A BinaryReader will read types from a binary input stream. The types should be written to the stream using BinaryWriter .
NOTE: Under-the-hood, this class is essentially a wrapper for BinaryAutomataReader.
public void writeCodeLambda(Code codIn){ int targ; int cnt; int foo; int tok; Type typ; String nam; String lin; String dtyp; String sig = "++"; // ***** must change this
return; } public void writeCodeTryEnd(Code codIn){ String nam; Type typ; String dtyp; Integer reg; int opr; ArrayList<Pair<Type, String>> dsp; int idx = this.tcStack.size()-1;
return; } public void writeCodeIfIs(Code codIn){ int lhs; Type rhs; String target; String dtyp; //bodyAddLineNL( "// HELP needed for IfIs" ); Codes.IfIs cod = (Codes.IfIs) codIn;
public void writeCodeUpdate(Code codIn){ String tmp; int targ, rhs, ofs; int cnt; Type typ; String lin; String backFix; ArrayList<String> flds; Codes.LVal lv; int idx;
public void writeCodeConvert(Code codIn){ String tmp; String dtyp; int tgt, opr; Type ntyp, otyp; Codes.Convert cod = (Codes.Convert) codIn; tgt = cod.target(); opr = cod.operand(0); ntyp = cod.result;
//final Integer intMax = (Integer) 2147483647; final BigInteger bigIntMax = new BigInteger("2147483647"); final Constant.Integer wyIntMax = Constant.V_INTEGER(bigIntMax); String ans = ""; String tmp; Type typ; String rval; String assn = null; int alt; int cnt; int tok;
String lin; String ans = ""; Code.Block strain = typDe.invariant(); List<Modifier> mods = typDe.modifiers(); Type typ = typDe.type(); List<Attribute> atts = typDe.attributes(); lin = "#" + idx; lin += "(" + atts.size() + ":" + mods.size() + ")"; lin += " is named " + typDe.name();
@Test public void test_3719() { checkIsSubtype("null","null"); } @Test public void test_3720() { checkIsSubtype("null","null"); } @Test public void test_3721() { checkIsSubtype("null","null"); } private void checkIsSubtype(String from, String to) { Type ft = Type.fromString(from); Type tt = Type.fromString(to); assertTrue(Type.isSubtype(ft,tt)); }
Type ft = Type.fromString(from); Type tt = Type.fromString(to); assertTrue(Type.isSubtype(ft,tt)); } private void checkNotSubtype(String from, String to) { Type ft = Type.fromString(from); Type tt = Type.fromString(to); assertFalse(Type.isSubtype(ft,tt)); }