Examples of WeaponAttackAction

Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

            // iNarc pods don't have a position, so lets scrap this idea, shall
            // we?
        if (attack instanceof WeaponAttackAction) {
            WeaponAttackAction waa = (WeaponAttackAction) attack;
            if ((attack.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_ARTILLERY)
                    && waa.getEntity(m_game).getOwner().getId() != m_client
                            .getLocalPlayer().getId()) {
        Color oldColor = g.getColor();
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

            // iNarc pods don't have a position, so lets scrap this idea, shall
            // we?
        if (attack instanceof WeaponAttackAction) {
            WeaponAttackAction waa = (WeaponAttackAction) attack;
            if ((attack.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_ARTILLERY)
                    && waa.getEntity(m_game).getOwner().getId() != m_client
                            .getLocalPlayer().getId()) {
        Color oldColor = g.getColor();
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

     * Insert any additionaly attacks that should occur before this attack
    protected void insertAttacks(IGame.Phase phase, Vector<Report> vPhaseReport) {
        for(int wId: insertedAttacks) {
            Mounted bayW = ae.getEquipment(wId);
            WeaponAttackAction newWaa = new WeaponAttackAction(ae.getId(),waa.getTargetId(), wId);
            Weapon w = (Weapon) bayW.getType();
            //increase ammo by one, we'll use one that we shouldn't use
            // in the next line
            (w.fire(newWaa, game, server)).handle(phase, vPhaseReport);
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

        // declare searchlight, if possible
        if (GUIPreferences.getInstance().getAutoDeclareSearchlight()) {

        WeaponAttackAction waa = new WeaponAttackAction(cen, target
                .getTargetType(), target.getTargetId(), weaponNum);
        if (mounted.getType().hasFlag(WeaponType.F_ARTILLERY)) {
            waa = new ArtilleryAttackAction(cen, target.getTargetType(), target
                    .getTargetId(), weaponNum, client.game);
        if (null != mounted.getLinked()
                && ((WeaponType) mounted.getType()).getAmmoType() != AmmoType.T_NA) {
            Mounted ammoMount = mounted.getLinked();
            if (((AmmoType) ammoMount.getType()).getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_VIBRABOMB_IV) {
                VibrabombSettingDialog vsd = new VibrabombSettingDialog(

        // add the attack to our temporary queue
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

        // remove attacks, set weapons available again
        Enumeration<EntityAction> i = attacks.elements();
        while (i.hasMoreElements()) {
            Object o = i.nextElement();
            if (o instanceof WeaponAttackAction) {
                WeaponAttackAction waa = (WeaponAttackAction) o;

        // remove temporary attacks from game & board
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

        // declare searchlight, if possible
        if (GUIPreferences.getInstance().getAutoDeclareSearchlight()) {
        WeaponAttackAction waa = new WeaponAttackAction(cen, target
                .getTargetType(), target.getTargetId(), weaponNum);
        if (mounted.getType().hasFlag(WeaponType.F_ARTILLERY)) {
            waa = new ArtilleryAttackAction(cen, target.getTargetType(), target
                    .getTargetId(), weaponNum, client.game);
        if (null != mounted.getLinked()
                && ((WeaponType) mounted.getType()).getAmmoType() != AmmoType.T_NA) {
            Mounted ammoMount = mounted.getLinked();
            if (((AmmoType) (ammoMount.getType())).getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_VIBRABOMB_IV) {
                VibrabombSettingDialog vsd = new VibrabombSettingDialog(

        // add the attack to our temporary queue
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

        // remove attacks, set weapons available again
        Enumeration<EntityAction> i = attacks.elements();
        while (i.hasMoreElements()) {
            Object o = i.nextElement();
            if (o instanceof WeaponAttackAction) {
                WeaponAttackAction waa = (WeaponAttackAction) o;

        // remove temporary attacks from game & board
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

        int weaponID = en.getEquipmentNum(mw);
        int spin_mode = 0;
        int starg_mod;
        ArrayList<AttackOption> result = new ArrayList<AttackOption>();
        Enumeration<Entity> ents = game.getValidTargets(en).elements();
        WeaponAttackAction wep_test;
        WeaponType spinner;
        AttackOption a = null;
        AttackOption max = new AttackOption(null, null, 0, null, 1);
        while (ents.hasMoreElements()) {
            Entity e = ents.nextElement();
            CEntity enemy = centities.get(e);
            // long entry = System.currentTimeMillis();
            ToHitData th = WeaponAttackAction.toHit(game, from, e, weaponID);
            // long exit = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // if (exit != entry)
            // System.out.println("Weapon attack toHit took "+(exit-entry));
            if (th.getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE && !(th.getValue() >= 13)) {
                double expectedDmg;

                wep_test = new WeaponAttackAction(from, e.getId(), weaponID);

                // If this is an Ultra or Rotary cannon, check for spin up
                spinner = (WeaponType) mw.getType();
                if ((spinner.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA)
                        || (spinner.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA_THB)
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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

            Iterator<AttackOption> i = tm.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                AttackOption a = i.next();

                WeaponAttackAction new_attack = new WeaponAttackAction(en.getId(), a.target
                        .getEntity().getId(), en.getEquipmentNum(a.weapon));

                if (en.getEquipment(new_attack.getWeaponId()).getLinked() != null) {
                    spinner = (WeaponType) a.weapon.getType();

                    // If this is an ultra-cannon or rotary cannon, try to spin
                    // it up

                    if ((spinner.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA)
                            || (spinner.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA_THB)
                            || (spinner.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ROTARY)) {
                        spin_mode = Compute.spinUpCannon(game, new_attack);
                        super.sendModeChange(en.getId(), en.getEquipmentNum(a.weapon), spin_mode);
                    Mounted cur_ammo = en.getEquipment(new_attack.getWeaponId()).getLinked();
                    Compute.getAmmoAdjDamage(game, new_attack);

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Examples of megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction

        if (attack_tree == null || atk_action_list == null) {

        WeaponAttackAction aimed_attack;
        AttackOption current_option;

        Vector<Integer> target_id_list; // List of viable aimed-shot targets

        // Adjusted damages
        double base_damage, base_odds;
        double refactored_damage, refactored_head;

        // Armor values
        // Order is: head, ct, lt, rt, la, ra, ll, rl
        double[] values = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

        // Internal structure values
        // Order is: head, ct, lt, rt, la, ra, ll, rl
        double[] is_values = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

        // Fitness values
        // Order is: head, ct, lt, rt, la, ra, ll, rl
        double[] fitness = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

        // Counters for armor penetration
        // Order is: head, ct, lt, rt, la, ra, ll, rl
        int[] pen_counters = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

        int attacker_id, test_target;
        int action_index = 0;

        // Base to-hit
        int base_to_hit;

        // Best locations to aim for
        int best_loc, best_loc_head;

        boolean has_tcomp = false;
        boolean imob_target, rear_shot;
        boolean is_primary_target;

        // For each attack action

        target_id_list = new Vector<Integer>();
        for (EntityAction aea : atk_action_list) {

            if (aea instanceof WeaponAttackAction) {
                // Get the attacker

                attacker_id = ((WeaponAttackAction) atk_action_list.get(0)).getEntityId();

                // Check to see if the attacker has a tcomp

                has_tcomp = game.getEntity(attacker_id).hasTargComp();

                // Get the target entity id

                test_target = ((WeaponAttackAction) aea).getTargetId();

                // If the target is a Mech

                if (game.getEntity(test_target) instanceof Mech) {

                    // If the target is officially immobile or if the attacker
                    // has a tcomp

                    if ((has_tcomp == true) | (game.getEntity(test_target).isImmobile())) {
                        if (!target_id_list.contains(test_target)) {

        // For each valid target

        is_primary_target = true;
        for (Iterator<Integer> i = target_id_list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {

            // Set the current target

            test_target = i.next();
            imob_target = game.getEntity(test_target).isImmobile();

            // Get the targets aspect ratio

            rear_shot = false;
            for (Iterator<AttackOption> j = attack_tree.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                current_option = j.next();
                if (current_option.target.getEntity().getId() == test_target) {
                    int attack_direction = current_option.toHit.getSideTable();
                    if (attack_direction == ToHitData.SIDE_REAR) {
                        rear_shot = true;
                    } else {
                        rear_shot = false;

            // Get the armor values for the target and make them negative (count
            // up)

            values[0] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_HEAD);
            values[1] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_CT, rear_shot);
            values[2] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_LT, rear_shot);
            values[3] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_RT, rear_shot);
            values[4] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_LARM);
            values[5] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_RARM);
            values[6] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_LLEG);
            values[7] = game.getEntity(test_target).getArmor(Mech.LOC_RLEG);

            // Get the internals for the target

            is_values[0] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_HEAD);
            is_values[1] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_CT);
            is_values[2] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_LT);
            is_values[3] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_RT);
            is_values[4] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_LARM);
            is_values[5] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_RARM);
            is_values[6] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_LLEG);
            is_values[7] = game.getEntity(test_target).getInternal(Mech.LOC_RLEG);

            // Reset the fitness array
            for (int arr_index = 0; arr_index < 8; arr_index++) {
                fitness[arr_index] = 0.0;

            // Reset the penetration counter

            for (int arr_index = 0; arr_index < 8; arr_index++) {
                pen_counters[arr_index] = 0;

            // For each attack option

            action_index = 0;
            refactored_damage = 0.0;
            refactored_head = 0.0;

            best_loc = Mech.LOC_CT;
            best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_CT;
            for (Iterator<AttackOption> j = attack_tree.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {

                // If the target of the attack option is the current target

                current_option = j.next();
                if (test_target == current_option.target.getEntity().getId()) {

                    // Get the weapon

                    Mounted test_weapon = current_option.weapon;

                    // If the weapon is not LBX cannon or LBX cannon loaded with
                    // slug

                    boolean direct_fire = true;
                    if (((WeaponType) test_weapon.getType()).hasFlag(WeaponType.F_DIRECT_FIRE) == false) {
                        direct_fire = false;
                    if (test_weapon.getType().hasFlag(WeaponType.F_PULSE)) {
                        direct_fire = false;
                    if ((((WeaponType) test_weapon.getType()).getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX)
                            || (((WeaponType) test_weapon.getType()).getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX)) {
                        if (((AmmoType) test_weapon.getLinked().getType()).getAmmoType() == AmmoType.M_CLUSTER) {
                            direct_fire = false;
                    if (test_weapon.getCurrentShots() > 1) {
                        direct_fire = false;

                    // If the weapon is direct fire

                    if (direct_fire == true) {

                        // Get the expected damage, to-hit number, and odds
                        // (0-1) of hitting

                        base_damage = is_primary_target ? current_option.primary_expected
                                : current_option.expected;
                        base_to_hit = is_primary_target ? current_option.toHit.getValue()
                                : current_option.toHit.getValue() + 1;
                        base_odds = is_primary_target ? current_option.primary_odds
                                : current_option.odds;
                        base_damage = base_odds == 0.0 ? 0.0 : base_damage / base_odds;

                        // If the target is mobile, only a tcomp can make an
                        // aimed shot

                        if (!imob_target & has_tcomp) {

                            // Refactor the expected damage to account for
                            // increased to-hit number

                            refactored_head = 0.0;
                            if (base_to_hit + 4 <= 12) {
                                refactored_damage = base_damage
                                        * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit + 4) / 100.0);
                                ((WeaponAttackAction) atk_action_list.get(action_index))
                                // Consider that a regular shot has a roughly
                                // 20% chance of hitting the same location
                                // Use the better of the regular shot or aimed
                                // shot
                                if (0.2 * base_damage * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit) / 100.0) > refactored_damage) {
                                    refactored_damage = 0.2 * base_damage
                                            * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit) / 100.0);
                                    ((WeaponAttackAction) atk_action_list.get(action_index))
                            } else {
                                refactored_damage = 0.0;
                                ((WeaponAttackAction) atk_action_list.get(action_index))


                        // If the target is immobile, the shot will always be
                        // aimed

                        if (imob_target) {

                            // If the attacker has a tcomp, consider both
                            // options: immobile aim, tcomp aim

                            if (has_tcomp) {

                                // Refactor the expected damage to account for
                                // increased to-hit number of the tcomp

                                refactored_damage = base_damage
                                        * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit + 4) / 100.0);
                                refactored_head = 0.0;
                                ((WeaponAttackAction) atk_action_list.get(action_index))

                                // Check against immobile aim mode w/tcomp
                                // assist
                                if (0.50 * base_damage * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit) / 100.0) > refactored_damage) {
                                    refactored_damage = 0.50 * base_damage
                                            * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit) / 100.0);
                                    refactored_head = 0.50 * base_damage
                                            * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit + 7) / 100.0);
                                    ((WeaponAttackAction) atk_action_list.get(action_index))

                            } else {

                                // If the attacker doesn't have a tcomp, settle
                                // for immobile aim

                                refactored_damage = 0.50 * base_damage
                                        * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit) / 100.0);
                                refactored_head = 0.50 * base_damage
                                        * (Compute.oddsAbove(base_to_hit + 7) / 100.0);
                                ((WeaponAttackAction) atk_action_list.get(action_index))


                        // Count the refactored damage off each location. Count
                        // hits to IS.
                        // Ignore locations that have been previously destroyed

                        for (int arr_index = 0; arr_index < 8; arr_index++) {
                            if (arr_index == 0) {
                                values[arr_index] -= refactored_head;
                            } else {
                                values[arr_index] -= refactored_damage;
                            if (values[arr_index] < 0 & is_values[arr_index] > 0) {
                                is_values[arr_index] += values[arr_index];
                                values[arr_index] = 0;

                    // End if (AttackAction against current target)




            double loc_mod;
            for (int arr_index = 0; arr_index < 8; arr_index++) {
                loc_mod = 0.0;

                // If any location has had its armor stripped but is not
                // destroyed,
                // criticals may result

                if (values[arr_index] <= 0 & is_values[arr_index] > 0) {
                    switch (arr_index) {
                    case 0: // Head hits are very good, pilot damage and
                        // critical systems
                        fitness[arr_index] = 4.0 * pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_HEAD);
                    case 1: // CT hits are good, chances at hitting gyro,
                        // engine
                        fitness[arr_index] = 3.0 * pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_CT);
                    case 2: // Side torso hits are good, equipment hits and
                        // ammo slots
                        loc_mod = getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_LT);
                        fitness[arr_index] = 2.0 * pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += loc_mod;
                    case 3:
                        loc_mod = getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_RT);
                        fitness[arr_index] = 2.0 * pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += loc_mod;
                    case 6: // Leg hits are good, reduces target mobility
                        loc_mod = getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_LLEG);
                        fitness[arr_index] = 2.0 * pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += loc_mod;
                    case 7:
                        loc_mod = getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_RLEG);
                        fitness[arr_index] = 2.0 * pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += loc_mod;
                    case 4: // Arm hits might damage some weapons, but not
                        // the best option
                        loc_mod = getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_LARM);
                        fitness[arr_index] = pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += loc_mod;
                    case 5:
                        loc_mod = getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_RARM);
                        fitness[arr_index] = pen_counters[arr_index];
                        fitness[arr_index] += loc_mod;

                // If any location has been destroyed, adjust the location value
                // relative to its value

                if (is_values[arr_index] <= 0 & pen_counters[arr_index] > 0) {

                    switch (arr_index) {
                    case 0: // Destroying the head is a hard kill and gets
                        // rid of the pilot, too
                        fitness[arr_index] += 3 * getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_HEAD);
                    case 1: // Destroying the CT is a hard kill
                        fitness[arr_index] += 2 * getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_CT);
                    case 2: // Destroying a side torso could be a soft kill
                        // or cripple
                        fitness[arr_index] += 1.5 * getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_LT);
                    case 3:
                        fitness[arr_index] += 1.5 * getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_RT);
                    case 6: // Destroying a leg is a mobility kill
                        fitness[arr_index] += 1.5 * getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_LLEG);
                    case 7:
                        fitness[arr_index] += 1.5 * getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_RLEG);
                    case 4: // Destroying an arm can cripple a Mech, but not
                        // the best option
                        fitness[arr_index] += getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_LARM);
                    case 5:
                        fitness[arr_index] += getAimModifier(test_target, Mech.LOC_RARM);



            // Get the best target location, including the head

            refactored_damage = fitness[1];
            for (int arr_index = 0; arr_index < 8; arr_index++) {
                if (fitness[arr_index] > refactored_damage) {
                    refactored_damage = fitness[arr_index];
                    switch (arr_index) {
                    case 0:
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_HEAD;
                    case 2: // case 1 is CT, which was initialized as
                        // default
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_LT;
                    case 3:
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_RT;
                    case 4:
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_LARM;
                    case 5:
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_RARM;
                    case 6:
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_LLEG;
                    case 7:
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_RLEG;
                        best_loc_head = Mech.LOC_CT;

            // Get the best target location, not including the head
            int temp_index = 1;
            refactored_damage = fitness[1];
            for (int arr_index = 2; arr_index < 8; arr_index++) {
                if (fitness[arr_index] > refactored_damage) {
                    refactored_damage = fitness[arr_index];
                    temp_index = arr_index;
                    switch (arr_index) {
                    case 2: // case 1 is CT, which was set as default
                        best_loc = Mech.LOC_LT;
                    case 3:
                        best_loc = Mech.LOC_RT;
                    case 4:
                        best_loc = Mech.LOC_LARM;
                    case 5:
                        best_loc = Mech.LOC_RARM;
                    case 6:
                        best_loc = Mech.LOC_LLEG;
                    case 7:
                        best_loc = Mech.LOC_RLEG;
                        best_loc = Mech.LOC_CT;

            // For all weapon attack actions

            for (Iterator<EntityAction> j = atk_action_list.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                aimed_attack = (WeaponAttackAction) j.next();

                // If the target of the action is the current target

                if (aimed_attack.getTargetId() == test_target) {

                    // If the weapon aim mode is set to use a tcomp

                    if (aimed_attack.getAimingMode() == IAimingModes.AIM_MODE_TARG_COMP) {

                        // If the location is at least close to being breached
                        // or the target is immobile

                        if (values[temp_index] <= Compute.randomInt(5)) {
                        } else {


                    // If the weapon aim mode is set for immobile aim

                    if (aimed_attack.getAimingMode() == IAimingModes.AIM_MODE_IMMOBILE) {


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