Property Name | Description | Default Value |
{@link WriterConfig#domain domain} | The domain of the write, it is the class path which can decide the writer will write the message come from which class. | {@code null} |
{@link WriterConfig#pattern pattern} | The pattern of the message. | {@link com.toc.logging.Log#DEFAULT_PATTERN DEFAULT_PATTERN} |
{@link WriterConfig#target target} | The target where writer will write the log message. | {@link com.toc.logging.Log#DEFAULT_TARGET DEFAULT_TARGET} |
{@link WriterConfig#output output} | Output will decide which type of message writer will write to target. | {@link com.toc.logging.Log#DEFAULT_OUTPUT DEFAULT_OUTPUT} |
{@link WriterConfig#filePath filePath} | File path is defined where to put the log files, it is a absolute path(full path) of the system. | {@code null} |
{@link WriterConfig#logPath logPath} | This parameter defined where to put the log history file if {@code maxFileSize} or {@code separateFrequency} is enabled. It is a absolute path(full path) of the system. | {@code null} |
{@link WriterConfig#fileName fileName} | The log file name, for the name of log history file is [File Last Modify Date(YYYYMMDD)][ {@code fileName}].[Create Time(YYYYMMDDHHMISS)][n(n is a sequence #)]. | {@code null} |
{@link WriterConfig#maxFileSize maxFileSize} | The max size of the log file(Measurement in MB), any value < 1 will be seems as no limited. | {@code 0} |
{@link WriterConfig#stream stream} | The {@link OutputStream} object when the writer target contains {@link com.toc.logging.Log#STREAM STREAM} (Not support yet) | {@code null} |
{@link WriterConfig#datePattern datePattern} | Date pattern is define the date display style in log file, the symbol of the pattern refer to {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} | {@link com.toc.logging.Log#DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN} |
{@link WriterConfig#separateFrequency separateFrequency} | The frequency to separate the log file, once the interval is arrived, the log file will be move to History folder. | {@link com.toc.logging.Log#NEVER NEVER} |
{@link WriterConfig#enabled enabled} | If the writer is enabled. | {@code true} |
{@link WriterConfig#wellFormat wellFormat} | The flag indicate if the well format function is open. | {@code false} |