float [] lonsIn = new float[NLON];
// Open the file and check to make sure it's valid.
String filename = "sfc_pres_temp.nc";
NetcdfFile dataFile = null;
try {
dataFile = NetcdfFile.open(filename, null);
Variable latVar = dataFile.findVariable("latitude");
if (latVar == null) {
System.out.println("Cant find Variable latitude");
Variable lonVar= dataFile.findVariable("longitude");
if (lonVar == null) {
System.out.println("Cant find Variable longitude");
Variable presVar= dataFile.findVariable("pressure");
if (presVar == null) {
System.out.println("Cant find Variable pressure");
Variable tempVar= dataFile.findVariable("temperature");
if (tempVar == null) {
System.out.println("Cant find Variable temperature");
if(latVar.getDimensions().size() != 1) {
System.out.println(" fail to get the dimensions of variable latitude");
if(presVar.getDimensions().size() != 2) {
System.out.println(" fail to get the dimensions of variable pressure");
// Read the latitude and longitude coordinate variables into arrays
// latsIn and lonsIn.
ArrayFloat.D1 latArray;
ArrayFloat.D1 lonArray;
latArray = (ArrayFloat.D1)latVar.read();
lonArray = (ArrayFloat.D1)lonVar.read();
int[] shape = latArray.getShape();
for (int i=0; i<shape[0]; i++) {
latsIn[i] = latArray.get(i);
shape = lonArray.getShape();
for (int j=0; j<shape[0]; j++) {
lonsIn[j] = lonArray.get(j);
// Check the coordinate variable data.
for(int lat = 0; lat < NLAT; lat++)
if (latsIn[lat] != START_LAT + 5. * lat)
System.err.println("ERROR reading variable latitude");
// Check longitude values.
for (int lon = 0; lon < NLON; lon++)
if (lonsIn[lon] != START_LON + 5. * lon)
System.err.println("ERROR reading variable longitude");
// Read the data. Since we know the contents of the file we know
// that the data arrays in this program are the correct size to
// hold all the data.
ArrayFloat.D2 presArray, tempArray;
presArray = (ArrayFloat.D2)presVar.read();
tempArray = (ArrayFloat.D2)tempVar.read();
int [] shape1 = presArray.getShape();
for (int i=0; i<shape1[0]; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<shape1[1]; j++) {
presIn[i][j] = presArray.get(i,j);
tempIn[i][j] = tempArray.get(i,j);
// Check the data.
for (int lat = 0; lat < NLAT; lat++)
for (int lon = 0; lon < NLON; lon++)
if (presIn[lat][lon] != SAMPLE_PRESSURE + (lon * NLAT + lat)
|| tempIn[lat][lon] != SAMPLE_TEMP + .25 * (lon * NLAT + lat))
System.err.println("ERROR reading variable pressure or temperature");
// Each of the netCDF variables has a "units" attribute. Let's read
// them and check them.
System.err.println("ERROR reading variable latitude units");
System.err.println("ERROR reading variable longitude units");
System.err.println("ERROR reading variable pressure units");
System.err.println("ERROR reading variable temperature units");
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
System.out.println(" fail = "+e);
} finally {
if (dataFile != null)
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("*** SUCCESS reading example file sfc_pres_temp.nc!");