// 2 - Check if the user defined default generators, otherwise
// create them using the Table and Sequence generator metadata.
if (! sequences.containsKey(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR)) {
TableGeneratorMetadata tableGenerator = new TableGeneratorMetadata(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR);
// This code was attempting to use the platform default sequence name,
// however the platform has not been set yet, so it would never work,
// it was also causing the platform default sequence to be set, causing the DatabasePlatform default to be used,
// so I am removing this code, as it breaks the platform default sequence and does not work.
// Sequence seq = m_session.getDatasourcePlatform().getDefaultSequence();
// Using "" as the default should make the platform default it.
String defaultTableGeneratorName = "";
// Process the default values.
processTable(tableGenerator, defaultTableGeneratorName, getPersistenceUnitDefaultCatalog(), getPersistenceUnitDefaultSchema(), tableGenerator);
sequences.put(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR, tableGenerator.process(m_logger));
if (! sequences.containsKey(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR)) {
sequences.put(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR, new SequenceGeneratorMetadata(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR, getPersistenceUnitDefaultCatalog(), getPersistenceUnitDefaultSchema()).process(m_logger));