Package ucar.nc2.iosp.dmsp

Examples of ucar.nc2.iosp.dmsp.DMSPiosp$VectorMath

  // section reading for member data
  static public ucar.ma2.Array readSection(ParsedSectionSpec cer) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    Variable inner = null;
    List<Range> totalRanges = new ArrayList<Range>();
    ParsedSectionSpec current = cer;
    while (current != null) {
      totalRanges.addAll( current.section.getRanges());
      inner = current.v;
      current = current.child;
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    Section total = new Section( totalRanges);
    Array result = Array.factory(inner.getDataType(), total.getShape());

    // must be a Structure
    Structure outer = (Structure) cer.v;
    Structure outerSubset = cer.child.v.getShortName()); // allows IOSPs to optimize for  this case
    ArrayStructure outerData = (ArrayStructure);
    extractSection( cer.child, outerData, result.getIndexIterator());

    return result;
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        List<GradsVariable>  vars  = gradsDDF.getVariables();
        List<GradsAttribute> attrs = gradsDDF.getAttributes();
        //TODO: ensembles
        List<GradsDimension>       dims = gradsDDF.getDimensions();
        Variable                   v;
        int                        numZ  = 0;
        HashMap<String, Dimension> zDims = new HashMap<String, Dimension>();
        for (GradsDimension dim : dims) {
            String    name  = getVarName(dim);
            int       size  = dim.getSize();
            Dimension ncDim = new Dimension(name, size, true);
            ncFile.addDimension(null, ncDim);
            if (name.equals(ENS_VAR)) {
                v = new Variable(ncFile, null, null, name, DataType.STRING,
                v.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "ensemble"));
                v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType,
                List<String> names =
                String[] nameArray = new String[names.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < nameArray.length; i++) {
                    nameArray[i] = names.get(i);
                Array dataArray = Array.factory(DataType.STRING,
                                      new int[] { nameArray.length },
                v.setCachedData(dataArray, false);
            } else {
                double[] vals = dim.getValues();
                v = new Variable(ncFile, null, null, name, DataType.DOUBLE,
                v.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", dim.getUnit()));
                if (name.equals(Y_VAR)) {
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "latitude"));
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name",
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("axis", "Y"));
                    sizeY = dim.getSize();
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType,
                } else if (name.equals(X_VAR)) {
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "longitude"));
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name",
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("axis", "X"));
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType,
                    sizeX = dim.getSize();
                } else if (name.equals(Z_VAR)) {
                    numZ = size;
                    zDims.put(name, ncDim);
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "level"));
                    addZAttributes(dim, v);
                } else if (name.equals(TIME_VAR)) {
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "time"));
                    v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType,
                ArrayDouble.D1 varArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(size);
                for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
                    varArray.set(i, vals[i]);
                v.setCachedData(varArray, false);
            ncFile.addVariable(null, v);
        if (numZ > 0) {
            GradsDimension zDim = gradsDDF.getZDimension();
            double[]       vals = zDim.getValues();
            for (GradsVariable var : vars) {
                int nl = var.getNumLevels();
                if ((nl > 0) && (nl != numZ)) {
                    String name = Z_VAR + nl;
                    if (zDims.get(name) == null) {
                        Dimension ncDim = new Dimension(name, nl, true);
                        ncFile.addDimension(null, ncDim);
                        Variable vz = new Variable(ncFile, null, null, name,
                                          DataType.DOUBLE, name);
                        vz.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", name));
                        vz.addAttribute(new Attribute("units",
                        addZAttributes(zDim, vz);
                        ArrayDouble.D1 varArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(nl);
                        for (int i = 0; i < nl; i++) {
                            varArray.set(i, vals[i]);
                        vz.setCachedData(varArray, false);
                        ncFile.addVariable(null, vz);
                        zDims.put(name, ncDim);
        zDims = null;
        for (GradsVariable var : vars) {
            String coords = "latitude longitude";
            int    nl     = var.getNumLevels();
            if (nl > 0) {
                if (nl == numZ) {
                    coords = "level " + coords;
                } else {
                    coords = Z_VAR + nl + " " + coords;
            coords = "time " + coords;
            if (gradsDDF.getEnsembleDimension() != null) {
                coords = "ensemble " + coords;
            v = new Variable(ncFile, null, null, var.getName(),
                             DataType.FLOAT, coords);
            v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", var.getDescription()));
            if (var.getUnitName() != null) {
                v.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", var.getUnitName()));
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   * @param ncfile the NetcdfFile to test
   * @return true if we think this is a Zebra file.
  public static boolean isMine(NetcdfFile ncfile) {

    Variable v = ncfile.findVariable("time_offset");
    if (v == null || !v.isCoordinateVariable()) return false;
    String desc = v.getDescription();
    if (desc == null || !desc.equals("Time delta from start_time")) return false;

    if (null == ncfile.findGlobalAttribute( "start_date")) return false;
    if (null == ncfile.findGlobalAttribute( "start_time")) return false;

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      start = df.parse(start_date);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Cant read start_date="+start_date);

    Variable v = ds.findVariable("time_offset");
    v.addAttribute(new Attribute( "units", "seconds since "+dfo.toDateTimeString(start)));

    Group root = ds.getRootGroup();
    root.addAttribute(new Attribute( "Convention", "Suomi-Station-CDM"));   
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    return 0;

  // section reading for member data
  static public ucar.ma2.Array readSection(ParsedSectionSpec cer) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    Variable inner = null;
    List<Range> totalRanges = new ArrayList<Range>();
    ParsedSectionSpec current = cer;
    while (current != null) {
      totalRanges.addAll( current.section.getRanges());
      inner = current.v;
      current = current.child;

    Section total = new Section( totalRanges);
    Array result = Array.factory(inner.getDataType(), total.getShape());

    // must be a Structure
    Structure outer = (Structure) cer.v;
    Structure outerSubset = cer.child.v.getShortName()); // allows IOSPs to optimize for  this case
    ArrayStructure outerData = (ArrayStructure);
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    String timeVars = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(null, "timeVariables", "");
    StringTokenizer stoker = new StringTokenizer( timeVars, ", ");
    while (stoker.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String vname = stoker.nextToken();
      Variable v = ds.findVariable(vname);
      if (v != null) {
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Time.toString()));
      } else {
        parseInfo.format(" cant find time variable %s\n", vname);

    String locVars = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(null, "stationLocationVariables", "");
    stoker = new StringTokenizer( locVars, ", ");
    int count = 0;
    while (stoker.hasMoreTokens()) {
      String vname = stoker.nextToken();
      Variable v = ds.findVariable(vname);
      if (v != null) {
        AxisType atype = count == 0 ? AxisType.Lat : count == 1 ? AxisType.Lon : AxisType.Height;
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, atype.toString()));
      } else {
        parseInfo.format(" cant find time variable %s\n",vname);
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  public AtmosLnPressure(NetcdfFile ds, Dimension timeDim, List<Parameter> params) {

    String p0name = getParameterStringValue(params, P0);
    Variable p0var = ds.findVariable(p0name);
    double p0;
    try {
      p0 = p0var.readScalarDouble();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("AtmosLnPressure failed to read "
          + p0name + " err= " + e.getMessage());

    String levName = getParameterStringValue(params, LEV);
    Variable levVar = ds.findVariable(levName);

    try {
      Array lev =;
      assert lev.getRank() == 1;
      pressure = new ArrayDouble.D1( (int) lev.getSize());
      IndexIterator ii = pressure.getIndexIterator();
      while (lev.hasNext()) {
        double result = p0 * Math.exp(-lev.nextDouble());
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    if (flatten) {
      ArrayStructure as = (ArrayStructure) data;

      // make list of names
      List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
      Variable nested = v;
      while (nested.isMemberOfStructure()) {
        names.add( 0, nested.getShortName());
        nested = nested.getParentStructure();

      StructureMembers.Member m = findNested(as, names, v.getShortName());
      Array mdata = (Array) m.getDataArray();
      if (mdata instanceof ArraySequenceNested) {
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    protected void findCoordinateAxes(NetcdfDataset ds) {

      for (VarProcess vp : varList) {
        if (vp.isCoordinateVariable) continue;

        Variable ncvar = vp.v;
        if (!(ncvar instanceof VariableDS)) continue; // cant be a structure

        String dimName = findAlias(ds, ncvar);
        if (dimName.length() == 0) // none
        Dimension dim = ds.findDimension(dimName);
        if (null != dim) {
          vp.isCoordinateAxis = true;
          parseInfo.format(" Coordinate Axis added (alias) = %s for dimension %s\n", vp.v.getFullName(), dimName);

      // coordinates is an alias for _CoordinateAxes
      for (VarProcess vp : varList) {
        if (vp.coordAxes == null) { // dont override if already set
          String coordsString = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(vp.v, "coordinates", null);
          if (coordsString != null) {
            vp.coordinates = coordsString;


      // now we start forcing
      HashMap<AxisType, VarProcess> map = new HashMap<AxisType, VarProcess>();

      // find existing axes, so we dont duplicate
      for (VarProcess vp : varList) {
        if (vp.isCoordinateAxis) {
          AxisType atype = getAxisType(ds, (VariableEnhanced) vp.v);
          if (atype != null)
            map.put(atype, vp);

      // look for time axes based on units
      if (map.get(AxisType.Time) == null) {
        for (VarProcess vp : varList) {
          Variable ncvar = vp.v;
          if (!(ncvar instanceof VariableDS)) continue; // cant be a structure
          String unit = ncvar.getUnitsString();

          if (SimpleUnit.isDateUnit(unit)) {
            vp.isCoordinateAxis = true;
            map.put(AxisType.Time, vp);
            parseInfo.format(" Time Coordinate Axis added (unit) = %s from unit %s\n", vp.v.getFullName(), unit);
            //break; // allow multiple time coords

      // look for missing axes by using name hueristics
      for (VarProcess vp : varList) {
        if (vp.isCoordinateVariable) continue;
        Variable ncvar = vp.v;
        if (!(ncvar instanceof VariableDS)) continue; // cant be a structure

        AxisType atype = getAxisType(ds, (VariableEnhanced) vp.v);
        if (atype != null) {
          if (map.get(atype) == null) {
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Related Classes of ucar.nc2.iosp.dmsp.DMSPiosp$VectorMath

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