss AuthenticationManager. Successful autentication will place a new SubjectContext on thread local, which will be used in the authorization process. However, we need to make sure we clean up thread local immediately after we used the information, otherwise some other people security my be screwed up, on account of thread local security stack being corrupted.
@throws JMSSecurityException if the user is not authenticated
@throws LoginException
Authenticates a subject.
@param securityContext - the security context to authenticate
@throws LoginException - if the authentication was not sucessful
Authenticates/Authorizes access to a resource defined in TokenRequest against an OAuth v2 authentication/authorization server.
@param tokenRequest specified the principal and the required permissions
@return a Token object with the token required to access the resourcealong with its expiration time
@throws AuthorizationException if the principal cannot be authenticated or has no permissions for the specifed resources.
This method is intended to be implemented by clients wishing to authenticate a user with a given password. Clients should implement the authentication in a manner that the authentication can be cancelled at any time.
@param name username
@param password password
@param server server (optional)
@return true
on authentication success
@throws Exception
Performs authentication attempt based on login/password pair
@param login user login
@param password user password
@return user details
@throws UnexpectedErrorException if external service returns unexpected result
@throws NoConnectionException if we can't connect for any reason to external authentication service
@param realm an UserRealm
@param pathInContext a String
@param request a Request
@param response a Response
value. If non-null response is passed, then a failed authentication will result in a challenge response being set in the response.
@return User Principal
if authenticated. Null if Authenticationfailed. If the SecurityConstraint.__NOBODY instance is returned, the request is considered as part of the authentication process.
@exception IOException if an error occurs
authenticates a user with the given credentials. if the authentication is successful an {@link Authentication}containing the user is returned.
@throws AuthenticationException if the authentication fails.
Builds a authentication request message for the user specified in the discovery information provided as a parameter.
If the discoveries parameter contains more than one entry, it will iterate over them trying to establish an association. If an association cannot be established, the first entry is used with stateless mode.
@see #associate(java.util.List)
@param discoveries The DiscoveryInformation list obtained byperforming dicovery on the User-supplied OpenID identifier. Should be ordered by the priority of the service endpoints.
@param returnToUrl The URL on the Consumer site where the OpenIDProvider will return the user after generating the authentication response.
Null if the Consumer does not with to for the End User to be returned to it (something else useful will have been performed via an extension).
Must not be null in OpenID 1.x compatibility mode.
@return Authentication request message to be sent to theOpenID Provider.
Authenticate a users credentials. Implementations of this method may adorn the calling context to assoicate it with the authenticated principal (eg ThreadLocals). If such context associations are made, they should be considered valid until a UserRealm.deAuthenticate(UserPrincipal) call is made for this UserPrincipal.
@param username The username.
@param credentials The user credentials, normally a String password.
@param request The request to be authenticated. Additionalparameters may be extracted or set on this request as needed for the authentication mechanism (none required for BASIC and FORM authentication).
@return The authenticated UserPrincipal.
Authenticates a user and does NOT log them in. If successful returns a AuthenticationInfo.
@return the AuthenticationInfo for this request.
Attempts to authenticate the passed {@link Authentication} object, returning a fully populated
object (including granted authorities) if successful.
An AuthenticationManager
must honour the following contract concerning exceptions:
- A {@link DisabledException} must be thrown if an account is disabled and the
can test for this state. - A {@link LockedException} must be thrown if an account is locked and the
can test for account locking. - A {@link BadCredentialsException} must be thrown if incorrect credentials are presented. Whilst theabove exceptions are optional, an
must always test credentials.
Exceptions should be tested for and if applicable thrown in the order expressed above (i.e. if an account is disabled or locked, the authentication request is immediately rejected and the credentials testing process is not performed). This prevents credentials being tested against disabled or locked accounts.
@param authentication the authentication request object
@return a fully authenticated object including credentials
@throws AuthenticationException if authentication fails
Performs authentication with the same contract as {@link org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationManager#authenticate(Authentication)}.
@param authentication the authentication request object.
@return a fully authenticated object including credentials. May return null
if theAuthenticationProvider
is unable to support authentication of the passed Authentication
object. In such a case, the next AuthenticationProvider
that supports the presented Authentication
class will be tried.
@throws AuthenticationException if authentication fails.
Attempts to authenticate the passed {@link Authentication} object.
The list of {@link AuthenticationProvider}s will be successively tried until an AuthenticationProvider
indicates it is capable of authenticating the type of Authentication
object passed. Authentication will then be attempted with that AuthenticationProvider
If more than one AuthenticationProvider
supports the passed Authentication
object, only the first AuthenticationProvider
tried will determine the result. No subsequent AuthenticationProvider
s will be tried.
@param authentication the authentication request object.
@return a fully authenticated object including credentials.
@throws AuthenticationException if authentication fails.
Authenticate the given PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken.
If the principal contained in the authentication object is null, the request will be ignored to allow other providers to authenticate it.
Authenticates a user.
@param userName user name
@param password password
@return true if authentication is successful, false otherwise
@exception RadiusException malformed packet
@exception IOException communication error (after getRetryCount()retries)
Perform the authentication request
@return true if authenticated, false if not
@throws {@link IllegalStateException} if this request was already made
Authenticating a particular user
@return true if authentication is successful, and false otherwise.
Given the user name and a credential object, the implementation code must validate whether the user is authenticated.
@param userName The user name
@param credential The credential of a user
@return If the value is true the provided credential match with the username. False is returned for invalid credential, invalid user name and mismatching credential with user name.
@throws UserStoreException An unexpected exception has occured