Package com.sun.jna.ptr

Examples of com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference

  private Map<Integer, UserType> userTypes = new HashMap<Integer, UserType>();

  private void makeUserTypes(int grpid, Group g) throws IOException {
    // find user types in this group
    IntByReference ntypesp = new IntByReference();
    int ret = nc4.nc_inq_typeids(grpid, ntypesp, Pointer.NULL);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
    int ntypes = ntypesp.getValue();
    if (ntypes == 0) return;
    int[] xtypes = new int[ntypes];
    ret = nc4.nc_inq_typeids(grpid, ntypesp, xtypes);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));

    // for each defined "user type", get information, store in Map
    for (int typeid : xtypes) {
      byte[] nameb = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      NativeLongByReference sizep = new NativeLongByReference();
      IntByReference baseType = new IntByReference();
      NativeLongByReference nfieldsp = new NativeLongByReference();
      IntByReference classp = new IntByReference();

      ret = nc4.nc_inq_user_type(grpid, typeid, nameb, sizep, baseType, nfieldsp, classp); // size_t
      if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));

      String name = makeString(nameb);
      int utype = classp.getValue();
      System.out.printf(" user type=%d name=%s size=%d baseType=%d nfields=%d class=%d %n ",
          typeid, name, sizep.getValue().longValue(), baseType.getValue(), nfieldsp.getValue().longValue(), utype);

      UserType ut = new UserType(grpid, typeid, name, sizep.getValue().longValue(), baseType.getValue(),
          nfieldsp.getValue().longValue(), classp.getValue());
      userTypes.put(typeid, ut);

      if (utype == NCLibrary.NC_ENUM) {
        Map<Integer, String> map = makeEnum(grpid, typeid);
        EnumTypedef e = new EnumTypedef(name, map);
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  private Map<Integer, String> makeEnum(int grpid, int xtype) throws IOException {
    byte[] nameb = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
    IntByReference baseType = new IntByReference();
    NativeLongByReference baseSize = new NativeLongByReference();
    NativeLongByReference numMembers = new NativeLongByReference();

    int ret = nc4.nc_inq_enum(grpid, xtype, nameb, baseType, baseSize, numMembers);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
    int nmembers = numMembers.getValue().intValue();
    String name = makeString(nameb);

    //System.out.printf(" type=%d name=%s baseType=%d baseType=%d numMembers=%d %n ",
    //    xtype, name, baseType.getValue(), baseSize.getValue().longValue(), nmembers);
    Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>(2 * nmembers);

    for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++) {
      byte[] mnameb = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      IntByReference value = new IntByReference();
      ret = nc4.nc_inq_enum_member(grpid, xtype, i, mnameb, value); // void *
      if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));

      String mname = makeString(mnameb);
      //System.out.printf(" member name=%s value=%d %n ",  mname, value.getValue());
      map.put(value.getValue(), mname);

    return map;
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    void readFields() throws IOException {
      for (int fldidx=0; fldidx<nfields; fldidx++) {
        byte[] fldname = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
        IntByReference field_typeidp = new IntByReference();
        IntByReference ndimsp = new IntByReference();
        IntByReference dim_sizesp = new IntByReference();
        NativeLongByReference offsetp = new NativeLongByReference();

        int[] dims = new int[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_DIMS];
        int ret = nc4.nc_inq_compound_field(grpid, typeid, fldidx, fldname, offsetp, field_typeidp, ndimsp, dims);
        if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
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    load(); // load jni
    this.ncfile = ncfile;

    // open
    if (debug) System.out.println("open " + ncfile.getLocation());
    IntByReference ncidp = new IntByReference();
    int ret = nc4.nc_open(ncfile.getLocation(), 0, ncidp);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
    ncid = ncidp.getValue();

    // format
    IntByReference formatp = new IntByReference();
    ret = nc4.nc_inq_format(ncid, formatp);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
    format = formatp.getValue();
    System.out.printf("open %s id=%d format=%d %n", ncfile.getLocation(), ncid, format);

    // read root group
    makeGroup(ncid, new Group4(ncfile.getRootGroup(), null));
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  private void makeGroup(int grpid, Group4 g4) throws IOException {
    makeDimensions(grpid, g4);
    makeUserTypes(grpid, g4.g);

    // group attributes
    IntByReference ngattsp = new IntByReference();
    int ret = nc4.nc_inq_natts(grpid, ngattsp);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
    List<Attribute> gatts = makeAttributes(grpid, NCLibrary.NC_GLOBAL, ngattsp.getValue(), null);
    for (Attribute att : gatts) {
      ncfile.addAttribute(g4.g, att);
      if (debug) System.out.printf(" add Global Attribute %s %n", att);

    makeVariables(grpid, g4.g);

    if (format == NCLibrary.NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4) {
      // read subordinate groups
      IntByReference numgrps = new IntByReference();
      ret = nc4.nc_inq_grps(grpid, numgrps, Pointer.NULL);
      if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
      int[] grids = new int[numgrps.getValue()];
      ret = nc4.nc_inq_grps(grpid, numgrps, grids);
      if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));

      for (int i = 0; i < grids.length; i++) {
        byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
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  private void makeDimensions(int grpid, Group4 g4) throws IOException {
    IntByReference ndimsp = new IntByReference();
    int ret = nc4.nc_inq_ndims(grpid, ndimsp);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));

    int[] dimids = new int[ndimsp.getValue()];
    ret = nc4.nc_inq_dimids(grpid, ndimsp, dimids, 0);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));

    IntByReference nunlimdimsp = new IntByReference();
    int[] unlimdimids = new int[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_DIMS];
    ret = nc4.nc_inq_unlimdims(grpid, nunlimdimsp, unlimdimids);

    int ndims = ndimsp.getValue();
    for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
      byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      NativeLongByReference lenp = new NativeLongByReference();
      ret = nc4.nc_inq_dim(grpid, dimids[i], name, lenp);
      if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
      String dname = makeString(name);

      boolean isUnlimited = containsInt(nunlimdimsp.getValue(), unlimdimids, i);
      Dimension dim = new Dimension(dname, lenp.getValue().intValue(), true, isUnlimited, false);
      ncfile.addDimension(g4.g, dim);
      if (debug) System.out.printf(" add Dimension %s (%d) %n", dim, dimids[i]);
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      int ret = nc4.nc_inq_attname(grpid, varid, attnum, name);
      if (ret != 0)
        throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret) + " varid=" + varid + " attnum=" + attnum);
      String attname = makeString(name);

      IntByReference xtypep = new IntByReference();
      ret = nc4.nc_inq_atttype(grpid, varid, attname, xtypep);
      if (ret != 0)
        throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret) + " varid=" + varid + "attnum=" + attnum);

      NativeLongByReference lenp = new NativeLongByReference();
      ret = nc4.nc_inq_attlen(grpid, varid, attname, lenp);
      if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
      int len = lenp.getValue().intValue();

      Array values = null;
      int type = xtypep.getValue();
      switch (type) {
        case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE:
          byte[] valbu = new byte[len];
          ret = nc4.nc_get_att_uchar(grpid, varid, attname, valbu);
          if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
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  private void makeVariables(int grpid, Group g) throws IOException {
    IntByReference nvarsp = new IntByReference();
    int ret = nc4.nc_inq_nvars(grpid, nvarsp);
    if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
    int nvars = nvarsp.getValue();
    if (debug) System.out.printf(" nvars= %d %n", nvars);

    int[] varids = new int[nvars];
    ret = nc4.nc_inq_varids(grpid, nvarsp, varids);

    for (int i = 0; i < varids.length; i++) {
      int varno = varids[i];
      if (varno != i) System.out.printf("HEY varno=%d i=%d%n", varno, i);

      byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      IntByReference xtypep = new IntByReference();
      IntByReference ndimsp = new IntByReference();
      int[] dimids = new int[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_DIMS];
      IntByReference nattsp = new IntByReference();

      ret = nc4.nc_inq_var(grpid, varno, name, xtypep, ndimsp, dimids, nattsp);
      if (ret != 0)
        throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));

      // figure out the datatype
      int typeid = xtypep.getValue();
      DataType dtype = convertDataType(typeid);

      String vname = makeString(name);
      Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(grpid, varno, typeid);

      // figure out the dimensions
      String dimList = makeDimList(grpid, ndimsp.getValue(), dimids);
      UserType utype = userTypes.get(typeid);
      if (utype != null) {
        vinfo.utype = utype;
        if (utype.userType == NCLibrary.NC_VLEN)
          dimList = dimList +" *";

      Variable v;
      if (dtype != DataType.STRUCTURE) {
        v = new Variable(ncfile, g, null, vname, dtype, dimList);

      } else {
        Structure s = new Structure(ncfile, g, null, vname);
        s.setDimensions( dimList);
        v = s;

        if (utype.flds == null)
        for (Field f : utype.flds) {
          s.addMemberVariable(f.makeMemberVariable(g, s));

      // create the Variable
      ncfile.addVariable(g, v);
      if (dtype.isEnum()) {
        EnumTypedef enumTypedef = g.findEnumeration(;

      if (isUnsigned(typeid))
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute("_Unsigned","true"));

      // read Variable attributes
      List<Attribute> atts = makeAttributes(grpid, varno, nattsp.getValue(), v);
      for (Attribute att : atts) {
        //if (debug) System.out.printf(" add Variable Attribute %s %n",att);

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      final AVPacket packet = nextPacket(videoStreamIndex);
        if (packet != null)
          synchronized (AV_SYNC_OBJ)
            final IntByReference frameFinished = new IntByReference();
                // Decode video frame
              AVCODEC.avcodec_decode_video(codecCtx, srcFrame, frameFinished,, packet.size);
              if (dts == -1 || packet.dts < dts)
                dts = packet.dts;
                // Did we get a video frame?
                if (frameFinished.getValue() != 0)
                  int res = imageConverter.img_convert(dstFrame, dstPixFmt, srcFrame, codecCtx.pix_fmt, codecCtx.width, codecCtx.height);
                  if (res < 0)
                    throw new RuntimeException("img_convert failed: " + res)// TODO: how to handle
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      final AVPacket packet = nextPacket(audioStreamIndex);
        if (packet != null)
          synchronized (AV_SYNC_OBJ)
              final IntByReference frameSize = new IntByReference();
              // It is not very clear from the documentation, but it appears that we set the initial frame size to be the size of this.buffer in bytes, not in "shorts".
                // Decode
              AVCODEC.avcodec_decode_audio2(codecCtx, this.buffer, frameSize,, packet.size);
                // Did we get a audio data?
              if (frameSize.getValue() < 0)
              {  throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read audio frame")// TODO: how to handle this error?
              else if (frameSize.getValue() > 0)
                  if (frameSize.getValue() > this.bufferSize)
                  {  // realloc buffer to make room:
                    // we already allocate the maximum size, so this should never happen.
                    this.bufferSize = frameSize.getValue();
                     this.buffer = AVUTIL.av_malloc(this.bufferSize);
                    final byte[] data = this.buffer.getByteArray(0, frameSize.getValue());
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Related Classes of com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference

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