A BinaryReader will read types from a binary input stream. The types should be written to the stream using BinaryWriter .
NOTE: Under-the-hood, this class is essentially a wrapper for BinaryAutomataReader.
} } public Nominal.EffectiveTuple expandAsEffectiveTuple(Nominal lhs) throws IOException, ResolveError { Type raw = lhs.raw(); if (raw instanceof Type.EffectiveTuple) { Type nominal = expandOneLevel(lhs.nominal()); if (!(nominal instanceof Type.EffectiveTuple)) { nominal = raw; // discard nominal information } return (Nominal.EffectiveTuple) Nominal.construct(nominal, raw); } else {
} public Nominal.Reference expandAsReference(Nominal lhs) throws IOException, ResolveError { Type.Reference raw = Type.effectiveReference(lhs.raw()); if (raw != null) { Type nominal = expandOneLevel(lhs.nominal()); if (!(nominal instanceof Type.Reference)) { nominal = raw; // discard nominal information } return (Nominal.Reference) Nominal.construct(nominal, raw); } else {
public Nominal.FunctionOrMethod expandAsFunctionOrMethod(Nominal lhs) throws IOException, ResolveError { Type.FunctionOrMethod raw = Type.effectiveFunctionOrMethod(lhs.raw()); if (raw != null) { Type nominal = expandOneLevel(lhs.nominal()); if (!(nominal instanceof Type.FunctionOrMethod)) { nominal = raw; // discard nominal information } return (Nominal.FunctionOrMethod) Nominal.construct(nominal, raw); } else {
Type.Nominal nt = (Type.Nominal) type; NameID nid = nt.name(); Path.ID mid = nid.module(); WhileyFile wf = builder.getSourceFile(mid); Type r = null; if (wf != null) { WhileyFile.Declaration decl = wf.declaration(nid.name()); if (decl instanceof WhileyFile.Type) { WhileyFile.Type td = (WhileyFile.Type) decl;
@Test public void test_2498() { checkNotSubtype("[int]|int","any"); } @Test public void test_2499() { checkNotSubtype("[int]|int","[null]|null"); } @Test public void test_2500() { checkIsSubtype("[int]|int","[int]|int"); } private void checkIsSubtype(String from, String to) { Type ft = Type.fromString(from); Type tt = Type.fromString(to); assertTrue(Type.isSubtype(ft,tt)); }
Type ft = Type.fromString(from); Type tt = Type.fromString(to); assertTrue(Type.isSubtype(ft,tt)); } private void checkNotSubtype(String from, String to) { Type ft = Type.fromString(from); Type tt = Type.fromString(to); assertFalse(Type.isSubtype(ft,tt)); }
@Test public void test_5774() { checkNotSubtype("{int f2}|int","{null f2}|null"); } @Test public void test_5775() { checkNotSubtype("{int f2}|int","{int f1}|int"); } @Test public void test_5776() { checkIsSubtype("{int f2}|int","{int f2}|int"); } private void checkIsSubtype(String from, String to) { Type ft = Type.fromString(from); Type tt = Type.fromString(to); assertTrue(Type.isSubtype(ft,tt)); }
public Type parse() { return parse(new HashSet<String>()); } public Type parse(HashSet<String> typeVariables) { Type term = parseFunctionTerm(typeVariables); skipWhiteSpace(); while (index < str.length() && (str.charAt(index) == '|')) { // union type match("|");
} return term; } public Type parseFunctionTerm(HashSet<String> typeVariables) { Type t = parseNotTerm(typeVariables); if(index >= str.length()) { return t; } char lookahead = str.charAt(index); if(lookahead == '(') { // this is a tuple, not a bracketed type. match("(");