The rules model all the historic and future transitions for a time-zone. {@link ZoneOffsetTransition} is used for known transitions, typically historic.{@link ZoneOffsetTransitionRule} is used for future transitions that are basedon the result of an algorithm.
The rules are loaded via {@link ZoneRulesProvider} using a {@link ZoneId}. The same rules may be shared internally between multiple zone IDs.
Serializing an instance of {@code ZoneRules} will store the entire set of rules.It does not store the zone ID as it is not part of the state of this object.
A rule implementation may or may not store full information about historic and future transitions, and the information stored is only as accurate as that supplied to the implementation by the rules provider. Applications should treat the data provided as representing the best information available to the implementation of this rule. @implSpec This class is immutable and thread-safe. @since 1.8
The rules model all the historic and future transitions for a time zone. The rules are loaded via {@link TimeZone} and {@link ZoneRulesGroup} andare specific to a group, region and version. The same rules may be shared between multiple versions, regions or even groups.
Serializing an instance of {@code ZoneRules} will store the entire setof rules. It does not store the group, region or version as they are not part of the state of this object.
ZoneRules is an abstract class and must be implemented with care to ensure other classes in the framework operate correctly. All instantiable implementations must be final, immutable and thread-safe. It is only intended that the abstract methods are overridden. Subclasses should be Serializable wherever possible. @author Stephen Colebourne
The rules model all the historic and future transitions for a time-zone. {@link ZoneOffsetTransition} is used for known transitions, typically historic.{@link ZoneOffsetTransitionRule} is used for future transitions that are basedon the result of an algorithm.
The rules are loaded via {@link ZoneRulesProvider} using a {@link ZoneId}. The same rules may be shared internally between multiple zone IDs.
Serializing an instance of {@code ZoneRules} will store the entire set of rules.It does not store the zone ID as it is not part of the state of this object.
A rule implementation may or may not store full information about historic and future transitions, and the information stored is only as accurate as that supplied to the implementation by the rules provider. Applications should treat the data provided as representing the best information available to the implementation of this rule.