Examples of WriterConfig

Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

    public void testConfig()
        throws XMLStreamException
        XMLOutputFactory2 f = getNewOutputFactory();

        WriterConfig cfg = ((WstxOutputFactory) f).getConfig();


        // Let's just test some of known properties that should be supported...
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

        /* Need to ensure that the configuration object is not shared
         * any more; otherwise later changes via factory could be
         * visible half-way through output...
        WriterConfig cfg = mConfig.createNonShared();
        XmlWriter xw;

        if (w == null) {
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = WstxOutputProperties.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
            } else {
                enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc);

            try {
                if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
                    /* 16-Aug-2006, TSa: Note: utf8 writer may or may not
                     *   need to close the stream it has, but buffering
                     *   xml writer must call close on utf8 writer. Thus:
                    w = new UTF8Writer(cfg, out, autoCloseOutput);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, true, out);
                    //xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);

                    /* 15-Dec-2006, TSa: For now, let's just use the
                     *   default buffering writer for Ascii: while it's
                     *   easy to create one from Latin1, it should be
                     *   done after some refactorings are done to Latin1,
                     *   not right now.
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    // !!! TBI
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else {
                    w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
        } else {
            // we may still be able to figure out the encoding:
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = CharsetNames.findEncodingFor(w);
            try {
                xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);

        if (cfg.willSupportNamespaces()) {
            if (cfg.automaticNamespacesEnabled()) {
                return new RepairingNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
            return new SimpleNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
        return new NonNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

        /* Need to ensure that the configuration object is not shared
         * any more; otherwise later changes via factory could be
         * visible half-way through output...
        WriterConfig cfg = mConfig.createNonShared();
        XmlWriter xw;

        if (w == null) {
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = WstxOutputProperties.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
            } else {
                enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc);

            try {
                if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
                    /* 16-Aug-2006, TSa: Note: utf8 writer may or may not
                     *   need to close the stream it has, but buffering
                     *   xml writer must call close on utf8 writer. Thus:
                    w = new UTF8Writer(cfg, out, autoCloseOutput);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, true, out);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    xw = new AsciiXmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else {
                    w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
        } else {
            // we may still be able to figure out the encoding:
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = CharsetNames.findEncodingFor(w);
            try {
                xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);

        if (cfg.willSupportNamespaces()) {
            if (cfg.automaticNamespacesEnabled()) {
                return new RepairingNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
            return new SimpleNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
        return new NonNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

        /* Need to ensure that the configuration object is not shared
         * any more; otherwise later changes via factory could be
         * visible half-way through output...
        WriterConfig cfg = mConfig.createNonShared();
        XmlWriter xw;

        if (w == null) {
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = WstxOutputProperties.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
            } else {
                enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc);

            try {
                if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
                    /* 16-Aug-2006, TSa: Note: utf8 writer may or may not
                     *   need to close the stream it has, but buffering
                     *   xml writer must call close on utf8 writer. Thus:
                    w = new UTF8Writer(cfg, out, autoCloseOutput);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, true, out);
                    //xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);

                    /* 15-Dec-2006, TSa: For now, let's just use the
                     *   default buffering writer for Ascii: while it's
                     *   easy to create one from Latin1, it should be
                     *   done after some refactorings are done to Latin1,
                     *   not right now.
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    // !!! TBI
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else {
                    w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
        } else {
            // we may still be able to figure out the encoding:
            if (enc == null) {
                if (w instanceof OutputStreamWriter) {
                    enc = ((OutputStreamWriter) w).getEncoding();
            try {
                xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);

        if (cfg.willSupportNamespaces()) {
            if (cfg.automaticNamespacesEnabled()) {
                return new RepairingNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
            return new SimpleNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
        return new NonNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

        /* Need to ensure that the configuration object is not shared
         * any more; otherwise later changes via factory could be
         * visible half-way through output...
        WriterConfig cfg = mConfig.createNonShared();
        XmlWriter xw;

        if (w == null) {
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = WstxOutputProperties.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
            } else {
                enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc);

            try {
                if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
                    /* 16-Aug-2006, TSa: Note: utf8 writer may or may not
                     *   need to close the stream it has, but buffering
                     *   xml writer must call close on utf8 writer. Thus:
                    w = new UTF8Writer(cfg, out, autoCloseOutput);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, true, out);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    xw = new AsciiXmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else {
                    w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
        } else {
            // we may still be able to figure out the encoding:
            if (enc == null) {
                if (w instanceof OutputStreamWriter) {
                    enc = ((OutputStreamWriter) w).getEncoding();
            try {
                xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);

        if (cfg.willSupportNamespaces()) {
            if (cfg.automaticNamespacesEnabled()) {
                return new RepairingNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
            return new SimpleNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
        return new NonNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

    public void testSubsetFactories()
        MinimalOutputFactory f = MinimalOutputFactory.newMinimalInstance();

        WriterConfig cfg = f.getConfig();

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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

    public void testConfig()
        throws XMLStreamException
        XMLOutputFactory2 f = getNewOutputFactory();

        WriterConfig cfg = ((WstxOutputFactory) f).getConfig();


        // Let's just test some of known properties that should be supported...
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

        /* Need to ensure that the configuration object is not shared
         * any more; otherwise later changes via factory could be
         * visible half-way through output...
        WriterConfig cfg = mConfig.createNonShared();
        XmlWriter xw;

        boolean autoCloseOutput = requireAutoClose || mConfig.willAutoCloseOutput();

        if (w == null) {
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = WstxOutputProperties.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
            } else {
                /* Canonical ones are interned, so we may have
                 * normalized encoding already...
                if (enc != CharsetNames.CS_UTF8
                    && enc != CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1
                    && enc != CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc);

            try {
                if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
                    w = new UTF8Writer(cfg, out, autoCloseOutput);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out, 16);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    xw = new AsciiXmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else {
                    w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out, -1);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
        } else {
            // we may still be able to figure out the encoding:
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = CharsetNames.findEncodingFor(w);
            try {
                xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, null, -1);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);

        if (cfg.willSupportNamespaces()) {
            if (cfg.automaticNamespacesEnabled()) {
                return new RepairingNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
            return new SimpleNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
        return new NonNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

        /* Need to ensure that the configuration object is not shared
         * any more; otherwise later changes via factory could be
         * visible half-way through output...
        WriterConfig cfg = mConfig.createNonShared();
        XmlWriter xw;

        if (w == null) {
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = WstxOutputProperties.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
            } else {
                enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc);

            try {
                if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
                    /* 16-Aug-2006, TSa: Note: utf8 writer may or may not
                     *   need to close the stream it has, but buffering
                     *   xml writer must call close on utf8 writer. Thus:
                    w = new UTF8Writer(cfg, out, autoCloseOutput);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, true, out);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    xw = new AsciiXmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else {
                    w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
        } else {
            // we may still be able to figure out the encoding:
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = CharsetNames.findEncodingFor(w);
            try {
                xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);

        if (cfg.willSupportNamespaces()) {
            if (cfg.automaticNamespacesEnabled()) {
                return new RepairingNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
            return new SimpleNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
        return new NonNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
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Examples of com.ctc.wstx.api.WriterConfig

        /* Need to ensure that the configuration object is not shared
         * any more; otherwise later changes via factory could be
         * visible half-way through output...
        WriterConfig cfg = mConfig.createNonShared();
        XmlWriter xw;

        if (w == null) {
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = WstxOutputProperties.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
            } else {
                enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc);

            try {
                if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) {
                    /* 16-Aug-2006, TSa: Note: utf8 writer may or may not
                     *   need to close the stream it has, but buffering
                     *   xml writer must call close on utf8 writer. Thus:
                    w = new UTF8Writer(cfg, out, autoCloseOutput);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, true, out);
                    //xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg);
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) {
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);

                    /* 15-Dec-2006, TSa: For now, let's just use the
                     *   default buffering writer for Ascii: while it's
                     *   easy to create one from Latin1, it should be
                     *   done after some refactorings are done to Latin1,
                     *   not right now.
                } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) {
                    // !!! TBI
                    xw = new ISOLatin1XmlWriter(out, cfg, autoCloseOutput);
                } else {
                    w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc);
                    xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);
        } else {
            // we may still be able to figure out the encoding:
            if (enc == null) {
                enc = CharsetNames.findEncodingFor(w);
            try {
                xw = new BufferingXmlWriter(w, cfg, enc, autoCloseOutput, out);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new XMLStreamException(ex);

        if (cfg.willSupportNamespaces()) {
            if (cfg.automaticNamespacesEnabled()) {
                return new RepairingNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
            return new SimpleNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
        return new NonNsStreamWriter(xw, enc, cfg);
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