Examples of WorkspaceNode

Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

   public Object visitGetDataMapCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetDataMapCommand command) throws Throwable
      TransactionWorkspace workspace = getTransactionWorkspace(ctx);
      Object result;
      WorkspaceNode workspaceNode = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, command.getFqn(), workspace, false, false);
      if (workspaceNode == null)
         if (trace) log.trace("unable to find node " + command.getFqn() + " in workspace.");
         result = null;
         notifier.notifyNodeVisited(command.getFqn(), true, ctx);
         Object data = workspaceNode.getData();
         notifier.notifyNodeVisited(command.getFqn(), false, ctx);
         result = data;
      return result;
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

   public Object visitGetChildrenNamesCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetChildrenNamesCommand command) throws Throwable
      TransactionWorkspace workspace = getTransactionWorkspace(ctx);
      Object result;
      WorkspaceNode workspaceNode = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, command.getFqn(), workspace, false, false);
      if (workspaceNode == null)
         if (trace) log.trace("Unable to find node " + command.getFqn() + " in workspace.");
         result = null;
         notifier.notifyNodeVisited(command.getFqn(), true, ctx);
         Object nameSet = workspaceNode.getChildrenNames();
         notifier.notifyNodeVisited(command.getFqn(), false, ctx);
         result = nameSet;
      return result;
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

   public Object visitGetNodeCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetNodeCommand command) throws Throwable
      TransactionWorkspace workspace = getTransactionWorkspace(ctx);
      Object result;
      WorkspaceNode workspaceNode = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, command.getFqn(), workspace, false, false);
      if (workspaceNode == null)
         if (trace) log.trace("Unable to find node " + command.getFqn() + " in workspace.");
         result = null;
      else if (workspaceNode.isRemoved())
         if (trace) log.trace("Attempted to retrieve node " + command.getFqn() + " but it has been deleted!");
         result = null;
         notifier.notifyNodeVisited(command.getFqn(), true, ctx);
         notifier.notifyNodeVisited(command.getFqn(), false, ctx);
         result = workspaceNode.getNode();
      return result;
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

         log.warn("Attempting to move the root node.  Not taking any action, treating this as a no-op.");

      WorkspaceNode oldParent = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, nodeFqn.getParent(), ws, false, true);
      if (oldParent == null) throw new NodeNotExistsException("Node " + nodeFqn.getParent() + " does not exist!");

      if (parentFqn.equals(oldParent.getFqn()))
         log.warn("Attempting to move a node in same place.  Not taking any action, treating this as a no-op.");
      // retrieve parent
      WorkspaceNode parent = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, parentFqn, ws, false, true);
      if (parent == null) throw new NodeNotExistsException("Node " + parentFqn + " does not exist!");

      Object nodeName = nodeFqn.getLastElement();

      // now that we have the parent and target nodes:
      // first correct the pointers at the pruning point

      // parent pointer is calculated on the fly using Fqns.
      // now adjust Fqns of node and all children.
      Fqn nodeNewFqn = Fqn.fromRelativeElements(parent.getFqn(), nodeFqn.getLastElement());

      // pre-notify
      notifier.notifyNodeMoved(nodeFqn, nodeNewFqn, true, ctx);
      recursiveMoveNode(ctx, node, parent.getFqn(), ws);

      // remove old nodes. this may mark some nodes which have already been moved as deleted
      removeNode(ws, node, false, ctx);

      // post-notify
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

    * @param ws      transaction workspace
   private void recursiveMoveNode(InvocationContext ctx, WorkspaceNode node, Fqn newBase, TransactionWorkspace ws)
      Fqn newFqn = Fqn.fromRelativeElements(newBase, node.getFqn().getLastElement());
      WorkspaceNode movedNode = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, newFqn, ws, true, true);

      // invoke children
      for (Object n : node.getChildrenNames())
         WorkspaceNode child = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, Fqn.fromRelativeElements(node.getFqn(), n), ws, false, true);
         if (child != null) recursiveMoveNode(ctx, child, newFqn, ws);
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

      // it is already removed - we can ignore it
      if (workspaceNode == null) return false;

      Fqn parentFqn = workspaceNode.getFqn().getParent();
      WorkspaceNode parentNode = fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, parentFqn, workspace, false, true);
      if (parentNode == null) throw new NodeNotExistsException("Unable to find parent node with fqn " + parentFqn);

      // pre-notify
      if (notify) notifier.notifyNodeRemoved(workspaceNode.getFqn(), true, workspaceNode.getData(), ctx);

      Fqn nodeFqn = workspaceNode.getFqn();

      SortedMap<Fqn, WorkspaceNode> tailMap = workspace.getNodesAfter(workspaceNode.getFqn());

      for (WorkspaceNode toDelete : tailMap.values())
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

    * @param includeInvalidNodes
    * @return a node, if found, or null if not.
   private WorkspaceNode fetchWorkspaceNode(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, TransactionWorkspace workspace, boolean undeleteIfNecessary, boolean includeInvalidNodes)
      WorkspaceNode workspaceNode = workspace.getNode(fqn);
      // if we do not have the node then we need to add it to the workspace
      if (workspaceNode == null)
         NodeSPI node = dataContainer.peek(fqn, true, includeInvalidNodes);
         if (node == null) return null;
         GlobalTransaction gtx = ctx.getGlobalTransaction();
         workspaceNode = lockAndCreateWorkspaceNode(nodeFactory, node, workspace, gtx, lockAcquisitionTimeout);

         // and add the node to the workspace.

      // Check that the workspace node has been marked as deleted.
      if (workspaceNode.isRemoved())
         if (trace) log.trace("Node " + fqn + " has been deleted in the workspace.");
         if (undeleteIfNecessary)
            undeleteWorkspaceNode(workspaceNode, fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, fqn.getParent(), workspace, undeleteIfNecessary, includeInvalidNodes));
         else if (!includeInvalidNodes)
            // don't return deleted nodes if undeleteIfNecessary is false!
            workspaceNode = null;

      // set implicit node versioning flag.
      if (workspaceNode != null && !(workspaceNode.getVersion() instanceof DefaultDataVersion))

      // now make sure all parents are in the wsp as well
      if (workspaceNode != null && !fqn.isRoot())
         fetchWorkspaceNode(ctx, fqn.getParent(), workspace, false, includeInvalidNodes);
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

       * Digs out the DataVersion for a given Fqn.  If the versioning is explicit, it is passed as-is.  If implicit, it is
       * cloned and then incremented, and the clone is returned.
      private DataVersion getVersionToBroadcast(TransactionWorkspace w, Fqn f)
         WorkspaceNode n = w.getNode(f);
         if (n == null)
            if (trace) log.trace("Fqn " + f + " not found in workspace; not using a data version.");
            return null;
         if (n.isVersioningImplicit())
            DefaultDataVersion v = (DefaultDataVersion) n.getVersion();
            if (trace)
               log.trace("Fqn " + f + " has implicit versioning.  Broadcasting an incremented version.");

            // potential bug here - need to check if we *need* to increment at all, because of Configuration.isLockParentForChildInsertRemove()
            return v.increment();
            if (trace) log.trace("Fqn " + f + " has explicit versioning.  Broadcasting the version as-is.");
            return n.getVersion();
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

      boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled();

      GlobalTransaction gtx = getGlobalTransaction(ctx);
      TransactionWorkspace workspace = getTransactionWorkspace(ctx);

      WorkspaceNode workspaceNode;

      List<Fqn> nodesCreated = new ArrayList<Fqn>();

      DataVersion version = null;
      if (ctx.getOptionOverrides() != null && ctx.getOptionOverrides().getDataVersion() != null)
         version = ctx.getOptionOverrides().getDataVersion();

      // start with the ROOT node and then work our way down to the node necessary, creating nodes along the way.
      workspaceNode = workspace.getNode(Fqn.ROOT);
      if (debug) log.debug("GlobalTransaction: " + gtx + "; Root: " + workspaceNode);

      // we do not have the root in the workspace!  Put it into thr workspace now.
      if (workspaceNode == null)
         NodeSPI node = dataContainer.getRoot();
         workspaceNode = lockAndCreateWorkspaceNode(nodeFactory, node, workspace, gtx, lockAcquisitionTimeout);
         log.debug("Created root node in workspace.");
         log.debug("Found root node in workspace.");

      // iterate through the target Fqn's elements.
      int targetFqnSize = targetFqn.size(), currentDepth = 1;
      for (Object childName : targetFqn.peekElements())
         boolean isTargetFqn = (currentDepth == targetFqnSize);

         // current workspace node canot be null.
         // try and get the child of current node

         if (debug) log.debug("Attempting to get child " + childName);
         NodeSPI currentNode = workspaceNode.getNode().getChildDirect(childName);

         if (currentNode == null)
            // first test that it exists in the workspace and has been created in thix tx!
            WorkspaceNode peekInWorkspace = workspace.getNode(Fqn.fromRelativeElements(workspaceNode.getFqn(), childName));
            if (peekInWorkspace != null && peekInWorkspace.isCreated())
               // exists in workspace and has just been created.
               currentNode = peekInWorkspace.getNode();
               if (peekInWorkspace.isRemoved())
                  // add in parent again
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Examples of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNode

      boolean locked = lockManager.lock(node, READ, gtx, timeout);

      if (!locked)
         throw new TimeoutException("Unable to lock node " + node.getFqn() + " after timeout " + timeout + " for copying into workspace");

      WorkspaceNode wn = nodeFactory.createWorkspaceNode(node, workspace);

      lockManager.unlock(node, gtx);
      return wn;
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