private void simpleValidate(Collection nodes)
throws CacheException
WorkspaceNode workspaceNode;
boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
workspaceNode = (WorkspaceNode) it.next();
if (workspaceNode.isDirty())
Fqn fqn = workspaceNode.getFqn();
if (trace) log.trace("Validating version for node [" + fqn + "]");
OptimisticTreeNode realNode = (OptimisticTreeNode) cache._get(fqn);
// if this is a newly created node then we expect the underlying node to be null.
// also, if the node has been deleted in the WS and the underlying node is null, this *may* be ok ... will test again later when comparing versions
// if not, we have a problem...
if (realNode == null && !workspaceNode.isCreated() && !workspaceNode.isDeleted())
throw new DataVersioningException("Real node for " + fqn + " is null, and this wasn't newly created in this tx!");
// needs to have been created AND modified - we allow concurrent creation if no data is put into the node
if (realNode != null && workspaceNode.isCreated() && workspaceNode.isModified())
throw new DataVersioningException("Tx attempted to create " + fqn + " anew. It has already been created since this tx started by another (possibly remote) tx.");
if (!workspaceNode.isCreated() && (workspaceNode.isDeleted() || workspaceNode.isModified()))
// if the real node is null, throw a DVE
if (realNode == null)
// but not if the WSN has also been deleted
if (!workspaceNode.isDeleted())
throw new DataVersioningException("Unable to compare versions since the underlying node has been deleted by a concurrent transaction!");
if (trace) log.trace("The data node ["+fqn+"] is null, but this is ok since the workspace node is marked as deleted as well");
else if (realNode.getVersion().newerThan( workspaceNode.getVersion() ))
// newerThan() will internally test if the DataVersion types being compared tally up, and will barf if
// necessary with an appropriate DataVersioningException.
// we have an out of date node here
throw new DataVersioningException("DataNode [" + fqn + "] version " + ((OptimisticTreeNode)workspaceNode.getNode()).getVersion() + " is newer than workspace node " + workspaceNode.getVersion());
if (trace) log.trace("Node [" + workspaceNode.getFqn() + "] doesn't need validating as it isn't dirty");