Examples of attach()

  • org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelPipeline.attach()
    Attaches this pipeline to the specified {@link Channel} and{@link ChannelSink}. Once a pipeline is attached, it can't be detached nor attached again. @throws IllegalStateException if this pipeline is attached already
  • org.jooq.Attachable.attach()
    Attach this object to a new {@link Configuration}
  • org.ode4j.ode.DBallJoint.attach()
  • org.ode4j.ode.DJoint.attach()
  • org.osgi.service.device.Driver.attach()
    Attaches this Driver service to the Device service represented by the given {@code ServiceReference} object.

    A return value of {@code null} indicates that this Driver service hassuccessfully attached to the given Device service. If this Driver service is unable to attach to the given Device service, but knows of a more suitable Driver service, it must return the {@code DRIVER_ID} of thatDriver service. This allows for the implementation of referring drivers whose only purpose is to refer to other drivers capable of handling a given Device service.

    After having attached to the Device service, this driver may register the underlying device as a new service exposing driver-specific functionality.

    This method is called by the device manager. @param reference the {@code ServiceReference} object of the device toattach to @return {@code null} if this Driver service has successfully attached tothe given Device service, or the {@code DRIVER_ID} of a moresuitable driver @throws java.lang.Exception if the driver cannot attach to the givendevice and does not know of a more suitable driver

  • org.restlet.Router.attach()
  • org.restlet.routing.Router.attach()
    Attaches a target Restlet to this router with an empty URI pattern. A new route using the matching mode returned by {@link #getMatchingMode(Restlet)} will be added routing to the targetwhen any call is received. @param target The target Restlet to attach. @return The created route.
  • org.restlet.routing.VirtualHost.attach()
    Attaches a target Restlet to this router with an empty URI pattern. A new route will be added routing to the target when any call is received. In addition to super class behavior, this method will set the context of the target if it is empty by creating a protected context via the {@link Context#createChildContext()} method. @param target The target Restlet to attach. @return The created route.
  • org.serviceconnector.api.cln.SCClient.attach()
    Attach client to SC with default operation timeout.
    Attach starts the communication to the SC. Once an attach is called a detach must be done at the end of communication. @throws SCMPValidatorException port is not within limits 0 to 0xFFFF
    host is missing
    @throws SCServiceException instance already attached before
    attach to host failed
    error message received from SC
  • org.serviceconnector.api.cln.SCMgmtClient.attach()
  • org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.AnchorView.attach()
    Attaches a thread at this anchor.
  • plotter.xy.SlopeLine.attach()
    Attaches this slope line to a plot. @param plot plot to attach to
  • plotter.xy.XYLocationDisplay.attach()
    Attaches the display to a plot. @param plot plot to display the coordinates of
  • sun.misc.Perf.attach()
    Attach to the instrumentation buffer for the specified Java virtual machine.

    This method will attach to the instrumentation buffer for the specified virtual machine. It returns a ByteBuffer object that is initialized to access the instrumentation buffer for the indicated Java virtual machine. The lvmid parameter is a integer value that uniquely identifies the target local Java virtual machine. It is typically, but not necessarily, the process id of the target Java virtual machine.

    If the lvmid identifies a Java virtual machine different from the one running this method, then the coherency characteristics of the buffer are implementation dependent. Implementations that do not support named, coherent, shared memory may return a ByteBuffer object that contains only a snap shot of the data in the instrumentation buffer. Implementations that support named, coherent, shared memory, may return a ByteBuffer object that will be changing dynamically over time as the target Java virtual machine updates its mapping of this buffer.

    If the lvmid is 0 or equal to the actual lvmid for the Java virtual machine running this method, then the returned ByteBuffer object will always be coherent and dynamically changing.

    The attach mode specifies the access permissions requested for the instrumentation buffer of the target virtual machine. The permitted access permissions are:

  • "r" - Read only access. This Java virtual machine has only read access to the instrumentation buffer for the target Java virtual machine.
  • "rw" - Read/Write access. This Java virtual machine has read and write access to the instrumentation buffer for the target Java virtual machine. This mode is currently not supported and is reserved for future enhancements. @param lvmid an integer that uniquely identifies thetarget local Java virtual machine. @param mode a string indicating the attach mode. @return ByteBuffer a direct allocated byte buffer @throws IllegalArgumentException The lvmid or mode was invalid. @throws IOException An I/O error occurred while trying to acquirethe instrumentation buffer. @throws OutOfMemoryError The instrumentation buffer could not be mappedinto the virtual machine's address space. @see java.nio.ByteBuffer
  • syn3d.nodes.java3d.SceneNodeJava3D.attach()
    Allow the scene to be displayed by attaching the main branchgroup

  • Examples of bm.core.event.Event.attach()

            addActions( view, def );
            addAttachments( view, def );
            views.put( viewKey, view );
            final Event event = new Event( EVENT_VIEW_CREATED );
            event.attach( "viewName", name );
            event.attach( "viewKey", viewKey );
            event.attach( "view", view );
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    Examples of br.gov.serpro.ouvidoria.util.collection.ListArrayTable.attach()

      public static ListArrayTable selectAsListArrayTable(String query,
          boolean isSorted, int idColIndex, Comparator comparator,
          QueryRunner runner) throws SQLException {
        ListArrayTable result = new ListArrayTable(comparator);
        result.attach(selectAsListArray(query), isSorted, idColIndex);
        return result;

      public static Iterator selectAsIteratorArray(String query)
          throws SQLException {
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    Examples of ca.uhn.hl7v2.app.ConnectionHub.attach()

        public void send(String host, int port) throws HL7Exception {
            System.out.println("[ Executing HL7Sender : HOST:" + host + "  ;port :" + port + " ]");
            // The connection hub connects to listening servers
            ConnectionHub connectionHub = ConnectionHub.getInstance();
            // A connection object represents a socket attached to an HL7 server
            Connection connection = connectionHub
                    .attach(host, port, new PipeParser(), MinLowerLayerProtocol.class);

            // The initiator is used to transmit unsolicited messages
            Initiator initiator = connection.getInitiator();
            HL7Message sampleMessage = new HL7Message();
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    Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.state.LightState.attach()


            // Attach the light to a lightState and the lightState to rootNode.
            final LightState lightState = new LightState();


        // Used for calculating fps.
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    Examples of com.foundationdb.server.PersistitKeyValueSource.attach()

            long hash_AB;
            long hash_ab;
            Key key = store().createKey();
                binaryCollator.append(key.clear(), "AB");
                source.attach(key, 0, MString.VARCHAR.instance(true));
                hash_AB = ValueSources.hash(source, binaryCollator);
                binaryCollator.append(key.clear(), "ab");
                source.attach(key, 0, MString.VARCHAR.instance(true));
                hash_ab = ValueSources.hash(source, binaryCollator);
                assertTrue(hash_AB != hash_ab);
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    Examples of com.foundationdb.server.PersistitKeyValueTarget.attach()

            if (index.isSpatial()) {
                firstSpatialColumn = index.firstSpatialArgument();
            PersistitKeyValueTarget keyTarget = new PersistitKeyValueTarget(index.getIndexName());
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                Object value = values.get(i);
                if (value instanceof byte[]) {
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    Examples of com.heroku.api.request.run.RunResponse.attach()

        public void testRunCommand(App app) throws IOException {
            Run run = new Run(app.getName(), "echo helloworld");
            Run runAttached = new Run(app.getName(), "echo helloworld", true);
            RunResponse response = connection.execute(run, apiKey);
            try {
                fail("Should throw an illegal state exception");
            } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
            RunResponse responseAttach = connection.execute(runAttached, apiKey);
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    Examples of com.jme.scene.state.LightState.attach()


        // Attach the light to a lightState and the lightState to root.
        LightState lightState = display.getRenderer().createLightState();

      protected void buildNetwork() {
    //     initialize the network connection based on which option the user selected
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    Examples of com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Skill.attach()

        if(attrs.getNamedItem("chance") != null)
          if(template instanceof L2Weapon || template instanceof L2Item)
            skill.attach(new ConditionGameChance(Integer.decode(getValue(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue(), template))), true);
            skill.attach(new ConditionGameChance(Integer.decode(getValue(attrs.getNamedItem("chance").getNodeValue(), template))), false);
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    Examples of com.splunk.Index.attach()

            if (index != null) {
                indexObject = service.getIndexes().get(index);
                if (indexObject == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeCamelException(String.format("cannot find index [%s]", index));
                socket = indexObject.attach(args);
            } else {
                receiver = service.getReceiver();
                socket = receiver.attach(args);
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