Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata

Source Code of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataProject

* Copyright (c) 1998, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
*     Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
*     05/16/2008-1.0M8 Guy Pelletier
*       - 218084: Implement metadata merging functionality between mapping files
*     05/23/2008-1.0M8 Guy Pelletier
*       - 211330: Add attributes-complete support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
*     09/23/2008-1.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 241651: JPA 2.0 Access Type support
*     01/28/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 248293: JPA 2.0 Element Collections (part 1)
*     02/06/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 248293: JPA 2.0 Element Collections (part 2)
*     03/27/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 241413: JPA 2.0 Add EclipseLink support for Map type attributes
*     04/24/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 270011: JPA 2.0 MappedById support
*     04/30/2009-2.0 Michael O'Brien
*       - 266912: JPA 2.0 Metamodel API (part of Criteria API)
*     06/16/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 277039: JPA 2.0 Cache Usage Settings
*     06/17/2009-2.0 Michael O'Brien
*       - 266912: change mappedSuperclassDescriptors Set to a Map
*          keyed on MetadataClass - avoiding the use of a hashCode/equals
*          override on RelationalDescriptor, but requiring a contains check prior to a put
*     06/25/2009-2.0 Michael O'Brien
*       - 266912: change MappedSuperclass handling in stage2 to pre process accessors
*          in support of the custom descriptors holding mappings required by the Metamodel
*     08/11/2009-2.0 Michael O'Brien
*       - 284147: do not add a pseudo PK Field for MappedSuperclasses when
*         1 or more PK fields already exist on the descriptor.
*     10/21/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 290567: mappedbyid support incomplete
*     11/13/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 293629: An attribute referenced from orm.xml is not recognized correctly
*     03/08/2010-2.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 303632: Add attribute-type for mapping attributes to EclipseLink-ORM
*     03/08/2010-2.1 Michael O'Brien
*       - 300051: JPA 2.0 Metamodel processing requires EmbeddedId validation moved higher from
*                      EmbeddedIdAccessor.process() to MetadataDescriptor.addAccessor() so we
*                      can better determine when to add the MAPPED_SUPERCLASS_RESERVED_PK_NAME
*                      temporary PK field used to process MappedSuperclasses for the Metamodel API
*                      during MetadataProject.addMetamodelMappedSuperclass()
*     04/09/2010-2.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 307050: Add defaults for access methods of a VIRTUAL access type
*     05/14/2010-2.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 253083: Add support for dynamic persistence using ORM.xml/eclipselink-orm.xml
*     06/09/2010-2.0.3 Guy Pelletier
*       - 313401: shared-cache-mode defaults to NONE when the element value is unrecognized
*     06/14/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 264417: Table generation is incorrect for JoinTables in AssociationOverrides
*     07/05/2010-2.1.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 317708: Exception thrown when using LAZY fetch on VIRTUAL mapping
*     07/23/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 237902: DDL GEN doesn't qualify SEQUENCE table with persistence unit schema
*     08/11/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 312123: JPA: Validation error during Id processing on parameterized generic OneToOne Entity relationship from MappedSuperclass
*     09/03/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 317286: DB column lenght not in sync between @Column and @JoinColumn
*     12/01/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 331234: xml-mapping-metadata-complete overriden by metadata-complete specification
*     12/02/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 251554: ExcludeDefaultMapping annotation needed
*     12/02/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 324471: Do not default to VariableOneToOneMapping for interfaces unless a managed class implementing it is found
*     03/24/2011-2.3 Guy Pelletier
*       - 337323: Multi-tenant with shared schema support (part 1)
*     04/01/2011-2.3 Guy Pelletier
*       - 337323: Multi-tenant with shared schema support (part 2)
*     08/09/2011
*       Masumi Ito, Fujitsu - Bug 351791 - NPE occurs on specifying two kinds of primary key generators on orm.xml
*     09/09/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 356197: Add new VPD type to MultitenantType
*     09/20/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 357476: Change caching default to ISOLATED for multitenant's using a shared EMF.
*     02/08/2012-2.4 Guy Pelletier
*       - 350487: JPA 2.1 Specification defined support for Stored Procedure Calls
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.persistence.SharedCacheMode;
import javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo;

import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;
import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.PersistenceUnitProcessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.ClassAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.EmbeddableAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.EntityAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.InterfaceAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.MappedSuperclassAccessor;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.mappings.DirectCollectionAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.mappings.MappingAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.mappings.RelationshipAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataClass;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.converters.AbstractConverterMetadata;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.converters.StructConverterMetadata;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.listeners.EntityListenerMetadata;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataLogger;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.partitioning.AbstractPartitioningMetadata;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.queries.NamedQueryMetadata;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.queries.PLSQLComplexTypeMetadata;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.queries.SQLResultSetMappingMetadata;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.sequencing.GeneratedValueMetadata;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.sequencing.TableGeneratorMetadata;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.sequencing.SequenceGeneratorMetadata;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.sequencing.UuidGeneratorMetadata;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.tables.TableMetadata;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.xml.XMLEntityMappings;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.xml.XMLPersistenceUnitDefaults;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.xml.XMLPersistenceUnitMetadata;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.Sequence;

import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatasourceLogin;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project;

import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_EMBEDDABLE;

* A MetadataProject stores metadata and also helps to facilitate the metadata
* processing.
* Key notes:
* - Care should be taken when using Sets to hold metadata and checking their
*   equality. In most cases you should be able to us a List or Map since most
*   additions to those lists should not occur multiple times for the same
*   object. Just be aware of what you are gathering and how. For example, for
*   ClassAccessors, they can always be stored in a map keyed on
*   accessor.getJavaClassName(). List of mapping accessors is ok as well since
*   in most cases we check isProcessed() before calling process on them etc.
* - methods should be preserved in alphabetical order.
* @author Guy Pelletier
* @since TopLink EJB 3.0 Reference Implementation
public class MetadataProject {
    // Sequencing constants.
    public static final String DEFAULT_AUTO_GENERATOR = "SEQ_GEN";
    public static final String DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR = "SEQ_GEN_TABLE";
    public static final String DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR = "SEQ_GEN_SEQUENCE";
    public static final String DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR = "SEQ_GEN_IDENTITY";

    // Boolean to specify if we should weave fetch groups.
    private boolean m_isWeavingFetchGroupsEnabled;
    // Boolean to specify if the user intends for the related EMF of this
    // project to be shared for multitenants.
    private boolean m_multitenantSharedEmf;
    // Boolean to specify if the user intends for the related EMF cache of this
    // project to be shared for multitenants.
    private boolean m_multitenantSharedCache;
    // Boolean to specify if we should weave eager relationships.
    private boolean m_isWeavingEagerEnabled;
    // Boolean to specify if we should weave lazy relationships.
    private boolean m_isWeavingLazyEnabled;
    // Boolean to specify if we should uppercase all field names.
    // @see PersistenceUnitProperties.UPPERCASE_COLUMN_NAMES
    private boolean m_forceFieldNamesToUpperCase = true;
    // Cache the shared cache mode
    private SharedCacheMode m_sharedCacheMode;
    private boolean m_isSharedCacheModeInitialized;
    // A composite PU processor.
    private MetadataProcessor m_compositeProcessor;
    // Persistence unit info that is represented by this project.
    private PersistenceUnitInfo m_persistenceUnitInfo;

    // The session we are currently processing for.
    private AbstractSession m_session;

    // The logger for the project.
    private MetadataLogger m_logger;

    // Persistence unit metadata for this project.
    private XMLPersistenceUnitMetadata m_persistenceUnitMetadata;

    // All owning relationship accessors.
    private List<RelationshipAccessor> m_owningRelationshipAccessors;
    // All non-owning (mappedBy) relationship accessors.
    private List<RelationshipAccessor> m_nonOwningRelationshipAccessors;
    // Accessors that map to an Embeddable class
    private List<MappingAccessor> m_embeddableMappingAccessors;
    // All direct collection accessors.
    private List<DirectCollectionAccessor> m_directCollectionAccessors;
    // Class accessors that have a customizer.
    private List<ClassAccessor> m_accessorsWithCustomizer;
    // A linked map of all the entity mappings (XML file representation)
    private Map<String, XMLEntityMappings> m_entityMappings;
    // Map of mapped-superclasses found in XML for this project/persistence unit.
    private Map<String, MappedSuperclassAccessor> m_mappedSuperclasseAccessors;

    // All the class accessors for this project (Entities and Embeddables).
    private Map<String, ClassAccessor> m_allAccessors;
    // The entity accessors for this project
    private Map<String, EntityAccessor> m_entityAccessors;
    // Contains those embeddables and entities that are VIRTUAL (do not exist)
    private Map<String, ClassAccessor> m_virtualClasses;
    // The embeddable accessors for this project
    private Map<String, EmbeddableAccessor> m_embeddableAccessors;
    // Root level embeddable accessors. When we pre-process embeddable
    // accessors we need to process them from the root down so as to set
    // the correct owning descriptor.
    private Map<String, EmbeddableAccessor> m_rootEmbeddableAccessors;
    // The interface accessors for this project
    private Map<String, InterfaceAccessor> m_interfaceAccessors;
    // Class accessors that have their id derived from a relationship.
    private Map<String, ClassAccessor> m_accessorsWithDerivedId;
    // Query metadata.
    private Map<String, NamedQueryMetadata> m_queries;
    // SQL result set mapping
    private Map<String, SQLResultSetMappingMetadata> m_sqlResultSetMappings;
    // Sequencing metadata.
    private Map<MetadataClass, GeneratedValueMetadata> m_generatedValues;
    private Map<String, TableGeneratorMetadata> m_tableGenerators;
    private Map<String, SequenceGeneratorMetadata> m_sequenceGenerators;
    private Map<String, UuidGeneratorMetadata> m_uuidGenerators;
    // Metadata converters, that is, EclipseLink converters.
    private Map<String, AbstractConverterMetadata> m_converters;
    // Store PLSQL record and table types by name, to allow reuse.
    private Map<String, PLSQLComplexTypeMetadata> m_plsqlComplexTypes;
    // Store partitioning policies by name, to allow reuse.
    private Map<String, AbstractPartitioningMetadata> m_partitioningPolicies;
    // All mappedSuperclass accessors, identity is handled by keying on className.
    private Map<String, MappedSuperclassAccessor> m_metamodelMappedSuperclasses;
    // All id classes (IdClass and EmbeddedId classes) used through-out the
    // persistence unit. We need this list to determine derived id accessors.
    private Set<String> m_idClasses;
    // Contains a list of all interfaces that are implemented by entities in
    // this project/pu.
    private Set<String> m_interfacesImplementedByEntities;
    // Default listeners that need to be applied to each entity in the
    // persistence unit (unless they exclude them).
    private Set<EntityListenerMetadata> m_defaultListeners;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Create and return a new MetadataProject with puInfo as its PersistenceUnitInfo,
     * session as its Session and weavingEnabled as its global dynamic weaving state.
     * @param puInfo - the PersistenceUnitInfo
     * @param session - the Session
     * @param weavingEnabled - flag for global dynamic weaving state
    public MetadataProject(PersistenceUnitInfo puInfo, AbstractSession session, boolean weaveLazy, boolean weaveEager, boolean weaveFetchGroups, boolean multitenantSharedEmf, boolean multitenantSharedCache) {
        m_isSharedCacheModeInitialized = false;
        m_persistenceUnitInfo = puInfo;
        m_session = session;
        m_logger = new MetadataLogger(session);
        m_isWeavingEagerEnabled = weaveEager;
        m_isWeavingLazyEnabled = weaveLazy;
        m_isWeavingFetchGroupsEnabled = weaveFetchGroups;
        m_multitenantSharedEmf = multitenantSharedEmf;
        m_multitenantSharedCache = multitenantSharedCache;
        m_owningRelationshipAccessors = new ArrayList<RelationshipAccessor>();
        m_nonOwningRelationshipAccessors = new ArrayList<RelationshipAccessor>();
        m_embeddableMappingAccessors = new ArrayList<MappingAccessor>();
        m_directCollectionAccessors = new ArrayList<DirectCollectionAccessor>();
        m_accessorsWithCustomizer = new ArrayList<ClassAccessor>();
        // Using linked collections since their ordering needs to be preserved.
        m_entityMappings = new LinkedHashMap<String, XMLEntityMappings>();
        m_defaultListeners = new LinkedHashSet<EntityListenerMetadata>();
        m_queries = new HashMap<String, NamedQueryMetadata>();
        m_sqlResultSetMappings = new HashMap<String, SQLResultSetMappingMetadata>();
        m_allAccessors = new HashMap<String, ClassAccessor>();
        m_entityAccessors = new HashMap<String, EntityAccessor>();
        m_embeddableAccessors = new HashMap<String, EmbeddableAccessor>();
        m_rootEmbeddableAccessors = new HashMap<String, EmbeddableAccessor>();
        m_interfaceAccessors = new HashMap<String, InterfaceAccessor>();
        m_mappedSuperclasseAccessors = new HashMap<String, MappedSuperclassAccessor>();
        m_generatedValues = new HashMap<MetadataClass, GeneratedValueMetadata>();
        m_tableGenerators = new HashMap<String, TableGeneratorMetadata>();
        m_sequenceGenerators = new HashMap<String, SequenceGeneratorMetadata>();
        m_uuidGenerators = new HashMap<String, UuidGeneratorMetadata>();
        m_converters = new HashMap<String, AbstractConverterMetadata>();
        m_partitioningPolicies = new HashMap<String, AbstractPartitioningMetadata>();
        m_plsqlComplexTypes = new HashMap<String, PLSQLComplexTypeMetadata>();
        m_metamodelMappedSuperclasses = new HashMap<String, MappedSuperclassAccessor>();
        m_virtualClasses = new HashMap<String, ClassAccessor>();
        m_accessorsWithDerivedId = new HashMap<String, ClassAccessor>();
        m_idClasses = new HashSet<String>();
        m_interfacesImplementedByEntities = new HashSet<String>();
     * INTERNAL:
     * This method will add the descriptor to the actual EclipseLink project,
     * if it has not already been added. This method if called for entities
     * and embeddable classes (which are both weavable classes).
    protected void addAccessor(ClassAccessor accessor) {
        MetadataDescriptor descriptor = accessor.getDescriptor();
        // Process the persistence unit meta data (if there is any).

        // Process and set the parent class (if one is available).
        // Add the descriptor to the actual EclipseLink Project.

        // Keep a map of all the accessors that have been added.
        m_allAccessors.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);
     * INTERNAL:
    public void addAccessorWithCustomizer(ClassAccessor accessor) {
     * INTERNAL:
    public void addAccessorWithDerivedId(ClassAccessor accessor) {
        m_accessorsWithDerivedId.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);
     * INTERNAL:
    public void addAlias(String alias, MetadataDescriptor descriptor) {
        ClassDescriptor existingDescriptor = m_session.getProject().getDescriptorForAlias(alias);
        if (existingDescriptor == null) {
            m_session.getProject().addAlias(alias, descriptor.getClassDescriptor());
        } else {
            throw ValidationException.nonUniqueEntityName(existingDescriptor.getJavaClassName(), descriptor.getJavaClassName(), alias);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a abstract converter metadata to the project. The actual processing
     * isn't done until an accessor referencing the converter is processed.
    public void addConverter(AbstractConverterMetadata converter) {
        // Check for another converter with the same name.
        if (converter.shouldOverride(m_converters.get(converter.getName()))) {
            m_converters.put(converter.getName(), converter);
     * INTERNAL:
    public void addDefaultListener(EntityListenerMetadata defaultListener) {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Store basic collection accessors for later processing and quick look up.
    public void addDirectCollectionAccessor(MappingAccessor accessor) {
        m_directCollectionAccessors.add((DirectCollectionAccessor) accessor);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add an embeddable accessor to this project. Assumes the embeddable
     * needs to be added. That is, does not check if it already exists and
     * cause a merge. The caller is responsible for that.
    public void addEmbeddableAccessor(EmbeddableAccessor accessor) {
        // Add accessor will apply persistence unit defaults.
        m_embeddableAccessors.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);
     * INTERNAL:
    public void addEmbeddableMappingAccessor(MappingAccessor accessor) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add an entity accessor to this project. Assumes the entity needs to be
     * added. That is, does not check if it already exists and cause a merge.
     * The caller is responsible for that.
    public void addEntityAccessor(EntityAccessor accessor) {
        // Add accessor will apply persistence unit defaults.
        // Grab the implemented interfaces (used when defaulting v1-1 mappings)
        m_entityAccessors.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);      
     * INTERNAL:
     * The avoid processing the same mapping file twice (e.g. user may
     * explicitly specify the orm.xml file) we store the list of entity
     * mappings in a map keyed on their URL.
    public void addEntityMappings(XMLEntityMappings entityMappings) {
        // Add the new entity mappings file to the list.
        m_entityMappings.put(entityMappings.getMappingFileOrURL(), entityMappings);
     * INTERNAL:
    public void addGeneratedValue(GeneratedValueMetadata generatedvalue, MetadataClass entityClass) {
        m_generatedValues.put(entityClass, generatedvalue);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add EmbeddedId and IdClass ids to the project
    public void addIdClass(String idClassName) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a InterfaceAccessor to this project.
    public void addInterfaceAccessor(InterfaceAccessor accessor) {
        m_interfaceAccessors.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);
        // Add it directly and avoid the persistence unit defaults and stuff for now.
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a mapped superclass accessor to this project. Assumes the mapped
     * superclass needs to be added. That is, does not check if it already
     * exists and cause a merge. The caller is responsible for that. At runtime,
     * this map will contain mapped superclasses from XML only. The canonical
     * model processor will populate all mapped superclasses in this map.
    public void addMappedSuperclass(MappedSuperclassAccessor mappedSuperclass) {
        // Process and set the parent class (if one is available).
        m_mappedSuperclasseAccessors.put(mappedSuperclass.getJavaClassName(), mappedSuperclass);

     * INTERNAL:
     * The metamodel API requires that descriptors exist for mappedSuperclasses
     * in order to obtain their mappings.<p>
     * In order to accomplish this, this method that is called from EntityAccessor
     * will ensure that the descriptors on all mappedSuperclass accessors
     * are setup so that they can be specially processed later in
     * MetadataProject.processStage2() - where the m_mappedSuperclassAccessors
     * Map is required.
     * <p>
     * We do not use the non-persisting MAPPED_SUPERCLASS_RESERVED_PK_NAME PK field.
     * Normally when the MappedSuperclass is part of an inheritance hierarchy of the form MS->MS->E,
     * where there is an PK Id on the root Entity E, we need to add the
     * MAPPED_SUPERCLASS_RESERVED_PK_NAME PK field solely for metadata processing to complete.
     * Why? because even though we treat MappedSuperclass objects as a RelationalDescriptor - we only persist
     * RelationalDescriptor objects that relate to concrete Entities.
     * <p>
     *  This method is referenced by EntityAccessor.addPotentialMappedSuperclass()
     *  during an initial predeploy() and later during a deploy()
     *  </p>
     * @param accessor - The mappedSuperclass accessor for the field on the mappedSuperclass<p>
     * @since EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
    public void addMetamodelMappedSuperclass(MappedSuperclassAccessor accessor, MetadataDescriptor childDescriptor) {
        // Check for an existing entry before proceeding. Metamodel mapped
        // superclasses need only (and should only) be added once. This code
        // will be called from every entity that inherits from it. There is no
        // need to check for className == null here as the mapped superclass
        // accessor is always created with a class.
        if (! m_metamodelMappedSuperclasses.containsKey(accessor.getJavaClassName())) {
            MetadataDescriptor metadataDescriptor = accessor.getDescriptor();
            // Set a child entity descriptor on the mapped superclass descriptor.
            // This descriptor (and its mapping accessors) will help to resolve
            // any generic mapping accessors from the mapped superclass.
            // Note: set the back pointer from the MetadataDescriptor back to its' accessor manually before we add accessors
            // Make sure you apply the persistence unit metadata and defaults.
            // Need to apply the mapping file defaults (if there is one that loaded this mapped superclass).
            if (accessor.getEntityMappings() != null) {
            // After the pu metadata and defaults have been applied, it is safe to process the access type.
            // Set the referenceClass for Id mappings
            // Generics Handler: Check if the referenceType is not set for Collection accessors           
            // Add the accessor to our custom Map keyed on className for separate processing in stage2
            m_metamodelMappedSuperclasses.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);
            // Fake out a database table and primary key for MappedSuperclasses
            // We require string names for table processing that does not actually goto the database.
            // There will be no conflict with customer values
            // The descriptor is assumed never to be null
            metadataDescriptor.setPrimaryTable(new DatabaseTable(MetadataConstants.MAPPED_SUPERCLASS_RESERVED_TABLE_NAME));
             * We need to add a PK field to the temporary mappedsuperclass table above - in order to continue processing.
             * Note: we add this field only if no IdClass or EmbeddedId attributes are set on or above the MappedSuperclass.
             * Both the table name and PK name are not used to actual database writes.
             * Check accessor collection on the metadataDescriptor (note: getIdAttributeName() and getIdAttributeNames() are not populated yet - so are unavailable
             * 300051: The check for at least one IdAccessor or an EmbeddedIdAccessor requires that the map and field respectively
             * are set previously in MetadataDescriptor.addAccessor().
             * The checks below will also avoid a performance hit on searching the accessor map directly on the descriptor.
            if (!metadataDescriptor.hasIdAccessor() && !metadataDescriptor.hasEmbeddedId()) {
                DatabaseField pkField = new DatabaseField(MetadataConstants.MAPPED_SUPERCLASS_RESERVED_PK_NAME);
                if (this.useDelimitedIdentifier()) {
                } else if (this.getShouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase()) {

             * We store our descriptor on the core project for later retrieval by MetamodelImpl.
             * Why not on MetadataProject? because the Metadata processing is transient.
             * We could set the javaClass on the descriptor for the current classLoader
             * but we do not need it until metamodel processing time avoiding a _persistence_new call.
             * See MetamodelImpl.initialize()
            m_session.getProject().addMappedSuperclass(accessor.getJavaClassName(), metadataDescriptor.getClassDescriptor());
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add the partitioning policy by name.
    public void addPartitioningPolicy(AbstractPartitioningMetadata policy) {
        // Check for another policy with the same name.
        if (policy.shouldOverride(m_partitioningPolicies.get(policy.getName()))) {
            m_partitioningPolicies.put(policy.getName(), policy);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Add the named PLSQL type.
    public void addPLSQLComplexType(PLSQLComplexTypeMetadata type) {
        // Check for another type with the same name.
        if (type.shouldOverride(m_plsqlComplexTypes.get(type.getName()))) {
            m_plsqlComplexTypes.put(type.getName(), type);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a query to the project overriding where necessary.
    public void addQuery(NamedQueryMetadata query) {
        if (query.shouldOverride(m_queries.get(query.getName()))) {
            m_queries.put(query.getName(), query);
     * INTERNAL:
    public void addRelationshipAccessor(RelationshipAccessor accessor) {
        if (accessor.hasMappedBy()) {
        } else {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a root level embeddable accessor.
    public void addRootEmbeddableAccessor(EmbeddableAccessor accessor) {
        m_rootEmbeddableAccessors.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a sequence generator metadata to the project. The actual processing
     * isn't done till processSequencing is called.
    public void addSequenceGenerator(SequenceGeneratorMetadata sequenceGenerator, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema) {
        String name = sequenceGenerator.getName();
        // Check if the sequence generator name uses a reserved name.
        if (name.equals(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR)) {
             throw ValidationException.sequenceGeneratorUsingAReservedName(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR, sequenceGenerator.getLocation());
        } else if (name.equals(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR)) {
            throw ValidationException.sequenceGeneratorUsingAReservedName(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR, sequenceGenerator.getLocation());
        // Catalog could be "" or null, need to check for an XML default.
        sequenceGenerator.setCatalog(MetadataHelper.getName(sequenceGenerator.getCatalog(), defaultCatalog, sequenceGenerator.getCatalogContext(), m_logger, sequenceGenerator.getLocation()));
        // Schema could be "" or null, need to check for an XML default.
        sequenceGenerator.setSchema(MetadataHelper.getName(sequenceGenerator.getSchema(), defaultSchema, sequenceGenerator.getSchemaContext(), m_logger, sequenceGenerator.getLocation()));
        // Check if the name is used with a table generator.
        TableGeneratorMetadata tableGenerator = m_tableGenerators.get(name);
        if (tableGenerator != null) {
            if (sequenceGenerator.shouldOverride(tableGenerator)) {
            } else {
                throw ValidationException.conflictingSequenceAndTableGeneratorsSpecified(name, sequenceGenerator.getLocation(), tableGenerator.getLocation());
        for (TableGeneratorMetadata otherTableGenerator : m_tableGenerators.values()) {
            if ((tableGenerator != otherTableGenerator) && (otherTableGenerator.getPkColumnValue() != null) && otherTableGenerator.getPkColumnValue().equals(sequenceGenerator.getSequenceName())) {                // generator name will be used instead of an empty sequence name / pk column name
                // generator name will be used instead of an empty sequence name / pk column name
                if (otherTableGenerator.getPkColumnValue().length() > 0) {
                    throw ValidationException.conflictingSequenceNameAndTablePkColumnValueSpecified(sequenceGenerator.getSequenceName(), sequenceGenerator.getLocation(), otherTableGenerator.getLocation());

        // Add the sequence generator if there isn't an existing one or if
        // we should override an existing one.
        if (sequenceGenerator.shouldOverride(m_sequenceGenerators.get(name))) {
            m_sequenceGenerators.put(sequenceGenerator.getName(), sequenceGenerator);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a UUID generator metadata to the project. The actual processing
     * isn't done till processSequencing is called.
    public void addUuidGenerator(UuidGeneratorMetadata uuidGenerator) {
        String name = uuidGenerator.getName();
        // Check if the name is used with a table generator.
        TableGeneratorMetadata tableGenerator = m_tableGenerators.get(name);
        if (tableGenerator != null) {
            if (uuidGenerator.shouldOverride(tableGenerator)) {
            } else {
                throw ValidationException.conflictingSequenceAndTableGeneratorsSpecified(name, uuidGenerator.getLocation(), tableGenerator.getLocation());

        m_uuidGenerators.put(uuidGenerator.getName(), uuidGenerator);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Add an sql results set mapping to the project overriding where necessary.
    public void addSQLResultSetMapping(SQLResultSetMappingMetadata sqlResultSetMapping) {
        if (sqlResultSetMapping.shouldOverride(m_sqlResultSetMappings.get(sqlResultSetMapping.getName()))) {
            m_sqlResultSetMappings.put(sqlResultSetMapping.getName(), sqlResultSetMapping);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a discovered metamodel class to the session.
    public void addStaticMetamodelClass(MetadataAnnotation annotation, MetadataClass metamodelClass) {
        MetadataClass modelClass = metamodelClass.getMetadataClass((String) annotation.getAttributeString("value"));
        m_session.addStaticMetamodelClass(modelClass.getName(), metamodelClass.getName());
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a table generator metadata to the project. The actual processing
     * isn't done till processSequencing is called.
    public void addTableGenerator(TableGeneratorMetadata tableGenerator, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema) {
        // Process the default values.
        processTable(tableGenerator, "", defaultCatalog, defaultSchema, tableGenerator);
        String generatorName = tableGenerator.getGeneratorName();
        // Check if the table generator name uses a reserved name.
        if (generatorName.equals(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR)) {
            throw ValidationException.tableGeneratorUsingAReservedName(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR, tableGenerator.getLocation());
        } else if (generatorName.equals(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR)) {
            throw ValidationException.tableGeneratorUsingAReservedName(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR, tableGenerator.getLocation());

        // Check if the generator name is used with a sequence generator.
        SequenceGeneratorMetadata otherSequenceGenerator = m_sequenceGenerators.get(generatorName);
        if (otherSequenceGenerator != null) {
            if (tableGenerator.shouldOverride(otherSequenceGenerator)) {
            } else {
                throw ValidationException.conflictingSequenceAndTableGeneratorsSpecified(generatorName, otherSequenceGenerator.getLocation(), tableGenerator.getLocation());
        for (SequenceGeneratorMetadata sequenceGenerator : m_sequenceGenerators.values()) {
            if ((otherSequenceGenerator != sequenceGenerator) && (sequenceGenerator.getSequenceName() != null) && sequenceGenerator.getSequenceName().equals(tableGenerator.getPkColumnValue())) {
                // generator name will be used instead of an empty sequence name / pk column name
                if (sequenceGenerator.getSequenceName().length() > 0) {
                    throw ValidationException.conflictingSequenceNameAndTablePkColumnValueSpecified(sequenceGenerator.getSequenceName(), sequenceGenerator.getLocation(), tableGenerator.getLocation());
        // Add the table generator if there isn't an existing one or if we
        // should override an existing one.
        if (tableGenerator.shouldOverride(m_tableGenerators.get(generatorName))) {
            m_tableGenerators.put(generatorName, tableGenerator);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add virtual class accessor to the project. A virtual class is one that
     * has VIRTUAL access and the class does not exist on the classpath.
    public void addVirtualClass(ClassAccessor accessor) {
        m_virtualClasses.put(accessor.getJavaClassName(), accessor);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Create the dynamic class using JPA metadata processed descriptors. Called
     * at deploy time after all metadata processing has completed.
    protected void createDynamicClass(MetadataDescriptor descriptor, Map<String, MetadataDescriptor> virtualEntities, DynamicClassLoader dcl) {
        // Build the virtual class only if we have not already done so.
        if (! virtualEntities.containsKey(descriptor.getJavaClassName())) {
            if (descriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
                // Get the parent descriptor.
                MetadataDescriptor parentDescriptor = descriptor.getInheritanceParentDescriptor();
                // Recursively call up the parents.
                createDynamicClass(parentDescriptor, virtualEntities, dcl);
                // Create and set the virtual class using the parent class.
                descriptor.getClassDescriptor().setJavaClass(dcl.createDynamicClass(descriptor.getJavaClassName(), parentDescriptor.getClassDescriptor().getJavaClass()));
            } else {
                // Create and set the virtual class on the descriptor
                descriptor.getClassDescriptor().setJavaClass(dcl.createDynamicClass(descriptor.getJavaClassName(), new MetadataDynamicClassWriter(descriptor)));
            // Store the descriptor by java class name.
            virtualEntities.put(descriptor.getJavaClassName(), descriptor);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Create the dynamic class using JPA metadata processed descriptors. Called
     * at deploy time after all metadata processing has completed.
    public void createDynamicClasses(ClassLoader loader) {
        if (! m_virtualClasses.isEmpty()) {
            if (DynamicClassLoader.class.isAssignableFrom(loader.getClass())) {
                DynamicClassLoader dcl = (DynamicClassLoader) loader;
                // Create the dynamic classes.
                Map<String, MetadataDescriptor> dynamicClasses = new HashMap<String, MetadataDescriptor>();
                for (ClassAccessor accessor : m_virtualClasses.values()) {
                    createDynamicClass(accessor.getDescriptor(), dynamicClasses, dcl);
                // Create the dynamic types.
                Map<String, DynamicType> dynamicTypes = new HashMap<String, DynamicType>();
                for (MetadataDescriptor descriptor : dynamicClasses.values()) {
                    createDynamicType(descriptor, dynamicTypes, dcl);
            } else {
                // If we have virtual classes that need creation and we do not
                // have a dynamic class loader throw an exception.
                throw ValidationException.invalidClassLoaderForDynamicPersistence();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Create the dynamic types using JPA metadata processed descriptors. Called
     * at deploy time after all metadata processing has completed.
    protected void createDynamicType(MetadataDescriptor descriptor, Map<String, DynamicType> dynamicTypes, DynamicClassLoader dcl) {
        // Build the dynamic class only if we have not already done so.
        if (! dynamicTypes.containsKey(descriptor.getJavaClassName())) {
            JPADynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = null;
            if (descriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
                // Get the parent descriptor
                MetadataDescriptor parentDescriptor = descriptor.getInheritanceParentDescriptor();
                // Recursively call up the parents.
                createDynamicType(parentDescriptor, dynamicTypes, dcl);
                // Create the dynamic type using the parent type.
                typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(dcl, descriptor.getClassDescriptor(), dynamicTypes.get(parentDescriptor.getJavaClassName()));
            } else {
                // Create the dynamic type
                typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(dcl, descriptor.getClassDescriptor(), null);
            // Store the type builder by java class name.
            dynamicTypes.put(descriptor.getJavaClassName(), typeBuilder.getType());
     * INTERNAL:
     * Set if the project should use indirection for lazy relationships.
    public void disableWeaving() {
        m_isWeavingLazyEnabled = false;
        m_isWeavingEagerEnabled = false;
        m_isWeavingFetchGroupsEnabled = false;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if an exclude-default-mappings setting have been set for this
     * persistence unit.
    public boolean excludeDefaultMappings() {
        if (m_persistenceUnitMetadata != null) {
            return m_persistenceUnitMetadata.excludeDefaultMappings();
        return false;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the accessor for the given class. Could be an entity or an
     * embeddable. Note: It may return null.
    public ClassAccessor getAccessor(String className) {
        return m_allAccessors.get(className);
     * INTERNAL:
    public List<ClassAccessor> getAccessorsWithCustomizer() {
        return m_accessorsWithCustomizer;
     * INTERNAL:
    public Collection<ClassAccessor> getAllAccessors() {
        return m_allAccessors.values();

     * INTERNAL:
    public MetadataProcessor getCompositeProcessor() {
        return m_compositeProcessor;
     * INTERNAL:
    public AbstractConverterMetadata getConverter(String name) {
        return m_converters.get(name);
     * INTERNAL:
    public Set<EntityListenerMetadata> getDefaultListeners() {
        return m_defaultListeners;
     * INTERNAL:
     * This method will attempt to look up the embeddable accessor for the
     * reference class provided. If no accessor is found, null is returned.
    public EmbeddableAccessor getEmbeddableAccessor(MetadataClass cls) {
        return getEmbeddableAccessor(cls, false);
     * INTERNAL:
     * This method will attempt to look up the embeddable accessor for the
     * reference class provided. If no accessor is found, null is returned.
    public EmbeddableAccessor getEmbeddableAccessor(MetadataClass cls, boolean checkIsIdClass) {
        EmbeddableAccessor accessor = m_embeddableAccessors.get(cls.getName());

        if (accessor == null) {
            // Before we return null we must make a couple final checks:
            // 1 - Check for an Embeddable annotation on the class itself. At
            // this point we know the class was not tagged as an embeddable in
            // a mapping file and was not included in the list of classes for
            // this persistence unit. Its inclusion therefore in the persistence
            // unit is through the use of an Embedded annotation or an embedded
            // element within a known entity.
            // 2 - If checkIsIdClass is true, JPA 2.0 introduced support for
            // derived id's where a parent entity's id class may be used within
            // a dependants embedded id class. We will treat the id class as
            // and embeddable accessor at this point.
            // Callers to this method will have to handle the null case if they
            // so desire.
            if (cls.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_EMBEDDABLE) || (checkIsIdClass && isIdClass(cls))) {
                accessor = new EmbeddableAccessor(cls.getAnnotation(JPA_EMBEDDABLE), cls, this);
       return accessor;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the embeddable accessor with the given classname.
    public EmbeddableAccessor getEmbeddableAccessor(String className) {
        return m_embeddableAccessors.get(className);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the embeddable accessor with the given classname.
    public Collection<EmbeddableAccessor> getEmbeddableAccessors() {
        return m_embeddableAccessors.values();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the entity accessor for the given class name.
    public EntityAccessor getEntityAccessor(MetadataClass cls) {
        return getEntityAccessor(cls.getName());
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the entity accessor for the given class name.
    public EntityAccessor getEntityAccessor(String className) {
        return m_entityAccessors.get(className);
     * INTERNAL:
    public Collection<EntityAccessor> getEntityAccessors() {
        return m_entityAccessors.values();
     * INTERNAL:
    public Collection<XMLEntityMappings> getEntityMappings() {
        return m_entityMappings.values();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the entity accessor for the given class.
    public InterfaceAccessor getInterfaceAccessor(String className) {
        return m_interfaceAccessors.get(className);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the logger used by the processor.
    public MetadataLogger getLogger() {
        return m_logger;
     * INTERNAL:
    public MappedSuperclassAccessor getMappedSuperclassAccessor(MetadataClass cls) {
        return getMappedSuperclassAccessor(cls.getName());
     * INTERNAL:
    public MappedSuperclassAccessor getMappedSuperclassAccessor(String className) {
        return m_mappedSuperclasseAccessors.get(className);
     * INTERNAL:
    public Collection<MappedSuperclassAccessor> getMappedSuperclasses() {
        return m_mappedSuperclasseAccessors.values();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Returns the collection of metamodel MappedSuperclassAccessors. This
     * collection is NOT and should NOT be used for any deployment descriptor
     * metadata processing. It is used solely with the metamodel.
     * @see getMappedSuperclass(MetadataClass)
     * @see getMappedSuperclass(String)
     * @see getMappedSuperclasses()
     * @since EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
    public Collection<MappedSuperclassAccessor> getMetamodelMappedSuperclasses() {
        return m_metamodelMappedSuperclasses.values();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the named partitioning policy.
    public AbstractPartitioningMetadata getPartitioningPolicy(String name) {
        return m_partitioningPolicies.get(name);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the persistence unit default catalog.
    protected String getPersistenceUnitDefaultCatalog() {
        if (m_persistenceUnitMetadata != null) {
            return m_persistenceUnitMetadata.getCatalog();
        return null;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the persistence unit default schema.
    protected String getPersistenceUnitDefaultSchema() {
        if (m_persistenceUnitMetadata != null) {
            return m_persistenceUnitMetadata.getSchema();
        return null;
     * INTERNAL:
    public PersistenceUnitInfo getPersistenceUnitInfo() {
        return m_persistenceUnitInfo;
     * INTERNAL:
    public XMLPersistenceUnitMetadata getPersistenceUnitMetadata() {
        return m_persistenceUnitMetadata;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the named PLSQL type.
    public PLSQLComplexTypeMetadata getPLSQLComplexType(String name) {
        return m_plsqlComplexTypes.get(name);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the core API Project associated with this MetadataProject.
     * @return
     * @since EclipseLink 1.2 for the JPA 2.0 Reference Implementation
    public Project getProject() {
        return m_session.getProject();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a root level embeddable accessor. Nested embeddables will be
     * pre-processed from their roots down.
     * @see processStage1()
    public Collection<EmbeddableAccessor> getRootEmbeddableAccessors() {
        return m_rootEmbeddableAccessors.values();
     * INTERNAL:
    public AbstractSession getSession() {
        return m_session;

     * INTERNAL:
     * This method will return the name of the SharedCacheMode if specified in
     * the persistence.xml file. Note, this is a JPA 2.0 feature, therefore,
     * this method needs to catch any exception as a result of trying to access
     * this information from a JPA 1.0 container.  
    protected String getSharedCacheModeName() {
        if (! m_isSharedCacheModeInitialized) {
            try {
                Method method = null;
                if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()) {
                    method = (Method) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetDeclaredMethod(PersistenceUnitInfo.class, "getSharedCacheMode", null));
                    m_sharedCacheMode = (SharedCacheMode) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedMethodInvoker(method, m_persistenceUnitInfo));
                } else {
                    method = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getDeclaredMethod(PersistenceUnitInfo.class, "getSharedCacheMode", null);
                    m_sharedCacheMode = (SharedCacheMode) PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod(method, m_persistenceUnitInfo, null);
            } catch (Throwable exception) {
                // Swallow any exceptions, shared cache mode will be null.
                m_sharedCacheMode = null;
            // Set the shared cache mode as initialized to avoid the reflective
            // calls over and over again.
            m_isSharedCacheModeInitialized = true;
        return (m_sharedCacheMode == null) ? null :;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Used to uppercase default and user defined column field names
    public boolean getShouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase(){
        return m_forceFieldNamesToUpperCase;

     * INTERNAL:
    public List<StructConverterMetadata> getStructConverters(){
        List<StructConverterMetadata> structConverters = new ArrayList<StructConverterMetadata>();
        for (AbstractConverterMetadata converter : m_converters.values()) {
            if (converter.isStructConverter()) {
                structConverters.add((StructConverterMetadata) converter);
        return structConverters;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Returns all those classes in this project that are available for
     * weaving. This list currently includes entity and embeddables classes.
    public Collection<String> getWeavableClassNames() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(m_allAccessors.keySet());
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasConverter(String name) {
        return m_converters.containsKey(name);
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasEmbeddable(MetadataClass cls) {
        return hasEmbeddable(cls.getName());
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasEmbeddable(String className) {
        return m_embeddableAccessors.containsKey(className);
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasEntity(MetadataClass cls) {
        return hasEntity(cls.getName());
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasEntity(String className) {
        return m_entityAccessors.containsKey(className);
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasEntityThatImplementsInterface(String interfaceName) {
       return m_interfacesImplementedByEntities.contains(interfaceName);
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasInterface(MetadataClass cls) {
        return m_interfaceAccessors.containsKey(cls.getName());
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasMappedSuperclass(MetadataClass cls) {
        return hasMappedSuperclass(cls.getName());
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasMappedSuperclass(String className) {
        return m_mappedSuperclasseAccessors.containsKey(className);
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean hasSharedCacheMode() {
        return getSharedCacheModeName() != null;
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean isIdClass(MetadataClass idClass) {
        return m_idClasses.contains(idClass.getName());

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if the caching has been specified as ALL in the
     * persistence.xml.
    public boolean isSharedCacheModeAll() {
        return hasSharedCacheMode() && getSharedCacheModeName().equals(;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if the caching has been specified as DISABLE_SELECTIVE in the
     * persistence.xml. DISABLE_SELECTIVE is the default therefore this will
     * also return true if no caching setting was set.
    public boolean isSharedCacheModeDisableSelective() {
        return (! hasSharedCacheMode()) || getSharedCacheModeName().equals(;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if the caching has been specified as ENABLE_SELECTIVE in the
     * persistence.xml.
    public boolean isSharedCacheModeEnableSelective() {
        return hasSharedCacheMode() && getSharedCacheModeName().equals(;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if the caching has been specified as NONE in the
     * persistence.xml. 
    public boolean isSharedCacheModeNone() {
        return hasSharedCacheMode() && getSharedCacheModeName().equals(;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if the caching has been specified as UNSPECIFIED in the
     * persistence.xml. 
    public boolean isSharedCacheModeUnspecified() {
        return hasSharedCacheMode() && getSharedCacheModeName().equals(;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return if the project should use indirection for eager relationships.
    public boolean isWeavingEagerEnabled() {
        return m_isWeavingEagerEnabled;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return if the project should process fetch groups.
    public boolean isWeavingFetchGroupsEnabled() {
        return m_isWeavingFetchGroupsEnabled;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return if the project should use indirection for lazy relationships.
    public boolean isWeavingLazyEnabled() {
        return m_isWeavingLazyEnabled;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if an xml-mapping-metadata-complete setting has been set
     * for this persistence unit.
    public boolean isXMLMappingMetadataComplete() {
        if (m_persistenceUnitMetadata != null) {
            return m_persistenceUnitMetadata.isXMLMappingMetadataComplete();
        return false;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the embeddable mapping accessors.
    protected void processEmbeddableMappingAccessors() {
        for (MappingAccessor mappingAccessor : m_embeddableMappingAccessors) {
            if (! mappingAccessor.isProcessed()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process descriptors with IDs derived from relationships. This will also
     * complete unfinished validation as well as secondary table processing
     * on entity accessors. This method will fast track some relationship
     * mappings which is ok since simple primary keys will already have been
     * discovered and processed whereas any derived id's and their fast tracking
     * to be processed will be handled now.
    protected void processAccessorsWithDerivedIDs() {
        HashSet<ClassAccessor> processed = new HashSet();
        HashSet<ClassAccessor> processing = new HashSet();
        for (ClassAccessor classAccessor : m_accessorsWithDerivedId.values()) {
            classAccessor.processDerivedId(processing, processed);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process any BasicCollection annotation and/or BasicMap annotation that
     * were found. They are not processed till after an id has been processed
     * since they rely on one to map the collection table.
    public void processDirectCollectionAccessors() {
        for (DirectCollectionAccessor accessor : m_directCollectionAccessors) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * This method will iterate through all the entities in the PU and check
     * if we should add them to a variable one to one mapping that was either
     * defined (incompletely) or defaulted.
    protected void processInterfaceAccessors() {
        for (EntityAccessor accessor : getEntityAccessors()) {
            for (String interfaceClass : accessor.getJavaClass().getInterfaces()) {
                if (m_interfaceAccessors.containsKey(interfaceClass)) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the non-owning relationship accessors. All owning relationshuip
     * accessors should be processed. Some non-owning relationships may have
     * already been fast tracked to from an element collection containing
     * an embeddable (with a non-owning relationship).
    protected void processNonOwningRelationshipAccessors() {
        for (RelationshipAccessor accessor : m_nonOwningRelationshipAccessors) {
            if (! accessor.isProcessed()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the owning relationship accessors. Some may have already been
     * processed through the processing of derived id's therefore don't process
     * them again.
    protected void processOwningRelationshipAccessors() {
        for (RelationshipAccessor accessor : m_owningRelationshipAccessors) {
            if (! accessor.isProcessed()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process any and all persistence unit metadata and defaults to the given
     * descriptor. This method for will called for every descriptor belonging
     * to this project/persistence unit.
    protected void processPersistenceUnitMetadata(MetadataDescriptor descriptor) {
        // Set the persistence unit meta data (if there is any) on the descriptor.
        if (m_persistenceUnitMetadata != null) {
            // Persistence unit metadata level annotations are not defaults
            // and therefore should not be set on the descriptor.
            // Set the persistence unit defaults (if there are any) on the descriptor.
            XMLPersistenceUnitDefaults persistenceUnitDefaults = m_persistenceUnitMetadata.getPersistenceUnitDefaults();
            if (persistenceUnitDefaults != null) {
                // Set any default access methods if specified.
                if (persistenceUnitDefaults.hasAccessMethods()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the named native queries we found and add them to the given
     * session.
    public void processQueries(ClassLoader loader) {
        // Step 1 - process the sql result set mappings first.
        for (SQLResultSetMappingMetadata sqlResultSetMapping : m_sqlResultSetMappings.values()) {
        // Step 2 - process the named queries second, some may need to validate
        // a sql result set mapping specification.
        for (NamedQueryMetadata query : m_queries.values()) {
            query.process(m_session, loader);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the sequencing information. At this point, through validation, it
     * is not possible to have:
     *   1 - a table generator with the generator name equal to
     *   2 - a sequence generator with the name eqaul to DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR
     *   3 - you can't have both a sequence generator and a table generator with
     *       the same DEFAULT_AUTO_GENERATOR name.
     * @see addTableGenerator and addSequenceGenerator.
    protected void processSequencingAccessors() {
        if (! m_generatedValues.isEmpty()) {
            // 1 - Build our map of sequences keyed on generator names.
            Hashtable<String, Sequence> sequences = new Hashtable<String, Sequence>();
            for (SequenceGeneratorMetadata sequenceGenerator : m_sequenceGenerators.values()) {
                sequences.put(sequenceGenerator.getName(), sequenceGenerator.process(m_logger));
            for (UuidGeneratorMetadata uuidGenerator : m_uuidGenerators.values()) {
                sequences.put(uuidGenerator.getName(), uuidGenerator.process(m_logger));

            for (TableGeneratorMetadata tableGenerator : m_tableGenerators.values()) {
                sequences.put(tableGenerator.getGeneratorName(), tableGenerator.process(m_logger));

            // 2 - Check if the user defined default generators, otherwise
            // create them using the Table and Sequence generator metadata.
            if (! sequences.containsKey(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR)) {
                TableGeneratorMetadata tableGenerator = new TableGeneratorMetadata(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR);
                // This code was attempting to use the platform default sequence name,
                // however the platform has not been set yet, so it would never work,
                // it was also causing the platform default sequence to be set, causing the DatabasePlatform default to be used,
                // so I am removing this code, as it breaks the platform default sequence and does not work.
                // Sequence seq = m_session.getDatasourcePlatform().getDefaultSequence();
                // Using "" as the default should make the platform default it.
                String defaultTableGeneratorName = "";
                // Process the default values.
                processTable(tableGenerator, defaultTableGeneratorName, getPersistenceUnitDefaultCatalog(), getPersistenceUnitDefaultSchema(), tableGenerator);
                sequences.put(DEFAULT_TABLE_GENERATOR, tableGenerator.process(m_logger));
            if (! sequences.containsKey(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR)) {
                sequences.put(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR, new SequenceGeneratorMetadata(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR, getPersistenceUnitDefaultCatalog(), getPersistenceUnitDefaultSchema()).process(m_logger));
            if (! sequences.containsKey(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR)) {
                sequences.put(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR, new SequenceGeneratorMetadata(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_GENERATOR, 1, getPersistenceUnitDefaultCatalog(), getPersistenceUnitDefaultSchema(), true).process(m_logger));

            // Use a temporary sequence generator to build a qualifier to set on
            // the default generator. Don't use this generator as the default
            // auto generator though.
            SequenceGeneratorMetadata tempGenerator = new SequenceGeneratorMetadata(DEFAULT_AUTO_GENERATOR, getPersistenceUnitDefaultCatalog(), getPersistenceUnitDefaultSchema());
            DatasourceLogin login = m_session.getProject().getLogin();
            // 3 - Loop through generated values and set sequences for each.
            for (MetadataClass entityClass : m_generatedValues.keySet()) {
                // Skip setting sequences if our accessor is null, must be a mapped superclass
                ClassAccessor accessor = m_allAccessors.get(entityClass.getName());
                if (accessor != null) {
                    m_generatedValues.get(entityClass).process(accessor.getDescriptor(), sequences, login);
     * Process the partitioning metedata and add the PartitioningPolicys to the project.
    protected void processPartitioning() {
        for (AbstractPartitioningMetadata metadata : m_partitioningPolicies.values()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Stage 1 processing is a pre-processing stage that will perform the
     * following tasks:
     *  - gather a list of mapping accessors for all entities and embeddables.
     *  - discover all global converter specifications.
     *  - discover mapped superclasses and inheritance parents.
     * NOTE: This method should only perform any preparatory work like, class
     * discovery, flag settings etc. Hard processing will begin in stage 2.
     * @see processStage2
    public void processStage1() {
        // 1 - Pre-process the entities first. This will also pre-process
        // the mapped superclasses and build/add/complete our list of
        // embeddables that will be pre-processed in step 2 below. This is
        // necessary so that we may gather our list of id classes which may be
        // referenced in embeddable classes as part of a mapped by id accessor.
        // This will avoid more complicated processing and ease in building the
        // correct accessor at buildAccessor time.
        for (EntityAccessor entity : getEntityAccessors()) {
            if (! entity.isPreProcessed()) {
        // 2 - Pre-process the embeddables. This will also pre-process any and
        // all nested embeddables as well. Embeddables must be processed from
        // the root down.
        for (EmbeddableAccessor embeddable : getRootEmbeddableAccessors()) {
            if (! embeddable.isPreProcessed()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Stage 2 processing will perform the following tasks:
     * - process all direct mapping accessors from entities, embeddables and
     *   mapped superclasses.
     * - gather a list of relationship accessors and any other special interest
     *   accessors to be processed in stage 3. 
     * @see processStage3
    public void processStage2() {
        // 266912: process mappedSuperclasses separately from entity descriptors
        for (MappedSuperclassAccessor msAccessor : m_metamodelMappedSuperclasses.values()) {
            if (! msAccessor.isProcessed()) {              
        for (EntityAccessor entity : getEntityAccessors()) {
            // If the accessor hasn't been processed yet, then process it. An
            // EntityAccessor may get fast tracked if it is an inheritance
            // parent.
            if (! entity.isProcessed()) {
        for (EmbeddableAccessor embeddable : getEmbeddableAccessors()) {
            // If the accessor hasn't been processed yet, then process it. An
            // EmbeddableAccessor is normally fast tracked if it is a reference.
            if (! embeddable.isProcessed()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Stage 3 processing does all the extra processing that couldn't be
     * completed in the first two stages of processing. The biggest thing
     * being that all entities will have processed an id by now and we can
     * process those accessors that rely on them. NOTE: The order of invocation
     * here is very important here, see the comments.
    public void processStage3(PersistenceUnitProcessor.Mode mode) {
        if (mode == PersistenceUnitProcessor.Mode.ALL || mode == PersistenceUnitProcessor.Mode.COMPOSITE_MEMBER_MIDDLE) {
            // 1 - Process accessors with IDs derived from relationships. This will
            // finish up any stage2 processing that relied on the PK processing
            // being complete as well. Note: some relationships mappings may be
            // processed in this stage. This is ok since it is to determine and
            // validate the primary key.
            // 2 - Process all the direct collection accessors we found. This list
            // does not include direct collections to an embeddable class.
            // 3 - Process the sequencing metadata now that every entity has a
            // validated primary key.
            // 4 - Process the owning relationship accessors now that every entity
            // has a validated primary key and we can process join columns.
            // 5 - Process the embeddable mapping accessors. These are the
            // embedded, embedded id and element collection accessors that map
            // to an embeddable class. We must hold off on their processing till
            // now to ensure their owning relationship accessors have been processed
            // and we can therefore process any association overrides correctly.
            // composite persistence unit case
            if (getCompositeProcessor() != null) {
                for (EmbeddableAccessor accessor : getEmbeddableAccessors()) {
                    if (! accessor.isProcessed()) {
        if (mode == PersistenceUnitProcessor.Mode.ALL || mode == PersistenceUnitProcessor.Mode.COMPOSITE_MEMBER_FINAL) {
            // 6 - Process the non owning relationship accessors now that every
            // owning relationship should be fully processed.
            // 7 - Process the interface accessors which will iterate through all
            // the entities in the PU and check if we should add them to a variable
            // one to one mapping that was either defined (incompletely) or
            // defaulted.
     * INTERNAL:
     * Common table processing for table, secondary table, join table,
     * collection table and table generators
    public void processTable(TableMetadata table, String defaultName, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema, ORMetadata owner) {
        // Name could be "" or null, need to check against the default name.
        String name = MetadataHelper.getName(table.getName(), defaultName, table.getNameContext(), m_logger, owner.getAccessibleObject());
        // Catalog could be "" or null, need to check for an XML default.
        String catalog = MetadataHelper.getName(table.getCatalog(), defaultCatalog, table.getCatalogContext(), m_logger, owner.getAccessibleObject());
        // Schema could be "" or null, need to check for an XML default.
        String schema = MetadataHelper.getName(table.getSchema(), defaultSchema, table.getSchemaContext(), m_logger, owner.getAccessibleObject());
        // Build a fully qualified name and set it on the table.
        // schema, attach it if specified
        String tableName = new String(name);
        if (! schema.equals("")) {
            tableName = schema + "." + tableName;
        // catalog, attach it if specified
        if (! catalog.equals("")) {
            tableName = catalog + "." + tableName;

        if (useDelimitedIdentifier()){


        // Process the unique constraints.
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used from the canonical model generator. Specifically when the user
     * removes the embeddable designation or changes the embeddable to either
     * a mapped superclass or entity.
    public void removeEmbeddableAccessor(MetadataClass metadataClass) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used from the canonical model generator. Specifically when the user
     * removes the entity designation or changes the entity to either
     * a mapped superclass or embeddable.
    public void removeEntityAccessor(MetadataClass metadataClass) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used from the canonical model generator. Specifically when the user
     * removes the mapped superclass designation or changes the mapped
     * superclass to either an entity or embeddable.
    public void removeMappedSuperclassAccessor(MetadataClass metadataClass) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * When at least one entity is found that is multitenant, we turn off
     * native SQL queries.
    public void setAllowNativeSQLQueries(boolean allowNativeSQLQueries) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * set compositeProcessor that owns this and pear MetadataProcessors used to create composite persistence unit.
    public void setCompositeProcessor(MetadataProcessor compositeProcessor) {
        m_compositeProcessor = compositeProcessor;
     * INTERNAL:
    public void setPersistenceUnitMetadata(XMLPersistenceUnitMetadata persistenceUnitMetadata) {
        // Set the persistence unit metadata if null otherwise try to merge.
        if (m_persistenceUnitMetadata == null) {
            m_persistenceUnitMetadata = persistenceUnitMetadata;
        } else {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Used to uppercase default and user defined column field names
    public void setShouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase(boolean shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase){
        m_forceFieldNamesToUpperCase = shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase;
     * INTERNAL:
    public String toString() {
        return "Project[" + getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName() + "]";
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean useDelimitedIdentifier() {
        return m_persistenceUnitMetadata != null && m_persistenceUnitMetadata.isDelimitedIdentifiers();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if the entity manager factory cache for this project is
     * intended to be shared amongst multitenants.
    public boolean usesMultitenantSharedCache() {
        return m_multitenantSharedCache;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if the entity manager factory for this project is intended
     * to be shared amongst multitenants.
    public boolean usesMultitenantSharedEmf() {
        return m_multitenantSharedEmf;


Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataProject

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